Cheat Sheet BVPS: Lower Rate

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Cheat Sheet BVPS

Amount Used Total SHE Net Income
Formula Total SHE / Shares Outstanding (Net Income – PS Dividends)/
Average Outstanding Shares
Cumulative PS Deduct One Year unless Deduct 1 Year whether declared
Expressly Stated There is or not
Dividend in Arrears
(If silent current dividend is
included in arrears)
Non-Cumulative PS Deduct 1 Year Deduct only when declared
Outstanding Shares Not Averaged Averaged

1. Treat the Total SHE as if dividends available for distribution to shareholders

2. If there is Treasury Shares you can simply deduct the cost to the total SHE provided the Treasury
Shares is Ordinary Shares, if PS Treasury apply the retirement method and add the share
premium if there is any to the total SHE
3. In case there are two shares fully participating, give dividends to ordinary shares based on the
lower rate
4. Automatically deduct the (liquidation value x outstanding PS from Total SHE)
5. Share Premium to PS will be given to OS except if PS is Participating
6. Subscription Receivable are not Deducted from the Total SHE

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