Piazzola For Violin and Guitar

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2 4 16 RES & 26 28 30 32 36 38 40. a 44 ARRANGEMENTS BY IAN MURPHY ‘CONTENTS: ADIOS NONINO- 46 Los poseipos Boricua, 48 MADE IN USA BUENOS AIRES HORA CERO 50 MI EXALTACION: ‘CALAMBRE 52 MISTERIOSA VIDA. DECARISIMO. 54 NuEVo MUNDO DERNIER LAMENTO- 536 PRESENTANIA DETRESSE 58 Psicosis ‘EXTASIS 60 Recverbo New York FIEVRE (FlEBRE DE TANGO) 62 REVIRADO. FRACANAPA 64 ROMANTICO IDILIO (SANS TA PRESENCE) GreENwicn 66. Se TeRMINo (C'est FIND) Guunay 68 SuavipaD IMAGINES 676 70 Tanco coc (Dounou) TRacuNDo. 72 Tancuisino La catir 92 74 Te QUIERO TANGO LA FIN DEL MUNDO 76 Tovo rue Las FURS 78 Yo CANTO UN TANGO LLUEVE some Broapway 80 About Astor Pazzolla SBN O-b34-09439-7 Publisher: LES EDITIONS UNIVERSELLES GREE repreconiad im Canada anc usa by OOWLING STATE IVD MUReHY ETC UNIVERSITY LIBRARY HAL*LEONARD® CORPORATION For won conane nee {nein consn serine wine it ue donne anton! owe ADIOS NONINO ‘By YVES PAUL MARTIAL. and ASTO! R PIAZZO1 ame) TT eet? EEE SSS SS a a ae Morendo ‘By ASTOR PIA? By ASTOR Pl (Cest fini) (Doudou) By ASTOR PIAZZOI oF Guitar ‘By DIANA PIAZZOl «and ASTOR PIAZZOLI ee By ASTOR PIAZZOLL Violin ABOUT ASTOR PIAZZOLLA Astor Piazzolla (1921-1992) was the foremost composer and ambassador of tango music, who carried the signature sound of Argentina to clubs and concert halls around the world. Piazzolla was born in 1921 in Mar del Plata, on the coast south of Buenos Aires, but lived in New York City from 1924 to 1937. In New York the young Piazzolla tuned into the vibrant jazz scene and bandleaders such as Duke Ellington and Cab Calloway. At age 12, he received his first bandoneon, a type of button accordion that is the principal voice of tango, and began playing music from the classical repertoire. Soon after his family returned to Argentina in 1937, Piazzolla joined the popular tango orchestra of Anibal Troilo and—while still a teenager—estab- lished himself as a talented bandoneon player and arranger, In Argentina, Piazzolla continued to study classical music, too, with the composer Alberto Ginastera and others. In 1954, Piazzolla’s composition “Buenos Aires” won him a scholarship to study in Paris with Nadia Boulanger, who encouraged him to find his own voice by tapping into his passion for tango. Back in Argentina in the late 1950s, Piazzolla did just that, laying the groundwork for what become known as tango nuevo—new tango. In 1960 he formed his seminal group Quinteto Tango Nuevo, featuring bandoneon alongside violin, guitar, piano, and bass. In the ensuing years Piazzolla’s music increas- ingly used dissonance, counterpoint, and other techniques inspired by modern classical composition and jazz orchestras. In Argentina, where tango is a source of national pride and identity, some tango purists were incensed by these radical departures from tradition, and in the late 1960s even Argentina’ military government criticized Pi Piazzolla left behind a huge body of music—more than 750 works—and classic recordings such as Adids Nonino and Tango: Zero Howr, as well as collaborations with artists as diverse as poev/author Jorge Luis Borges (EI Tango), jazz vibraphonist Gary Burton (The New Tango), and the Kronos Quartet (Five Tango Sensations). In 1986, Piazzolla’s music was featured in the Broadway hit Tango Argentino. In 2001 Amadeus Press published Astor Piazzolla: A Memoir, the remarkable life story (as told to journalist Natalio Gorin) of one of the 20th century’ true musical iconoclasts. metrical shifts, iazzolla for being too avant-garde. —rorrsrrnres ces = By ASTOR PIA’ Violin . SS f = By ASTOR PIAZZOLI Fire DS. al Coda. By ROGER AUGUSTE, CHARLES DESB( ALBERT ABRAHAM. BEN SOUSS! ‘and ASTOR PIAZZOl Viotin By ASTOR PIAZZOI iS ea fata ets = FIEVRE (Fiebre de tango) ABRAHAM, BEN SOUSS; and ALBERT NOEL DE MARIONY ENGEURRA FRACANAPA By ASTOR PIAZZOL By ALBERT ABRAHAM. BEN SOUSS) \NDRE PSIETO and ASTOR PIAZZOI DC.alCoda Copa. ‘By ASTOR PIAZZ01 By ASTOR PIAZZOI ‘By ASTOR PIAZZOLL ‘By OSCAR NICOLAS ‘and ASTOR PIAZZOI By ASTOR PIAZZOI By RAOUL CO} and ASTOR PL By YVES PAUL MARTIAL and ASTOR PIAZZ01 Guitar a Lert or ite = > 45 ) a Sa a a og oF eo 2 aie ah = ad LF ee IL ar By ASTOR PIAZZOI > PtLoT Lee eg Le ele nf ybtolda CE AL 4 Prune ere Lic Lr By ASTOR ‘By ROBERT AUGUSTE EN ‘and ASTOR PIAZZK. By ASTOR PIAZZOI tg i ton Ye saan OSE SS nat r r T To next section|I2, 2nd time D.C. al Fi (Key change is for D.C, Guitar To Coda D.C. al Coda, (Sans ta présence) By GUY FAVREAU, ALBERT ABI BEN SOUSSAN and ASTOR PIA7ZOI

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