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Operating Point of a Transistor

Prepared by
Mou Mahmood
Lecturer, Department of CSE
Transistor Load Line Analysis
In the transistor circuit analysis, it is generally required to determine the collector current for
various collector-emitter voltages. One of the methods can be used to plot the output
characteristics and determine the collector current at any desired collector-emitter voltage.
However, a more convenient method, known as load line method can be used to solve such

[Ref: Page no: 165, Chapter:08, Topic: Transistor Load Line Analysis, Book: Principle of Electronics,
V.K. Mehta. Practice the problems in the example]
Transistor Load Line Analysis:
Transistor Load Line Analysis
Consider a common-emitter npn transistor
circuit. The value of collector-emitter voltage
VCE at any time is given by,


As VCC and RC are fixed values, so the

above equation is a first degree equation
and can be represented by a straight line. To
draw a straight line we need two points on
the output characteristics graph.
Transistor Load Line Analysis
i) When the collector current, IC= 0, the
collector-emitter voltage is maximum and is
equal to VCC.


VCC= VCE [when IC= 0 mA]

ii) When the collector-emitter voltage VCE is

equal to 0 V, the collector current is maximum.
IC= VCC/RC [When VCE= 0V]
Transistor Load Line Analysis
If we add these two points we can get a
straight line. This line will touch some points
on the curve in the active region.

These points are called operating point or

quiescent (silent) point, Q
Transistor Load Line Analysis-Problem
For the following circuit, draw the dc load line, what will be the Q point if base current is 20 µA
and 𝛃=50?

See Example: 8.24, 8.25

and 8.26

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