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IS 15393 (Part 5) :2003

ISO 5725-5: 1998

A more complicated example is the 6-factor staggered-nested design given in annex C of ISO 5725-3:1994. With
this design, the first stage of the analysis is to calculate the average of the data for each laboratory (at each level),
denoted y,(l), ... , Y,(5)) and a series Of ranges, denoted w,(I), .-, wi(5), that contain information about the variability
attributable to the various factors examined in the experiment. To analyse the data using the robust methods
described here, ‘Algorithm A’ is applied to the cell averages, and ‘Algorithm S’ is applied to each series of ranges
in turn. The statistics obtained by these operations are then used to obtain estimates of repeatability, intermediate
precision and reproducibility standard deviations, in the same way as if the method of analysis described in
ISO 5725-3 were being used.

6.1.7 The robust methods that are included in this part of ISO 5725 were chosen because they can be applied to
ail the experimental designs given in parts 2, 3, 4 and 5 of ISO 5725, and because the calculations they require are
relatively simple. It should be noted, however, that they provide a means of combining, in a robust manner, cell
averages, cell standard deviations and cell ranges. They do not combine individual test results in a robust manner,
i.e. they start with the arithmetic cell averages and the cell standard deviations. There are robust methods that
combine test results within cells in a robust manner, and they would be more complicated to apply in practice.

6.2 Robust analysis: Algorithm A

6.2.1 This algorithm yields robust values of the average and standard deviation of the data to which it is applied,
and is applied to:

a) cell averages, in any design;

b) cell differences, in the split-level design.

6.2.2 Denote the p items of data, sorted into increasing order, by:

xl, X2, ....xt. .. .. xp

Denote the robust average and robust standard deviation of these data by x ● ands ●

6.2.3 Calculate initial values for x“ands ● as:

x ● = median of xi (i= 1,2, ..., p) (56)

s*= 1,483 x median of Ixi – x I ● (i= 1,2,..., p) (57)

6.2.4 Update the values of x ● ands ● as follows.


(p=l,5s* (58)

For each xi value (i= 1, 2, .... p), calculate:

x*–(p if Xi< X*–~

x; = x*+ip if Xi> X*+~ (59)

[ xi otherwise

Calculate the new values of X* ands* from:


IS 15393 (Part 5) :2003
ISO 5725-5: 1998

s*=1134/$(x~-x*)2/(p-,) (61)

6.2.5 The robust estimates x’ ands* maybe derived by an iterative calculation, i.e. by repeating the calculations in
6.2.4 several times, until the-change in the estimates of x * and s* from one calculation to the next is small. This is a
simple method to program on a computer.

6.2.6 An alternative method that does not involve iteration and so may be easier to apply if the calculations are
being done by hand, is derived by observing that equations (60) and (61) in 6.2.4 maybe written:

x*=x’ +~5x (u”– UJS*/(p-UL –UU) (62)

(s *)’= (p,-~L ‘lZu -1) x (s’)2 /[(p-1)/11342 ‘~52(p~L + p~u -4ULUu)/(p-UL -Uu)] (63)


‘L is the number of data items xi for which xi < X*- ~

Uu is the number of data items xi for which xi > x*+ q;

x’ and S’ are the average and standard deviation of the @ – uL – Uu) data items xi for which Ixi – x‘1 < q.

These may be used to calculate x* and s* directly if UL and uu are known. One approach is to try the various
possibilities in a systematic order (i.e. try UL = O, Uu = O; then UL = O, uu = 1; then UL = 1,uu = O; then.uL = 1, uu = 1;
and so on) until a valid solution is found in which the actual numbers of items of data more than 1,5s*from x* equal
the values of UL and Uu used to calculate X“ and s●. In practice, the analyst will be able to use histograms such as
those shown in figure 4 to identify the values that are likely to differ from x* by more than 1,5s ● , and so find the
solution by evaluating a small number of cases.

A further possibility is to use the iterative method to find an approximate solution, then solve equations (62) and (63)
to find the exact solution. This is the approach that is used in the examples that follow.

6.3 Robust analysis: Algorithm S

6.3.1 This algorithm is applied to within-laboratorystandard deviations (or within-laboratoryranges) in any design.

It yields a robust pooled value of the standard deviations or ranges to which it is applied.

6.3.2 Denote the p items of data, sorted into increasing order, by

WI, w’, .... W1, .... w


(These may be ranges or standard deviations).

Denote the robust pooled value by w*, and the degrees of freedom associated with each Wi by v. (When Wi is a
range, v = 1. When Wi is the standard deviation of n results, v = n - 1.) Obtain the values of < and ~ required by the
algorithm from table 23.

6.3.3 Calculate an initial value for w ● as follows.

w ● = median of Wi (i= 1,2, ..., p) (64)

6.3.4 Update the.vaiue of W* as follows.


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