AMISOM Brings Clean Water To Residents of El-Ma'Aan Village in HirShabelle State

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STORY: AMISOM brings clean water to residents of El-

Ma’aan village in HirShabelle State

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1. Wide shot, AMISOM Civil Affairs Officer and Coordinator of the AMISOM in
Hirshabelle State, Christopher Aria
2. Close up shot, Christopher Aria, AMISOM Civil Affairs Officer and Coordinator of
AMISOM in Hirshabelle State
3. Close up shot, an official from the Hirshabelle state administration
4. Close up shot, another official from the Hirshabelle state administration
5. Close up shot, a senior AMISOM military officer
6. Wide shot, Christopher Aria, AMISOM Civil Affairs Officer and Coordinator of
AMISOM in Hirshabelle State meeting with AMISOM military officers and Hirshabelle
state administration officials
7. Close up shot, Christopher Aria, AMISOM Civil Affairs Officer and Coordinator of
AMISOM in Hirshabelle State speaking
8. Med shot, Christopher Aria listening to an official from the Hirshabelle state
9. Wide shot, Christopher Aria, AMISOM Civil Affairs Officer and Coordinator of
AMISOM in Hirshabelle State meeting with Kasim Ali Nur, the District Commissioner
of Bal’ad
10. Med shot, Kasim Ali Nur, the District Commissioner of Bal’ad
11. Close up shot, Christopher Aria, AMISOM Civil Affairs Officer and Coordinator of
AMISOM in Hirshabelle State
12. Med shot, Christopher Aria, AMISOM Civil Affairs Officer and Coordinator of
AMISOM in Hirshabelle State and Kasim Ali Nur, the District Commissioner of Bal’ad
13. SOUNDBITE: (ENGLISH) Christopher Aria, AMISOM Civil Affairs Officer and
Coordinator of AMISOM in Hirshabelle State
“We have to support the people of Somalia especially in Bal’ad by drilling more
boreholes because the existing ones are not enough. We are now planning to drill
more water wells in Bal’ad and at the same time, rehabilitate schools in the area,
under the same project,”
14. Med shot, a senior AMISOM military officer signing the hand over documents
15. Close up shot, Kasim Ali Nur, the District Commissioner of Bal’ad looking
16. Close up shot, document
17. SOUNDBITE: (ENGLISH) Christopher Aria, AMISOM Civil Affairs Officer and
Coordinator of AMISOM in Hirshabelle State
“We met with the District Police Commissioner and we have seen that there is no
police station in Bal’ad. Our immediate programme is to help with the rehabilitation
of the police station in Bal’ad. This is important because it will help reduce crime in
the area,”

18. Wide shot, group photo

19. SOUNDBITE: (SOMALI) Kasim Ali Nur, the District Commissioner of Bal’ad
“We are grateful for AMISOM’s efforts of rehabilitating wells in Bal’ad and its
environs. The needs we want to share with them include, lack of a functioning
hospital, given that the nearest place where the people can seek medical service is in
Mogadishu. I would like to request AMISOM to support us in rebuilding the main
hospital in the district so as to improve access to health care services in the region,”

20. Med shot, group photo

21. Close up shot, group photo
23. SOUNDBITE: (SOMALI) Kasim Ali Nur, the District Commissioner of Bal’ad
“We also need schools where both the young and old in Bal’ad and its neighbouring
villages can study. We need to create job opportunities and establish sports facilities
like stadiums so as to deter the youth from joining extremist groups,”

24. Wide shot, Hirshabelle State officials

AMISOM brings clean water to residents of El-Ma’aan village in HirShabelle State.

BAL’AD, Somalia December 20, 2020 – The problem of access to clean potable water
will be a thing of the past for thousands of local communities of El-Ma’aan village in
Bal’ad District, HirShabelle State of Somalia, after the African Union Mission in
Somalia (AMISOM) put up 5 wells under its Quick Impact Projects (QIPs).
Speaking during the handover of the 5 wells project handed over to the Bal’ad
District administration, AMISOM Civil Affairs Officer and Coordinator of the AMISOM
in Hirshabelle State, Christopher Aria said the project was aimed at addressing the
water scarcity problem affecting the population. He also promised support on the
education sector and security.
The QIPs project majorly seeks to improve access to clean and safe water for
approximately 5000 households in the district and its environs by drilling more
boreholes in the area. Access to clean and safe water has been a perennial problem
in the area.
“We have to support the people of Somalia especially in Bal’ad by drilling more
boreholes because the existing ones are not enough. We are now planning to drill
more water wells in Bal’ad and at the same time, rehabilitate schools in the area,
under the same project,” Aria explained
Under the same project, AMISOM plans to rehabilitate Police Stations and Police
Posts in a bid to improve the security in the region.
“We met with the District Police Commissioner and we have seen that there is no
police station in Bal’ad. Our immediate programme is to help with the rehabilitation
of the police station in Bal’ad. This is important because it will help reduce crime in
the area,” Aria said.
He added, “There is a need for the police to have offices, the Criminal Investigations
Department (CID) has to be working. We need offices for the Police Commander, his
deputy and the staff. It is very important to have a police station in Bal’ad.”
Speaking at the same event, Kasim Ali Nur, the District Commissioner of Bal’ad,
lauded AMISOM for the continued support but noted that the area faces numerous
challenges, which he shared with AMISOM officials, at the brief meeting at the
District Headquarters.
“We are grateful for AMISOM’s efforts of rehabilitating wells in Bal’ad and its
environs. The needs we want to share with them include, lack of a functioning
hospital, given that the nearest place where the people can seek medical service is in
Mogadishu. I would like to request AMISOM to support us in rebuilding the main
hospital in the district so as to improve access to health care services in the region,”
Kasim explained.
“We also need schools where both the young and old in Bal’ad and its neighbouring
villages can study. We need to create job opportunities and establish sports facilities
like stadiums so as to deter the youth from joining extremist groups,” the District
Commissioner noted.

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