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Marjon A.

Limot November 16,2020

BSBA-3B MWF (9:00PM-10:00PM)
BA131: Human Resource Management Prof: Maam Lilibeth Gringco
Case study

On-the-Job Training at Buenaobra’s Machine Shop

Buenaobra’s Machine Shop employs about 300 people. During the summer months,
production volume significantly increases and the company needs to hire about 40 new
employees to handle the heavy workload. Most of these new employees are college and high
school students who are on summer vacation.
All newly hired employees are asked to fill up the company’s application form then
instructed to go directly to the manufacturing site ready to start in their first day of work. They
receive no orientation. The workers are shown to a workstation and after a minimum amount
of on-the-job training, they are expected to start performing the jobs. Most of the jobs are quite
simple and hence, training is completed within 5 to 10 minutes.
The company has had excellent experience with the students over the years. Much of the
success can be attributed to the older workers coming to the aid of the new employees when
trouble or difficulties arise.
One summer, the company experienced a rash of injuries to its employees. Although most
of the injuries were minor, the company felt it imperative to conduct a series of short training
programs on safe material-handling techniques. The company was at a loss as to who should
conduct the training. Out of desperation, the president asked Jonathan Andres, one of the first
line supervisors to conduct the training. Jonathan had recently attended a training agreed to
conduct the training.
In the first training session. Jonathan nervously stood up in front of 14 employees, many of
whom were college students and read this presentation in a monotone voice. His entire speech
lasted about 7 minutes.
After Jonathan’s speech, the employees immediately returned to work. By the end of the
day, however, everyone in the plant had heard about the training fiasco and all, except the
president, were laughing about it.

Inspired by the article about OJT for new workers found in
Help the company president solve the problems by following the steps below:
1. State the main problem of Buenaobra’s Machine Shop.

The main problem of the company is that there are no orientation activities for the newly hired
employees and there is small amount of time for the on-the-job training. Due to the lack of
proper orientation as well as safety measure awareness it causes rash injuries to its employees.

2. State the different areas of consideration following the guide below

Strengths of the company

The company has had excellent experience with the students over the years. Much of the success can be attributed
to the older workers coming to the aid of the new employees when troubles or difficulties arise.

Weakness of the Company

All newly hired employees receive no orientation. The company’s training for new employees is
completed within 5 to10 minutes only


The old employees have certain skills in certain aspects of the company that can be used during training and
orientation of the newly hired employees


The company may bring more injuries to their employees that may get out of control and that may cost them more
if the company will not come up with a properly planned training program for their newly hired employees

3. Give your proposed solutions/alternative courses of action (Minimum of three) to help the
company president overcome the problem.

a. Conduct a training and development needs assessment that thoroughly evaluate and
determine what Training and Development is needed based on the current situation. This
must be based on Organizational Analysis which include strategic mission, goals, corporate
plan along with the human resource plan, Task analysis and personal analysis. Also, this
must answer the question: What kind of knowledge, skills and abilities do employees need?

 Conducting training and development need assessment is very helpful to companies in
the sense that companies will be able to come up with the necessary trainings and
development that bridges the gap of the current skills, knowledge and abilities of the
 Since various employees have different level of capabilities and skills T&D need
assessment also help companies to make their T&D very effective since it provides
specific training needed to various market segment.

 If T&D need assessment is implemented to all newly hired employees, it could be
costly and time consuming since the nature company always welcome new and
seasoned worker.
b. Develop Measurable Learning Outcomes and analysed transfer of training that has clear
and concise objectives to achieved organizational goals this include policies, procedures,
and service standards, safety measures and prevention as well as company orientation.
 Developing measurable learning outcomes help companies ensure that necessary
information and skills are being known and develop for the newly hired employees.
 It will also give employees a better understanding of what the company is all about,
what they stand for, what are the goal and objective, the policies and procedure, the
company standard as well as the safety protocol of the company. This well gives
employees a clear picture of the workplace as well as the process involve in the

 Since this style is company-oriented style practice of T&D, this could be too vague,
not participative and not inclusive which leave a gap for the necessary T&D for newly
hired employees.

c. Assigned a knowledgeable and well-skilled trainer for the seasoned and newly hired
workers. The trainer job is to teach newly employees how to do the job, guide employees
in handling difficult and complex problem, ensure the quality of job being done, orient the
employees about the companies’ mission, vision, goals, objectives, policies, structure,
safety measures and prevention etc. and oversee the newly hired employees as well as
assess the job performance.

 Assigning trainer for the newly hired employees helps company process easier and
faster. Work flow will be a lot better due to the guidance and help of the trainer.

 It is hard to find a trainer who is a well-skilled and well-diverse about the various job.
 There could be a problem in term of trainer/employee ratio which cause the trainer to
be overloaded, and exhausted.
 It also very costly.

d. Allocate Human resource training budgets to implement the training and development
needed this must be based on the evaluation on the cost-benefit analysis or in cost
effectiveness analysis.
 Allocation of budget on Human resource training based on cost-benefits or cost
effectiveness analysis help companies determine what training is effectives and is
worthwhile to implement that will lead to payoff for the organization in the future.
 It is costly for the companies if the training is not effective enough.

e. Select practical strategies for On the Job Training that must be creative to keep the interest of the new
employees, and that will only consume the available resources of the company.

 It is not time consuming and it is also economical.

 The program is very limited and cannot cover all the necessary skill and information of the employees.
4. State your recommendation based on your Alternative Courses of action.

The Alternative courses of action that we want to recommend are the following.

First is to conduct training and development need assessment to know the knowledge
gap of the newly hired employees, then based on the T&D need assessment company should
come up and develop measurable learning outcomes that are effective and efficient, then look
for the potential trainer for the newly hired employees and lastly the allocate budget plan for
the training and development program.

5. Provide a conclusion or detailed action plan to implement your recommendation using the guide

Specific Activity Person Responsible Time Frame Budget

T&D Need HR professional and 1 week
Assessment line supervisor
Develop Measurable HR professional and 1 week
learning outcome line supervisor
Allocate Budget HR professional, 1 week
Finance manager,
Top executive (CEO)
Look for the trainer HR professional 1 month
(either inside or
Prepare Training HR professional and 2 weeks
Schedule the Trainer
Company orientation Trainer 1 day ( on the first
day of the Job)
Conduct Series of (depend on the
training training provided)
Performance (after the training
monitoring and and development

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