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August 22, 2019
Responsible Staff to Monitor and Facilitate Progress
on Recommended Strategies
As Revised through August 22, 2019

Topic Strategy #1 Strategy #2 Strategy #3 Strategy #4

Independent oversight of
Police cadet program Diversity within Police Department
Criminal Justice Police Department
Jay Chapa Chief Ed Kraus Chief Ed Kraus
Job training, transportation to jobs, Education and incentives Capacity-building for
Economic background issues, and hiring process to achieve wage parity minority-owned businesses

Development Robert Sturns Brenda Hicks-Sorensen Gwen Wilson

Early childhood intervention via quality childcare Service learning and civic engagement College and career centers
Michelle Lee Monique Hill Monique Hill
Diversity and Inclusion
Redistricting criteria and procedures Diversity training
Governance Department
Fernando Costa Angela Rush Lynda Johnson
Health education and outreach Active lifestyles Healthy foods Access to providers
Michelle Gutt Dana Burghdoff Elmer DePaula Chad Edwards
Affordable housing incentives policy Homebuyer assistance Resident awareness of housing resources
Barbara Asbury Barbara Asbury Michelle Gutt
Transportation equity policy Transportation funding criteria
After-action reviews of pedestrian and

Transportation and five-year action plan bicycle crashes

Chad Edwards Chad Edwards Julia Ryan

Criminal Justice Strategies

Strategy/Goal Status as of August 1, 2019 Next Steps through December 31, 2019
1) Conducted research on independent oversight
Independent oversight models. 1) Prepare an ordinance to establish the
of Police Department: 2) Received feedback on the proposed independent independent oversight program, effective
City Manager’s oversight model from various stakeholders. October 2019, and secure City Council adoption.
Increase the
Office 3) Funding for the oversight program included in the 2) Confirm the criteria by which the City will
community’s trust in City Manager’s recommended budget. measure the program’s effectiveness and collect
the Police Department. 4) Began a national search to fill the Police Monitor baseline data on those criteria.

Recommended Independent Oversight Model

Once Police Monitor

Establish Police Monitor function is established,
function. create Community
Oversight Board.

Proposed Responsibilities

• Lead effort to establish Community Oversight Board and serve as Staff

liaison to the Board including staff support and education
Police • Accept citizen complaints about alleged police misconduct.
• Review police investigations with access to personnel files.
Monitor • Keep City Manager informed about active investigations.
• Provide reports to Community Oversight Board.

• Receive reports from Police Monitor.

Community • Provide comments on disciplinary decisions about police misconduct.
• Review PD policies and advise City Manager and Police Chief about
Oversight appropriate changes.
Board • With support from Police Monitor, conduct public outreach and

Recommended Independent Oversight Model

City Manager’s
Community Office
Oversight Board
Police Monitor Proposed
Community Oversight Board

• Nine members
• Recommended by City Manager
• Approved by City Council

Criminal Justice Strategies

Strategy/Goal Status as of August 1, 2019 Next Steps through December 31, 2019
Police cadet program: 1) Draft and execute MOUs with school districts and TCC
1) Funding for the Sergeant and cadet
Expand and diversify the once decision packages have been approved.
Police positions included in the City Manager’s
Police Department’s pool 2) Prepare job descriptions for cadet positions and determine
recommended budget.
of prospective officers. where these positions will be placed.

Police Cadet Program

Criminal Justice Strategies

Strategy/Goal Status as of August 1, 2019 Next Steps through December 31, 2019
Diversity within
Police Department:
1) Continue to publish internal diversity data quarterly.
Diversify the Police 1) Recruitment plan under review by the
Police 2) Secure the City Manager’s approval of the recruitment
Department’s workforce Assistant City Manager.
with respect to race,
ethnicity, and gender.

Economic Development Strategies

Strategy/Goal Status as of August 1, 2019 Next Steps through December 31, 2019
1) Partnered with Workforce Solutions to enhance 1) Identify occupations with labor shortages and
Job training,
job fairs and training opportunities. increase training opportunities for these
transportation to jobs,
2) Currently working with Workforce Solutions to occupations.
background issues, and
Economic identify occupations with labor shortages. 2) Determine the feasibility of developing a student
hiring process:
Development 3) Currently working with all chambers of loan repayment and down-payment assistance
Enable more minority
commerce on an MOU about various program for high-demand occupations.
residents to secure
employment-related issues, including 3) Expand expulsion clinics and warrant forgiveness
suitable employment.
transportation to work. outreach efforts.

Education and incentives 1) Secured City Council approval of revised

1) Develop and publish a database of available
to achieve wage parity: economic development incentives.
properties in underserved neighborhoods that
Enable more minority 2) In partnership with the Fort Worth Chamber,
suffer from lack of investment and promote them
residents to earn college Economic hosted an event to provide regional site
for economic development projects.
degrees and vocational Development consultants and brokers with an overview of
2) Identify metrics for educational initiatives to
certification, and thereby revised incentive policies and opportunities.
increase minority graduation rates and expand job
to secure suitable 3) Messaging campaign is in the final stages of
training opportunities.
employment. development and planning for the launch.

Economic Development Strategies

Strategy/Goal Status as of August 1, 2019 Next Steps through December 31, 2019
1) Beck School of Construction has 1) Hold quarterly RFP, RFQ, ITB, and best-value solicitation
completed four of eight sessions. The workshops.
remaining four sessions start in August 2) Launch mentor/protégé program to facilitate minority
Capacity-building and run through November 7, 2019. capacity development.
for minority-owned 2) Contract signed with CH Advisors and 3) Conduct Availability and Disparity Study.
businesses: notice to proceed issued in March 2019 4) Increase partnership efforts with advocacy agencies that
for the M/WBE Availability and Disparity promote M/WBE development.
Expand the capacity Economic
Study. Expecting final results of the study 5) Conduct “Business Development Enterprise Ordinance
of minority-owned Development by April 1, 2020. Compliance” online training class for project managers and
businesses to secure 3) Hosted five of eight vendor information buyers in the City’s Employee University.
contracts and forums and two of three quarterly 6) Host graduation for MWBEs completing first year of Beck
achieve success. certification workshops for M/WBEs. School of Construction.
4) Developing structure around the launch of 7) Evaluate the roles of the City, the three local chambers,
a mentor/protégé program. and other associations, and identify any gaps that may
exist. Implement strategies to address these gaps.

Education Strategies

Strategy/Goal Status as of August 1, 2019 Next Steps through December 31, 2019

1) Applied for and accepted a $15,000 grant from

the National League of Cities (NLC) to work
1) Initiate developmental well-being screenings for
with the Tarrant County Infant and Toddler
staff at select WIC clinics, libraries, community
Early childhood Developmental Screening Initiative and Help
centers, and other venues utilizing the
intervention via Me Grow North Texas in disaggregating and
earlyisbestnorthtexas website.
quality childcare: analyzing data that will inform coordinated
2) Provide technical assistance for as many as 20 early
Improve childcare screening, referrals, and services.
childhood organizations on disaggregating and
within minority City Manager’s 2) Hosted the NLC Convening on April 2 & 3 to
analyzing their program data by race.
neighborhoods in Office discuss the three activities identified above.
3) The City will work with a consultant in conducting
cooperation with the 3) Trained six Medical reserve Corps volunteers as
an organizational assessment and developing an
Early Learning Alliance WIC pilot screening facilitators.
Equity Plan based on that assessment. The Equity
(ELA). 4) ELA has contracted with Shawn Lassiter to
Plan will enable the City to apply an equity lens
provide technical assistance for as many as 20
when creating, changing, or eliminating policies
early childhood organizations on
related to child well-being.
disaggregating and analyzing their program
data by race.
Education Strategies

Strategy/Goal Status as of August 1, 2019 Next Steps through December 31, 2019
1) Hosted Texas Municipal League’s 2019
Service learning and civic Youth Advisory Commission Summit on
engagement: February 23-24 in Fort Worth. 1) By September 30, develop a plan to establish or re-
Provide opportunities to enrich 2) Enrolled 27 youth in Rising Stars establish Youth Advisory Councils (YAC) in City of
education and personal Neighborhood Leadership Academy. Fort Worth community centers.
development through Services 3) Expanded the Rising Stars program from 2) Develop service learning opportunities at five
leadership, community summer only to year-round. community centers: Como, Martin Luther King Jr.,
engagement, and experiential 4) Enrolled 39 youth through Envision Center Northside, Sycamore, and Worth Heights.
learning. at MLK Community Center - Youth
Entrepreneurship STEM Program (YEP).
1) Complete an inventory of resources each partner
agency can provide to enrich/enhance college and
career readiness.
College and career centers:
1) Established working group with FWISD, 2) Evaluate availability of college and career
Improve the college and career
Neighborhood Tarrant County College, Texas Workforce readiness services and programs that provide
readiness of African-American
Services Commission, Fort Worth Chamber, United convenient access outside of school hours.
and Hispanic high school
Way, and City of Fort Worth. 3) Confirm current GO Center locations and identify
new locations for mobile/stationary GO Centers.
4) Develop a plan to re-brand the GO Centers so as
to expand their reach into the community.
Governance Strategies

Responsible Next Steps through

Strategy/Goal Status as of August 1, 2019
Department December 31, 2019
Redistricting criteria and procedures: 1) Briefed the City Council about a proposed redistricting
Create districts that, when drawn, process that would begin in August 2020 with the
provide the best opportunities to City Manager’s appointment of a Redistricting Task Force. This eleven-
1) N/A
elect City Council members who Office member task force would recommend the criteria and
reflect the diverse population of the procedures by which the City Council should redraw
City. Council district boundaries after the 2020 census.

Governance Strategies

Strategy/Goal Status as of August 1, 2019 Next Steps through December 31, 2019
1) Prepared an organization chart
and job descriptions for the 1) Conduct a national search and appoint the
Diversity and Inclusion Department:
proposed Diversity and Diversity and Inclusion Director.
Elevate the City’s commitment to equity in City Manager’s
Inclusion Department. 2) Secure City Council approval of Human
the quality of life that all residents Office
2) Prepared FY2020 decision Relations Ordinance amendments to reflect
packages for one new position the creation of this new department.
and two reclassifications.

Current and Proposed Responsibilities
Activities Human Relations Unit
Diversity and Inclusion Department
of City Manager’s Office
Enforcing local, state, and federal
civil rights laws pertaining to housing,
employment, and public accommodations
Ensuring City’s compliance with Civil Rights Act
and Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
Promoting cultural awareness
Providing staff support for
Human Relations Commission
Coordinating implementation of
all race and culture strategies
Collecting and analyzing data about
equitable delivery of all municipal services
Producing and monitoring implementation of
City’s Equity Policy
Proposed Organization Chart
Diversity and Inclusion Department

Human Relations
(1 position)
(11 members)

(2 positions)

Assistant Director, Assistant Director,

Accessibility & Equity Civil Rights Enforcement
(4 positions) (8 positions)

Funding Sources
Current Proposed
Human Relations Unit Diversity and Inclusion Department Change
(14 positions = 13.25 FTE) (15 positions = 14.25 FTE)
General Fund 5.15 FTE 6.25 FTE +1.10 FTE
Federal Grants 8.10 FTE 8.00 FTE -0.10 FTE
Total 13.25 FTE 14.25 FTE +1.00 FTE

Note: Estimated FY2020 General Fund budget impact = $266,879.

Governance Strategies

Strategy/Goal Status as of August 1, 2019 Next Steps through December 31, 2019
1) Purchased training
1) Host the Values Summit for supervisors on
curriculums on diversity and
October 3 and 4, 2019.
Training on diversity and mutual respect: mutual respect.
2) Organize a Values Summit for front-line
Increase the diversity of City employees, 2) Began organizing a Values
Performance employees, to be presented in January 2020.
particularly among managers, and increase Summit for supervisors on
and Budget 3) Develop training classes on diversity and
employee satisfaction with the organization’s diversity and mutual respect.
mutual respect for presentation by Fort Worth
dedication to diversity and inclusion. 3) Developed a course on
Employees University beginning in January
diversity and inclusion for use
in department staff meetings.

Phase 1
Training on Organizational Values


Respect Ethical
(2019- (2017)
Supervisors October 3-4, 2019
Front-line employees January 2020

Diversity Exceptional
(2019- Experience
2020) (2018)


Phase 2 in Winter and Spring 2020
Facilitated Small-Group Discussions
About Diversity and Mutual Respect

Health Strategies

Strategy/Goal Status as of August 1, 2019 Next Steps through December 31, 2019
1) Met with Tarrant County Public Health, Texas
Health Resources, Blue Zones Project, and other
Health education healthcare organizations to discuss 1) Overlay disaggregate health data for Neighborhood
and outreach: recommendations. Profile Area by December 2019.
Increase resident Communications 2) Identified other organizations and programs that 2) Identify gaps in programming and outreach for
awareness of and Public have been doing outreach and education on neighborhoods.
behaviors that Engagement health issues. 3) Determine funding needs to address these gaps.
contribute to health 3) Introduced the idea of a Wellness Neighborhood 4) Create a committee to organize a citywide Wellness
and wellness. Leader Forum with stakeholders and possible Neighborhood Leader Forum to be held in April 2020.
partner organizations.
4) Participated in the 76104 Health Summit.

Health Strategies

Strategy/Goal Status as of August 1, 2019 Next Steps through December 31, 2019
1) Sidewalk gaps and streetlight gaps prioritized
in target NPAs.
1) Begin installing 6,800 feet of sidewalk improvements and
2) Adopted Active Transportation Plan contains
1,000 streetlights for FY 2020 within target NPAs using
equity criteria for prioritizing pedestrian,
existing bond and PayGo funds.
bicycle and trail improvements in super
2) Create fitness space at North Tri Ethnic community
Active lifestyles: MMAs, high poverty areas, and areas with
center and begin replacing fitness equipment at Hillside
Increase resident high % of persons with disabilities.
community center.
participation in Planning and 3) Target NPAs added to CRM system for tracking
3) Initiate discussions with school district to determine
walking, cycling, and Development sidewalk and streetlight improvement
feasibility of shared use of public school recreation
other forms of requests and for tracking stray dog reports.
facilities at three schools within target NPAs.
exercise. 4) Replaced fitness equipment at four community
4) Work with Silver Sneakers and Active Renew to increase
centers (R.D. Evans, Southwest, and Sycamore)
older adult use of fitness classes and facilities through
in target NPAs.
existing healthcare providers.
5) Completed major renovation and expansions
5) Identify number of stray dog reports in target NPAs.
of Handley Meadowbrook and Eugene McCray
community centers in target NPAs.

Health Strategies

Strategy/Goal Status as of August 1, 2019 Next Steps through December 31, 2019
1) Blue Zones Project will identify the location for a healthy
1) Developed educational information about
corner store in the Northside and Diamond Hill
retail food business opportunities in food
deserts to distribute to existing and
2) Blue Zones Project will assist one farmers market in
prospective entrepreneurs. Formed
becoming an authorized Supplemental Nutrition
partnership with Texas Health Resources and
Healthy foods: Authorized Program (SNAP) retailer and thereby increase
Tarrant County Food Policy Council (TCFPC).
Increase resident the number of SNAP recipients able to shop at the
Code Compliance 2) Established healthy foods work group focused
access to healthy farmers market.
on funding opportunities for healthy food
foods. 3) Encourage the operation of a decentralized farmers
retail programs in food deserts: Healthy
market or another food distribution model in at least
Tarrant County Coalition (HTCC), JPS Health
one underserved area.
Network, Tarrant County Food Policy Council
4) Establish a food recovery pilot program that will increase
(TCFPC), and Texas Health Resources (Blue
Fort Worth residents’ fruit and vegetable consumption
Zones Project).
by decreasing the waste of produce at grocery stores.
Access to providers:
1) Included health providers in transit plan
Provide residents Transportation 1) Through the transit plan, outline options for improved
with better access to and Public Works transit accessibility to healthcare providers.
healthcare providers.

Housing Strategies

Strategy/Goal Status as of August 1, 2019 Next Steps through December 31, 2019
1) Stakeholders have refined action steps, roles, and 1) Meet with developers to discuss housing tax credit
responsibilities associated with the Affordable policy recommendations; finalize recommended
Housing Strategic Plan. policy for the City Council’s review and approval.
Affordable housing
2) Made arrangements for a meeting with 2) Finalize the Affordable Housing Strategic Plan with
incentives policy:
developers and other stakeholders to request specific action steps.
Provide more effective Neighborhood
their input about the City’s 2020 policy on 3) Finalize the financial analysis and inventory of
incentives for the Services
housing tax credit resolutions of support. existing multifamily properties with units that are
development of
3) Conducted a financial analysis and inventory of affordable to 0-30% AMI households.
affordable housing.
City- and HFC-assisted projects to identify 4) Meet with Economic Development senior staff to
opportunities for 0-30% AMI affordable units in discuss tax abatement policy for multifamily
future partnerships. projects.
1) Held training for all lenders participating in the
1) Recommend allocation of additional funds to
Homebuyer Homebuyer Assistance Program to impart
Homebuyer Assistance Program based on increased
assistance: information about the updated program.
demand and the availability of un-programmed
Provide more effective 2) Held the annual Housing Summit in June to
Neighborhood HOME funds.
assistance to low- and promote homeownership, with over 350 persons
Services 2) Incorporate marketing of updated Homebuyer
moderate-income attending.
Assistance Program into Community Engagement
residents seeking to 3) Reviewed updated policies and procedures to
neighborhood outreach programs.
buy homes. ensure consistency with HUD grant requirements
before posting them on the City’s website.
Housing Strategies

Strategy/Goal Status as of August 1, 2019 Next Steps through December 31, 2019
1) Prepared draft brochure summarizing all
1) Complete brochure and standard PowerPoint
information on all City housing assistance
presentation summarizing information on all City
housing programs
Resident awareness of 2) Finalized Lead Safety PowerPoint
2) Complete design of neighborhood-based, housing-
housing resources: presentation regarding hazards of lead-
related informational workshops to be offered on a
Assist residents in Communications based paint and availability of City repair
quarterly basis beginning in FY2020.
securing affordable and Public assistance.
3) Create and begin beta testing adult workshop
housing by increasing Engagement 3) Comprehensive Neighborhood Services
curriculum to educate neighborhood associations,
their awareness of (Housing, Priority Repair & CAPS)
alliances, redevelopment corporations, faith-based
available resources. brochure and presentation prepared in
groups, etc. about neighborhood-based, housing-
English and Spanish, for use at Summer
related resources during their regularly scheduled
Spanish Workshop Series on August 17
and 24.

Transportation Strategies

Strategy/Goal Status as of August 1, 2019 Next Steps through December 31, 2019
Transportation equity policy
and five-year action plan:
1) Establish an interdepartmental technical group to prepare a
Facilitate more equitable Transportation 1) Conducted best practices review
draft Transportation Equity Policy and provide opportunities
decisions about the allocation and Public Works of successful equity policies.
for public input.
of resources for transportation

Infrastructure Improvements
in Majority Minority Areas

Street lighting $500,000

Street reconstruction 500,000
Total $1,000,000

Transportation Strategies

Strategy/Goal Status as of August 1, 2019 Next Steps through December 31, 2019
Transportation funding
1) Assessed transportation project
Facilitate more equitable Transportation N/A pending preparation of Transportation Equity Policy and Five-
categories and existing criteria
decisions about the allocation and Public Works Year Action Plan
used for project selection.
of resources for transportation
After-action reviews of
pedestrian and bicycle crashes: 1) Develop reporting/documentation procedures and propose
Transportation 1) Identified appropriate staff and
Reduce the incidence of processes for after-action infrastructure/policy
and Public Works researched best practices.
pedestrian and bicycle crashes recommendations.
in minority neighborhoods.

FY2020 Budget Impacts
Item Authorized
Independent oversight of Police Department $294,376 2
Police cadet program 485,509 21
Diversity and Inclusion Department 215,509 1
Diversity training -- --
Infrastructure improvements in majority minority areas 1,000,000 --
Total $1,995,394 24


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