First Aid (2) : Fractures and Sprains: What Should We Do?

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First Aid (2)

 If someone has hurt a limb:

- it will be painful.
- they might not be able to move it.
- it might be swollen.
- it might be discolored.
- the person may be in a state of shock.
It is difficult to tell a fracture from a sprain, so the patient ought to have an X-ray.

 Fractures and Sprains: What should we do?

A. An injured leg
- Don’t move the limb.
- Cover the patient with a blanket.
- Send for help. Phone the doctor or dial 112 for an ambulance.
- If you have to move the patient, carry him/ her on a stretcher.
- Don’t give the patient anything to drink.

B. An injured arm, wrist or hand

- Support the arm in a sling.
- Put a blanket around the patient’s shoulders.
- Take the patient to a doctor or to a hospital.

C. A cut
- If the patient has cut himself/ herself, you should try to stop the bleeding. Hold the
edges of the cut together. (Make sure your hands are clean!)
- If possible, put a bandage or a plaster on the wound. (Make sure it isn’t too tight!)
- If the wound is dirty, the patient might need an anti-tetanus injection. Take the
patient to a doctor or a hospital.

- limb = membru
- swollen = umflat
- sprain = entorsa, luxatie
- creepe bandage = bandaj creponat
- sling = curea, banduliera
- pain-killers = calmante
- eye drops = picaturi pt. ochi
- wound = rana
- ought to + verb = se cade sa+verb, se cuvine sa+verb (sinonim cu “must”)
 What advice would you give these people?
1. I’ve cut my hand
2. A car ran over my foot.
3. A dog bit me.
4. I’ve sprained my ankle.
5. I’ve got a very bad headache.
6. I’ve cut my head. I banged it on the car door.
7. I think I’ve broken my arm.

 What should be in a first aid kit?

Your basic first aid kit
- plasters in a variety of different sizes and shapes.
- small, medium and large sterile gauze dressings.
- at least 2 sterile eye dressings.
- triangular bandages.
- crêpe rolled bandages.
- safety pins.
- disposable sterile gloves.
- tweezers.

 What are the 8 essential tools for a first aid kit?

When putting together your first aid kit, make sure you have the following eight
essential items.
 Containers. The first thing you need is a water-resistant container to hold
everything. ...
 Personal items. ...
 Antiseptic. ...
 Creams and ointments. ...
 Pain relievers. ...
 Over-the-counter medications. ...
 Bandages and wraps. ...
 Medical tools.

- limb = membru
- swollen = umflat
- sprain = entorsa, luxatie
- creepe bandage = bandaj creponat
- sling = curea, banduliera
- pain-killers = calmante
- eye drops = picaturi pt. ochi
- wound = rana
- ought to + verb = se cade sa+verb, se cuvine sa+verb (sinonim cu “must”)
What are the 3 C's in an emergency situation?
There are three basic C's to remember—check, call, and care.
The Three P's of First Aid
 Preserve Life. As a first responder to any situation, you first priority should be
to preserve life. ...
 Prevent Deterioration. Do what you can to keep the victim in stable condition
until medical professionals arrive. ...
 Promote Recovery

What are the 5 main aims of first aid?

The 5 main aims of first aid are:
 preserve life.
 prevent the escalation of the illness or injury.
 promote recovery.
 pain relief.
 protect the unconscious.

Emergency Situations
There are many types of injuries, accidents and emergencies that could affect an ecotourism

Some of these are:

 workplace hazards - chemicals spills, car or boat accidents, faulty and dangerous
equipment, power failures

- limb = membru
- swollen = umflat
- sprain = entorsa, luxatie
- creepe bandage = bandaj creponat
- sling = curea, banduliera
- pain-killers = calmante
- eye drops = picaturi pt. ochi
- wound = rana
- ought to + verb = se cade sa+verb, se cuvine sa+verb (sinonim cu “must”)
 natural disasters - cyclones, floods, severe storms, fire
 environment hazards - snake and spider bite, falling branches, drowning
 catering hazards - food poisoning, fire injuries
 people - intoxication, violence, bomb threats, medical conditions, suicide, getting lost

- limb = membru
- swollen = umflat
- sprain = entorsa, luxatie
- creepe bandage = bandaj creponat
- sling = curea, banduliera
- pain-killers = calmante
- eye drops = picaturi pt. ochi
- wound = rana
- ought to + verb = se cade sa+verb, se cuvine sa+verb (sinonim cu “must”)

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