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At the end of the chapter, the students should be able to:
1. know the conditions of equilibrium for a particle, both coplanar and non-coplanar.
2. understand and use the concept of a free body to analyze equilibrium problems.
3. solve problems on equilibrium of particles in two dimensions and three dimensions.

3.a. Conditions for Equilibrium of a Particle

Equilibrium – it is the term used to designate the condition where the resultant of a force system is zero. A
particle is said to be in equilibrium if it remains at rest if originally at rest, or has a constant
velocity if in motion.
To maintain equilibrium, it is necessary to satisfy Newton’s first law of motion, which requires the
resultant force acting on a particle to be equal to zero. This condition, in mathematical form is
R = F = 0
where F is the vector sum of all forces acting on the particle.

3.b. Coplanar Force Systems

If a particle is subjected to a system of coplanar forces that lie in the x-y plane, the forces can be
resolved into i and j components. For equilibrium, these forces must have a sum of zero, i. e.,
F = 0 or Fxi + Fyj = 0
In scalar form, this equation can be written as
Fx = 0 and Fy = 0
These two equations mean that the sum of the rectangular components of the force system in any
direction must be zero. These equations can be used to determine two unknown quantities.

3.c. Free-body Diagram

Free-body diagram (FBD) – a drawing that shows the particle with all the forces, known and unknown, that act
on it.
In drawing a free-body diagram of a body, certain assumptions are made regarding the nature of the
forces (reactions) exerted by other bodies on the body of interest. Three common assumptions are the following:

1. Springs
The magnitude of the force exerted on a linearly elastic spring is
F = ks
ℓo where: k = stiffness or spring constant (a characteristic that defines the elasticity of a

s s = deformation (elongation or compression) of the spring, measured from its
unloaded position,
= l – lo, where l is the stretched length and lo is the undeformed length

2. Cables and Pulleys

If s is positive, causing an elongation, then F must pull on the spring; if s is
Cables (or the like) can support only a tension or pulling force, and this force
negative, causing
always acts in thea direction
shortening, then
of the F must
cable. It ispush on it.that a cable has a negligible
weight and it cannot stretch.
The tension force developed in a continuous cable which passes over a
frictionless pulley must have a constant magnitude to keep the cable in equilibrium.
Hence, for any angle θ, the cable is subjected to a constant tension T throughout its
3. Smooth or Frictionless Surfaces

If a surface of contact at which a force is applied by one body to

another body has only a small degree of roughness, it may be assumed to be
smooth (frictionless), therefore the action (or reaction) of the body on the
90 other is directed normal to the surface of contact.

When applying each of the two equations of equilibrium, we must account for the sense of direction of
any component by using an algebraic sign which corresponds to the arrowhead direction of the component along
the x or y axis. It is important to note that if a force has an unknown magnitude, then the arrowhead sense of the
force on the free-body diagram can be assumed. Then if the solution yields a negative scalar, this indicates that
the sense of the force is opposite to that which was assumed.

1. A force P is supported by two cables that are tied together at C as shown. Knowing that the maximum
allowable tension is 800 N in cable AC and 1500 N in cable BC, determine the magnitude of the largest
force P and the corresponding value of .

35 50
A 


a. Draw the FBD of joint C.
BC = 1500 N
AC = 800 N
35 50
 x
 C
b. Apply the equations of equilibrium to find the components of P
Fx = 0] –Px + 1500 cos 50 – 800 cos 35 = 0; Px = 308.86 N
Fy = 0] Py + 1500 sin 50 + 800 sin 35 = 0; Py = 1607.928 N
c. Determine the magnitude and direction angle of P
P= 308.86 2  1607.928 2 = 1637.323 N
α  Arc tan = 79.13
2. Four forces act on the particle shown. Determine the magnitude and direction angle  of force F4 for
equilibrium of the particle.

F2 = 600 N F3 = 1000 N

75 60
45  
F1 = 750 N F4
a. Find the components of the forces

Force x component, N y component, N

F1 = 750 N –750 cos 45º = –530.330 –750 sin 45º = –530.330
F2 = 600 N – 600 cos 75º = –155.291 600 sin 75º = 579.555
F3 = 1000 N 1000 cos 60º = 500 1000 sin 60º = 866.025
F4 F4x –F4y

b. Apply the equations of equilibrium to find the components of the unknown force
Fx = 0] –530.330 –155.291 + 500 + F4x = 0
F4x = 185.621 N
Fy = 0] –530.330 + 579.555 + 866.025 – F4y = 0
F4y = 915.250 N
c. Determine the magnitude and direction of F4
F4 = 185.621  915.250 = 933.883 N
2 2

θ  Arc tan = 78.54

3. A body with a mass of 250 kg is supported by the flexible cable system shown in the figure. Determine the
tensions in cables A, B, C, and D. (Riley, 1993)

40 30


a. Compute for the weight of the body
W = mg; W = 250 (9.81) = 2452.5 N
b. Draw the FBD of the joints where the cables intersect
y TC
TD 60 TA 20 30 TB
x 40 30
2452.5 N TC
Lower joint Upper joint
c. Apply the equation of equilibrium to the FBD of lower joint
Fy = 0] TC sin 60 – 2452.5 = 0; TC = 2831.903 N
Fx = 0] TC cos 60 – TD = 0; TD = 1415.952 N
d. Apply the equation of equilibrium to the FBD of upper joint
Fy = 0] TA cos 20  TC sin 30 = 0; TA = 1506.824 N
Fx = 0] TB  TA sin 20  TC cos 30 = 0; TB = 2967.864 N

4. Find the smallest value of P for which the crate shown will be in equilibrium in the position shown. (Pytel,

A 60 B

180 kg
a. Compute for the weight of the crate
and draw the FBD of the joint B
W = mg; W = 180 (9.81) = 1765.8 N

T2 30
1765.8 N
b. Apply the equation of equilibrium
Fy = 0] T1 sin 60  P sin 30  1765.8 = 0
0.866T1 – 0.5P = 1765.8 Eq. 1
Fx = 0] P cos 30  T1 cos 60  T2 = 0
For minimum P, T2 = 0
0.866P  0.5T1 = 0 Eq. 2
Solving the two equations simultaneously, we get P = 1765.342 N

5. Determine the stretch in each spring for equilibrium of the 2-kg block. The springs are shown in their
equilibrium position. (Hibbeler, 1986)
3m 4m

kAC = 20 B
3m N/m kAB = 30
A N/m
kAD= 40

a. Compute for the stretch of spring AD:
FAD = 2 (9.81)
ks = 19.62
40s = 19.62; s = 0.4905 m
b. Draw the free body diagram of joint A and
apply the equations of equilibrium
Fx = 0] 4 1
y F  FAC  0 Eq. 1
5 AB 2
1 3
3 Fy = 0] FAC  FAB  FAD  0
1 x 2 5
1 3
FAC  FAB  19.62 Eq. 2
2 5
Solving the two equations simultaneously, we get FAB = 14.014 N and FAC = 15.855 N.
c. Compute for the elongation of the springs
FAB = 14.014 FAC = 15.855
ks = 14.014 ks = 15.855
30s = 14.014; s = 0.467 m 20s = 15.855; s = 0.793 m

6. A homogeneous sphere with a weight of 75 lb rests on two smooth planes as shown in the figure. Determine
the forces exerted on the sphere by the planes at contact points A and B.

60 20
Solution: 75 lb
a. The forces acting on the sphere are the weight and the
reactions at the smooth planes. Draw the free body
diagram of the sphere.
b. Apply the equations of equilibrium
Fx = 0] RA sin 60º  RB sin 20º = 0 (1)
Fy = 0] RA cos 60º + RB cos 20º  75 = 0 (2) 60 20
c. Solving the two equations simultaneously, we get
RA = 26.047 lb and RB = 65.954 lb

Alternative solution (using the force triangle):

Since there are only three forces acting on the sphere, the three forces form a triangle (force polygon
formed by the three forces that are in equilibrium).
a. Draw the force triangle
b. Apply sine law to find the required reactions
RA RB 75
  20
sin 20 sin 60 sin 100
75 lb
75 sin 20 100
RA = = 26.047 lb
sin 100 60
RB = 75 sin 60 = 65.954 lb
sin 100
7. The 200-mm diameter pipes shown each have a mass of 200 kg. Determine the force exerted by the supports
on the pipes at contact surfaces A, B, and C. Assume all surfaces to be smooth. (Riley, 1993)


45 A
a. Find the weight of the cylinders
W = mg
= 200 (9.81)
= 1962 N

b. Draw the FBD of the pipes

R1 y
1962 N x 45
y 1962 N
 RB

45 45 45

Upper pipe Lower pipe

c. Apply the equations of equilibrium to the FBD of the upper pipe

Fx = 0] RC – 1962 cos 45 = 0
RC = 1387.344 N
Fy = 0] R1 – 1962 sin 45 = 0
R1 = 1387.344 N
d. Apply the equations of equilibrium to the FBD of the lower pipe
Fy = 0] RA cos 45  R1 cos 45  1962 = 0
RA = 4162.031 N
Fx = 0] R1 sin 45 + RA sin 45  RB = 0
RB = 3924 N

1. Determine the magnitude and direction angle  of force F4 so that the particle shown is in equilibrium.
Ans. F = 1404.917 N; θ = 7.05º

F1 = 700 N
F2 = 550 N 40
25 
60 

F3 = 1200 N

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