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Qu. Question 2, What do you understand by Unbounded solution of a linear programming Problem? Sowve the following linear programming problem using simpiex method. Maximize, Z=2X+Y Subject to the constraints, X-Y<10 2x-Ys40 X20andY20 %. State the standard form of a transportation problem. What do you understand (2) by an unbalanced transportation problem? Obtain the optimum transperiation schedule for the following transportation probem, oe | rehouses Supply | ws Twa i 2.713 J | Panis 5 [at L 68 is | (Demand | tA 4, A small project is composed of activities whose fime estimates ara listed in (20) ‘he following table, Aciivilies are icentified by their beginning ()) and ending @ node numbers. j f Aatviy - imated Duration (weeks) i-j | Opin fost Likely Pessimistic 7 5 as 3 ) Draw the project network ') Find the expected duration and variance for each activity, What is the expected project duration? i) Galoulate the variance and standard deviation of the project duration, \¥) What is the probability that the project will be completed not more tran 4-weeks later than expected tine? Given: Z oer 1.00 1.33 2.00 Probability 0.7486 0.B4i3 0.9082 0.9772 © Mailerdaemon | For latest info about the college visit B.Tech. (Mechanical Engg. & Mining Mach. Engg) Sess 2006-07 Semester. Vil Operations Research Time: 3 hours “Question No. 1 is compulsory and Max, Marks:400 answer any Two questions from the rest 7 Question Marks ‘What co you understand by decision making? Orscuss in detal the stepstobe (10) followed for rational decision making process. 'A paper mill produces two grades of paper namely X and Y. Because ofraw ~ (10) hare restictons, fi cannot produce more than 400 tone of orale X and 300 fens of grade Yin a week. There are 160 production hours available in 2 week ftrequires 0.2 and 0.4 hours to produce a ton of products X and ¥ respectively with corresponding profits of Rs.200 and Rs.500 per for Formulate the above 2 inear programming problem to maximize profit and to find ‘the optimum product mix. DO NOT SOLVE. . ‘What do you understand by Random Number? Explain its role in Simulation 9 Differentiate between Random Number and Pseudo Random Number 'A fir is considering replacernent of a machine whose cost price 8 Rs.12,200 (10) eel Sotap value is Rs.200, The maintenance costs are found fom experience to be as follows. ss [Year___[ 1] 2 Taare ae pane 200 | 600 | 800 | 7200 B00] 2500 | 3200 | 4000 | Cost Rs) | \ | _ ‘When should the machine be replaced? Explain with Suitable example two-person 26fo-sum game. What do you (9) understand by Saddle Point? Solve the game whose pay-off matrix is given below and obtain the ‘optimum strategies to be followed by the players. Paayer B at E B2 53 Ai 1 3 Player A ea 3 a ‘A-company has four diferent jobs to be dene on four dflersrt machines. Any (10) fob can be done on any machine, The casts of doing the jovs different 10 rtles are given bolow. Assign the jobs for different machines s0 45 to minimize the total cost Jobs 7 Jt | te } Bt B.TECH, (COMPUTER SCIENCE AND) ENGINEERING ‘VI SEMESTER Final Examination: Monsoon Semester, 2006 Computer Vision jum Marks: 100 Duration; 3 Hours answers should be presented pointwise and not in descriptive style. Clearly specify the ‘and output in case of an algorithm. 1. Write mathematical expressions of any four of the following (include explanations of different terms of the expressions): (4x5=20) a, 2D affine transformation b._Fstimation of motion vector using optic flow LOG d._ Level set based curve evolution equation fe, Closed contour representation using Fourier descriptor State TRUE or FALSE (10) ‘a, Images of junetion point of Linear structures cannot be obtained from Hough transform space of the image. be Region adjacency graph is a hierarchical data structure for representing image pyramid. €. Bespline approximation of a curve segment requires specification of at least 4 contro] paints on the curve. 4. Periodic pattern in a texture catt be idetitified using co-occurrence mattis. @ RLF ofa binary shape is a lossy compression Semantic net cun be used to represent relational feacures of objects present in an image. gs Step edge of the image of an object ean be detected from the zerp-cressings of the image signal subjected to first derivative operation. b. Template matching can be used for recognizing objeets present in an image i. Mean filtering of an image compromises image contrast, J, Vanishing points do not exist in the orthographie object to image projection 3, Write algorithmic steps (including assumptions ifany} for any tyro of the following: (20x2=40) 2, Detection of circular shape having radius 40 pixels using Hough transform technique: b. Estimation of the depth (with respect to the camera position) of a 3D object from its 2D stereo image pair ¢, B-spline approximation of a digital image contour. 4. A computer vision system is to be developed for tracking an abject of interest in a ‘ Video sequence. Design the system and draw a detail block diagram listing the processing steps of each module, (8+12=20) 5. Pora given imaging application 30 representative colours need to be estimated out of (Gay) 1000 possibie colours in the RGB space. Present a scheme using which this 30 representative colours can be estimated. (10) pond © Mailerdaemon | For latest info about the college visit ‘www 2. Consider a fading channel with roultipath intensity profile Aixlr) eT, 720 Find the mean propagation delay, rms delay spread and coherence: bandwidth of the channel when T=10 ns. 3. Consider a singlo brarich Rayleigh-faded signal. For 63.2% of the time its SNR is 10 dB below its mean SNR velne. (a) For a three-branch selection diversity sokemo, find the poreentage of time the SNR of the combiner wonld be 20 4B below the meam SNR of an individual branch without diversity. (b} Hind how strong the averago SNR of this combiner is relative to the mesn SNR of a single branch (C) For a threebranch maximal-ratio diversity scheme, find the per ‘centage of Lime the SNR of the combiner would fall 20 dB below the mean SNR of an individual branch without diversity. (@) Find how strong the average SNR of this combiner is relative to the mean SNR. of a single branch. 4. A mobile subsoriber is moving at. an uniform speed of 72 kmph along the straight line joining two base stations 2 Km apart. The power received et both the base stations (F) from the moving mobile at a distance (d) is given by P, = Py 10ylog(d/ds) dBm where Py = 1 mW, dy = 1 m and y — 3.5. The receiver threshold seusitivily is -100 dBi. Base stations require 5 seconds to complete a handoff procedure. Determine the received power at which the base stations should initiate « handoff 20 that commmnication with the mo- bile is maintained thronghout. 5. In 2 DS-S8 BPSK system, 20 users share the same 1.25 MHz channel. ‘The chip tate for each user is 1.2288 Meps and each user has 2 baseband deta rate of 13 kbps. 1 4 maximum £,/7 of 7.8 dB 1s provided for each user and the PN code lengths are 32,678 chips, find the probability of bit error for « user. What is the processing gain of the system in dB? © Mailerdaemon | For latest info about the college visit Semester: Monsoon Session: 2006-2007 Examination & Semester: VII B.Tech (EE) Subject: MoniLe & SATELLITE COMMUNICATION Time: 3 Hours Instructions: © Questions in Section A are compulsory. Attempt any two questions from Section B. © Make necessary assumptions whenever required. Maximum Marks: 100 Section A 1. Consider a cellular system with a total bandwidth of 30 MH». Bach 15 full duplex voice or control channel uses tivo 25 kHe. sizmplese channols. Assutne a cluster size of T and total mumber of cells to be-50, ‘The system allocates 950 kil to control channes. The system is a delayed call one with a 5% probability of delaying a call, The system has 0.03 Erlangs offered tzaffic load per user and 1.5 avorage number of calls per ‘hour per user. Find out (a) the traffic load of each cell (b) the umber of users thal can be supported by this system: (©) the mean duration of a call (d) the probsbility that a delayed call will heve to wait for more than 10s (©) the probability that a call will be delayed for more than 10.8 ‘The following table gives the traffie distribution of the system. ‘No. of trunk | Traffie(B) | GOS 6 12 0.05 83. 66 | 0.05 85 70__| 0.05 © Mailerdaemon | For latest info about the college visit A noncoherent binary FSK reociver system thas abit exvor probability 15 Gn AWGN channel given by Bu mo ie ® (o) Derive the protubiity of error of the same syste for a Rayleigh ‘iat-fading channel. (b) To. achieve a BER of 10-*, bow much additional signal power is required in a Rayleigh fading environment 25 ‘compared to the "AWGN channel? Cive your answer in dB. Section B 20x 2=40 7. (a) Why eonvontional eoooder so called What aze its specific wreintages over block oodos®) What {s the constraint spi ofa aevapputional coder? What sits oding rate? Why the generaicr matrix of @ convolutional code ‘semi-infinite? (b) A (3,1,8) convolutional ‘qnooder achieves maximum free distance er gueHOi] and go=ge= [LL1). Construct the Hel Gagram eet iite diagram. Find the encoded sequence £08 ap IDES Gqueace of 1011001111, Draw 2 modified chats Sago and idea: ‘ify the mininmam weight paths: Determine the value of the free distance. 5, Prove thal if a signal Is spread by 6 maxims! ength PN sequence, it ccnives antijaraming properties. Also show that spreading the signal improves its SNK at Uhe receiver oatpnt. Wha is ‘processing gain and jamming margin of a DS/SS system? How ome these two quantities Milated to the SNR. per symbol? Derive this relation. 4, Name and briefly explain the purposes of various logical channels of & GSM network. What is a physical radio ‘channel? Clearly show the mapping of the logical channels to physical channels. For each of the Toqaeal channels derive the protected as well As ‘unprotected throughput. nent Examination:7” Semester B.Tech, (MLE) Semester: Monsoon ‘Session. : 2006-2007 Time: 3 hours Sub ject: POLLUTION CONTROL AND ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT tie Instruction: Answer any questions fiom Section A and answer all the questions fiom Section B oy Max. Marks: 100 ‘Questions Q.No. Secticn A Marke What are major parumeters to be considered for the assesment euvironmental impacts due mineral exploitation? Discuss briefly about the environmental impacts of mineral industries on the different attnbutes of environment S415=20 Define air quality criteria and air quality standards, Discuss about the methodology to be adopted Lr selecting aimmonitoring dations and airmonitorng programme for monitoring of air pollution in mining awas Write about the strategy to be adopted for the control of air pollution in 448+8 mining areas =20 Explain the causes of water pollution due to coal washeries. Write about destabilization of colloidal suspension. ‘What is the utility of provision of codimentation tank for the removal of suspended solids fiom coal washery effiuent and how the optimum size of 34346 claneation tank canbe determined? 48 2204, Se nT Ey 6) How tailings are generated fosm the iron ore mines? ©) Digouss about the utility of tailing poud for the disponl of tailings. (0) How the optimum size of tailing pond can be evaluated? (W) Discuss about the environmentally sai design and construction of tailing 5-+545 dan. +5=20 Write briefly about the effects of noise pollution on human health and their contro] in mining areas 34510 What is geosphere? Write how soil is being affected due to air and water pollution and due to the disposal Euzandous solid i i waste? different horizons of soil and nature of soil ee Detine the terms (a) Tropospiers (b) Stratosphere (c) Mesosphere, (6) Thermogphere. (©) Explain why the affinity 'of earhan monewid. wm ton te © Mailerdaemon | For latest info about the college visit ion. B.Tech (Petroleum Engg.) Session : 2006 — 2007 Semester : VI Sem. Block letters) OFFSHORE DRILLING & PRODUCTION PRAC. Time 3 Hrs ifany Answer any TWO questions iro1 “AT and Max. Marks : 100 ALL questions from Part “B” Question Marks Part “A” rectangular buoy is of the size 3m long, 2m wide and Im height. What is | (8+84+4) weight of the buoy if its depth of immersion in water is 0.8m ? ‘ine the metacentric height and also state whether the buoy is stable unstable. 1 ate the different types of subsea templates used for drilling ? How are | 20 lowered and starting from there how the drilling is done to reach a depth by using a semi-submersible ? Describe this stepwise in detail. 2) Classify Offshore Production Operations based on the location in terms | 10 “distance from shore’ and ‘water depth’. ») Deseribe a common ‘Water Injection Platform’ with a neat sketch. 10 era are the different types of ocean features ? Describe the physiographic 10 of the ocean in detail. at are the different types of fixed platform ? Describe any one briefly. 10 ibe a Jack-up rig with its various components. Also describe its| 10 s ‘Station Keeping’ of a moving vessel 2 What are its different | 10 iteria and how are they achieved ? Describe briefly. | ‘ibe different types of offshore storage units. 10 ferentiate between “Multibuey mooring” system and “Single Point 10 ” system. © Mailerdaemon | For latest info about the college visit 3 (a) Compare and contrast the [P-in-IP, Minimal and GRE encapsulation technique used in Mobile (0) Give and explain the generalized architecture of web browser. (©) Develop an applet that receives three numeric values as input from the user and then displays the the three on the screen. Write a HTML page ~ that tesethis apple. (@) Explain the skeleton of an Apples SECTION —B (a) What is the need of IPv6'! Compare IPv and IPv6 packet header in Jeti! (b) Explain the Transmission Control Protocel (TCP) connection establishment and termination method help of state transition diagram. (©) An ICMP message has arrived with the header (in hexadecimal): 03 00 11 12 11 OB 03 02 (i) What is the type of the message? Gil) What is the code? (ili) What is the purpose of the message? (iv) What is the vale of the last 4 bytes? (¥) What do the fase bytes signify? (2) Explain the connection-oriemted concurrent server using socket interface. (b) What is the need of DNS? A DNS client is looking for the IP addresses corresponding to aaa Show the query message. (©) Show a HTTP request-response that retrieves the image headers, 1wo request headers, and one entity header document /usr/doctimage |. Use at least wo ger -ption” that is thrown when a string is not equal to (@) Define an exception called “NoMatchExce JAVA program that uses this exception (©) Explain the various categories of web documents. Also vite the way fo create them. (©) What are the various problems, which ean be arise in sending voice daua over IP network? HowtP ‘his problem? © Mailerdaemon | For latest info about the college visit Monsoon Semester Examination, Session 2006-07 Semester: B.Tech. (Computer Science & Engineering) VII Semester ‘Time: 3 Hours Technology ‘Max. Marks: 100 ‘A is compulsory. any TWO questions: from Section B. the questions serially and to the point. SECTION =A ‘an IP packet having TL field = 40008. Let MTU = 10248. Propose fragmentation scherne 10 this packet. What will be the possible values of flags, offset elds after fagmentation Consider the size as min i.e, 20B. 14 Sattowing is a dump of a TCP header in hexadecimal format (6 117 00000001 00000000 500207FF 00000000 What is the destination port number? ‘What is the sequence number? “What is the acknowledgement number? ‘What is the length of the header? ‘What is the type of the segment? What is the window size? esta ieed of aubwct masking? Indian School of Mines iizranted the site address 29) 70.68,0 (Class ©). Schocl neods six subnets for individual departments. As a Network Administrator, design the required ‘each subnet. 18) Find the range of addresses computer sends a dwestamp request to another computer, It reecives the ‘corresponding timestamp reply &t KM The values oF the original timestamp, receive ‘imestamp, and transmit timestamp we '560,000, 13,562,000, and 13,564,300, respectively. 14] What is the sending trip dre? ) What is the receiving ‘rip time? i) What is the round-trip time’? ) What is the difference between the sender clock and the recelver clack? message transfer and connection termination phase from ww the connection establishment, ‘pods com, The message is: aim happy wilh this question paper ial outer has the following Rowing Information Protocel (RIP) routing table: {61 nel 4B Nea 2 °C Meo ot F Ned 5G ‘Show the response message sent by this router. Why aGpen Shortest Path First (OSPF) message propagate aster than Routing Information Protocol (RIP) message? Fest en ODP io sesh data toa server. The data is 16 bytes. Calelate the efficiency of tis transmission at the UDP level. a © Mailerdaemon | For latest info about the college visit SECTION BR Atempt all questions 4 Write explanatory notes on the following: 103330) (@) Joint Stock Company (b) Shares and Debentures. (©) Methods of computing depreciation and depletion allowances. Write short notes on the following (x 4-20) (2) Standard Cost and Forecast. (b) Mineral Consumption and Substitution. (©) Pricing and Price index (2) Market Structure, Market Conduct and Performance 6 What do you understand by- (Sx 2=10) (a) Mineral Information System (b) International Investment and Trade in Mineral Materials. © Mailerdaemon | For latest info about the college visit Vil Semester, B.Tech. (Mining Engg.) Examination Monsoon Semester Session: 2006-2007 Subject: MINE AND MINERAL ECONOMICS Time + 3 hours MEec- 17103 iE 7 ) Max. Marks: 100 structions, if any: Attempt Seotiens A & B. SECTION A Attempt any two questions (a) What are the purposes of exarnination of a mineral property? Give ‘an oulline of the types of examination. ©) (b) Explain the different methods of computing “Present Value” 6) (c) On a gold mine with an estimated life of 12 yrs, itis estimated that better sorting arrangements al (he mill, would improve the gold yield by 0.08 gmitonne milled, Also, other changes in the reduction plant would elect a saving of 12 paise per tonne milled, the whole scheme Costing R50 crores. If the milling sale is 2 million tonnes per ‘annum, will it pay to ombark on the alteration Accept a discount ale of 8% compound interest and revenue received for gold as Rs.400/- per gram, (10) (a) What are the different methods of investment appraisal? Explain with the help of an example. the most commonly used method. Out fine the merits and demerits of this method a2 (b) The owner of a mining company expects the average cost per tonne lof ore 10 be Rs.20/-, however, the cost may vary within a minimum ‘of RsIS/- and a maximum of Rs25/- per tonne, The expected average sale price 1s Rs.4iV/- per tonne, which may vary from Rs.35/- to Rs.45/- per tonne. With the expected value for the price of Rs 40/- and for the cost of Rs.20/-, the expected value of profit is Rs 20/- per tonne. Calculate the expected value of the profit if there are variations in the values of the two variables of cost and price me your own values for the probabilities of the price and enst @) lis proposed to develop a deposit for an annuial production of one Lakh tonnes per year of finished product over an expected life time of 10 years of operation. The estimated sale price of the finished product and the operating costs ae Rs50.000/- ond _Rs.20,D00/- per tonne respectively. Proposed initial investment at the beginning of the project igs Rs 500 crores, with the working capital (Tully recoverable at the end fof year 10) of R550 crores. Assuming straight fine method of depreciation, annual depletion allowance at 10% of working, interest (not to exceed 50% of balance obtained before deduction of depletion allowance) and tax burden of 50% on taxable income, compute the cash. flow for yeats 0 10 10 and the *Net’ Present Value” at 12% discount rate. If the project is not viable at 12%, what is the discount rate at which the project shall become viable?” 20) © Mailerdaemon | For latest info about the college visit ee 2006-2007 Semester: Monsoo= jination: VIL B. Tech. (PE) Session: ject: Geological and Geophysical exploration for Petroleum Max. Marks:100 Separate answer sheets for each section. Section — A: Geological Exploration for Petroleum lerstanding maturation of 1010 Discuss the importance of optical parameters in und ; \e-temperature and optical organic matter. Write # note on ‘Correlation between tim parameters’. Or Define ‘Petroleum Trapt. Discuss with sketches different structurally formed trap 21 1246 geomenry. Write a note on importance of unconformity in hydrocarbon exploration, ; ; Define potential, effective and specific source rock, Discuss Khalifeh and Lou's 4tort approach in assessing kerabitumen as potential souree rock. Dccass how DTA anelysis is used in identifying potential source rock Write short notes on any two 5x2 2. Surface gas show b. StiMfdiagram i ¢.. Vitrinite reflectance as indicator for source fock maturation Write a note on “Volumetric-comparative method of prognostic estimation fil 6 and gas reserve” Semester: VIL B.Tech(Petroleum Engineering) Sessio 2006-2007 ‘Time: One and half Hours Maximum Marks:50 \ Subject: Geophysical Explorg lon (Seed 1-B) Instruction: Answer Any 1*%fjuestions, Queskov no is compalcory Use separate answer ‘book for this se xplain the Common Depth Shooting(CDP) technique with the help of a ne ‘am. State the merits of CDP technique over conventional shooting. 14marks . What are the source generated noise ? Discuss in brief the geophone grouping, nique. 12 marks Define stable and unstable gravimeters. Explain the principle and working of rden Gravimeter with the help of a neat diagram. 12marks uss various electrode configurations. Explain the electrical sounding and ing techniques. 12marks Write shorts notes on anytavo of the following: 2x62 12 marks . © Mailerdaemon | For latest info about the college visit SECTION B 7 Obtain the following S45+10 (i) Z transform of the sequence f(E)=(1/2)* for k-0,1,2, (i) Z transform of ka** z42 Inverse z transform of X(z)= — * (DF 8 Determine the inverse of the matrix 2 G, where 20 ol a1 0 G=/03 -O1 -02 0 0 -03 9 Consider the state equations of a second-order digital control system to be represented by 1-1 1 x (ktI)=AxCk) 4Bu(k) where A [; - of] Find the feedback gain matrix G with the state feedback u(k)= - Gx(k) such that the eigen values of the closed loop system are 0.4 and 0.6. © Mailerdaemon | For latest info about the college visit SEMESTER: MONSOON SESSION: 2006-07 jnnation & Semester B. Tech. Electronics Engineering VII Semester sject DISCRETE TIME AND COMPUTER CONTRO! Time 3 hours all questions from Section A and any ‘rwO from Section Max Marks 100 SECTION A For the sysiem shown in Figure 1, draw the corresponding z-domain 10 tock diagram and find the system pulse transfer fimetion if Gsy=—— gra rk) “ger Fighse | What isthe Sylvester's Criterion [or positive definiteness of quadratic 10 at show thatthe following quadratic Form i positive definite: 10x,2 +442 + ay + 2x, m Ps A 5 Consider the system deseribed by 10 EE) 0.6K 1) 081K ~2) +0 6ty(&-3) 0 12k =4) =) here x) is the input and y(k) 18 the output ‘of the system. Determine the stability of the system 4 Consider «= the_~—_—ollowing characteristic equation 10 7243322 132408=0 Determine whether or nol any of the roots of the characteristic equation lic outside the unit circle in the z plane 5 Prove that ifthe eigenvalues of an 0 matrix Aace distinct, then there 10 are exactly n eigen vectors and they are linerly independent. 6 Consider the following system * 10 y@___ 741 UG) #1132404 in controllable canonical form, observable canonical form and diagonal canonical form Obtain state space representation of the system © Mailerdaemon | For latest info about the coll © 4(b) Show that the determinant of every square submatrix of the incidence matrix of a digraph is 1, ~1, or 0. i) Q5 (a) Specify the matrices A and B, and prove that A. B™-B.A™= 0 and rank of Bre-mt1, where cand n have usual meaning (1s) (b) Prove that a graph G with n vertices, n-1 edges, and no circuits is connected (5) Q6 (a) Find the chromatic polynomial of the following graph 0) (b) Discuss the maximal internally stable set of a graph and explain all procedures 10 find out these sets with suitable examples, (10) © Mailerdaemon | For latest info about the college visit SEMESTER: MONSOON SESSION 2006-07 Examination & semester: B.Tech (CSE) VII Semester ‘Max.Marks: 100 Subject: Applied Graph Theory Time: 3 Firs Putruetions: Answer fo all questions from section A ancl any wo from section B. Seetion-A (60 Marks) 1 (@ Discuss the different types of matrices used in representing the undireeted graphs Give the suitable example of each. (2) (&) Explain Hamiltonian ciccuit and derive the formula for finding out the number of cedye-disjoint Hamiltonian circuits in a complete ‘graph of n vertices, where n (2) is odd @) 02 (a) What do you mean by chromatic number? Show that a graph with at least one edge is Jrohromatic if and only ift has no cirouits of odd length (0) (6) Discuss covering with propertis and show that coxeri'g ‘of a graph is minimal iff it contains no paths ‘of length (2). (10) 3 (@) Explain arborescence and show that itis atree ia which every vertex other than the root has in-degree of exactly | &) (6) Define the following terms with suitable examples 02) Central tree, Tree graph, tournament, block, embeddings homeomorphhic graph the plierrae Section-B (40 Marks) 4 (a) Suppose you are given. box thet contains 2 switching network consisting of 8 ‘ewitehes a,b, 6, d,¢, f, ghand b. The switches can be tumed on/off from outside. Suppose you discover that the combinations that turn ort the lamp are: @bThh), (absk) (Wehsk) Genk), (d.oehb), (cfhk), 6.8) GW) ©) ©) | ase ©, ©|—1 ©) ©) Pate a Ox 2(0) ° ‘Black box with a switching network Determine how the switehes are connected inside the box, ‘without opening the box (15) © Mailerdaemon | For latest info about the college visit R: MONSOON (WINTER LON: 2006-07 stion & Semester: B.Tech. & Semester VIL ME (mec F104) AL {Block Letters): MINE ENVIRONMENT ENGINEERING Time: 3 Hours fons, If Any: Answer all Questions from Part — I and Part— I Max. Marks: 100 USE SEPARATE ANSWER BOOKS FOR PaRT-2 ont PARTIE ‘Questions [ Marks Partl ees 6D Marks What is meant by re-opening a scaled-off area by direct Ventilation | (15) Method? When is this method applicable? Briefly explain this method. or Desctibe briefly the diéferent methods used for fighting coal refuse fires. Explain with the help of e schematic sketch the different components of] (15) personal dust sampler CIP 10 and explain its working AS a manager of « mine what precautions would you like to take against | danger of coal dust explosion while extracting developed pillars by open cast method? Write short note end explain the signilicence of the following (5x3=15) | | (i) Pressure balancing using pressure compensating duct, | Gi) Coward's diagram. (ii) Triggered barriers. q Parti 40 Marks Jain with @ suitable layout the method of carrying out the: Rescue and (15) | Recovery operations from a fresh air base. or | Explain with suitable sketches the different borehole pattems adopted while approaching old water logged workings. Explain the working process of a Filer Type Self Rescuers (MSA. as Model: 1W-65). Identify the typical chemcals used in these self rescuers | and state their functions, Discuss the design principles of flat and arched dams (10) © Mailerdaemon | For latest info about the college visit pte | ji. The design basis of the Primary Crushing Plant treating hard ofe Is as given below: | Annual Throughput 1,250,000 TPA No. of working days per year 300 days No. of working hours per day 10 hours S% Availablity 75% Max. lump size 1200 mm | Ore Bulk density 2.0T/Ci M On the basis of above information select the Primary crusher With suitable design capacity. exvected product size dstriution | i. Describe different applications of ‘Screens usedin Coal Industry with neat sketch along with the governing equation Explain in brief the various factors affecting the screening operation The average size di siribution of Iron ore, rich in clay from Secondary ctushing plant of 300 STPH is given below. Considering the Screen efficiency to be 95% select the suitable sizing screer’ for dry screening at 14" Assume suitable data if necessary and justify the same. Bulk density of the crusted cre to be considered as 2.8 Tim? | Size (inches) | 1%" | Cumm. Wie, Passing © Mailerdaemon | For latest info about the college visit EMESTER: MONSOON, SESSION: 2006 — 2007 xamination : B. TECH - MINERAL ENGINEERING ester: VET ‘Time: 3 Hours \bject: PROCESS EQUIPMENT SELECTION Max Marks: 100 SECTION: A ge Bi « ANSWER Avy THO - + Mbp Se ie erates 2. Make suitable assumptions if necessary . Relevant Selaction Charts & Tables are attached herewith the question paper ~“. Use Graph paper ‘or plotting Describe the following terms in brief: a. Normal Capacity ao b. Design Capacity @x 10) * ¢. Maximum Capacity | d. Scope of Work | e. Battery Limits & Terminal Points = | f, Percentage availability | g. Percentage utilization h. Stripping ratio | i. Process Flow Diagram j. Block Diagram | 2. |). Classify different Crushers used in Mineral Industry including the following specifications: . (10) | a. Stage of operation 2 | b, Capacity range | c. Expected product size range 4. Preferred reduction ratio © Mailerdaemon | For latest info about the college visit ‘Explain in brief about the properties of heavy media and advantages of using Heavy Media Separation Classify difficulties of Coal washing on the basis of Neat Gravity Material & Yield Reduotion factor. Predict the Size and number of classifying cyclone required to handle the Copper slurry (sp. grav 2.94) with media as water (sp. grav 1.0). The expected Overflow & Underflow size distribution is a given below. 7 wees, UF 106 | 07 ws | cts [3184 @s | 7s | 244 @a7_| ass | 572 | Qasr [114s [902 | 20 | et | 04a (¢)20 7a | 078 14 |- 007 [909 on 152_| 98.7 | Size (microns) Following information is to be considered for the selection process. Soilds (TPH) in fead slurry 30 Sp. Grav of solids 2.94 Feed pulp density (Kg/m3) 1210 ‘Under flow pulp density (Kg/m3) 1570 Over flow pulp density ( Kgims bed IFeed inlet pressure Assume dsoie)= dso + 2 © Mailerdaemon | For latest info about the oollege visit wp ee Oe For the Regrind Ball Mill and Flotation Cir predict the i a. Size and power drawn by Regrind mill considering BWiof | (20) the ore to be 19.64 Kwh/M Tonne | b. Cell volume and numbers of commercially available flotation | (toy | cell considering residence time of 20 minutes | Soild. Water content and expected particle size in different streamlines is | as given below PER masa es “at | fSeeen Pel ceamDesoaption [Songs | Water | Panicte, | | |Lowe «ren size (080) | 7 Fistation Cal Feed 145 | 2 Potion Tas 1022 Sat \ 3 | Fiptation Cone 40.3} | | | Bury eoyed © 35.1 sump oN eer ee Classifying Gycione 188.1 ‘eS microns: | {feed = 3 [Ciassiving Cyeone Was BI | ST eros .| Overflow _ : | Regard Gal Wil T1a7 aa | Barons | Feed pe ' a | 8 | Regrind Ball Mil 127 | 48.3 ‘$0 microns | | Discharge [ | \ Flotation Cel l¢g—— 3 \ , —— « a . Ciassifving Fvelone 4 5 ‘ Sump with pomp | Z| a. Explain the term Concentration erterion and define @ | | | mathematically. 7 j |B Define the four mechanism essentially used to explain the | (4) | | operation of gravity concentration devices | | c. Drawa neat sketch and ‘explain in brief about the design (4) | and operating parameters af any ane from the following latest development in Gravity Concentration Techniques. 2 | Fioatex Density Separator, Falcon Concentrator, Knelson | { is Consentrater or Packed Calumi Jig, | © Mailerdaemon | For latest info about the college visit (b) | Give the notion of Remote Procedure Call 9@) (b) (RPC). What is its desirable feature? Differentiate beiwcen synchronous and as asynchronous RPCs. Write the steps of the RPC that occur in a client sorver environment, Design the a" x 6" delta network and finally present the diagram of the 42 x 3? delta network, Let {a,0<7 ©) For system with equation fag ths +1 = 0, Find kmar and @. 10 7.4), Por the system shown in the figure tain the closed loop T.F., damping 10 ratio, natural frequency and expression for the output response if subjected (o unit step input ces (2 lock diagram given below, find C(s)/R(s) Ga, b). Forabi 10 RS) =§ ee) i. SECTION-B (Underground Metal Mining) ‘Attempt AM questions OR Write, explanatory notes on the following: 2) Problems of deep mining and their remedial measures, (®) Underwater mining for manganese nodules 7. Write short notes on the following: (@) Combined open room mining system, (©) Bio-chemical method of mining (©) Nuclear device mining system Section C What is High Angle Conveyor? Deseribe its Principle of operation, merits and demerits. Discuss is application in deep opencest mire ®- What ate the special features of dimensional stone mining? Describe any method off mining granite or marble blocks. Assume your enn conditions 10. What are the factors affecting the performance of continuous Surface Miners!) How do you calculate the effective production capacity of these miners under different operating procedures (10) it i © Mailerdaemon | For latest info about the college visit vww.mailerdaem VI Semester, B. Tech (Mining Engg.) Examination Monsoon Semester Session : 2006 - 07 Subject: ADVANCED MINING METHODS (MEC 17012) Time: 3 Hours Max Marks: 100 Instruction, if any: 1. Attempt Sections A, B & C 2. Use separate answer book for each section. Section A (Underground Coal Mining) Attempted All questions QI. A 9m thick virgin coal seam, dipping at 1 in 8, lies at an average depth of 250m. The overlying scams have already been extracted with caving Name the different methods that may be technically feasible and economically viable to work this seam for a high level of production. Which method would you choose and why? Describe in brief, the method of your choice giving brief details of the equipment to be used and the level of production you would expect to achieve. OR An 8m thick coal seam has been developed in two sections, on the bord & pillar system by driving galleries 2.4 m high along the roof and along the floor of the seam leaving a parting of 3.2 m between the two sections. Describe how you would extract the full thickness of the seam with hydraulic sand stowing. Assume your own conditions where necessary, 1s ‘What problems are encountered in mining thin coal seams? 5 Despite the numerous merits claimed for hydraulic mining, the technology accounts for less than 1% of the global underground coal production. What, in your view, are the reasons for this? 5 Describe briefly the method of mining thick coal seams by horizontal slicing in ascending order. . What are the different methods used for establishing linkage between the to 3 boreholes in the UCG technology? © Mailerdaemon | For latest info about the college visit www.mailerdaemon in Session: 2006-07 Examination: VII B.Tech (PE) Semester: Monsoon Subject: Instrumentation & Contro| (EID-17151) Time: |¥ Hours Tustructions: Attempt all questions from Part | Max. Marks: 50 and any ene. from Part-ll Seetion-B Part 1. With the help of neat diagrere explain the basic principle of optical 5S absorption method of detection propane (C3H,) and ethylene (Cally) gases in petroteum industry 2. __Desoribe the technique techniques for the measurement of (a) liquid level in 5 2 closed container, (b) any fixed level in open vessel and explain the need for the same, 5. a) Explain the different addressing modes used in 8085. Give two examples for each &) Give the classification of 8085 instructions according to the length of the instruetion, T3=10 4 K Fora system Gis)H(s} = ~ - Find the valuc of K to limit steady . (NO) = Fes) “10 — 40 State ertor 16 10 when inpatis Uy Lot » 2 Par 5. a) Describe the flag register OF 8085 5 >) Explain how the flow rate of gas in a closed pipe can be measured 5 satisfactory. ©) For system with equation st + s°4 ks? +1 =0, Find kar and o. 10 6a). For the sysiem shown in the figure obtain the closed loop T-F., damping 10 ratio, natural frequency and expression for the output response if subjected to unit step input peed ce) aay RS com> 5). Fora block diagram given below find C(syR(s) lo —> ce |r, ] © Mailerdaemon | For latest info about the college visit SEMESTER : MONSOON; SESSION : 2006-07 Examination & Semester : B.Tech (Petroleum Engg) VII Sem. Subject : PETROLEUM ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT SECTION-A (50 Marks ) QNo. Question Marks OR 20 What are the Primary and Secondary Air Pollutants? What are the main sourees of air pollution in an oilfield operation? Discuss the measures undertaken in 1000 HP engine emission so that emission of NO, can be minimized. Q 2 | List the Environmental Acts and Agencies which enforee them, Briefly} 10 explain Environment Audit and Environment Statement, 3 | Discuss briefly about the surfice and subsurface disposal methods for} 10 upstream petroleum industry. 4 | Explain the following terms : 10 EIA, ETP, MINAS, NORM, Blokker’s Constant © Mailerdaemon | For latest info about the college visit www.mailerdaemon in Monsoon Semester Examination, Session 2006-07 ion & Semester: B.Tech. (Computer Science & Engineering) VII Semester : Software Engineering Time: 3 Hours ions: Max. Marks: 100 ) Section A is compulsory. ) Attempt any TWO questions from Section B. questions serially and to the point. SECTION-A ) What is an aim of Software Engineering? Give key challenges that software engineering faces today? (4) ») A partially completed object diagram of an air transportation system is shown below: (6) cry AIRLINE H PILOT amporr | —>¥**__} pric PLANE model _ Tm] ie, oe stm | |PASSENGER ‘SEAT mame decation Muitiplicity balls have been left out. Add them to the diagram. Defend your decisions, Demonstrate how multiplicity decisions depend on your perception of the world. Represent the behavior of the following washing machine by means of a decision table: ‘The machine waits for the start switch to be pressed. After the user presses the start switch, the machine fills the wash tub with either hot or cold water depending upon the setting of the HotWash switch. The filling of ‘water tub continues until the high level is sensed. The machine then starts the agitation motor and continues agitating the wash tub until either the preset time expires or the user presses the stop switch. After agitation stops, the machine waits for the user to press the StartDrying switch. After the user presses this switch, the machine starts the hot air blower and continues blowing hot air into the drying chamber until either the user presses the stop switch or the preset time expires. [6] List some possible problems that can come up if the methods you use for developing small software are used for developing large software systems. li What is a prototyping model? Does the construction of a prototype model always increase the overall cost of software development? © Mailerdaemon | For latest info about the college visit www.mailerdaemon in ve information, the rating for multiplying factors are: High Complexity = 1.15, High Storage = Experience = 1.13, and Low Programmer Capability = 1.17. Consider the labor rate is Rs. | per month. wise distribution of schedule is: No. | Phase Small | Intermediate | Medium Large Project Project Project Project 2KLOC 8KLOC__|_32KLOC | 128KLOC Product Design 19% 19% 19% 19% Programming 63% 59% | 55% 51% Integration 18% 22% 26% 30% Caleulate the project duration involved in the project. 2] Calculate the phase-wise schedule distribution. Bl Calculate the costing involved to design the above software. ty Calculate the module-wise schedule distribution. 4] a black-box test suites for a function that checks whether a character siring (of up to 25 ~s length) is a palindrome. fa tthe reasons for increased productivity when an object-oriented design is used? [4] Structured Analysis and Structured Design (SA/SD) for software to be developed for automating activities of a small bookshop. From a discussion with the owner of the bookshop, the user requirements have been arrived at: 10) Automation Software (BAS): The BAS should help the users query whether a book is in stock. the exact number of copies available and the rack number in which the book is located should . The BAS should maintain the price of various books. As soon as a customer selects a book , the sales clerk would enter the title of the book for BAS to update the stock and generate the This software should also allow employces to update the inventory whenever a new supply Also upon request, the BAS should generate the sales statistics (the name of book, the name of ; the ISBN number, the number of copies sold, and the sales revenue) for any period. The sales will help the owner to know the extent of business done over any period of time and also the inventory levels required for various books. coding standard? How it differs from a coding guideline? Write down five important coding and coding guidelines that you would recommend. [6] © Mailerdaemon | For latest info about the college visit www.mailerdaemon in ination : VII — B.Tech. (EE) Semester : Monsoon Session : 2006 - 2007 ject : POWER ELECTRONICS. Time : 3 Hours Max Marks : 100 Instruction, if any + Kaswers must be brief and to the point Group — A (Attempt ai juestions (a). What is an inverter ? Give the classification of inverters. BI How can the problem of negative load current flow during the device- [3] switching period when VSI (Voltage Source Inverter) is connected with inductive load be overcome ? “Preloading resistance current should be the twice the load current when VSI ty is connected with inductive load but improves the load power factor” — Justify. With an appropriate circuit diagram, discuss the principle of working of a [6] three-phase full-bridge CSI (Current source Inverter) for balanced star connected resistive load. The sequence of firing of various BJT’s should also be indicated in the dageamn Draw Thyristor gate V-I characteristics indicating clearly the gate drive limits. [6] Explain, with the help of these characteristics, the selection of an operating point. What is the basic difference between thyristor and gate turn-off thyristor? Also [4] draw the circuit diagram for tun-ON and turn-OFF for GTO. How many types of bipolar transistors are there ? i Derive a relation between collector current and emitter current of a bipolar {3} transistor using KCL equation. What do you mean by current gain @ of a bipolar transistor ? Why the cures {2} gain is low (8 = 1) at high current levels in a power transistor ? Describe the switching characteristics of a BJT indicating delay time, rise [4] time, storage time, fall time “Resistance voltage divider is less efficient for de-de conversion” — Justify. [4] Explain the step-down chopper operating principle with the help of 2 x 2 [10] switch matrix and show all possible output voltage transformation ratio for different duty ratio of switch Q) . With a neat circuit diagram, discuss the operation of Class A & B chopper 1] Continued test info about the college visit SEMESTER: MONSOON, SESSION: 2006 -2007 & Semester: VII B. Tech. (ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING) OPTICAL NETWORKS Answer all questions from Section A and any two, from Section B. Time: 3 Hours Max Marks: 100 Section between [40] of dispersion and nonlinearity on a train of pulse propagating in-an ‘optical fiber ‘and FDM in optical communication and optical amplifiers polarized modes and hybrid modes in a step index optical fiber and slotted ALOHA ‘Switches and routers and virtual topology ‘alk due to cross phase modulation and that due to four wave mixing, 115] the number of voice channels in a DS - 4 level of digital hicrarchy. the number of voice channels in a T-3 level of multiplexing hierarchy. the bit rate of STS — 48 SONET frame. sr a fiber of core diameter 8m and having A value 0.003. Design a wavelength selective coupler [5] EDFA by fusing the two fibers such that for pump and sigral inputs, the throughput port has power ly 980 nm and the cross port has power only from, 1550 nm. Assume pure silica cladding (refractive = 1.46) A) =(w2) 1A/0) exp [= f+ B (dia) CCH) A= 5.279 3.663 V + 0.384V? B= 0.777 -+1.225 V- 0.013 V" = 0.018 - 0.006 V— 0.009 V" d= distance between the cores of the two fibers a~ core radius V = V number of the fiber Section B frame structure, and virtually tributaries of a SONI ling coefficient in multiplexing hierarchy, ET, What is the role of [20] ig , are the basic features of optical layer in wavelength routed optical networks? {10} jin the wavelength conversion in context of node design of an optical network. {10} (20) Multiplexers Filters © Mailerdaemon | For latest info about the college visit www.mailerdaemon in SEMESTER: MONSOON, SESSION: 2006-07 Examination: 7 Semester B. Tech (CSE) Full marks: 100 Subject: VLSI System Design ‘Time: 3 Hours \ctions: Answer all tions from any two Questions fic [Section-A (60 Marks)] QI(@) Derive the current-voltage relationship of an nMOS device in different operating reqion- 6 (b) Describe a process to fabricate a CMOS device with suitable diagrams. @) Q2(a) Design different on-off switches using MOS transistors, and explain their characteristics, @ (b) Calculate the values of threshold voltage of an n-type transistor at zero and 2.0 V substrate bias with the following parameters: © Temperature is 300°K, Si substrate with N, = 3.50 x 10'%, SiO, gate oxide with thickness is 200 A, Qe =0, dus = - 0.9 V, Ni= 1.45 x 10", Eg; = 11.0 x8.85«10"4 Flom, k = 1.38 x 10 J/°K, Eox = 4.0 x8.85*10™ Fem, q=1.6 «10°? Coulomb, Q3(a) Define and estimate R,, [1Cg, and t. Explain the reasons of asymmetric delays in inverters. © (b) Find the capacitance in OC, from Metal-1 (0,075) and Polysilicon (0.1) to substrate if all have same sizes equal to L = 100 A and W =3 A, The values in the bracket indicate the relative capacitance @) Qa) List different alternate CMOS logic structures used in implementing logic functions. Describe CMOS domino and CVSL methods. (8) (b) Design a pseudo-nMOS gate that implements the function F = (C. (A+B +C)+ @.E. Py. Q Q5(a) Describe the design overview of the n-bit carry select adder and show that the design is optimized when M = Yn-ki/k2, where M is the number of blocks, ki and kz are the delays through one adder cell and one multiplexer, respectively. (6) (b) Design and explain the Manchester carry-chain element. Can it be cascaded? Justify your answer. (4) (a) Differentiate between the pass transistor and transmission gate. Design a 4-bit dynamic shift register using transmission gate. @ () Design a CMOS bistable circuit and explain its bistable behavior. Also implement a. CMOS SR latch using NAND gates. 6) © Mailerdaemon | For latest info about the college visit (®) A simple digital watch has a display and two buttons to set it, the A button and the B bution, The hhas two modes of operation, display time and set time. In the display time mode, hours and m displayed, separated by a flashing colon. ‘The set time mede has two sub-odes, set hours and set ‘The A button is used to select modes. Each time it is pressed, the mode advances in the sequence set hours, set minutes, display, etc. If the B button is pressed and held for more than 5 seconds in mode, the hours or minutes (depending on the sub-mode) increment once every 1 second. Prepare. diagram of the watch. ie fe) Draw the structure chart for the following program: & musing) f ittxy: 2-0: 7-0; 20; 60; ao f° xeeepepend oo J xext Sr yophe: as} How would you modifi this program to improve the modularity’) (d) If cyclomatic complexity of a module is much higher than the suggested limit of 10, what will you Give reasons and guidelines for whatever you propose 4} (a) Brielly highlight the diffsrencey between code inspection and code walk-through? Compare the ‘merits of code inspection and code walk-through. 3] (b) Using the quadratic formula as a starting point, prepare a data flow diagram for computing the root the quadratic equation ax’ +bx + ¢ = 0, Real numbers a, b, and ¢ are inputs. Outputs are values of x=. and x= R2, wiich satisfy the equation, Remember, RJ and R2 may be real or complex, depending om valucs of a, b, and ¢. The quadratic formula for RI and R2 is (b + SQRT (b? — dac)V@a). [61 (©) Consider a vending machine diat wakes quarters and when it has received two quarters, gives a.can of Develop a state model of this system, and then generate set of test cases for the various criteria, [6] (d) What do you mean by the terms cohesion and coupling in the context of software design’? ic) SECTION B (a) Explain LOC-hased estimation techuique with example, What are the relative advantages of using € the LOC o the function point metrie to measure the size of a software product? (a (b) Using your knowledge of how an Automatic Teller Machine (ATM) is used, develop a set of us thal could serve as a basis for understanding the requirements for an ATM system. 6] (©) Suppose you have to test a class for implementing a queue of integers. Using state-based approach ( one criteria for it), gemerate a Set of test cases that you will use to test it, Assione standard. ‘operations li add, delete on the queue (8) (@) Who should be involved in a reguirements review’? Draw a pracess model showing how a requirem: review might be organized. (4) (b) A company has to design a simple information system. There aze four major modules, which are gi below: > Name of Module _ Lines of Code (LOC) | Data Entry - 600 600 800 1000 3000 | © Mailerdaemon | For latest info about the college visit SEMESTER : MONSOONIWINTER SESSION: 2008-07 Examination & Semester: Vil Sem. B. Tech. (PE) Subject (Block Letters) UNIT OPERATIOIN Time: 3 Hours Max.Marks: 100 Instructions : 1. Section A is compulsory. Answer any. two question from Section B. 2. State all necessary and relevant assumptions 3. Assume any missing data suitably. Q.No. | Question Marks ‘Section A (Compulsory) | 60 4 ‘Answer the following questions : 10x1 (a) What are various types of solid diffusion? {b) Define equilibrium moisture. (c) State Fick's first Law. Write its equation. What is the significance of negative sign. (d) Define deviating Velocity. What is the time average value of deviating velocity for a system? (e) What is differential condensation? (f) What is reflux? What is its importance in distillation? (g) State Roult’s Law. Where can this be used. (h) Define superficial gas velocity. How is it related to fluid density? (i) Define turndown ratio. (j) What are thickeners? Give an example of their industrial use. z ‘Answer the following questions : 40x2 (a) What is equilibrium distribution curve? Explain through graphical presentation. Wiet causes the net transfer of solute to stop? (b) What is film theory of Mass Transfer? Why has this theory been discredited? (c) Define stage for inter-phase Mass Transfer. What is an ideal stage? (@) For gas absorption, explain why is there an optimum value for (i) Tray Spacing in a tray tower. (ii) Gas pressure drop per unit height in a packed tower. © Mailerdaemon | For latest info about the coll Continued from page 2 Page No. 03 By, :-] What is flash distillation? Explain its principle. Under what circumstances is it used? 4 Section B (Answer any two Questions) 40 The equilibrium partial pressure of carbon dioxide over aqueous solutions of monoethanolamine (30 wt%) are : Partial pressure, CO2, mmHg mol CO2 250 50°C 7c mol solution 0.080 65 0082 18 935 0.084 138 1426 0.086 250 245, 0.068 56 a4 600 0.060 128 90.0 0.062 29.0 259 9.984 89 0.008 esr 0.068 195 0.070 232 A plant manufacturing dry ice will bum coke in air to produce a flue gas which, when cleaned and cooled, will contain 15% CO2, 6% Oz, 79.0% Nz The gas will be blown into a sieve-tray-tower scrubber at 1.2 std atm, 25°C, to be scrubbed with a 30% ethanolamine solution entering at 25°C. The scrubbing liquid, which is recycled from a stripper, will contain 0.058 mo! CO2/mol solution. The gas leaving the scrubber is to contain 2% CO2 Assume isothermal operation. (a) Determine the minimum liquid/gas ratio, mol/mol. (b) Determine the number of kilograms of solution to enter the absorber per cubic meter of entering gas, for an L/G ratio of 1.2 times the minimum. ¢) Determine the number of theoretical trays for the conditions of part (6). a} The viscosity of the salution 6 6.8 oP; 98 gr = 1.012. Estimate the average slope of equilibrium curve and the overall tray efficiency to be expected. How many real trays are required? 20 ‘9. A miaiure of 36 percent ammonia and 85 percent water is to be separated, at a pressure of 10 atm, into overhead and bottom products of 987.5 and 2.5 percent, ammonia, respectively. The feed enters at 15.6°C. A reflux ratio of 2 is to be used. (a) Per kilogram of overhead product, how much heat must be withdrawn at the condenser and how much added at the reboiler? (b) How many ideal plates are needed, and where should the feed be introduced? (c) What are the vapor and liquid flows at each point in the plant? © Mailerdaemon | For latest info about the college visit www.mailerdaemon in w Group — B ( Attempt all questions ) (a). Whatis a eycloconverter 2 RP} (), Describe the basic working principle of single-phase to single-phase mid-point res] step-down cycloconverter with resistive load for both continuous. and discontinuous conductions. 5 t hoy in the above circuit, the thyristor is gated with a pulse width of 40 js Seo. The latching current of thyristor is 36 mA, for a ioad of 120 Q and 4 H. Will the thyristor get tumed on? Check if the answer is negative, How this difficulty can be overcome for the given load ? Find the maximum value of the remedial Parameters. Gla). Describe the working of a single phase one-pulse (half-wave) SCR controlled [7] converter with RLE load through the waveforms of supply voltage, load voltage, load current, voliage across the SCR current through SCR and current through source, (©). Derive expressions for the load.current in. terms of supply voltage, load By impedance; firing angle and load voltage for a single-phase one-pulse (half. wave) SCR controlled converter with RLE load, %(a). What is SMPS ? List the various types of SMPSs. Enumerate the advantages [4] and disadvantages possessed by SMPSs, (®). Discuss the fly back type of SMPS with necessary derivation, [6] 8(a). Sketch the two thyristors equivalent circuit for TRIAC. Give the cross- [5] Sectional view of a TRIAC and explain its turn-on process with relevant diagrams under MT» (+Ve), Gate (Ve) w.r.t, MT} (b). With a neat circuit diagram and input / output waveforms, describe TRIAC- [5] DIAC based ac controller for resistive lead, 9. Write short-note on any one of the following : (10) (@ Pulse commutation G UPS © Mailerdaemon | For latest info about the college visit SEMESTER: MONSOON SESSION: 2006-2007 mination & Semester: B.Tech (PE), VII Semester \ject: OIL AND GAS PROCESSING PLANT DESIGN(PEE We Of) Time: 3 hrs. ction: Assume any missing data Max.Marks: 100 Question Marks Part I: Answer ALL questions (10 x 6) a) What is an oilfield emulsion? Discuss the principles of field 10 demulsification process. 'b) Draw the sectional view of heater-treater containing electrostatic coalescing device. a) Why is dehydration of natural gas necessary? What is the relative 10 advantages of solid desiccant over liquid dehydration agent? b) Discuss the process of dehydration by Zeolite including regeneration How does the Turbo expander work? 10 ‘Natural gas at 500 psig is expanded to 50 psig through a turbo expander. 1 Calculate the work and temperature output given the following * information. SG = 0.85, Z= 0.90, Cp = 5.0 Btu/°F/MSCE Discuss the problems associated with production and utilization of sour 10 natural gas. How is sour natural gas sweetened Natural Gas is required to be cooled to about — 40” C for extraction of 10 LPG. Discuss the types of cooling system used for the process. Draw the schematic diagram of the system. Describe in detail with schematic diagram of Amine sweetening process 10 used for natural gas. ; Part-II: Answer any TWO questions 20 x 2=40 ‘A Gas dehydration unit is to be designed for the following conditions 20 Gas rate 98 mmscfid at 0.67 SG Saturated water at 1000 psig, 1 10°F, 80 Ib/mm scf Dehydrate to 7 Ib/mm sef Agent TEG (98.5%) Cp (Contactor) 0.852 Assume : Glycol circulation rate 2.5 gal TEG/Ib H,0 DM =125 mm zZ = 0.865 Reboiler heat duty =943 Btw/gal Calculate: Contactor diameter ‘ Duty for gas/glycal changer © Mailerdaemon | For latest info about the college visit www.mailerdaemon it SEMES =R: MONSOON xamination: VIE B.TECH (MINING ENGINEERING) uubject: 1T APPLICATIONS IN MINING SLON: 2006-07 Time: 3 Hours Max Marks: 100 truction: Answer ANY TWO questions from section A and ALL questions from section B SECTION A 1 ‘Questions = Marks | Describe with suitable ples the major applications of | 20 Informarion Technology in Mineral Industries. List he widely wused GUI Software packages along with their applications in mining industries. | a) What are the various components of DBMS? Explain them in| 8 | details. , b) Describe in detail the scheme of de- slopment of Human Resource | 49 |__ Information Systems (HRIS) for mining industries. | How does ANN work? What are the different approaches to train} 20 | ANN? What the areas of applications of Artificiai Neural | Networks in mining industries? SECTION B - Questions Marks Describe in details different modules of an ERP available for mining! 10 industry and their applications with suitable examples. ‘What are the most common types of computer systems? State the 10 unique features and the major applications of Supercomputers. How does differential GPS work? What factors would you consider + 10 before buying a GPS? What are the major applications of GPS in mining area? What are the major impacts of robotics in mining? State briefly the | 10 various robotics operations which are possible in mining activities, | What are the major elements of project management? What is| 10 « | resource balancing? Mention the steps required to balance the resource manually in project management software Write Short notes on : = 2) Importance of wireless communication in mines 5 b) Virtual reality in mining industry ie as ae © Mailerdzemon | For latest info about the college visit wnw.mailerdaemon in [Section-B (40 Marks)] Qa) Estimate the delay of an a-input AMOS NAND gate in terms of 1,.,, where % the celay in nMOS inverter. (b) Derive the expression for the output voliage of the CMOS inverte: when Vas = < Voo!2. i¢., when the p-device and n-device are in nonsaturated and satu n, respectively. (c) Design Baugh-Wooley multiplies for multiplying two a-bit numbers in 4 complement for. OS(a) iDvaw a typical memory-chip architecture and a generic RAM cirexsit () Design a six-transistor static RAM cell and a four-transistor dynamic RAM Explain the read/write operation on static RAM cell (©) Design a one+transistor dynamic memory cell and explain the read/ operations. ¢ Q9 White short note on the following: (10+ {i) Driving of large capacitive toads {il) + Lambda-based design rules © Mailerdaemon | For latest info about the college visit ake Examination: Vil B. Tech (ME) Session: 2006-2007 Semester: Subject: ADVANCED MINE VENTILATION (MEE-17102) Time 3 hrs. Max. Mark 100 Instruction : Answer any TWO questions from Section — A and ALL questions from Section—B Section -A Qt What are the different methods employed for ventilation network (20) analysis ? Briefly explain each of these methods with suitable examples. Q2 A ventilation circuit and resistance of branches in Ns’/m® are shown in (20) the figure. Determine the distribution of air flow in different branches upto three iterations. x qy Pf=2000Pa = R=OS Q.3 The following data were obtained from pressure survey of amine 1000 m (20) deep, consisting of downcast shaft, workings and upcast shaft. Readings were taken at 200 m interval. Calculate frictional energy requirement for downcast, working and upcast, separately and total frictional energy requirement considering the variation in moisture content. Depth WBT DBT Barometric Apparent specific Apparent specific (m) °c) (cy pressure volume ‘humidity (Pa) (mtg) (akg) Downeast ~ 0 10 15 85.0 0.98412 7.08 200 «12 13 86.67 0.96266 9.81 400 14 14 88.395, 0.94863 11.45 600 16 16 90.17 0.93941 12.79 800 18 18 = 91.995 0.92929 14.27 1000.20.20 93.875 0.91926 15.88 ‘Workings follow straight line relationship with respect to thermodynamic properties, Upcast 1000 30 30 92.375 0.98733 29.93 800 28 28 90.205 1.00019 27.19 600 26 26 88.075 1.01362 24.67 400 24 8924 85.985 1.02762 22.35 200 «22 22 83.935 1.04218 20.22 oO 20-20 _—81.925 1.05729 18.27 © Mailerdaemon | For latest info about the college visit www.mailerdaemon in Continued from page 1 Pago No. 02 (e) What is Fugacity? What is lis importance? Write an | equation relating Fugacity to Chemical Potential. | (f) What is diffusion? Why does it occur? What is its role | in mass transfer operations? (g) Explain the concept of Boundary Layer. With the help of a neat sketch, show laminar, transit and turbulent boundary layer for flow on a flat surface. (h) What are cascades? What is their advantage in mass transfer operations? What is fractional overall slage efficiency of a cascade? (i) What are mejor types of packing? Give example of each. Which one is more efficient and why. | () What is gas hold up? How is it related to slip velocity | |__for a gas liquid system? Explain moisture content, wet basis. A wet solid is to be dried from 80 to 5% moisture, wet basis. Compute the moisture to be evaporated, per 1000 kg of dried product a ‘Under what condition does operating Tine lies:- 6 a) Above equilibrium line ) Below equiliorium line Amonia is to be scrubbed from a gas containing 4% ammonia and 96% air by volume, in @ counter current plate absorber. For working, water containing 0.003 mole NHz per mole of HzO is to be used at rate of 1.1 mole HzO per mole of air of the ammonia entering in the gas 90% is to be absorbed. At the temperature of the operation, 20°C, K factor of ammonia is — K= 0.80 mol NH3/Mol air mol NH3/mol H2O | 1) What is the exit concentration of ammonia in the liquid? il) How many ideal plates are required? L, I 5 Represent operating characieristics of sieve trays for|/4 g@s liquid operation on a liquid rate v/s gas rate graph. Indicate tho areas of satisfactory operation, weeping, flooding, priming, excessive entrainment, coning and dumping. Draw a sketch of the sieve tray indicating active area, disengagement and distribution zones { downspouts and man ways. 6. For absorption and fractionating columns, what are the [5 various kinds of plate efficiencies? Snow by means of equations, how are they related to concentration of vapour equilibrium. With the help of a neat labeled sketch, describe the [5 operation of spray drier with parallel flow. © Mailerdaemon | For latest info about the college visit SEMESTER: MONSOON, SESSION:2006-2007 ition & Semester: VII_B.Tech (Electronics Engineering ) Block letters ): Embedded system ‘Time: 3 Hours ions, if any: Seetion A is Compulsory Max, Marks: 100 Answer any TWO from Section B \(if any): Marks: io Question Marks SECTION-A a) Explain the working of program status word register. What is the purpose of OV and CY flags? b) Show the status of the CY, AC, and P flags after addition of 88H and 93H. 74+3=10 a) For a machine cycle of 1.085ps, find the delay in the following subroutine: DELAY: MOV R2, #200 AGAIN: MOY R3, #250 HERE: NOP : NOP DJINZ R3, HERE DJNZ R2, AGAIN RET b) Which register bank is used if we alter RSO and RSI of the PSW by the following two instructions: SETB PSW3 SETB PSW.4 Gr4=10 Write a program to copy the value SSH into RAM memory locations 40H to 45H using a) direct addressing mode b) register indirect addressing mode without a loop, and ©) with 2 loop 10 a) Indicate which mode and which timer are selected for each of the following: i) MOV TMOD, #01 i) MOV TMOD, #20 MOV TMOD, #12H b) Assuming that XTAL=11.0592MHz, write a program to generate a square wave of 2 kHz frequency on pin P15. ©) Differentiate between Mode 0 and Mode 1 of the 8051 timers. 34+542=10 © Mailerdaemon | For latest info about the college visit www.mailerdaemon in Page No. of Vapor-Liguid Equilibrium data: [a0 sos fea dt TBS | 35853908 [Aan [ecTeo tess i 3s B35 i ae Lae 0 Enthalpy vaiue of — * — Nepour from top plate: 1600 kjkg * Overhead product 310 kjkg 4 A film of polymer 2 m wide and 0.76 mm thick leaves the | 20 ‘surface of a heated drum containing 35 weight percent (Gry basis) of acetone. itis dried by exposing bor secs Of the film to airat 1 alm and 65°C containing essentially | the aelone vapor. The flow of air is across the faces ¢¢ the film at 3 mis. The critical acetone conten: is 25 | Weight percent acetone (ary basis). The equilibrium } acetone content is negligible. The density of the dry Sold fs 800 kg/m3. (@) What would be the suriace | temperature of the flim during the constant rate period? | (©) What would be the constant drying rate, in kilograms j Bel SGuare meter per hour? (c) How long would i ake te reduce the acetone diffusivity of acetone Content from 35 to 1 percent, if the in the solid is 8 x 10-4 cm2/s? For hylMMieKy is 1.76 when hy is in hy + heat transfer coefficient botween air and solid | surface Mp - molecular weight of air Ky «_mass transfer coefficient from solid surtace to air {y :_mass trans soli it i nin © Mailerdaemon | For latest info about the college visit vww.mailerdaemot Examination: VII B Tech (MLE) Session: 2006-07 Semester: Monsoon Subject: Computational Techniques in MLE Time: 3 Hours. Max Marks: 100 (Make assumptions where you feel they are necessary and state them clearly) SECTION — A (Answer all questions) 1a) What do you understand by critical speed of a Grinding Mill? 39 ») The critical speed (N) of a ball mill inversely Proportional to cestain power of the mil) Giameter (D), i.e. N a 1D"), witere Nis in rpm and D is in meters, From the given data develop the working relationship between them. Demm) | 2.5 27 29 3.1 33 3.5 3.7 N(cpm) | 26.8 23.7 24.9 24.0 23.2 22.7 21.9 2 Consider the following size distribution data and what kind of size distribution would you recommend for the above data 10 Size (mm) [0.045 | 0.075 [0.150 0500 0.850 |_1.000 Wt % Passing [ 35.0] 44.8 313 | 69.9 87.8 96.40 | 3° The tin assays in feed, concentrate and tails are measured to be 21.9%, 43.0% and 6.77% respectively during tin ore flotation, The feed contains 0.36% arsenic. If the arsenic content of the tails stream is to be maintained at 0.1%, how much atsenic must be recovered in the concentrate stream? 08 = Write notes on the following 2). Data Reconciliation. b). Specific rate of breakage ©). Penalty Function, d) Least Square Error Sx4 * Write a programme in either c or C-+ for the computation of Circulating Load ratio in the question 10 SECTION — B (Answer any Two) a). What is correlation coefficient? How is the goodness of fit related to this parameter? Explain its significance 06 ). Derive a general expression for the correlation coefficient for n set of data 14 Bring out the importance of using Lagrangian Multiplier (2) in mass balancing and derive an expression for correcting the errors involved in assay components, 20 The following particle size distributions in the three streams of a hydrocyclone are obtained by Seve analysis. The size range is in microns and the amount in %oweight in, Use the dats et Size range | 1000-800 | 800-500 | 500-150 | 150-45 | 45 Feed 3.20 9.90 | 26.6 13 [49.0 OF 0.01 0.89 [2.10 [7.80 [89.20 UF 4.70 14.10 [38.20 [16.40_[26.60 a). Comment on the size distribution »). Find out the best estimate of the percentage of the feed mass Teporting to U/R, ©). Adjust the size distribution data such that mass balance equations are satisfied DD © Mailerdaemon | For latest info about the college visit www.mailerdaemon in [2 ~ A gas sweetening unit is to be designed for the following Gas = 100 MM sefd SG 0.67 lop = 1000 psig T = 100° F +) COs inlet 2 4.03% Outlet "= 2% HGS inlet = (19 ppm) Outle: 4 ppm Cp (Contactor) 0.689 | | 1 | (Show that DEA unit is an acceptable process (ii) Determine DEA circulation rate using 35 wi% DEA and an acid gas loading of 0.50 mole acid gas/mole of DEA. Gi) Diameter & Height for contactor | (iv) Approx. reboiler duty with 25 | | | | \" F reboiler temperature Write noies on any three (i) Crude oil stabilization system (ii) LPG starage & Handling system Gil) Processing € utilization of NGL. (iv) Sulphur Reegvery: from sour natural gas, Lf © Mailerdaemon | For latest info about the college visit ‘VI. SEMESTER B.TECH (MINING ENGINEERING)- 2006 (Monsoon Semester) MEC-17104- MINE LEGISLATION AND SAFETY Time- 3 hours Maximum Marks- 100 Instruction: Answer ALL questions from SECTION-A and ANY TWO from SECTION-B SECTION-A. 1. Discuss the provisions of The Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) Act, 1957 and The Mineral Concession Rules, 1960 on followings:- (a) Conditions of prospecting licence. (b) Renewal of mining Jase. ($3271) . Write down the statutory provisions on initial and periodic medical examinations . (12) 3. Write short notes on: (a) First Aid Station (b) Flexible Cable (6x2 =12) 4. State briefly the statutory provisions on: (a) Notice of abandonment or discontinuance (b) Qualification and appointment of manager. (6x2 =12) m . What precautions swoatd! ake while working below railways and roads? State the Precautions required to be taken in multi-section or contiguous working. (12) SECTION-B 6. How are accidents classified for the purpose of reporting? When is a court of inquiry instituted and by whom? State the purpose and describe the method of carrying out statistical analysis of mine accidents. (20) 7. What precautions are required to be taken, under the provisions of CMR, 1957, while drilling, charging, stemming and firing shot-holes? Write down the provisions of CMR 1957 on Electric Shot-firing. | (20) 8. Write short notes on: (a) Vocational Training (b) Power of Central Government to make regulations (10x2=20) © Mailerdaemon | For latest info about the college visit www.mailerdaemon in Monsoon SEMESTER: WINTER, SESSION: 2006-2007 Examination & Semester: B.Tech (PE) Examination, VII Semester Subject: PETROLEUM ENGINEERING DESIGN Time: 3 hour (PEC- 17101) Instructions: Assume any missing data and use normal ‘Max. Marks: 100 graph paper wherever required. O@No. Question Marks PART-L Answer ALL questions (6x10) ; 1 Calculate water operating level and design water weir height 10 for bucket and weir type three phase separator from the following given data: Oil flow rate = 5000 BOPD at 40°API Water flow rate = 3000 BWPD at 1.07 SG Oil operating level = 45.2 in. Oil pad thickness = 24 in. coat: weir height = 36 in. _ 2 | Draw the sectional view of the following: 10 (i) Three phase vertical oil and gas separator | (ii) Horizontal Heater Treater a 3 Calculate the diameter of a two phase vertical separator using 10 gas capacity constraints for the flow rates, conditions and other informations listed below. Gas flow rate = 10 MMSCFD ~ Gas gravity=0.65 Oil flow rate = 2000 BOPD Oil gravity = 38 °API Gas compressibility =0.834 Drag coefficient = 1.162 Operating pressure = 1000 psi Operating temperature = 60° F Assume a liquid droplet diameter entrained in gas of 100 micron and a residence time of 3 minutes for the liquid. _ 4 Describe the various steps required for bracketing the point of 10 gas injection in universal design of continuous gas lift system. 5 | The production of a SRP well is 335 bbl/day of a 0.87 gravity 10 fluid at a polished stroke length of 64 in. and a pumping speed of 20.5 spm. Depth to the pump is 4560 fi and the weight of sucker rod string 7433 Ib. Determine the horse power rating of the electric motor to be used as the prime mover if the | manufacturer recommends a 25% reduction in name plate rating because of cyclic loading. Assume the pump is to be set at the working fluid level and neglect the tubing pressure. | 6 Write short notes on any two of the following 5x2 a) Total dynamic head b) Modelling of oil and gas phase separation in separators ¢) Economic development of oil and gas fields © Mailerdaemon | For latest info about the college visit www.mailerdaemon in Section -B 4 ASsample mine ventilation circuits illustrated below (10) | yer Reno, Re The following additional information are given Fan pressure : 2600 Pa, NVP - 500 Pa in the direction of airflow, the resistances of branches are as given in the diagram. ‘A regulator is to be constructed in the circuit as shown in the figure to limit the branch airflow to 20 m’/s. Find the resistance to be offered by the fegulaior and also determine the branch airfiows with the given resistance of branches. Q.5 Derive correction factor for Hardy Cross method of iterative analysis end (1 ‘explain how it can be applied to complete mine ventilation network Q.6 Describe the different sources of heat and moisture in a longwall panel, (1 Q.7 Ina stope the ventilating air has a speed of 1 m/s. Calculate the rate at (1 which heat is convected from a workman, assuming that his body has an average diameter of 200 mm. Assume further that fa] the workman has @ skin area of 1.5 m? and an average skin temperature of 35°C. b} the air is at 20°C wet bulb, 31°C dry bulb and 100 kPa pressure. The convective heat transfer coefficient of air passing over workman is 9.5 wim? °C Q.8 — Considenng the air to be 2 compressible fluid, derive a thermodynamic (11 relationship for alow in a mine roadway without varying in moisture content and generalise the integral equation which can be applied to complete mine ventilation network Deseribe with a neat sketch the density elevation diagram for a complete mine ventilation circuit. © Mailerdaemon | For latest info about the college visit pRODUCTION MACHINERY (MIMC:1711 SEMESTER B. Tech. MINING MACHINERY. ENGINEERING. 2006-07 :3 HOURS INSTRUCTIONS : 1, Attempt ANY TWO questions from SECTION-A and ALL questions from SECTION-B. 2, Wherever possible answer should be supplemented by relevant & proportional sketches: 3, Figures in the margin indicate full marks. SECTION ~ A with the help of neat sketches explain the steps of different hydraulic control system in powered support. Draw a neat sketch of a Simba-Junior rill Rig and label the main components. Write down the function of each part. Reproduce the steps to be followed fo drill Jong hole with this machine. with the help of general view, gear layout and hydraulic circuit diagram, deseribe the wen ruction and operation of a double drum sneares Toader with both the drums in one side. SECTION-B Name different types of cutter head used swith Roadheaders and explain their cutting process. What arg the advantages and rcadvantages of each type of culter hezd ? Draw a general layout of a heading face showing different accessories. Explain how rock is loaded and discharged by Dintheader. Write short note on any one of the following : (a) Safety regulations related to underground mining equipment, (>) Continuous “Miner. a = With line diagram discuss the mechanism off cutter chain operation and swivelling of jib of a longwal coal cutter. With the help of neat sketches classify and describe the constructional differences among different types of coal plough « Enumerate the steps for assessing total power requirement of a double ended ranging drum shearer loader. se 5 a) Explain how division and multiplication is performed in 8031. b) Explain the difference between SIMP and LIMP instructions of 8051. OH=10 6 a) Assume that P1 is an input port connected fo a temperature sensor. Write a program to read the temperature and test it the value 75. According to the test results, place the temperature value into the registers indicated by the following: then A=75 then RIT then RET b) Assume that register A has packed BCD, write a program to convert packed BCD into ASCII numbers and place them in R2 and RO. 545-10 SECTION.B 2 4) Explain the use of SBUF and SCON registers of 8051. b) What is the importance of TI flag? ©) Write a program for the S051 to transfer the letter “A” serially at 4800 baud, continuously. 104515-28) 8 a) Draw the pin diagram of 8051 microcontroller and explain the function of digital /O ports. What are the special features of port b) Explain the RAM memory space allocation in the 8051. 10+10=20. 9, a) Explain the TCON and Interrupt priority registers of SUSI. bb) What is a watchdog timer? Explain interrupt clash and time sharing, problem in embedded processor. 10+10=20 © Mailerdaemon | For latest info about the college visit —VIl Semester B.Tech (Mech. Engg.) Session: 2006 — 07 Manufacturing System Full Marks: 100 Time: 3 hours St Missing data if any are to be judiciously assumed Group -A Answer any two from Group A ‘The following machine and product association matric is available. Analyse [20] Machine cell formation using Similarity Coefficient Method and Rank Order Clustering Method. ROWS - MACHINES & COLUMN - JOBS (_JA[B[CTO[E|FIS Tlofo{1{oj1{olo wilt{tjo[1[o}olo mi1{olo{4{o|1\o wiolt{1 (1 fololt violol1fol1 {ols wart to lt (1 {4i1) (a) With a neat diagram, discuss the flow of material and kanbans through a dual- [8] kanban JIT system (b) The current set up cost is $ 1000 per set up with an annual demand of 4000 units. [12] The unit cost is $ 50 and annual inventory carrying cost is 20% of the unit cost. The set up cost can be reduced by 10% under JIT environment on an investment of $ 700. Annual cost of capital (investment) is 20%. Reduction in set up cost and investment follow logarithmic function. Assume EOQ model. Determine |. original order quantity Il. new set up cost Il new order quantity 1V. original plan cost V. investment requirement Vi. new plan cost 3 (a) Discuss, with neat diagram if required, at least three methods of reducing setup [10] time under JIT environment (b) List and briefly discuss the role of computer in Computer Integrated [10] Manufacturing environment Examination: VI-B.Tech. (MM & Mech) Session: 2006-07 Semester: Monsoon Subject: Measurement & Instrumentation Max Marks: 100 Time: 3 Hours GROUP A (Attempt any two questions) (1) (a) Deseribe the transduction phenomena in a strain gauge and deduce the concerned expression of it. [10] (b) Show how fluid pressure can be measured by using a strain gauge. [10] (2) (a) Briefly deseribe the various methods of temperature measurement. [20] (3) (a) Describe the basic principle of operation of an ideal operational amplifier and mention its properties. [10] (b) With the help of necessary diagrams describe a low-pass active filter. [10] GROUP — B (Attempt all the questions) (4) What do you mean by signal conditioning? Show how a signal can be integrated over time. [19] (5) What is the basic difference between an analog.and.a digital data acquisition system.? Describe the basic principle of operation of an A/D converter. [10] (©) Whatis the function of a digital storage oseilloseope? How does it help in measurement and instrumentation? (10) (With the help of block diagrams explain the basic principle of operation of a microprocessor. [10] (8) A piezo-electric crystal having a dimension of 6mmx6mmx1.5mm with a voltage sensitivity of 0.06Vm/N is used for measurement of a pressure; Calculate the pressure if the voltage output developed is 120V. GS] (9) Two parallel plates each of area 3omx3cm overlapping each other are arranged so as to serve as a displacement transducer. The plate spacing is 0.25mm. The movable plate is subjected to linear displacement along the plane of plates. Calculate the transduced effect of the transducer for a displacement of | mm. [5] (10) A strain gauge of resistance 1200 is subjected to a tensile force. The resistance wire has the Poisson’s ratio as 0.5 and the piezo-resistivity as 0.05, Find the increase in resistance of the strain gauge if the strain is 10%. 6] (11) An electromagnetic flow meter is connected to a pipe line of internal diameter 120mm. The pipe is carrying a conductive liquid with a flow rate of 1.2 m/s. The conductivity of the liquid is 5x10 Qm. Find the output voltage of the flow meter if the operating flux density is 0.2 Wb/m’. 6) © Mailerdaemon | For latest info about the college visit www.mailerdaemon in ‘Semester : Monsoon Session : 2006-07 Examination & Semester : VII Semester, ME Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 100 Subject (Block letters) : ROCK EXCAVATION ENGINEERING (MEE 17101) Instructions, if any (1) Answer any two questions from Section A and all from Section-B. (2) All questions carry marks as indicate @) TDucicredit wil be siven 40 neamnens and asegunie Ganectiom (4) Assume suitable data wherever necessary (5) Illustrate your answers with the help ras tc scares) SECTION- A Q.No. “Question Marks L What are the various geo-engineering properties of rock mass influencing the excavation methods? State the | (20) procedure of evaluating three most important parameters. 2. Explain drillability of rocks, How drilling penetration rate can be used for a blast design? What are the | (20) problems faced in underground drilling? 3. Write notes on : (a) Emulsion explosives (20) (b) Non-electric initiation (c) Computer controlled jumbo drilling machine (a) Critical diameter of explosives SECTION-B 4. How tock fragmentation affects the mining cost? Explain with figures how drilling & blasting can be | (12) optimized considering the rock fragmentation. 5. ‘What are the environmental hazards in blasting? Prepare guidelines for safe blasting practice. (2) 6. (a) Explain the selection criteria of a tunnel boring machine. List the problems generally encountered | (12) during tunnel boring. 7. Prepare an overview of the recent developments in underground excavation machinery and the constraints | (12) in their application in Indian context. 8. Write short notes on: (a) Raise climber (2x6=12) (b) Cast blasting © Mailerdaemon | For latest info about the college visit www.mailerdaemon in 2 Question PART- Tl: Answer any TWO questions (2x20) 2) Why heater treater is necessary for oil field application? Describe the various steps in determining size of a heater treater b) Design a complete horizontal electrostatic heater treater from the following given data Oil flow rate ~ 4000 BOPD Product water cut ~ 1% Inlet teraperature = 80° F | Treating temperature ~ 120° F Retention time = 20 minutes Oil viscosity = 9 ep Water viscosity = | ep Use equation dyin ~ 200 u."”* We?" for minimum water @) What is liquid fall back in an intermittent gas Ti operation? Discuss the various stages of liquid fall back and the factors which are responsible for it b)_ The following informations are given for an intermittent gas lift well Tubing pressure at the time of fift = 600 psi Tubing pressure ~ 50 psi Slippage loss factor ~ 0.07/1000 ft Tubing size =2°/sin. OD Valve depth = 5000 ft Tubing volume factor = 0.00387 bbI/ft Well fluid gradient = 0.4 psilft Calculate @_— Caloulate fluid recovery per eycle Gi) Maximum number of eycles per day and (il) Daily production rate | ee 2) Daebte-neat sketch sacs pump and explain the various parts of API RP-4{ L specified sucker rod pumping unit b) Space unbalanced gas lift valves for a continuous gas lift well using graphical method from the informations listed below Depth ~ 80001 Static BHP = 2900 psi Desired rate = 700 B/D Tubing size = 2"/, 9 oD "Salt water = 95% Oil = 40 °APT Gas specific gravity = 0.65 Flowing surface tubing pressure = 100 psi PI=7 Kick off pressure ~ 950 psi Surface operating pressure ~ 900 psi Point of gas injection= 3820 Jt —— © Mailerdaemon | For latest info about the college visit Kill fluid gradient ~ 0.50 psv/ft | | droplet size OT | __ 10410, SH . Tech VII (Mech) Session 2006-2007 Monsoon Semester . Marks: 100 Subject: REFRIGERATION & AIR-CONDITIONING Time: 3 Hrs ction: {.Adempt any two questions thom Group A and all questions trom Group B, 2. Assume, suitably, missing data, if any. Notations have their usual meanings wherever used, GROUP ~ A (Answer any two questions) (a) A two-stage 10 TR NH refrigeration plant employs an external intercooler and a flash 15 intercooler. The condenser, intermediate and evaporator temperatures are 35°C, ~10°C, and —40°C, respectively. Refrigerant from LP compressor is intercooled to 40°C in the external intercooler before entering the flash chamber. Refrigerant leaves the condenser as saturated liquid and leaves the evaporator as vapour with 5° degree superheat. (@® Draw the schematic diagram of the plant and also draw the p-h and T-s plots of the cycle and determine (ii) Refrigerant mass flow rates in the evaporator and through the HP compressor, (ii) Total power consumption, and (iii) COP of the plant, (b) Discuss the effects of decreasing evaporator pressure on refrigeration effects and COP. (@)' What are primary and secondary refrigerants? 2 (b) What is meant by ‘ozone depletion potentiality’ of CFC refrigerants? What are Ozone- 4 friendly refrigerants? (c) Describe the nomenclature R-abe for reftigerants with examples of saturated and] 6 unsaturated hydrocarbons, brominated CFCs and isomers. (@) Discuss on the desirable properties of an ideal refrigerant. 8 (a) The following data refer to a simple aircraft refrigeration system with evaporative 15 cooling, Ram air at 1.05 bar pressure and 27°C temperature is compressed to a pressure of 4 bar before entering the heat exchanger, where air encounters a pressure drop of 0.2 bar. Cooled air at 1 bar pressure enters the cabin at a rate of 0,5 kg/s and leaves at a temperature of 26°C, The compressor and expander efficiencies are 80% and 83% respectively and the heat exchanger effectiveness is 0.84. Air from the heat exchanger is passed through the evaporative cooling chamber where there is a change of enthalpy of air at the rate of 25 kI/kg of airflow. The expander power is utilized to drive the blower, which supplies ram air for cooling of compressed air in the heat exchanger. Draw the schematic diagram of the system and show the cycle on T-s diagram to determine (i) refrigeration capacity in TR, (ii) power required for refrigeration, (iii) COP, (iv) power supplied to blower, (v) the amount of air handled by the blower if the ram air leaves the heat exchanger at 400K, (vi) If the latent heat of evaporation of the evaporant is 2000 ki/kg and the duration of flight is $ hours, determine how much evaporant is to be carried. 5 )) What is a central air-conditioning system? What are its advantages over the unitary air- conditioners? © Mailerdaemon | For latest info about the college visit www.mailerdaemon in 033 o.osz loom foo30 f- PSYCHRONETIC CHART &, o.028 BAROMETRIC PRESSURE 1.01325 BAR o.028 0% os? 7 ower [ o.cas | o.0s | f o.02s f, ? $e. pee ? eof Fe. ES ooa Q = oro = Poe Ee awe = 0.08 ors g| F 3 3 eee Fess eon EF = Eom z Sail = E oo? = ° 2 E os? Si E099 : Boe E100 0.008 0.001 0.006 o.005 fa004 0.003 IS CONTENT i Kg OFT IR oi © Mailerdaemon | For latest info about the college visit www.mailerdaemon in Group -B Answer all the questions from Group ~ B a4 With a neat schematic flowchart, discuss working principle of a Retrieval CAPP. [/ system as different part family formation techniques and brietly discuss ‘Jpitz GT coding system a6 With nest schematic diagram, describe the construction and working principle of a touch trigger probe used in a CMM a7 With neat schematic diagram, identify the input and outpt’ variable in a machinability data system. Q.8 (a) Name with reason the type of motors used in CNC machine tools for axis drive, spindle drive and tool magazine indexing (b) An indirect tool condition monitoring system is to be developed for driling using cutting force monitoring metnod. Identfy the machining characteristics to be monitored during driling end sensors used (©) Name at least four techniques of indirect too! condition monitoring other than cutting force monitoring 2.9 (a) Whatis the material of the probe tip of fouch tigger probe and why is it used? () Whet is tne material of the CMM table and why is it used? (c) What kind of bearing is used for the axis movernent in a CMM and why is it used? (d) What are the reesons for using inclined bed in turning centres? (©) What are the advantages of soft automation over hard automation when the batch size is small to medium? © Mailerdaemon | For latest info about the college visit EXAMINATION : - 2008-07 WS Semester : VII Subject : Combustion and Energy Engg. Time: 3Hours Full Marks : 100 Answer any TWO questions from section A. and all questions from section B SECTION A SLNo Questions Marks ‘ ‘ 1, Explain the different sources of energy and their percent contribution in India and in global scenario. Explain with a neat flow diagram how coal is converted into power. (20) 2(a) Discuss the significance of stoichiometric air , excess air, primary air and secondary air in combustion system. Why excess air becomes essential during combustion of most of the fuel? (10) (6) Describe the principles and operations ofa grate fired combustor. (10) 50 Kgs of coal having analyses as follows is burnt completely with 7% excess air, Find out the volume and composition of flue gas after combustion is complete at 900degree Centigrade, Proximate : M: 6%, V.M: 28%, Ash: 20%, FC: 46% . Ultimate : C; 80%, H:5 %, N: 3%, S: 2%,0 :10%. (20) + SECTION B Xp 4{a)_ Write down the mechanism of coal combustion in detail giving equations at all stages, What is the difference between oxidation and combustion? (10) (b) Enumerate the advantages and disadvantages of grate firing over pf firing in combustion process. (10) 5(a) Explain the principle and operation of fluidized bed combustion. Discuss -* Varions jocas aipectiog thi tluidised Bec (10) 7 Combustim. (b) Elin te tr eaves ae combustion and pollutants — ofa \ | 6. Write short notes on four of the faving 3 5X4=20 (20) Theory of conduction in solid bed i Fixed bed combustor 7 Non-conventional energy sources Radlabedic Flame’ temperature v. Limit of Inftamabr bibs © Mailerdaemon || For latest info about the college visit www.mailerdaemon it jester: MONSOON Session: 2006 -07 amination: VII Semester 8.Tech. (Mining Machinery Engg.) Time: 3 hrs ibject (block letters): “OPEN CAST LOADING AND TRANSPORT EQUIPMENT x. marks: 100 tions: Answer any two questions from Group A and all from Group B. Missing, if any, may be suitably assumed and such case state clearly the assumptions ic. Notations used have their usual meanings. ). No. Marks 1. Ahigh capacity belt conveyor handles iron ore at the rate of 4000 tph to a length of 1.5 km. The conveyor is inclined upwards at a gradient of | ~ in 30 to a length of 800 m and tuereafler runs horizontally upto its discharge end. The conveyor is loz'ed at a point 200 m away from the tail end and the rate of loading is 1500 iph. Further, the conveyor is loaded at another point 600 m away irom the tail end at the rate of 2500 tph. The conveyor runs at a speed of 2.5 mils. The troughing angle of the carrying idlers is 30°. Determine the belt width required for the conveyor. The idler friction factors are 6.3 (empty) and 0.4 (loaded). ‘The rotary mass of the carrying and return rollers is 65 kg/m and the mass of the belt is 60 kg/m. Determine the power required to drive the conveyor. Also find the maximum belt tension developed in this case. Suggest the schemes for conveyor drive and tensioning device indicating the Location of the take-up and take-up travel, Assume any other data if required, (20) a. . Describe the blade control mechanism of self - propelled Grader with neat sketch and explein the power transmission system of suich machine. (15) b. With a neat sketch, explain the hydraulically operated parallelogram ripper. (5) a. Explain the mechanism of power-shift transmission that is used in dumper with the help of diagram (1) b. Discuss on the Disc Brake system used in Front-end-loader. Mention the applicability of such machine with respect to power shovel (10) 2 “=” ‘Contd. Examination: VI B.Teeh (MM ) Monsoon Semester Session : 2006 2007 Subject : Electrical Power System Max Marks : 100 Time : 3 Hours Hruction: Attempt any two questions from GROUP ~ A and all questions from GROUP - B GROUP ~A ‘sing the concept of symmetrical components, derive the expression for fault current during line - to - Tine fault at the terminals of an unloaded 3-phase star-connected alternator with its utral grounded through an impedance Z x Iso establish the sequence network connections for the above fault. Use standard symbols and ume any data necessary. o A 10MVA, 11 KV, star - conneci<.l three* phase alternator connected toa busbar +ve,-ve and zero - sequence reactance of 20% , 20% and 8% respectively. A reactor 19% reactance based on the rating of the alternator is connected between the alternator tral and ground. A single line to grourd fault occurs at one of the busbar terminals ) the alternator is operating at rated voltag and at no_load. Calculate the magnitude of the fault currens: Neglect resistance of the alternator. 10410] ith a neat sketch discuss the constructional details and ‘principle of operation of ‘an induction overload relay. How 1D M T character tics is obtained in the re!ay? A SA induction disc overload relay has a current setting of 125 % and it has a time tultiplier setting of 0.70. The relay is connected to the load through aC T having a ratio of SA, Calculate the relay operating time if the load circuit draws a fault current of 3000 A. The relay characteristics is given below in tabular form for TMS = 1.0 [1446] ith the help of a neat phasor diagram , derive the expression for regulation of a short smission line. 100-km,Jong 3-phase. 50 Iz transmission line has following line constants : isiance/phase/km=0.1 ohm. Reaetance/phase/km=0.5 ohm, Susceptance/phase/km=I0 x 10° §, line supplies a load of 20 MW at 0.9 p.f. lageing at 66 kv at the receiving’end, calculate by incl T] method: (i) sending end voltage (ii) regulation (iil) transmission efficiency. - [8+12] 1 GROUP ~ B (Answer all questions) A food storage locker requites a R-12 reftigeration system of 50 TR capacity at evaporator temperature of -10°C and 2 condenser temperature of 30°C. Saturated I refrigerant from the condenser is subcooled before entering the expansion valve and the saturated vapour ftom the evaporator is superheated by 6°C in a regenerative exchanger. The compression is isentropic. A two-cylinder, single-acting compressor stroke 1.5 times the bore is to be used operating at 900 rpm, Determine (i) refrig effect per kg of refrigerant, (ii) reffigerant circulated per minute (iii) theoretical requited (iv) COP and (v) theoretical bore and stroke of the compressor. Specific vol An air-conditioned auditorium is to be maintained at 27°C DBT and 60% RH. The condition is 40°C DBT and 30°C WBT. The total sensible heat load is 100 MJ/hr and total latent heat load is 40 MJ/he. 60% of the return air is recirculated and mixed with of make up air after the cooling coi). The condition of air leaving the cooling coil is at | Determine: (i) room sensible heat factor. (ii) the condition of air entering the auditor ii) amount of make up air, (iv) ADP and (¥) By-pass factor of the cooling coil. (vi) SI the process on Psychometric chart. (a) What are the requirements of comfort air-conditioning? (b) Explain the statement “Cold countries has betier advantages in maintaining come conditions. With a schematic diagram, explain the operetion of an aqua-ammonia vapour absorpti refrigeration system, Discuss the necessity and functioning of an analyzer-rectifier unit & this system (@) What are the functions ofan expansion device in a refrigeration system? (b) What ore the advantages and disadvantages of capillary tube es an expansion device? (c) Why is expansion process in a vapour compression refrigeration eyele replaced by throttling process? Can the same be done for an air refrigeration system? With suitable sketches write short notes on: (i) Desert cooler. system, a _ Table for Properties of R-12 Temp. (°C) | Press. (bar) | _ sp (kI/kg-K) Ib (kJ/ke) hy (kJ/kg) | Cov [-=10 219 [0.7020 [26.9 1832 | (30 TAS 0.6854 64.6 hE I] Table for Proj Properties of saturated NH Degree of superheat of vapour Pres. | hr | by Sf | Or FB | | cay | cake | canex) °C) _ _ - 40 | 0727 | 189 | 1407.2 | 6.2410 1517 |__ 6.667 1624 =to | 291 7154.2 | 1450.2 | 5.7550, 1570 | 6.171 1683 © Mailerdaemon | For latest info about the college visit 35_{ 13.5" [366.1 [1488.6 | 5.2086 1634 . Tech VIL (Mech.) Session 2006-2007 Monsoon Semester rks: 100 Subject: HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER Time: 3 Hrs (Old Syllabus) tion: "Aticmpt any two questions from Group A and all questions from Group B. ‘Assume, suitably, missing data, if any. Notations have their usual meanings wherever used GROUP — A (Answer any two questions) Obtain a relation for the fin efficiency for ¢ fin of constant cross-sectional area Ac, 12 perimeter p, length L and thermal conductivity k exposed to a convective medium at temperature T., and heat transfer coefficient of h. Assume the fins are sufficiently long so that the temperature at the tip of the fin is nearly T... Take the temperature of the fin Pa at the base to be Tp. (i) Simplify the relation or a circular fin of diameter D. (i should be the length of the fin so that the fin can be considered as infinitely long. In amanufacturing facility, 5 em diameter biwss balls (k.= 111 Wim-K, density = $522 8 kal’, and Cy ~ 385 J7ke-K) initially at 120°< are quenched inja water bath at 50°C for a period of 2 min at a rato of 120 balls per minute, Tf the convection heat transfer coefficient is 238 Win?-K, determine (i) the temperature of the balls after quenching, and (i) the rate at which heat needs to be removed from the water in order to keep its ‘temperature constant at 50°C. Define radiosity and shape factor in connection to thermal radiation. 5 ) Two parallel plates of size 1 m x L_m spaced 0.5 m apart are: located in a very large room, the walls of which are maintained at a temperature of 27°C. One plate is maintained at a temperature of 900°C and the other at 400°C. Their emissivities are 0.2 and 0.5 respectively. If the plates exchange heat between themselves and surroundings, find the net heat transfer to each plate and to the room. The surface resistance of the oom may de taken as zero and the shape factor between the plates may be taken as 0.415. Starting from energy balance on a volume clement, derive the two-dimensional transient 12 heat conduction equation in rectangular coordinates for T (x, », ) for the case of constant thermal conductivity and no heat generation. 3) A single-pass, counter-flow concentric tube heat exchanger jg used to cool engine oil (epecific heat 2130. J/kg-K) from 160°C 10-60°C with-water available at 25°C as the coating medium. The flow. rate of cooling water through the inner tube of 0.5 m diameter is 2 kg/s while the flow rate of c'i through the outer annulus is also 2 kg/s. if the value of the overall beat transfer coefficient based op inner tube diameter is 250 Wim?-K, how long must #:¢ heat exchanger be to meet the cooling requirement © Mailerdaemon | For latest info about tie college visit www.mailerdaemon in. Subject: Energy Conversion Equipment Seeions 2006-07, BeTech. UL Sen(Medh-fegs) - Maximum Marks: 100 ‘Time: 3 hours Instructions: 1) Notations have their usual meanings. 2) Assume suitable data, if necessary 3) Bring steam table and Mollier diagram GROUP - A (Attempt any Two questions) Q1'a) Itis generally accepted that even though the efficiency of a Camot Cycle is higher, it is not considered a practical cycle for a steam turbine plant .Express your view point on this issue. 16] b) A Rankine Cycle has steam entering the turbine at 140 bar and 550°C. If the exhaust pressure is 0.06 bar and all processes are reversible, i) Find the cycle thermal efficiency, the work, ratio and the steam rate. ii) Ifthe efficiency of the turbine is 80% and the efficiency of the pump is 50%, what will be the thermal efficiency? iii) With the above values of turbine and pump efficiencies, if the boiler efficiency is 83% find the power plant thermal efficiency. [54445] Q2. a) What is the effect of maximum pressure, superheat and back pressure on thermal efficiency of steam turbine?-explain with appropriate thermodynamic plots. 5] b) A steam turbine plant equipped with a single regenerative feed heater operates under following conditions Initial steam pressure =16.5 bar Initial superheat = 93°C Extraction pressure= 2 bar Exhaust pressure = 0.05 bar : Compare the regenerative and non-regenerative cycle with respect to the following i) Thermal efficiency - ii) Steam consumption in kg per kWh and iii) Condenser duty (steam condensed per kWh). It may be assumed that the expansion is isentropic; that the feed water is heated to the steam saturation temperature in the heater. (15) Q3. a) Why is thermal efficiency of the gas turbine less even though the turbine develops greater power? ; What are the methods of improving the thermal efficiency of simple open cycle gas turbine? [343] b) Ina gas turbine plant the air at 10°C and | bar is compressed to 4 bar with compression efficiency of 80%. The air is heated in the regenerator and the combustion chamber til its temperature is raised to 700°C and during the process the pressure falls by © Mailerdaemon | For latest info about the college visit www.mailerdaemon in Q.No. © Mailerdaemon | For latest info about the college visit Group -B Question With the help of necessary sketches, explain the ground stockps systems using single boom. stacker and bucket wheel rec What are the merits and demerits of (a) window and ch Stockpiling and (b) bench and module reclaiming Classify the dozers. Discuss, on dozer operation with reference: digging, pile braking, transporting and spreading. How would affect the operation of dozers ? Name the ynain units of Explain the drive systems of aerial ropeways with neat label sketches. Discuss on the design paranicters to be considered capacity assessment of aerial ropeways ? Make a list of stations in aerial ropeways. Discuss on the factors to be considered for i1e selection of} continuous flow fixed path, intermittent flow fixed path and variable flow path material handling equipment. a. Enumerate the principle of dry and slippery road control cireuits of dumper. b. Discuss with suitable diagram the power transmiss.on system of electric dumper, Explain the dynamic braking system provides in sueh cumper. GROUP -B With a neat sketch, briefly explain the constructional details and operating Buchholz relay used for protection of oil ~ filled distribution transformers, typical faults that can be detected by this relay Two 10 MVA, 50 HZ, 11 KV altemators, each with 8 % reactanee run in pa busbar Y. A’ feeder of 1.21 ohms reactance is connected to bus-bar Y. Calculate the fault MYA. supplied to the fauit if a 3-phase dead short () atthe far end of the feeder. (ii) atthe starting point of the feeder Neglect resistances Derive an expression for the most economical power factor fora consumer of ‘An industrial organization takes a steady'load of 2 MW’ at power factor of 0.78 poys Rs. 1250 perKVA maximum demand per annum, Determine the rating of the bank required for minimum overall annuel expenditure if the condenser bank costs per KVAR, Interest and depreciation charges on the condenser bank is 10%. Mention the types of insulators used for overhead iransmission lines. A suspension string insulator has 3 units, Ezeh unit can withstand a maximum peak . The capacitance of each unit and metal svork is 20 per cent of the canacitance aximnum line voltege for whieh the Stting can be used (b) string sfficieney: Explain two-part tariff and power factor tarif. A factory has 2 maximum demand of SOOKW per mont, the load factor being following two tariffs are available () Rs 300 per KW maximum demand per month plus Rs 1.80 rer ka GIA flat rate of Rs 2.20 per kWh Determine the working hours per year above which the tarifi (i) would be chr aper, Write short notes on any two of the following: i, Reasons aud drawbacks of poor power factor in mines ii, Expulsion type lightning, « ii, Simple current differential protection © Mailerdaemon | For latest info about the college visit © Mailerdaemon | For latest info about the college visit GROUP - (Answer all questions) 4. | @) Derive expressions for diffusion resistance and rate 1) phere with constant densities on both sides of the sphere \ | | (py Pressurized hydrogen gas is stored at 358 K in a 4.3-m Out diameter and | | spherical container made of nickel. The molar concentration of hydrogen im | | at the inner surface is 0.087 Kmolim’, The concentration of hydrogen at at ave ie negligible, Determine the mass flow rate of hydrogen bby diffusion diffusion coefficient between hydrogen and of mass diffusion through { the nickel container. The binary } 112x107? mils at 358K. Tow does film boiling differ from nuelcate boiling? | (hy Dravr the boiling curve and identify the bument point on he curve, Why & pasticted 10 the aucleate regime in the design of boilers? jee hemiddeat se 6. | (a) What does “Equimolar Counterdiffusion’ mean? cure close to 1 atm, an industrial pipeline containing amr |) ented t0 ambient air by inserting Summ diameter tube, which extends for 20 | | the aunosphere, With entre systens operating at 25°C, determine (i) the mass oe na Tost to the almosphere and the mass rate of contamination of ammonia: pipe with aira(i) What are the mole ‘and mass fractions of air in the pipe | Eyamonia Row rate in the pipe is 5 ke/b. Take mass diffus:vity constant ammonia and airs 2.8 x 10° mts at'25°C. (b) To maintain a pres 7, [A far plate of width 10 em and length | m js maintained ot 6 uniform surface (em | of 230°C by using independeatly controll d; electrical strip heater each of which is | | {ong Hatmospheric air a 25°C flows over the plate ata velocity of 6¢ m/s, in whic | is the electrical input ‘maximum? What is the value of this input? m temperature (409 &): thermal diffusivity, v = 2¢.41« 10-8 mt || properties of aie at fin | thermal conductivity, k 0.0338 W/mK and Prandtl Number, Pr = 0.690. |_| Consider eritiea Reynold’s Number, Ree = 5x10? | | Average Nusselt Number eam be estimated from: flowy, Mr (o o37Re% - 871 Pr mnixed flow) 4, 20.668 Re, Pr’? (learning §. | Derive an expression for offectivenest | eet per of transfer units (NTU) and capacity ratio (C). for a parallel-flow heat exchinger in 12 he effective dnensions 4m x 3m x 3m high. The walls Tirebrick wall 73 mm thick c= 0.4 W/m-K), a 8 em thick lay | coramic blanket insulation (k= 0.2 “WhmeK) and a2 mm thick steel protective layer (k Wim-K). The inside temperature of the firebrick layer is measured as 600°C I temperature at the outside of steel layer is 60°C. Determine the rate ‘of heat loss throu | vertical walls of the furnace. Also calculate the temperature drops across the insulation’ | steel layers. i 9. | A boiler furnace has ¢ ‘constructed from a inner (0-14 bar. The air then expanded in the turbine and passes to regenerator, which effectiveness. and causes a pressure drop of 0.14 bar. If the isentropic efficiency turbine is 85% determine the thermal efficiency of the plant. GROUP-B (Attempt ALL questions) Q4. a) Discuss the working principle of a nuclear power plant. Mention its adh and disadvantages. b) A gas turbine plant operating on closed system uses 1.5 kg of ain/s and between pressure ratio of 5:1. The air enters the compressor at 15°C and turbine Assuming an isentropic efficiency of compressor as 0.85 and that of turbine as @ mechanical efficiency of compressor and turbine as 0-99 and combustion effici 0.98, determine the shaft power of the plant and overall efficiency. QS. a) Find expressions for the force, work done, diagram efficiency, gross stage efficiency and axial thrust for an impulse turbine. b) Find the condition of maximum blade efficiency in a single stage impulse turbine, ©) Define carryover co-efficient [ide Q6. a) Give reasons for compounding of impulse turbine. . b) Describe different types of compounding with suitable diagram, . ©) Which type of turbine is used in most of steam turbine power plants? Give Reasons, [B4Se2 Q7. a) What is the reason that radial turbines are not used in power plants? 5) The isentropic heat drop in a given stage of a multi-stage impulse turbine is Ki/kg of steam. The nozzle outlet angle is 20° The efficiency of the nozzle, defi the ratio of the actual gain in kinetic energy in the nozzle to the adiabatic (isent crop is 92 percent. The mean diameter of the blades is 95.5 cm and the resolutions minute 3,000. The carryover factor is 0.88. Blades are equiangular with a velocity efficient of 0.87. Calculate steam velocity at the outlet of the nozzle, blade angles g7085 stage efficiency. . Q8.a) What do you understand by degree of reaction? b) Steam consumption in a Parson’s reaction turbine running at 4000 rpm is S The pressure of the steam at a certain pair is 2 bar, its dryness is 0.96 and the power developed hy the pair is 4.4 KW. The discharging blade tip angle is 20° for both f& and moving blades and the axial velocity of flow is 0.72 of the blade velocity. Calculate the drum diameter and the blade height, assuming the tip leakage as 5 and neglecting the blade thickness. Q9. a) Derive an expression for the optimum pressure ratio giving maximum cycle thermal efficiency of gas turbine cycle, if the compressor efficiency is. and the elficieney is n,. The maximum eye temperature is T b) Why is the thermal efficiency of gas turbine high at very high altitude? Di surging, choking and stalling with reference to the opcration of a gas turbine. © temperature is T; and the minimum cycle E © Mailerdaemon | For latest info about the college visit

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