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Serco Company (Draft)

What the organization does?

• Serco was founded in 1929 as a United Kingdom division of the Radio Corporation of
America and initially provided services to the cinema industry.[1] It changed its name to
Serco in 1987[1] and has been a London Stock Exchange listed company since 1988.[1]

On 29 December 2008, Serco completed its acquisition of SI International.[2]

• the company runs all of Australia’s detention centers
• British children immigration detention center
• Serco's Home Affairs division, run by Tom Riall, also operates speed camera systems
throughout the UK and designs, writes and tests the software that controls the matrix
message signs, signals, emergency roadside telephones (SOS) and traffic monitoring on
England's motorway network including the National Traffic Control Centre.[11]

Science: Serco manages the UK's National Physical Laboratory.[12]

Detention: Serco supplies electronic tagging devices for offenders and asylum seekers.[13]
In Britain, Serco runs four prisons, a Young Offenders Institution and a Secure Training
Centre.[14] It also operates two Immigration Removal Centres.[15][16] Serco is also
responsible for transporting and detaining prisoners at several Law Courts across the
country.[17] In addition, Serco runs Hunfeld Prison in Germany.[18] In Australia Serco runs
Acacia Prison in Western Australia.[19]
• Aviation: Serco provides air traffic control services at international airports in Dubai,
Bahrain and at some smaller airports in the USA.[27] Since 2004 Serco have also had £5m
a year from the US government to manage airports in Iraq.[28]

Health: Serco provide facilities management services at the Norfolk and Norwich University
Hospital,[29] Leicester Royal Infirmary,[30] and Wishaw General Hospital.[31]

Education: Serco holds a 10 year contract with Bradford City Council to manage and
operate the local education authority,[32] providing education support services to the
City's schools, and similarly manages and operates Walsall[33] and Stoke-on-Trent local
education authorities.[34] Serco is one of Ofsted's three Regional Inspection Service
Providers, responsible for school inspections in the English Midlands.[35] Serco is also the
provider of a Student information system, Facility, used in schools and colleges in several

Drivers' licensing: Serco, through a purpose-made division Serco DES, holds a 10 year,
$114 million contract with the Province of Ontario to operate the province's DriveTest
driver examination centres. These tests include vision, road, and knowledge tests for all
persons seeking to become a licensed automobile driver in the province.[37]

Leisure: Serco operates a number of leisure centres across the UK including the
Manchester Aquatics Centre, the aquatic venue for the 2002 Commonwealth Games in
Serco also administers a number of publicly funded websites in the UK, including the
Business Link website.[39]
Serco Solutions presently run the IT Infrastructure for the London Borough of Southwark
winning the 5 year tender in 2007.[40]
Serco operates in Continental Europe, the Middle East, the Asia Pacific region a

Implications of business and services that the organization carried out

Serco are responsible for controlling & maintaining many dodgy things for the governments of -
the U.K,
Ireland & the united Arab emirates.

their staff is 85% comprised of Ex-Public Servants (government)

They own the contract to set Greenwich mean time,
and practically everything else you wouldn't want dodgy people to have power over.
They are present in the military industrial & prison industrial complexes of most of the countries listed
above, and that is never a good combo either.

If indeed a NWO scenario was to occur,

Serco would most definitely be involved in the implementation & maintenance.

Serco - government's Mr Fix-it. Everything from nuclear weapons, detention centres for illegal immigrants
to Early Years Children's Centres - am I the one who finds this a bit scary?

What environmental impact it create? / The controversies surrounding this

• “Serco, the company responsible for security at the centre, is preparing a report on the
escape.” ABC news reported
• There are still hundreds of children in detention in the country and Serco runs one of
the most notorious centres, Yarl’s Wood. Collusion between the British government and
Serco is rampant with cover-ups of abuse, hunger strikes, mental problems and
• Serco — “bringing service to life” — is the convenient firm that’s always there to
manage “clients” — but providing comfortable seats simply masks the mental torture of
waiting for months or years for government decisions.
• Meetings between government agencies and Serco to consider the implications for
women and children’s welfare of prolonged detention focused on PR and legal
concerns, instead of independent accountability for health and dignity
• "..., it's about a mounting recognition that policy should be for the public sector but delivery is for the
private sector."

Really? We should be happy when some civil servant still decides what we need, but is kind enough
to allow us to pay a private company to deliver the goods?

Doesn't that simply perpetuate the socialist idea that our money is not our own, but that we only have
a choice of paying it to the Government direct or to those the Government - not the market - selects
to receive the spoils?
Why don't we cut out the Government middle-man and decide for ourselves what we need and also
whom to buy it from?

"Putting the citizen first" actually puts the citizen fourth, behind the company that profits from
Government outsourcing, behind the civil servant who decides who benefits from outsourced funds,
and also behind the politicians who set the policy while they own shares in the companies that profit
from these schemes and who sit on their boards once their political career is over.

• The whole detention centre business is a part of a bigger game. I think, it is high time the
government came clean about it. Why should Australian taxpayers pay for human misery? Why
should we foot the bill for long term extra-judicial prisons?

• Next, witness the increasing number of mercenary armies that are running riot in Iraq, Afghanistan,
South and Central America and elsewhere operating with almost totally impunity as demonstrated
consistently by Wikileaks. With warfare such a major money spinner for so many corporations, the
only way to ensure continued profits is to…yep have more and ideally, never ending war.

• It’s not going to stop folks because it is only about economics not social justice, democracy, human
decency, repression of minorities or anything else with noble ideal attached to it. It’s just economics.
Without war, the military industrial complex goes belly up.

• If you control hospitals and need profitability then you need as many sick people as possible
and it is not particularly helpful when they get better.


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