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Framework for a Communication and outreach strategy

for the publication of Global Biodiversity Outlook 2

Draft version 0.5

November 2005

Situational Analysis and Context

As an element of the Strategic Plan adopted by the Conference of the Parties to the Convention at its
sixth meeting, Parties committed themselves to a more effective and coherent implementation of the
three objectives of the Convention, and agreed to achieve by 010 a significant reduction of the current
rate of biodiversity loss at the global, regional and national levels as a contribution to poverty
alleviation and to the benefit of all life on earth. The importance of the target was affirmed by the
Ministerial declaration of the meeting and was subsequently endorsed by the World Summit on
Sustainable Development. The global significance of the target was underlined at subsequent
meetings and discussions, both those related to the Convention Process, as well as others, such as
the Millennium Development Goals.

In light of this, at its seventh meeting, the Conference of the Parties, in paragraph 8 of decision VII/30,
requested the Executive Secretary, with the assistance of the World Conservation Monitoring Centre of
the United Nations Environment Programme and other relevant international organizations, to prepare
the second Global Biodiversity Outlook (GBO2) for publication prior to the eighth meeting of the
Conference of the Parties following peer review and review by the Subsidiary Body on Scientific,
Technical and Technological Advice at its tenth or eleventh meeting. As a follow-up to this decision,
the Executive Secretary, on the basis of discussions and recommendations of the GBO Advisory
Group and the Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group on indicators for assessing progress toward the 2010
biodiversity target, prepared a draft outline of the second edition of the Global Biodiversity Outlook.
This outline was reviewed by the 10th meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and
Technical Advice

In light of the discussions and recommendations, it was decided that the GBO report will be short,
focused and will contain clear and concise messages covering all the focal areas of the framework for
assessing progress towards the 2010 target. In this way, the GBO2 is intended to be a primary vehicle
not only for communicating the progress made towards the 2010 biodiversity target. Publication of the
report in 2006 is timely, as this will ensure that GBO2 is used by Parties as they form their
assessments and prospects for reaching the 2010 biodiversity target.

Due to the success of the first Global Biodiversity Outlook, GBO2 enjoys a high degree of visibility
among Parties. Furthermore, expectations have been raised through GBO2’s reliance on a broad
peer review process with representatives of the scientific community for its production. This will
increase the reception of the report among a number of policy communities.

At the same time, GBO2 is being released very closely in time to a number of other assessments,
including the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment in 2005, and UNEP’s Global Environment Outlook in
2007. This will make it challenging to distinguish it from other assessment products. Furthermore, the
proximity to other reports suggests that any communication and marketing activity must take place
with a concentrated time period, to capitalize on a potentially short attention span of the constituency.

There needs to be an effective communication strategy to

- raise provide of the report and its content,
- further raise awareness about 2010
- position the GBO2 in the family of global assessments
- contribute 5to the global debate on the biodiversity agenda.

Outreach Strategy – GBO2

To accomplish these goals, the following communication strategy has been proposed. The strategy is
based upon four pillars, which represent not only activities, but also loci for message design. These
four pillars are the following:

- Pillar A. Promoting the process through which the GBO2 is conceived, written reviewed and
- Pillar B. Emphasizing the launch of GBO2 at the eighth meeting of the Conference of the
- Pillar C. Broadly disseminate GBO2 and its ancillary products to specific target audiences
- Pillar D. Evaluating feedback from stakeholders.

Key elements:

1. Goals and objectives for strategy: The four pillars

The outreach strategy for GBO2 rests upon four main pillars, which represent not only the Basis for the
various activities, but also set its objectives. They are as follows:

a. Pillar A: Promoting the GBO2 as a mechanism and a process for communicating

progress towards the 2010 target.

Basis for Action and Objectives: The GBO2 must raise awareness and raise the profile of the
GBO as a primary mechanism for communicating progress towards the 2010 target. For this
reason, the communications and outreach strategy will begin implementing activities from the
very beginning of the production process for GBO2 itself. This will facilitate the creation of a
constituency of support amongst stakeholders and target audiences from an early date.
Because the production of GBO2 implies the participation of a variety of stakeholders at all
stages of the project, it is an excellent opportunity not only to create communication messages
in concert with the stakeholders, but also to ensure their participation in the implementation of
the strategy and the delivery of the messages to their own constituencies, as well as making
them “evangelists” of the process to other groups.

The main elements of the production process which are to be promoted are the following:

i. Mandate of the report.

ii. Focus of report (content and key messages)
iii. Audience
iv. Process (key players and contributors in the production process)
v. Timeframes and key milestones
vi. Other ancillary products

Activities: This pillar will rest upon the use of a variety of tools including the following inter alia:
- a regularly updated website,
- brochures aimed at a variety of target audiences
- a newsletter
- Briefing notes and updates on the state of the project
- Presentations
- outreach sessions at GBO2 planning meetings,
- regularly updated press releases,
- commissioning of opinion/editorial pieces by team members for release to the media,
- encouragement of participation in the creation of a launch video.

b. Pillar B: Emphasising the launch of GBO2 at the eighth meeting of the Conference of the

Basis for Action and Objectives: The opportunity to announce GBO2 at the opening
ceremonies of COP-8 in Brazil in 2006 represents an opportunity to enjoy the focused
attention of the majority of CBD stakeholders, delegates and other interested organizations. In

Outreach Strategy – GBO2

the time period for the GBO2, it is the best opportunity to capture the attention of a global
audience and achieve maximum exposure and impact.

Activities: GBO2 will be released on the first day of the Conference of the Parties, at the
opening plenary. For this reason, the strategy will include activities and products designed to
attract attention at this event. The following represent the main products to be created in
support of this event, and to be released at the event.

i. Launch video for COP-8 opening ceremony (also to be used at regional launches)
ii. Press Conference, targeting the major news media
iii. CD-ROM versions of GBO2
iv. Media and press kits
v. Radio and television pieces
vi. Press releases
vii. Commissioned opinion/editorial articles
viii. Speaking engagements at COP 8

Many of these activities will begin well in advance of COP 8, such as the creation of the launch
video, the issuing of press releases, the commissioning of opinion/editorial pieces and the
holding of speaking engagements.

c. Pillar C: Broadly disseminate GBO2 and its ancillary products to specific target

Basis for Action and Objectives: The impact of GBO2 will be maximised through ensuring that
the print and multi-media products of GBO2 reach the widest number of possible audiences. In
many cases, the products will need to be tailored to specific audience segments. The
Executive Summary of the report, for example, will be tailored for decision makers across a
variety of sectors.

Activities: Therefore the strategy will incorporate activities which exploit all possible channels
for distribution of the information products to all stakeholders. The key elements for this pillar
are listed below:

i. Web site – online order form for copies of the report, pdf versions of the report and
links to data sets.
ii. Distribution at COP 8, including distribution of executive summary
iii. CD-ROM of publication
iv. Mailing of Hardcopies of information products
v. Mailing and distribution of Information leaflets and brochures
vi. Mailing and distribution of Outreach kits for Parties, key partners, research &
scientific communities, academia, private sector groups, NGO communities
vii. Liaison with National Libraries
viii. Promotion at relevant international and regional meetings

d. Pillar D: Evaluating feedback from stakeholders.

Basis for Action and Objectives: It is of utmost importance to gauge the response of target
audiences with respect to the messages on the 2010 target contained in GBO2. It is also
important in general to measure and evaluate the response of these audience with regard to
the process for the creation of GBO2 and for future orientation. The impact of this edition will
have a direct effect on the reception and success of future products. It is extremely important
therefore that the opinions and feedback of users of the report is solicited and analysed to
provide adjustments to future strategies.

Activities: Among the elements of the evaluation are the following.

i. Assembly of User profiles

Outreach Strategy – GBO2

ii. Surveys of user options

iii. Content analyses of documents emitted by stakeholder organizations
iv. Survey of media coverage of GBO2
v. Creation of a final report on use of GBO2

2. Target audience

The audience for GBO2 is broad and includes people from around the world across a variety of
sectors. The following represent the most significant targeted segments.

a. Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity

Basis for Action: Parties to the Convention are a crucial group of stakeholders. This group
requested the creation of GBO2 and for this reason, represent the primary audience. It is
important that they are well informed about both the conclusions of GBO2, as well as their
potential uses for national policy making processes.

This group is represented by National and other Focal Points, delegates who attend the
Convention and Protocol’s meetings and representatives of selected ministries.

Objectives: to inform the parties on the progress being made towards achieving the 2010
target and so re-orient their priorities and programmes; to encourage this group to use GBO2
as a way to improve communications and reinforce their commitment to communicating their
implementation of the three objectives of the Convention, and evaluating their progress
towards achieving the 2010 target.

Expected outcomes and indicators of success: Parties use GBO2 messages in their
communications about the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity and their efforts
towards achieving the 2010 target.

b. International Organizations iinvolved in biodiversity conservation and sustainable use.

Basis for Action: Realisation of the objectives of the Convention will be increased through
greater cooperation

Expected Outcomes and Indicators of Success: Organizations enhance cooperation and

realise greater synergies in their activities. The organizations use the messages of GBO2 for
this end.

c. International Non-governmental Organizations working in the field of Biodiversity


Basis for Action: As organizations with links to civil society and to the international policy
making process in a number of fora, these represent an excellent communication channel and
an important channel for endorsement of the results of GBO2.
Objectives: Encourage NGOs to use the messages of GBO2 in their communications,
research and policy briefings over the medium term. Encourage NGOs to participate in the
communication strategy.

Expected Outcomes and Indicators of Success:

d. Scientists and Researchers involved in issues in the conservation, sustainable use and
equitable sharing of the benefits of, biological diversity and genetic resources.

Basis for Action: GBO2 will realise greater visibility if it receives an endorsement from the
researchers in the field of biodiversity monitoring. Credibility is gained from use of the data by
researchers and by engagement in debates and dialogues with researchers.

Objectives: Encourage researchers to use GBO2 content and its underlying source material.

Outreach Strategy – GBO2

Expected Outcomes and Indicators of Success: Number of mentions of GBO2 in scientific


e. Specialized groups of experts who were consulted or contributed to the production of


Basis for Action: As key participants in the formulation of GBO2, they will be able to provide
the most accurate information on the content of the report. As representatives of a number of
the other target audiences, they will be able to provide important data on the preferences of
these groups. They will also give credibility to the communications strategy as expert

Objectives: The objective is to ensure coherence among the message in the communication
strategy as well as in their own communications within and outside of their organizations
regarding GBO2.

Expected Outcomes and Indicators of Success: Group of experts and contributors

communicate consistent and coherent messages; provide follow-up actions as the basis of the
key message conveyed by GBO2

f. Members of Civil society, with an interest in biodiversity conservation issues.

Basis for Action: Implementation of policy and grassroots monitoring of the status of
Biodiversity takes place at the local level. This reality is reflected in Article 8 (j) of the
Convention and therefore GBO2 should seek to provide support to these communities.

Objectives: Provide channels for the use of GBO2 and its data by local and indigenous

Expected Outcomes and Indicators of Success: information products from the process are
used by local groups, are translated into local languages, are cited in policy proposals and
documents at the local level.

g. The media, including printed, radio and television media and online correspondents

Basis for Action: Both the print and electronic media are important mechanisms for
disseminating information to the public. The Secretariat will identify and target
reporters/correspondents and editors working with key media houses and news wires covering
environmental news. Perhaps more importantly, the effort will endeavour to engage networks
that cover the developing world as their primary focus. Potential targets include: Reuters
World Environment News (Planet Ark), Environment News Service (ENS), Environmental
Media Services (EMS), BBC, CNN, TVE as well as environmental journalists’ networks such
as: the International Federation of Environmental Journalists (IFEJ), the Commonwealth
Environmental Journalists Association and the World Environmental Journalists E-group

Objectives To promote broad, positive and accurate coverage of GBO2 and its use by the
Parties in the mass media; to engage and effectively use the mass media to disseminate
information and news regarding GBO2. and the 2010 target.

Expected Outcomes and Indicators of Success: This group will assist in reaching out to all of
the above groups.

3. Key messages

The primary message is that GBO2 is a toolkit for monitoring progress being made around the
world towards 2010 target. GBO2 will have the following distinguishing features:

Outreach Strategy – GBO2

a. Biodiversity plays a role in the broader policy context. It has a crucial role in the
realization of sustainable development and of human well-being and for this reason is
addressed in a number of global initiatives including the UN Secretary General’s WEHAB
initiative, the targets set by WSSD and its relationship with the Millennium Development

b. It analyses the linkages and possible impacts of some of the global drivers of change such
as globalisation, trade, allocation of resources including foreign direct investment, and
empowerment, amongst others. As in preceding sections, linkages with and the
contribution of the existing mechanisms to overall poverty alleviation

c. It evaluates the range of existing mechanisms that actors are using to promote biodiversity
conservation and sustainable use. This includes the programmes of work, tools and
instruments developed under the framework of the Convention, as well as those tools
articulated by other agencies including the Millennium Assessment, the MDG.

d. It provides an analysis that combines global perspectives with realistic and balanced
approaches for consideration at the national level. It emphasizes national implementation
processes meeting global goals in the context of national priorities.

The content of the messages will expand as the content of GBO2 itself is articulated. Note
that the content of these key messages will be developed in consultation with all authors and
team members.

4. Activities and outputs, including use

The outreach strategy encompasses the following activities and outputs which have been
developed to respond to each of the four pillars.

a. Creation of outreach strategy and development of partnerships

The creation of the outreach strategy for GBO2 itself represents an opportunity to build
support for amongst a variety of groups including the authors and researchers involved in the
process, the NGOs engaged with the CBD, and other international organizations. The
following steps are involved:

Creation and review of a draft of the strategy:

A draft of the strategy will be submitted to key partner organizations for comment and their
input. This exercise will build support amongst these organizations and will incorporate them
as actors in the process. It is recommended that IUCN and WCMC be among the
organizations to be invited to provide comment on the strategy.

Implementation of the Strategy:

CBD is the overall player there and other organizations will provide inputs as necessary.
Resulting from the review of the strategy, partners and their contributions and involvement will
be identified.

Targeted Groups: NGOs, members of EGOOT

Pillars to which this responds: a, c and d

b. Creation of Products

The outreach strategy rests on the creation of a number of promotional and information
products. It is important to note that the graphic identity and branding of the report will be
established early on in the production process, and that all the products listed below must
share this look. Hence a logo and colours for all the items listed below will be established in
spring 2005.

i. Web site

Outreach Strategy – GBO2

From the very first stages of the project, a website devoted to GBO2 will be created
on by the Secretariat’s CHM team. The site will provide multiple
communication channels for outreach and promotion of GBO2. Among the most
important features of the site are the following:
- introduction
- Briefing on project process
- “GBO2 and you” – section for targeted groups, including leaflets in pdf form
- restricted section for project participants which includes document revision
tools, online discussions and a variety of online collaboration tools
- public discussion forums
- documents: report, executive summary and technical volumes and
outreach kit.
- “press room” – latest news on the GBO project, including streaming version
of the video, links to media coverage of GBO2
- calendar of activities (launch, meetings, outreach workshops and the GBO
process including milestones)
- order form for copies of GBO2
- links to data sources and other external websites

Targeted Groups: all groups, with specific sections of website devoted to the
needs of different groups

ii. Launch Video

The launch video will be the main showcase element of the launch of GBO2 at COP
8. It will be a brief video that will present the findings of the report, summarise the
process and present the reaction of a number of stakeholders to the report. Some
of the most salient features of the launch video and its creation are the following:
- It should be concise – no more than 7 minutes long
- It should include interviews with eminent personalities such as President
Chirac of France, Kofi Annan, Hamdallah Zedan, Klaus Topfer and others.
Efforts should be made to realise a regional balance
- It should provide concise information on the conclusions of each chapter
and illustrate these conclusions with brief animated graphics if suitable.
- It must be produced in all formats for global distribution.

Targeted Groups: delegates at COP 8, national focal points, media

iii. Executive Summary

The Executive summary will be a concise presentation of the main policy messages
contained in the report. It will be produced in all six United Nations Languages and
will be aggressively marketed to heads of state.

Targeted Groups: Deldates at Cop 8, heads of state, national focal points, media

iv. GBO2 Report

The print version of the report is the product for dissemination. It will contain an
executive summary of 6 languages, and the main document, which will be produced
in English only.

Targeted Groups: all groups

v. Technical volumes

These will be a series of short volumes (10-15 pages each) which present the
technical information on the indicators with a focus on presenting these as key
source material for the content of the report. They are intended to be used primarily

Outreach Strategy – GBO2

by researchers and experts interested in the range of indicators and will be

supporting documents for those.

Targeted Groups: expert audience, researchers and scientists.

vi. CD-ROM of main report

The main report will also need to be released on a CD-Rom. In its simplest form,
the report will be an interactive pdf of the printed report, the executive summary, the
technical volumes, and all ancillary products, with embedded hyperlinks and other
features. Links to print-ready graphics and other images will also be included.

Targeted Groups: all groups

vii. Brochures, leaflets and newsletters

A number of short information products will be needed to communicate the

relevance of GBO2 to the specific target groups. These products will encompass
the following:
- A pamphlet which discusses the process for the creation of GBO2
- A series of pamphlets which could be titled: “GBO2 and You” Six pamphlets
will be created, each for the following groups:
o Parties to the Convention
o International Organizations interested in biological diversity
o NGOs working in sustainable development
o Civil Society, with a focus on indigenous knowledge
o Researchers and Scientists
o Press and the Media
- A newsletter, produced in pdf for the GBO2 website which provides the
latest news on the process

Targeted Groups: all groups, specific groups for specific products.

viii. Press Releases

Press releases will be primarily directed at the Media, but some will also be
designed to attract the attention of partner organizations, NGOs and International
Organizations. Most press releases will be issued near the launch date of the report,
but a number may also be issued when significant milestones are reached. Some
of the important times for the issue of press releases can include the following:
- SBSTTA review of the draft document (Fall 2005)
- Launch at COP 8 (Spring 2006)
- Regional launches (Spring 2006)
- Regional outreach (Summer 2006)
- Commencement of evaluation and surveys of users. (Summer 2006 and

Targeted Groups: media, communication officers of international organizations

and NGOs

ix. Powerpoint Presentations

A number of prepared powerpoint presentations will be produced for use at

speaking events. The presentations will also be posted on the website, may be
included on the CD-ROM and will be shared with journalists.

Targeted Groups: delegates to COP 8, Media, Researchers, programme officers at

international organizations.

x. Outreach Kits for Parties

Outreach Strategy – GBO2

To accompany GBO2 and provide information on its use, an outreach kit will be
created. The kit will be a guide to the use and dissemination of GBO2, targeted at
National Focal Points, with the intention to encourage them to reach out to other
stakeholders in their countries. The kit will include:
- Users guide to the GBO2.
- Pdf files of GBO2 posters
- Logos of GBO2
- Suggested activities and template for national communication strategies on
- Key messages
The kit will also be used in conjunction with the planned regional outreach meetings
to be held following the release of COP 8

Targeted Groups: National Focal Points, NGOs, International Organizations

xi. Posters for COP-8 Launch

A number of detailed posters will be created for the COP-8 launch, to highlight the
conclusions for each of the chapters of GBO2. These will be large posters, suitable
for posting on a large wall surface, near the plenary hall where the launch will take
place. These will be translated into all 6 UN languages.

Targeted Groups: delegates and all attendees at COP 8

Pillars to which this responds: c and d

c. Liaison with Media

Throughout the GBO2 process, communication will be maintained with the media. The
targeted media for this has yet to be determined, but will include press from a variety of
language groups, and will focus on science journalists with affiliations to regional networks in
the developing world. Media liaison activities will also need to include the participation of the
team drafting GBO2.
- SBSTTA review of the draft document (Fall 2005)
- Launch at COP 8 (Spring 2006)
- Regional launches (Spring 2006)
- Regional outreach (Summer 2006)
- Commencement of evaluation and surveys of users. (Summer 2006 and

Targeted Groups: media, communication officers of NGOs and International Organizations

Pillars to which this responds: a through d

d. Launch of Report at COP-8

Central to ensuring the successful reception of GBO2 will be the launch of the report at the
eighth meeting of the Conference of the Parties. The launch is foreseen as part of the
opening ceremonies at COP 8, during the plenary, on the first day of the Conference. The
launch will include the following:
- an address by Hamdallah Zedan and key dignitaries including the
representatives of Brazil and Klaus Topfer
- presentation of the launch video in the plenary hall
- distribution of print copy of GBO2, CD-ROM and launch video to all
- Press conference after the ceremony
- Media interviews with main authors
- Responses and messages of congratulations from delegates from the floor
of the plenary.

Outreach Strategy – GBO2

Simultaneous to the launch at COP 8, the report will also be released at regional launches, to
be held at the regional offices of UNEP. The financial details of these events will have to be
negotiated with UNEP, but each event can include the following:
- presentation of the launch video
- reading of the remarks by Hamdallah Zedan and Topfer
- press conference
- distribution of the report
- statements by local unep officials

Targeted Groups: delegates, UNEP officers, media

Pillars to which this responds:

e. Dissemination of Report

The report will be printed in sufficient copies for distribution beyond the delegates at COP-8.
The main target groups for dissemination via mail are the following:
- biodiversity research institutes
- national focal points to the Convention
- national focal points to FCCC and CCD
- key officers at the Secretariats of UNEP, UNESCO, FAO, CITES, CMS,
Ramsar, FCCC, CCD, IFAD, IPGRI, UNDP, WHO, and others
- significant NGOS and IGOs, including WWF, IUCN, Greenpeace, Sierra
- National libraries
- University libraries\
- Indigenous communities

The report will also be available upon request via an online order form on the CBD website.

In addition, the report will be disseminated at a number of international conferences that will
follow during 2006-2007. A kiosk and a representative of the Secretariat should be present at
these events to distribute the report.

Targeted Groups: all groups

Pillars to which this responds: a and c

f. Regional outreach meetings

Following the release of GBO2, a series of regional meetings will be held to provide Parties
with the tools and advice on how to best use GBO2 in their implementation of the work of the
Convention and reporting on progress in achieving the 2010 target in regional and national
contexts. Further, the meetings will provide an opportunity to evaluate the outreach and
impact of GBO2 amongst the target audiences.

These meetings will bring together focal points and communication experts with facilitators
and CBD staff to provide translation of global messages and findings into regional contexts.

Pillars to which this responds: a, c and d

g. Evaluation Survey and Analysis

In the 12 months following the release of GBO2, feedback on its use will be gathered through
a variety of tools. The following is the tentative list of tools that will be used:
- online survey of use
- onsite interviews at COP 8 of selected delegates
- issuing of a notification with a well-formed questionnaire
- detailed interviews with selected representatives of key focus groups

Outreach Strategy – GBO2

- content analysis of press coverage for the period of January to December

- Content analysis of policy documents of selected organizations
- Final summary of evaluation study.

Targeted Groups: all groups

Pillars to which this responds: a and d

5. Resources available

At this date, funding sources for the project have not yet been determined. A preliminary estimate of
the funds required for the items mentioned under 4 b), c), and d) above is under preparation.

6. Specific Implementation Frameworks

The specific project planning documents for implementation for all the activities in this strategy will be
drafted during the review of the main strategy document and will be drafted in the fall of 2005. The
following documents are envisaged:
- Launch Video project plan document
- Brochure planning documents
- Press Release and Media Kit strategies
- Website planning document
- Event Plan for COP 8 launch event.

Outreach Strategy – GBO2

7. Timeframe (key milestones and deadlines)

a) Develop draft strategy Fall 2005
b) Review by CEPA IAC November 2005
c) Revise and finalise December 2005

d) Implement the strategy Ongoing,

a. Create GBO2 website January 2006
b. Development of Launch Video January 2006 and ongoing
i. Creation of concept, TOR for production
company, Selection of company
ii. Gathering of content, including interviews
iii. Proofing and final production
iv. Release and distribution
c. Information Brochures January 2006 and ongoing
d. Liaison with Media March 2006 and ongoing
e. Outreach kit March 2006
f. Commissioned opinion/editorial pieces March 2006
g. Press Releases March 2006
h. COP – 8 Launch March 2006
i. Regional launches May 2006
j. Regional outreach workshops June 2006 to December 2006
k. Promotion of GBO2 at international Conferences June 2006 to March 2007
e) Monitor and evaluate progress and make adjustments as necessary Ongoing
Timetable for ancilliary products
Delivered by March 2006
PDF Version Delivered by March 2006
Website Ongoing
Posters Delivered by March 2006
Technical volumes – indicators (10 volumes of 15 pages each) Delivered by 30 April 2006
Media kit for launch Delivered by March 2006

Launch video Delivered by March 2006

Promotional materials - leaflets, newsletters, brochures Ongoing, but first products
delivered in June 2005
Press releases Ongoing, but first products
delivered in June 2005
Ongoing, but first products
PPT slides/canned presentations available for SBSTTA 11


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