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In terms of technology, the dystopian society can be comparable to

21st-century anthropogenic society with slight variations in technology. The
major technological difference between these two societies is that the dystopian
Earth possesses highly advanced cold fusion technology. This high
energy-yielding form of thermonuclear fusion can be achieved at room
temperature—allowing for nearly unlimited energy production in a domestic
environment. The cold fusion apparatus can be retrofitted into any preexisting
electronic device to power it indefinitely without necessitating the use of an
electrical outlet. Not only this but the dystopian society also developed
technology that allowed them to observe and physically interact with the
divergent quantum states of particles on a macroscopic scale—essentially
interdimensional travel and interaction. This extradimensional world is identical
to the dystopian society except for slight differences in historical events—not
enough to warrant any significant attention. Scientists from the dystopian society
collaborated with their extradimensional counterparts to develop the cold fusion
technology which powers their devices. These devices provided to the dystopian
society however were trojan horses. In actuality, the cold fusion devices
propagated throughout the dystopian society were much more complex than
initially presented. In addition to an atomic fusion mechanism, each cold fusion
apparatus contains a pocket dimension encompassing an unstable quantum
particle that absorbs ambient electrical energy to regain stability while
simultaneously emitting high-energy electromagnetic radiation to maintain
equilibrium. The quantum particle is quantum-entangled (intrinsically linked) to
an identical particle present in the extradimensional society where the stable
electrical energy intake is transferred to a storage system. In short, the subversive
cold fusion apparatus absorbs electrical energy from the dystopian society, which
is then transferred to the extradimensional society for use. Regarding the intake of
ambient electrical energy, the unstable quantum particle derives such resources
from anthropogenic bioelectricity resulting in gradual neurodegeneration and
reduction of mental faculties. Essentially, the extradimensional society had
created a parasitic renewable energy source. To maintain control over the
populace, each subversive cold fusion apparatus is outfitted with an
electromagnetic wave modulator as well as a remote frequency translation
broadcasting nanodevice. The modulation device allows for the manipulation of
the frequency of the electromagnetic radiation released from the stabilizing
quantum particle, while the frequency translation broadcasting nanodevice
converts radio transmissions from the extradimensional society into readable data
for the modulator. The modulator manipulates the frequency of the released
electromagnetic radiation such that it discreetly alters the brain’s
neurochemistry—lowering latent inhibition and modifying temporal and occipital
neural pathways. There are two consequences to this cognitive restructuring.
Firstly, individuals with low latent inhibition rapidly absorb incoming stimuli.
This results in constant periods of abnormally high neural electrical activity in
response to the incoming stimuli. Such high levels of electrical activity are then
absorbed by the unstable particle to further amplify the electrical power stored in
the extradimensional society. Secondly, the occipitotemporal modifying
frequency serves to alter the individual’s perception of reality such that all forms
of visual media are perceived as masses of arbitrarily arranged alphanumeric
characters interlaced with periodic messages compelling the individual to
continually observe and interact with various forms of visual media. Not only
does this greatly bolster neural electrical activity, but this functions as a way for
the extradimensional society to easily manipulate the dystopian society by proxy
without physical interaction. Despite the sudden appearance of these seemingly
random visual stimuli on a macrocosmic scale, the populace perceives no
abnormal or anomalous occurrences. Overall, the extradimensional society had
discovered a way to perfectly subjugate the dystopian society into supplying them
with a nigh-infinite energy source at the expense of the dystopian society’s mental
faculties and complex higher-order thinking. Ironically, this extradimensional
society had already been stated to be nearly identical to the dystopian
society—meaning that the fall into a dystopia by the dystopian society had been
orchestrated by their near-identical counterparts in a parallel dimension.
Essentially, the dystopian society was responsible for its own downfall in a
metaphorical sense. As for the everyday life of the average individual in this
society, their routine has been greatly altered since the cognitive restructuring.
Firstly, upon waking, the individual will carry out the basic essential hygienic and
homeostatic procedure necessary to maintain biological functioning. The
individual will then proceed to view either a physical or digital form of visual
media for an extended period (ranging from 7 to 8 hours). The contents of this
visual media vary between individuals but show on average a multitude of
abnormal phenomena: arbitrarily scrambled alphanumeric characters lined
perpendicularly such that they form a visually pleasant “golden rectangle”;
propaganda advertising promoting the use and proliferation of the subversive cold
fusion devices—stating its efficacy as approved by the extradimensional society;
various luminous, perfectly proportioned geometric figures acting as a moderate
psychostimulant—heightening neural electrical activity. After the viewing period,
the individual will return to a period of sleep negligent of all personal hobbies
beforehand besides cognitive stimulation. There exists only one widespread
cultural trend—a twisted emphasis on literature and education such that increased
cognitive activity subsequently increases electrical energy levels available for the
extradimensional society to use. Propaganda posters are widespread depicting
various kinds of books accompanied by random alphanumeric characters. These
posters typically have a large rectangular area near the top encompassing a quote
by the extradimensional society: “Knowledge and Education Power Our society”.
As seen through the eyes of the dystopian society, this quote is a figurative
representation of their restructured values. Ironically, the knowledge (and
subsequent heightened neural electrical activity) of individuals in the dystopian
society literally supplies energy [power] to the extradimensional society.

Advanced Technology:

Subversive Cold Thermonuclear Fusion Apparatus:​ A 8 cubic centimeter

apparatus containing 6 elements: a small-scale thermonuclear fusion chamber; a
quantum reality pocket dimension anchoring mechanism; an unstable
quantum-entangled elementary particle; an electromagnetic wave modulator; a
remote frequency translation broadcasting nanodevice; a universal retrofitting
mechanism. Supplies nigh-unlimited energy to electronic devices it becomes
affixed to. Intakes ambient electrical energy from the environment while
outputting high-energy electromagnetic radiation. Functions as an energy source
and mind-control device for the extradimensional society.

Macroscopic Divergent Quantum State Sustainment Field: ​ A 6 ft by 3 ft

electromechanical frame containing an infinitesimally thick 2-dimensional energy
field that preserves the quantum state of particles in reality. Prevents the wave
function of elementary particles from collapsing and allows for the simultaneous
existence and interaction between parallel universes. Walking through the frame
preserves the quantum state of the individual and brings them to an identical
environment present in the alternate dimension. Enables electrons transfer
between dimensions. Allows for interdimensional collaboration between scientists
from a neighboring parallel universe.

Fundamental Legislation for the United World Commonwealth

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