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- Paper – 2

Q.1. On the outline map of India provided: [UPLOAD THE PICTURE OF MAP] [10]
a. Mark and name the Aravali
b. Label the River Krishna.
c. Mark and label Chilka Lake.
d. Mark with an arrow and name the NE monsoon over Bay of Bengal.
e. Shade and name the Gulf of Mannar.

PART-II (70 Marks)

(Answer the following questions from this part.)
Q.2. [TYPE]
a. Why is there a great variation in the climate of Punjab and Kerala? [2]
b. Name a region of winter rain in India. What is the source of this rain fall mentioned by you? [2]
c. With reference to the place which receives heaviest rain, answer the following: [3]
i. Name the place and state.
ii. Name the winds which are responsible for this heavy rain.
d. What is the economic importance of: [3]
i. Mango showers in Kerala
ii. Cyclonic rain in Punjab
iii. Relief rain in Tamil Nadu

a. Give reason for the following: [4]
i. Shimla enjoys cooler summers than Delhi.
ii. Mumbai receives more rain than Pune.
b. Study the climatic data given below and answer the questions that follow: [6]
Months Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. July Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec.
Temperature 24.5 25.7 27.7 20.4 30.0 32.5 31.0 30.2 29.8 28.0 25.9 24.7
Rainfall 4.6 1.8 1.3 1.8 3.8 4.5 8.7 11.3 11.9 30.6 35.0 13.9
i. What is the annual range of temperature?
ii. Calculate the annual rainfall experienced by the station.
iii. Name the winds which bring maximum rainfall to the station.

a. Name the soil which: [3]
i. Is good for the cultivation of cashew nuts
ii. Covers almost all of West Bengal
iii. Is formed by weathering of old crystalline rocks
b. Mention two characteristics of laterite soil. [4]
c. Give geographical reasons for the following: [3]
i. Alluvial soil is very fertile.
ii. Red soil is red in colour.
iii. Black soil is good for cultivation of cotton.
a. State two reasons why tank irrigation is popular in South India. [4]
b. Give a geographical reason for the following: [6]
i. Irrigation is necessary despite the monsoon.
ii. The drip method of irrigation is the best among all modern methods of irrigation.
iii. The world is in danger of facing severe water shortage in the coming future.

a. Give a geographical reason for the following: [6]
i. The northern plains of India are found suitable for canal irrigation.
ii. Although expensive, yet, modern methods of irrigation are gaining popularity in recent times.
iii. Well irrigation is confined mainly to the alluvial plains.
b. [4]
i. What is rain water harvesting?
ii. Mention two objectives of rain water harvesting.

Q.7. [TYPE] [4]

a. i. Name the forest which is commercially most important in India.
ii. Name one trees which grow in this forest.
b. i. Name the forests which grow on the windward slope of the Western Ghats. [4]
ii. Why do such forests grow in this region?
c. To which type of forest do the following trees belong: [2]
i. Hintal and Sundari
ii. Rosewood and Ebony

a. Give reason for the following.
i. Tea plants are pruned at regular intervals.
ii. Tea is grown on hill slopes. [4]
b. Study the picture given below and answer the questions that follow: [6]

i. Mention the climatic condition that is suitable for the cultivation of this crop.
ii. Name the state that which is the leading producer of this crop.
iii. In which cropping season is this crop grown?

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