Breast Cancer - Presentation PDF

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Good afternoon classmates

and Tutors.

Today our PP3 group

presentation topic will focus
Diagnosis of Breast

Introducing - Team members

Shane - Introduction
Kieran - Pathophysiology
Silin - Symptoms
Hanh - Diagnosis
Sum - Treatment Options

What is Breast Cancer?

Breast cancer?

- Uncontrolled or abnormal growth of Breast


- Excess cells can form a tumour

- Tumour is Cancer forming (Malignant) if the

cells invade surrounding tissue or spread
- Benign if non spreading and not life
Types of Breast
Common Breast Cancers
1. Pre Invasive Breast Cancer
- Abnormal cells stay inside milk sacs
DCIS = Ductal carcinoma in situ
LCIS = Lobular carcinoma in situ
2. Early Breast Cancer
- Cancer contained in the breast that may or may not have spread to lymph nodes
3. Locally Advanced
- Cancer has spread to one or more lymph nodes, other tissue or structures such
as muscles or ribs around the breast
4. Secondary, Metatastic or Advanced Breast Cancer
- Cancer has spread to other organs or tissues away from the breast site.
Rarer breast cancers
1. Pagets disease
- Cancer of milk ducts, spreads to skin or nipple
2. Inflammatory breast cancer (IBC)
- Cancer that causes blocking of lymph vessels (= red swollen breasts)
What are the risk factors
for Breast Cancer?
• Gender ***
Being a woman is the main risk factor for breast cancer. !
Women are 100 times more likely to develop breast cancer than
> star rating indicates higher risk factors for each slide!
• Increasing age ***
About three out of four breast cancer cases occur
in women aged 50 years and older.!
• Genetics
Inheritance of mutations in the genes***
We all inherit a set of genes from each of our parents.
Sometimes there is a fault in one copy of a gene which stops
that gene working properly. This fault is called a mutation.
• Family history**
The significance of a family history of breast cancer
increases with:!
!•! the number of family members affected!
!•! the younger their ages at diagnosis!
!•! the closer the affected relatives are related to you.
Other Risk Factors
• Exposure to female hormones* (natural and
If you are post-menopausal, having increased concentrations of
naturally occurring oestrogens or androgens is associated with
higher breast cancer risk.A small increase in risk exists while you
are taking the oral contraceptive pill and in the ten years after
stopping it.
If !

• Obesity* (poor diet and inadequate exercise)

• Excess alcohol consumption*
Breast cancer in Australia
Key statistics
Estimated  number of new cases of breast cancer diagnosed in 2016"
- 16,084 people affected : 150 males !
& 15,934 females
Estimated % of all new cancer cases diagnosed in 2016 "
- 12.3%!
Estimated number of deaths from breast cancer in 2016 !
- 3,073 : 27 males & 3,046 females!
Estimated % of all deaths from cancer in 2016"
- 6.5%!
Chance of surviving at least 5 years (2008–2012)"
- 90%!
breast-cancer-statistics !
Breast Cancer Worldwide
Most common cancer in women worldwide, with nearly 1.7
million new cases diagnosed in 2012
This represents about 12% of all new cancer cases and 25% of all
cancers in women.
And so
with that background knowledge I would like
to hand you over to Kieran who will explore
more about the pathophysiology of Breast

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