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GED 0102-Sec 42

Handout on Rizal Bill Report

Group 5

Ortega, Sofia Marie

Salangsang, Cassandra Gabrielle

Salvador, Louise Jalen

Tiga, Edelyn

Question 5: What makes the statement drastically different in text and tone from de la Costa’s

drafts of the pastoral letter he was requested to write?

In the "statement", the author made ample changes to counteract the perspective of the drafts

from the pastoral letter and provide his own view about Rizal's two novels. What makes the "statement"

drastically different from the drafts is that the author or interlocutor made an effort not to praise Rizal

to a great extent through changing some of the words used. An example is that in the Draft C, Rizal's

qualities was seen as excellent. However, in the "statement", this was changed to "great". Also, in the

"statement" the main focus was to denounce Rizal's novels and convince readers not to read them.

However, in the drafts, De la Costa saw Rizal as an honorable man that was committed in showing the

truth through his novels. This is because the person who wrote the “statement” believed in what was

wrong with the two novels and came to a different conclusion about the main novels. An example of this

is Cavanna believing that the author is speaking in the two novels rather than the characters. Not only

that, Cavanna continued to make references from the passages that point out what he thinks are against
the Catholic doctrine. Additionally, numerous passages were excluded or added in the "statement". The

reason for these changes may be because the person or those who wrote the text did not agree with

what was written in the draft and not to get the attention of the Spanish clergy. As for the tone of the

"statement", it started with a positive approach, including a few paragraphs from De la Costa's drafts to

a text written in a negative tone wherein Rizal's two novels were being attacked. This is different from

the drafts which had a positive tone that commended Rizal and his novels despite of being forced to

change his view.

Deepening: Group Discussion

Different vices and defects of Filipinos now and then

Defects: Envy, Greed, Apathy, Negligence, Rashness, Crab Mentality, Inferiority,

Hypocrisy, Mañana Habit, Ningas Cogon, Gossiping, Filipino Time, Willful

Ignorance, Colonial Mentality, Utang na loob.

Vices: Drinking, Gambling, Smoking, Cockfights/fighting, Corruption, Drug use

Relevance: All of these defects and vices correlate to a greater issue. Inferiority and

Colonial mentality are caused by hundreds of years the Philippines has been

colonized. We see ourselves as a lower class person while seeing western

views as a better option.

Colonization made us apathetic and neglectful as well. For hundreds of years,

we were taught to restrain our opinion in fear of being crucified. This kind of

unawareness was passed generations after generations. Other than the effect
of history, our education system was not programmed to make us care more

and think more about the people around us. In the previous curriculum, we

were only made to memorize facts. We were not trained to think critically and

question what is being fed to us.

‘Utang na loob’ is a much complex defect. Some sees it as a great quality but

if we look at it through a different lens, various problems can be traced.

Practicing ‘utang na loob’ made us feel that we owe someone a debt when

they so us any good. This mindset cancels out the purity and

wholeheartedness of such act.

Political dynasty is a concrete example of the problems ‘utang na loob’ has

bred. Politicians who help their constituents are seen as a debt of gratitude

rather than service.

On the other hand, all of the vices stated are connected to poverty. These

vices, on a wide scale, have been an escape of those who are in the poverty

line. It temporarily takes out their misery from the society where they are


Some smoke because it alleviates their stress; others use drugs to ease their

hunger and also to keep themselves away from reality, whilst others sell drugs

to suffice their daily needs.

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