COMPARATIVE PUBLIC LAW and Research Methedology Assignment PDF

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1. Give in Detail the Meaning and Definition of Public Law -PRANAV

2. Explain Diceys Concept of Rule of Law. What are the dimensions of Rule of Law in this
modern World?- KARTHICK
3. Explain the Concept of Globalization of Comparative Public Law -SHEENAZ
4. Concept of Locustandi has undergone a sea change through the passage of time-
Elucidate- VIJAY
5. Write a Note on Judicial Activism- SPADEKA
6. Critically Evaluate the Factors which are responsible for white collar crimes -TARUM
7. Explain the Working of Juvenile Justice Act in the area of rehabilitation and social re-
integration of juveniles.-SHAKILA
8. Analyse the salient features of Domestic Violence Act in India and discuss its
Significance in protecting Women Rights. -SHABARI
9. Critically Evaluate the doctrine of Rule of Law as enumerated by A.V Dicey. State the
relevance of Rule of Law in a Developing Country Like India- SHREEKUMAR
10. Judicial Review is the whip in the hands of the Judiciary to set right the law-making
authorities- Explain- ROHITH
11. Discuss the Evolution of Definition of Constitutional Law across time- MAURRICE
12. Explain the Nature and Significance of Constitutional law under the Common Law
System - SATHAN
13. Explain the Nature and Significance of Constitutional Law under the Civil Law or
Continental Law System -AGALYA
14. Compare and Contrast Between Federal Nature of U.S and Indian Constitution-
15. Discuss the Relevance of Doctrine of Separation of Power in the Contemporary
Constitutional Law. - MICHAEL


1. Discuss the conditions to be followed while formulating research problem. - PRANAV

2. Explain the concept of research and also its objectives and significance.- KARTHICK
3. Analyse the importance of Legal Research in law reforms. -SHEENAZ
4. Explain interview as a method of data collection in research and its significance in legal
research.- VIJAY
5. What do you understand by research design? Why research design is important in any
research problem- SPADEKA
6. Write about different sampling techniques and its merits in legal research.- TARUN
7. Discuss the essential characteristics of good legal writing -SHAKILA
8. What are the different types of research?- SHABARI
9. What are the basic types of Hypothesis? How do you form a Hypothesis?-
10. Discuss the Different Methods of Legal Research- ROHITH
11. Discuss the different Observation Methods for Data Collection and its Importance in
Socio-Legal Research- MAURRICE
12. Discuss the Important principles of Recatch Ethics and its importance to legal Research?-
13. Discuss the merits and demerits of Survey Method of Data Collection and its Relevance
to legal Research. - AGALYA
16. Explain the importance and significance of citation in Legal Research. - SOWMYA
14. Discuss the impact of Information Communication Technology on Legal Research. -

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