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The average age of 10 men increased by 1 when two men of age 25 and 27 years are

replaced by 2 other men. Find the average age of new men.

A) 31

B) 30

C) 26

D) 33

E) 28

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Option A


Sum of age of leaving person=52

total increase of of age=10*1=10 years

increased total age due to addition of two men=52+10=62; Avg=31

9. The average age of a group of 20 men is 22 years. If two men whose age are 24 and

31 years respectively join the group, the average age of new group increase or

decrease by

A) No increment , no decrement

B) increase by 0.5 year

C) decrease by 0.5 year

D) increase by 1 year
E) decrease by 1 year

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Option B


When 2 new people join if the sum of their age is 44 then the average will not change,

but the sum of age of new people is 55 i.e increase of 11

hence avg increases by 11/22=0.5 years.

10. The ratio of present age of Tiya and Piya is 3 : 5 and the ratio of ages of Tiya 5 years

ago and Piya 5 years hence is 1 : 3. Find the present age of Piya.

A) 10

B) 25

C) 15

D) 30

E) 31

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Option B


T/P=3/5 ——- (i)

T-5/P+5 =1/3 ———- (ii)

Solve and get

T=15 years

P= 25 years
1. Four times the difference in ages of C and A is one more than the age if B. Percentage

of A‘s age to C‘s age is 75%. If ratio of B‘s age 5 years hence to C‘s age 1 year ago is

4 : 3. Find the average of ages A and C.

A) 20

B) 19

C) 12

D) 14

E) 8

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Option D


4 (C-A) = B + 1

A/C * 100 = 75

(B+5)/(C-1) = 4/3


A = 12, C = 16

2. 10 years ago daughter‘s age was two-fifth of her mother‘s age that time. While 10 years

hence her age will be three-fifth of her mother‘s age then. Find the difference in the

ages of the two.

A) 24

B) 19

C) 26

D) 38
E) 16

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Option A


(x-10) = 2/5 (y-10)

(x+10) = 3/5 (y+10)

Solve, x = 26 and y = 50

3. B is as more younger than C as he is elder than A. Ratio of ages of A to C is 5 : 9. If B‘s

age after 10 years will be 24, find the average of all of their present ages.

A) 15

B) 16

C) 14

D) 22

E) 19

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Option C


B‘s present age = 24-10 = 14

So C‘ age = 14+x

And A‘ age = 14-x

(14+x)/(14-x) = 9/5

Solve, x = 4

So average age = (10+14+18)/3 = 14 years

4. Kaira is 4 years younger to his brother. Her father was 30 years old when her sister

was born while her mother was was 30 years old when she was born. If her sister was

4 years old when their brother was born, find the age of her father when her mother

was born.

A) 11

B) 12

C) 4

D) 10

E) 8

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Option E


When Kaira was born:

Mother was 30.

She is 4 years younger to her brother, so brother was 4 years old.

Sister was 4 years old when brother was born, so sister is 4 years elder to brother, so

sister was 8 years old.

Father was 30 when sister was born, so father is 30 years elder to sister, so father was

30+8 = 38 years old.

Now when Kaira was born, mother was 30 and father was 38

So difference in their ages is 8 years. So when mother was born, father

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