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Naturopathy — Basic Principles & Application i ui Me eee es Definition Nature cures, not the physician Hippocrates (Father of Medicine: 460-357BC) Nature cure is a constructive method of treatment, which aims at removing the basic cause of disease through the rational use of the elements freely available in nature. NATUROPATHY * Naturopathy is a distinct system of primary health care, an art, science, philosophy and practice of diagnosing, treating and preventing disease Naturopathy physicians seek to restore and maintain optimum health. Naturopathy is defined by principles rather than by methods or modalities. Diagnostic and therapeutic methods are diverse and will continue to evolve as knowledge of health and diseases expands. The following principles are the foundation for naturopathy practice. Naturopathy is not only a system of healing but also a way of life ee) A Way of Life Four Foundational Elements Of Healthy Natural Life BTATT (Aachaar) — Right Conduct FAT (Vichaar) — Right Thinking BTSTe (Aahaar) — Right Food Habits TSarz (Vihaar) — Right Daily Routine Basic Concepts Three basic concepts of Nature Cure * Accumulation of morbid (waste & toxic) matter ¢ Abnormal composition of blood & lymph ¢ Lowered vitality mM ki Ei Si = Earth Water Fire Space basic concepts of Nature Cure J Accumulation of morbid matter Abnormal composition of blood & lymph. Lowered vitality Basic Concepts Nature Cure does not believe in the specific cause of disease and its specific treatment It looks at all the factors responsible for diseases, which include: * One’s un-natural habits in living, thinking, working, sleeping, relaxation, sexual indulgence etc. * The environmental factors involved This disturbs normal functioning of body Leading to a morbid, weak & toxic state Basic Principal of Nature Cure Body heals itself. Main cause of disease is enervation Deposit of metabolic end-products in the body is disease. Acute disease is a remedial process-itself a cure. Food is a building material, does not increase vitality. Fasting provides an opportunity to the body to heal itself. Germs do no cause the disease but are found in the diseased CofolaTelifelas Exercise or physical activity keeps the balance between nutrition and drainage. External treatments whether natural, allopathic, ayurvedic or homeopathic- give only relief, do not cure. Patient's own will to get well, determination and faith are necessary Saliate SMioom nr LOC me el mur Lanna BODY HEALS ITSELF: Healing means restoration to a normal condition or make a sick body whole and healthy. Cure does not come from outside but from inside. Whatever comes from out side is relief-a tranquilizations but not cure. Wound heal, bones knit, cuts heal, bleeding stop and fevers come and go, pains are some times more or some times less. Surgery is based on natural healing. Surgeon cuts, osteopathic surgeon sets the bones but actual healing is done by the body itself. Surgeons would not be able to treat wounds if healing (adaptation) does not exist. They have no influence on the healing mechanism. MAIN CAUSE OF DISEASE IS ENERVATION (Fatigue of the nervous system) * Nervous system consists of brain, spinal cord and motor and sensory nerves. When there is a fatigue in them it is called Enervation. It is also know’ as neurasthenia, nerve weakness, nervous break-down, or depression or nervous debility. THE CAUSES OF ENERVATION:- MENTAL AND PSYCHOLOGICAL CAUSES. SENSORY EXCESSES SIGHT, HEARING, SMELL, TASTE AND TOUCH. * SENSUALITY-EXCESSES i aa A) = 7 Co EXCESS AND ABUSES OF DIET: POISONOUS HABITS: BOTTLED BRINKS: LACK OF EXERCISE: SOCIAL AND FINANCIAL CAUSES: LACK OF REST AND SLEEP: DEPOSIT OF METABOLIC END PRODUCTS, IN THE SYSTEM, IS DISEASE: Disease do not attack people. Disease grow slowly within the body through continued abuses and accumulating toxemia. So disease cannot be contracted for the same reason. Every disease, acute or chronic develops from the accumulation of toxins and poisons and wastes in the boy and so called disease manifests as a number of symptoms (fever, pain, aches, mucus, flow, diarrhea etc.) with are normal restorative actions of the body until they degenerate into chronic structural defects. a TYPES OF WASTE MATTER THAT NEED TO BE ELIMINATED * Catabolic waste matter. * Waste matter of undigested and unassimilated food. * Waste matter due to infective live foreign bodies like germs and foyel eee * Waste matter due to foreign substances which are dead. ~ * Medicinal waste matter if any. ACUTE DISEASE IS A REMEDIAL PROCESS. IT IS ITSELF A CURE: * Acute disease is the body’s natural and normal way of rapidly eliminating accumulated toxins and is a natural function of the body expressed as fever; mucus flow, coughing, diarrhea, inflammation, headache, lose of appetite weakness, heaviness, desire to sleep, sore throat, muscular aches etc. Acute disease should be permitted free expression without treatment or palliation or suppression. Better fast, this ensures rapid restoration of health. The instinct to sleep and fast during acute illness should be honored. FOOD IS A BUILDING MATERAIL, BUT DOES NOT INCREASE VITALITY: * Food, after all, is a powerless substance to build flesh, blood, bones and nerves. Only a living breathing organism can convert it into a living tissue. Food is subordinate to life, to the force inherent in every living creature. “it is this mysterious life force that decides which and how much of foods supplied to the body, shall be built up into body tissues” is a quotation which suggests that it is body, not food, which is more important. Principles There are 12 Basic Principles qd) All disease, their cause and their treatment are one All forms of disease are due to a single cause, i.e. accumulation of waste (morbid) materials and bodily refuse in the system The only way to cure the diseases is to employ methods, which will enable the system to throw off these toxic accumulations Principles There are 12 Basic Principles (2) The basic cause of disease is not bacteria Bacteria develops after the accumulation of morbid matter, which provides a favorable atmosphere for their growth Basic cause is morbid matter and not the bacteria. If one practices righteous living, no bacteria can cause any disease o Principles There are 12 Basic Principles GB) Acute diseases are our friends not the enemies Chronic diseases, such as heart disease, diabetes, rheumatism, asthma, kidney disorders, etc. are the outcome of wron: treatment and suppression of the acute diseases Principles There are 12 Basic Principles (4) Nature is the greatest healer Body has the capacity to prevent itself from diseases & regain health The role of a Naturopath is just to help the body in regaining back and _ fully developing its natural healing capacity Principles There are 12 Basic Principles (5) In Naturopathy, patient is treated and not the disease (iii) How much patience does the patient have? (iv) How strong medication/operation the patient has already gone through? (v) How much belief does the patient have in Naturopathy treatment? Principles There are 12 Basic Principles (6) In Naturopathy diagnosis is easily possible Long wait for diagnosis is not required Only thing that is required for diagnosis: = Morbid matter is accumulated in which location (front, back, side, whole body) or ergan (heart, kidney, liver, stomach, intestine, etc.) of the body && Principles There are 12 Basic Principles 7) Chronic ailments can be treated successfully; this treatment can take slightly long time In Naturopathy, cure doesn’t only mean removing the disease Holistic cure also includes becoming fully healthy, strong, and full of life Principles There are 12 Basic Principles (8) Suppressed diseases emerge again during Naturopathy, and are cured forever The diseases emerge and are cured in the reverse order of their occurrence in the past Every emergence should be considered as a milestone for holistic health o Principles There are 12 Basic Principles Q) Nature Cure treats physical, mental, social (moral) and spiritual, all four aspects, at the same time & Principles There are 12 Basic Principles (10) Nature Cure treats body as a whole, instead of treating each organ separately Principles a= P a There are 12 Basic Principles (11) Naturopathy does not use medicines. According to Naturopathy “Food is Medicine” (12) According to Gandhi Ji “Rama Nama is the best Natural Treatment” Meaning Doing prayer according to one’s spiritual faith is an important part of treatment CONCLUSION * The ultimate goal of any health care system should be prevention. This is accomplished through education, personal counseling and good health. Health is a refection of how we choose to live. Naturopathy physicians help patients to recognize their choices and how those choices affect their health. They always emphasize the prevention of disease assessing risk factors and hereditary susceptibility to disease, and making appropriate interventions to prevent illness. Naturopathy strives to create a healthy world in which humanity may thrive.

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