Fashion Industry

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India is a country with an ancient clothing design tradition, yet an emerging fashion

industry. Though a handful of designers existed prior to the 1980s, the late 80s and the
1990s saw a spurt of growth. This was the result of increasing exposure to global
fashion and the economic boom after the economic liberalization of the Indian
economy in 1990. The following decades firmly established fashion as the industry,
across India.


History of clothing in India, dates back of ancient times, yet fashion in a new industry, as
it was the traditional Indian clothings with regional variations, be it sari, ghagra
choli or dhoti, that remained popular till early decades of post-independence India

However, in the recent decades, with increasing exposure to the West, its influence is no
longer as strong as in the previous decades, by the 2000s, with rise in Indian diaspora
around the world and the non-resident Indians, Bollywood continues to exert far greater
influence on the fashion sensibilities amongst Indians around the world.

Delhi and Mumbai are important centres of fashion designing and manufacture in India,
followed by Bangalore and other large cities
According to the Hindu,
The apparel industry is the second largest employment provider in India and has been a
great foreign exchange revenue earner. The domestic market is expected to grow to the
tune of Rs. 23,000 crores by 2010 from the present Rs. 2,000 crores.

Fashion as a cycle never completes and always stands for creativity and talent. Being one
of the necessities of life, it depicts one’s personality and status. The competition factor
has added a lot to this industry and helps one to be a path breaker plus set his/her own
fashion trends. Fashion industry provides opportunities from illiterates to highly
qualified personnel.

A lot of scope

1. lot of urbanization and westernization

2. rise of standard of living and income levels.
3. demographic factor. a major chunk of population being young

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