Eight Common Mistakes in Reading and Creating Single Line and Wiring Diagrams

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As I wrote in one of my previous articles, called 

How to read single line and

wiring diagrams, single line diagrams are simplified and digest picture of whole
switchboard, showing only major power equipment and connections to other
switchboards. Wiring diagrams are used to show control, measurement and
signalization principle of operation inside switchboard.

Eight common mistakes in reading and creating single line and wiring diagrams
In order to create consistent and technically correct single line or wiring
diagram, more than basic knowledge about engineering field in question is
required. Besides electrical installation and equipment, design engineer should
be familiar with electrical symbols and software package for drawing.

This is good moment to mention that diagram design and diagram drawing

are basically two separate activities, especially in the case of more complex
switchboards and installation. First one requires adequate engineering skills
and experience for equipment dimensioning and proper functionality of whole
installation, hence higher level of responsibility is involved. Second one can be
done by skilled technician, sometimes called draftsman, if all components and
connections are already chosen, i.e. designed.
However, today in practice, these two activities are usually done by same
person, although in some companies division still exist, and whole process of
diagram creation is done by at least two employees.

Practically the same, except maybe necessity for drawing software, stands for
diagram reading.

Again, understanding of graphical presentation on one side, and ability to check

diagram compatibility with calculations and standards on the other side, are two
different things.

Within this article,  full engineering approach to single line and wiring diagrams

creation and reading will be presented. That means both, design and graphical


As already started within above mentioned previous article, some most

important and most often mistakes during this process will be described. Of
course, the goal is to avoid these mistakes whenever is possible, and create
correct and usable single line or wiring diagram.

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