The Effect of Time Management

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Chapter I



Most of students nowadays have a problem in using time management to

improve study skill. They are having a hard time to discipline their selves on how

to effectively spend their time in studying. They envision themselves being

successful in their studies and school work but they fall to put together a realistic

plan, or establish a routine, that will enable them to achieve academic success.

In the study of Alsalem et al. (2017), time management is not a skill we are

usually taught giving up so developing on organized approach to your studies is

an opportunity to learn how to work more efficiently or efficient time management

increase your productivity improves your quality of work and also helps reduce

stress. Students are full of energy, all which cannot be spent in studying only.

Sports helps students lead a more corporate and mature life. Sports participation

is directly related to teens having a more positive attitude toward school work,

improved academic performance and higher grades.

However, playing a sports is something that requires many hours of practice

and dedication which can take away from other thing such as a person studies.

Because of the time needed to focus on a sports some students start to all

behind in their academics.


The researchers choose this topic to be studied for they observed that a lot of

students nowadays are having difficulties in managing their time efficiently and

effectively. The researchers also want to know how spending time on sports in

negatively or positively influence the academic performance of the students.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine the effect of time management to the academic

performance of Junior High SPS students.

Specifically, this research sought to answer the following questions.

1. What is the extent of time management will affect the academic

performance of the Junior High SPS students?

2. Is there a significant relationship between the time management and

the academic performance of the Junior High SPS students?

Scope and Delimitation

This study focuses on the effect of time management to the academic

performance of Junior High School SPS students during the 1 st Quarter. The

respondents of this study were one hundred twenty-four students (124)

purposively selected SPS students which are Grade 7- Pacquiao, Grade 8-

Posadas, Grade 9-Nepomuceno, and Grade 10-Reyes.


Significance of the Study

The results of the study are valuable to the following individuals.

To the students - they will be able to learn new strategies on how to maintain

their desired grades despite of participating many extra-curricular activities.

To the parents - they will allow their children to manage their time efficiently and

effectively. It will give awareness to the parents so that they will support their

children to be more productive in school and even at home.

To the teachers - because this will give awareness to the teachers to support

their students on their time management.

To the researcher – this may help the future researchers with the same topic.

Moreover, they may widen the scope of their own study or improve this research

and they may use this for their review of related literature.

Chapter II


This chapter presents the conceptual framework which is generated from the

related study about the topic.

Related Literature

Time Management

Time management is a set of practices that work together to help you get

more value out your time with the aim of improving the quality of your life

(Adebayo, 2015). Mohamed, Hamal & Mohamed (2018) stated that time

management plays, a vital role in improving student’s academic and

achievements. Each and every student should have time management quality

which includes setting and priorities, using time management mechanism and

being organized in using time. Time goals management is only possible through

self-motivation; ability and motivation (Bridgitte, Claessens, Eerde, & Rutte,


Basri & Alghaswymeh (2015) stated that one of the unique properties of time

is that it cannot be saved for future. Regardless of the way in which we spend our

life time, which without any difference between manager and is related to our

success in life.

Razali & Rusiman (2018) stated that time management is very important and it

may actually affect individual’s overall performance and achievements. Students


nowadays always commented that they do not have enough time to compete all

the tasks assigned to them. Gupta & Chitkara (2018) said that time is an

indispensable asset which all the students possess equally but fails to exploit at

the same level due to many reasons. Time management is very worthwhile issue

during to being it is a key factor in any success at all levels of life and for that the

time management is strongly associated with administrative work. Despite of its

importance, it is never an easy task to manage time individually and a need to

specific qualifications along with many personal skills is the must (Al-Zoubi,


Students’ time is a limited resource. Like other limited resources, time can be

more or less effectively managed. Having good time management skills is

considered to have a direct correlation to performance levels. Students who

perceive themselves as having good time management skills are usually the

students who are more involved and have a high desire to achieve, resulting in a

higher level of performance ( Makaweba, 2016).

Jalagat (2017) stated that time management is very important for many reasons.

The fact that everyone use time in their daily lives would mean that, time is part

of daily life and needed to be managed to end up the day with accomplishment

since the passage of time cannot be restored. Proper time management

positively correlates to better academic performance (Sevari and Kandy, 2011).

The study of Nashurallah and Khan (2015) identified time management

variables to include planning (short- range and long-range), time attitude as

independent variables linking to the students’ academic performance. Another


study also posits the time management variables to include independent

variables such as prioritization, procrastination, socialization and students’

academic performance (Adebayo, 2015).

Student Athlete

As described by the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCCA, 2013),

under their principle of Amateurism, a student athlete is an individual who is an

amateur competing in an intercollegiate sport primarily due to their educational

motivations as well as their expected physical, mental, and social benefits from

participation. As stated above, a student athlete is primarily attending a university

or college for the purpose of furthering their education and ultimately obtaining a


Gomez (2018) further stated that in order to become a top athlete requires

time, commitment and carefully planned training. Optimum adaptation to training

requires the careful balancing of stress and recovery. The student athlete has to

balance all these demands with the additional requirements of an academic

programme. This can bring unique stresses and challenges. Bradley and

Conway (2016), believe that being part of an organized school team, practicing

several times per week and representing the school competitively will promote

self-esteem, self-concept and social capital within the students and develop a

strong level of school connectedness.

Grimit (2014) also stated that, during the debate about athletic participation

and academic performance, it is often assumed that sport activities of adolescent


are harmful to their educational outcomes. The underlying reasoning is

oversimplified. Since the time spent on sports activities crowds out time devoted

to schooling, the impact of sport is negative. Rees & Sabia (2010) further stated

that sports participation may reduce the time available for studying and learning,

since students-athletes were having difficulties in managing their time between

hectic schedules of sports training and requirements of academic subjects.

Sports participation has long been thought to provide youth with a prosocial

environment that fosters basic values, such as fair play, competitiveness, and

achievement (Uyan, 2017). Sports may also help protect participants against

negative influences that can lead to delinquency and drug abuse. Because sports

participation typically involves substantial amounts of physical activity, the health

benefits of regular exercise would be expected to accrue to young athletes. Also,

because team rules and guidelines often promote health-enhancing behaviours,

such as proper nutrition and avoidance of cigarette smoking, sports participation

might promote healthy lifestyles via social environmental pathways. Indeed, there

is some evidence that youthful sports participants manifest better health habits

than participants.

However, the health benefits of sports participation have been questioned

recently, and some studies have found sports participation to be associated with

certain risk-taking behaviours among elementary school, junior high school, high

school, and college students (Uyan, 2017).


Related Studies

Time management

Time management practices have an impact on the results of the students as

empirical studies done by past researchers. In spite of knowing about the impact

of time on academic achievement, this relationship is not given importance by the

students (Sevari&Kandy, 2011). Time management and proper administration of

time are the effective factors in academic success. Izawa (2002) stated that in

learning the text materials, the skill of time management is essential (cited from

Sevari & Kandy, 2011). The study also shows that time organization and time

management behaviours are significantly related with academic performance.

The study of Owen (2016) found that time management and pressure to perform

in both academics and athletics are primary reasons student athletes struggle to

maintain their GPA’s during their competitive season. The need for time

management skills to enhance academic performance is essential if student

athletes are going to succeed in both academics and in their sport.

In the study of Miqdali (2014), one of the main factors which affect student’s

time management during studying is interruptions. In general, the unsuccessful

students always study with interruptions from many many common reasons. To

begin with, noises around them always make them lose concentration. Another

reason is that they spend a lot of time on social networks. In addition, mobile

phones, music and friends create huge interruption for them. On the other hand,

there are unsuccessful students who study without getting interrupted and still

get low grades. One reason for that can be that they cannot focus on their

studies (Miqdali, 2014).

Another study conducted by Indreica et al. (2011) examined the influence of

effective time management to students’ academic performance in terms of Grade

Point Average (GPA). Findings revealed that effective management programs

elevate the GPA and concluded that successful students are good time

managers. Specifically, factors such as time management behaviours, time

attitudes and control of time are significant predictors of students’ academic

performance (Jalagat, 2017).

Sports Participation

In the study of Uyan (2017), sports participation has long been thought to

provide youth with a prosocial environment that fosters basic values, such as fair

play, competitiveness, and achievement. Sports may also help protect

participants against negative influences that can lead to delinquency and drug

abuse. Because sports participation typically involves substantial amounts of

physical activity, the health benefits of regular exercise would be expected to

accrue to young athletes. Also, because team rules and guidelines often promote

health-enhancing behaviours, such as proper nutrition and avoidance of cigarette

smoking, sports participation might promote healthy lifestyle via social

environmental pathways. Indeed, there is some evidence that youthful sports

participants. However, the health benefits of sports participation have been

questioned recently, and some studies have found sports participation to be


associated with certain risk-taking behaviours among elementary school, junior

high school, high school, and college students (Uyan, 2017).

Conceptual Framework

The flow of the study can be shown in the diagrammatic format showing the

independent variables and the dependent variable as summarized in the figure


Independent Variable Dependent Variable

Time Management Academic Performance

Figure.1 Conceptual Framework



The researchers tested the hypothesis at 0.05 level of significance.

Definition of terms

For better understanding of this study, the following are defined conceptually

and operationally.

Academic Performance- conceptually this term is defined as the extent to

which a student, teacher or institution has achieved their short or long term

educational. Operationally, student’s effort as measured by school grades

Time Management- conceptually, this term is defined as the ability to use

one's time effectively or productively, especially at work. Operationally, it refers to

the efficient use of time of the student’s athlete.

Local Study

In the study of Unica Patricia B. Uyan on A Study between Sports

Participation and Academic Performance (2017), she had found that there is a

positive significant relationship between sports participation and academic

performance. The purpose of her study was to analyze the effect that

participating in extracurricular sporting activities has on academic performance

among students in higher education. The results found the fact that despite

student-athletes may affect their academic performance, they can also gain

many benefits from their sports. As the time they spent in their sports increases it

varies their academic performance. Since the result of Pearson coefficient

correlation is 0.1536, therefore there is a positive correlation between sports


participation and academic achievement. However, due to a smaller value it

interprets a weak positive correlation.


Chapter III


This chapter deals with the method of research to be used in the course of

this study. It includes the research design, research locale, research

respondents, Data gathering procedure, research instrument, and statistical


Research Design

The researchers used the descriptive correlational method of research

because this research aimed to determine if the variables are related to each


Descriptive research involves correcting data in order to answer questions

regarding the variables of the study. Descriptive method proceeds to describe a

certain phenomenon. Therefore, some authorities in research describe it to be

collecting information with analytical interpretation. On the other hand, correlation

research attempts to determine whether and to what level, a relationship exists

between two or more variables.

In this study the variables to be correlated were relationship between time

management and the academic performance of SPS Junior High Students,

academic year 2019-2020.




Questionnaires Questionnaire Weighted Mean

excerpt from
the study of
Time Validation and Nancy D.
Costina on the Person product-
Management Finalization moment
Impact of
Athletics to the Correlation
Letter of Study Habits of coefficient
Permission Students (2017)

Administration Documentary

Gathering/ First Grading

Collection Average

Academic Analysis and

Performance Interpretation


Figure 2. The Research Design.


Research Locale

This study was conducted at New Society National High School located at

Sinawal, General Santos City.

The researchers choose New Society National High School as the research

locale because SPS is part of their curriculum.

Figure 3. NSNHS Map


Research Respondents

A proportionate stratified purposively of 124 one hundred twenty-four students

(n = 124) from the sections of SPS Junior High students of New Society National

High School were selected to serve as a sample for this research. The total

population of all SPS students is one hundred twenty-four (N = 124). They are all

considered as sample for they are only a part of the whole population.

Table 1. Distribution of Respondents

Sections n N
Grade-10 25 25
Grade-9 29 29
Grade-8 32 32
Grade-7 38 38
Total 124 124

Research Instruments

The researchers’ instrument used in this study are survey and document


Part1. The Effect of time management.

The researchers adopted the questionnaire excerpt from the study of Nancy

D. Costina on the Impact of Athletics to Students’ Study Habit (2017). The

questionnaire will be consisted of 20 items. The items were rated using the five

(5) point scale as follows.


Scale Description Verbal Interpretation

1 Strongly Disagree Under no circumstances

2 Disagree Rarely
3 Neutral Often
4 Agree Most of the time
5 Strongly Agree Consistent

Part 2. Academic Performance. The research used the documentary data that

was be provided by the teacher at the end of the 1 st grading period. The students’

academic performance was based on a numerical value after summing up the

students learning outcomes. The numerical value are as follow based on the

Enclosure No.1 to DepEd order No. 73, s. 2012.


Equivalent Numerical Verbal Interpretation Quantitave Description

90-100 Advance The students are

advanced with a rating of

85-89 Proficient The students are proficient

with a rating of 85-89%.

80-84 Approaching Proficient The students are

approaching proficient with

a rating of 80-84%.
75-79 Developing The students are

developing with a rating of

0-74 Beginning The students are

beginning with a rating of


Research Procedure

The research procedures started by preparing the instruments used on the

study namely the Questionnaire. Then the giving off of letter of permission to the

authorities of the school where the study will be conducted. Foremost, to the

principals of the school who gave the authorization to conduct the research.

Secondly, to the teachers of the SPS Junior High students and to the students

who will be answering the questionnaire?

Data Gathering Procedure


In collecting the data, the researchers asked permission from the principal of

New Society National High School where the study will be conducted. After the

approval, the researchers asked for the permission from the SPS Coordinator

and the advisers of each section where the study will be conducted.

As soon as the permit was granted, the researchers make an agreement with

the students for the specific date and schedule in the distribution of

questionnaires. The questionnaires were distributed by the researchers. After the

respondents have answered the questionnaire, the researchers retrieved the

data from the respondents.

Statistical Analysis

In treating the data that were gathered, weighted mean and Pearson r were


A. Weighted Mean

The weighted mean was used to determine the effect of time management to

the academic performance of junior high SPS students.

The scale below indicates the effect of time management.

Weighted Mean Description Verbal Interpretation

5 Always Daily or whenever

3.41-4.20 Often About twice a week.

2.61-3.40 Sometimes Once a week

1.81-2.60 Rarely Approximately twice a

1.00-1.80 Never Under no circumstances

B. Person product-moment correlation coefficient

To answer the third sub-problem, person product-moment correlation

coefficient was used. It determines the significant relationship between the effect

of time management and academic performance.

Range Interpretations
±1 Perfect Correlation
±0.91 - ±0.99 Very High Correlation
±0.70 - ±0.90 High Correlation
±0.41 - ±0.70 Moderate/Marked Correlation
±0.21 - ±0.40 Low/Slight Correlation
±0.00 - ±0.20 Very Low/Negligible Correlation
The correlation coefficient ranges from -1 to -1 A value of 1 implies that a

linear equation describe the relationship between the effect of time management

and academic performance perfectly, with all data points lying on the line for

which grade point average increases as the time spent in studying increases. A

value of -1 implies that all data points lie on a line for which grade point average

decreases as the time spent in practicing increases a value of 0 implies that

there is a positive or negative relationship between the two variables.


Chapter IV


This chapter deals with presentation, analysis and interpretation of the

data gathered in this study. The various results are presented in the succeeding

tables with corresponding discussions and explanations. It also answers specific

problems stated in previous chapter.

Table 2. Time-management skills of Junior High School students

1. 3.67 Often
2. 3.60 Sometimes
3. 3.43 Sometimes
4. 3.36 Sometimes

5. 3.07 Sometimes
6. 3.48 Sometimes
7. 3.37 Sometimes
8. 3.16 Sometimes
9. 3.26 Sometimes
10. 3.22 Sometimes
11. 3.55 Often
12. 3.72 Often
13. 3.38 Sometimes
14. 3.33 Sometimes
15. 3.43 Sometimes
16. 3.93 Often
17. 3.76 Often
18. 3.06 Sometimes
19. 2.83 Sometimes
20. 3.02 Sometimes
TOTAL 3.38 Sometimes
Legend: 4.5-5.0- Always 3.5-4.9- Often 2.5-3.49- Sometimes 1.5-2.49- Rarely 1.0-


Table 2 shows the weighted arithmetic mean of the the time-management

skills of junior high school students. It shows that students tend to do OFTEN the

things in order of priority ( =3.67). Results also show that OFTEN students

spend enough time on academic matters ( =3.55) and have a time to relax with

friends at their weekly schedules ( =3.72). Moreover, students tend to participate

in sports related activities to excel in class ( =3.93) and at the same time

students manage their time between academic and sports activity ( =3.76).

However, with the description of SOMETIMES, students tend to accomplish

things should be done during the day ( =3.60), do their assignment on time (

=3.43), tackle difficult task without delaying ( =3.07), make time for planning (

=3.37), and prepare a “to do” list ( =3.16). Furthermore, students have a weekly

schedules on which they record fixed commitment such as classes and practice

hours ( =3.38), have a clear idea on what to accomplish during the day ( =3.43).

Nonetheless, students spend time on sports rather than reading ( =3.06), prefer

to go to the playing area rather than in the library ( =2.83) and sometimes

students tend to lose interest in attending class especially during intramurals (


The result in table 2 having a total grand mean of 3.38 and description of

SOMETIMES, implies that the time-management skills of junior high school

students are sometimes has a moderate effect on their life style as students.

Table 3. Academic Performances of selected students from Grade 7, 8, 9

and 10
G7 G8 G9 G10
RANG VERBAL X f fx f fx F fx f fx
0-74 Beginning 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
75-79 Developing 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
80-84 AP 2 9 738 3 246 2 164 2 164
8 234 234 226 174
85-89 Proficient 7 27 9 27 9 26 2 20 0
90-100 Advance 5 2 190 2 190 1 95 3 285
n=3 327 n=3 278 n=2 259 n=2 218
8 7 2 5 9 0 5 9
Mean =88.24 =87.03 =89.31 =87.56

Table 3 contains the frequency count and the mean of the academic

performances of grades 7,8,9 and 10. It shows that the average grades of the

grade 7 students is =88.24 which generally describes as PROFICIENT. Grade 8

students have an average grades of =87.03 with verbal interpretation of

PROFICIENT. Grade 9 students have average grades of =89.31 which has a

verbal interpretation of PROFICIENT. Grade 10 students have average grade

equal to =87.56 and an interpretation of PROFICIENT.

Academic Time-management Skills

Performance Extent of
(Grade Level) mean p- value Remark
Grade 7 88.24 .00 Negligible Significant
Grade 8 87.03 .00 Negligible Significant
Grade 9 89.31 .00 Negligible Significant
Grade 10 87.56 .00 Negligible Significant
Over-all 88.04 .00 Negligible Significant
The total average grade of the respondents =88.04 which has a verbal

interpretation of PROFICIENT. This implies that from the conduct of the study,

students are already proficient enough academically.

Table 4. Relationship between Time-management skills and Academic


Table 4 shows the relationship between time management skills and

academic performance of the respondents. It can be gleaned that the extent of

relationship between time-management skills and academic performance across

grade levels of junior high school students is negligible. It shows that the p-

computed value is (0.000<0.05 margin of error) which indicates that there is a

SIGNIFICANT relationship between the time-management skills and

academic performances of junior high school students. This implies that

the way student manages their time implies their performances, specifically

their grades. This confirmed the study of Indreica et al., (2011) when they found

that time management elevate the GPA and concluded that successful students

are good time managers. Having time management helps the student to fully

understand their learning materials that cause them to perform well academically.

This also confirmed the study of Sevari & Kandy (2011) when they found that

time management and proper administration of time are the effective factors in

academic success.

Chapter V


This chapter presents the summary of the study, findings, conclusions,

and some suggestion.


The researcher would like to find out the effect of the time management to

the academic performance of junior high SPS students at New Society National

High School.

Specifically, the research sought answers to the following sub-problems:

3. What is the extent of time management will affect the academic

performance of the Junior High SPS students?

4. Is there a significant relationship between the time management and

the academic performance of the Junior High SPS students?

The subjects of this study were the junior high SPS students of New

Society National High School. The respondents of this study were one hundred

twenty-four (124) purposively selected students from the four grade levels of SPS

department which are Grade 7-Pacquiao, Grade 8-Posadas, Grade 9-

Nepomuceno, and Grade 10-Reyes. This study was conducted on September

27, 2019.


The following were the results of the study.

Time management plays a vital role in improving students’ academic and

achievements. Moreover, students tend to do OFTEN the things in order of

priority ( =3.67). Results also show that OFTEN students spend enough time on

academic matters ( =3.55) and have a time to relax with friends at their weekly

schedules ( =3.72). Moreover, students tend to participate in sports related

activities to excel in class ( =3.93) and at the same time students manage their

time between academic and sports activity ( =3.76). However, with the

description of SOMETIMES, students tend to accomplish things should be done

during the day ( =3.60), do their assignment on time ( =3.43), tackle difficult task

without delaying ( =3.07), make time for planning ( =3.37), and prepare a “to do”

list ( =3.16). Furthermore, students have a weekly schedules on which they

record fixed commitment such as classes and practice hours ( =3.38), have a

clear idea on what to accomplish during the day ( =3.43). Nonetheless, students

spend time on sports rather than reading ( =3.06), prefer to go to the playing

area rather than in the library ( =2.83) and sometimes students tend to lose

interest in attending class especially during intramurals ( =3.02). Having a total

grand mean of 3.38 and description of SOMETIMES, implies that the time-

management skills of junior high school students are sometimes has a moderate

effect on their life style as students. It can be gleaned that the extent of

relationship between time-management skills and academic performance across

grade levels of junior high school students is negligible. It shows that the p-

computed value is (0.000<0.05 margin of error) which indicates that there is a

significant relationship between the time-management skills and academic

performances of junior high school students. This implies that the way student

manages their time implies their performances, specifically their grades.


Based on the findings, the following are the conclusions:


1. Time-management skills of junior high school students are sometimes

having a moderate effect on their academic performance

2. There is a significant relationship between the time management skills

and the academic performances of junior high SPS students.


The following were made based on the findings of the study.

1. Students should have time management to help them elevate their


2. Students should manage their time properly to be able to perform well

in class.

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Sinawal, General Santos City

August, 2019

Principal III
New Society National High School
General Santos City


Greetings of peace.

We are the students of Senior High School Department and currently making our
quantitative research paper on Practical Research 2 subject with an approved
title of “Influence of Time Spent in Studying and Practicing Specialized
Sports to the Academic Performance of Junior High SPS Students.”

In this regards, we would like to ask permission from your good office to allow us
conduct an interview with the Special Program in Sports students. Rest assured
that their time in classes will not be disturbed since we will do the interview
during in their free time.

Your effort and cooperation will be greatly appreciated.

Thank you very much and may the Lord, God bless you.


Lead Researcher


PR2 Subject Adviser




Sinawal, General Santos City

August, 2019

New Society National High School
General Santos City

Dear Sir/Ma’am:

We are the students of Senior High School Department and currently making our
quantitative research paper on Practical Research 2 subject with an approved
title of “Influence of Time Spent in Studying and Practicing Specialized
Sports to the Academic Performance of Junior High SPS Students.”

In this regards, we would like to ask permission from your good office to allow us
conduct an interview with the Special Program in Sports students. Rest assured
that their time in classes will not be disturbed since we will do the interview
during in their free time.

Your effort and cooperation will be greatly appreciated.

Thank you very much and may the Lord, God bless you.


Lead Researcher


PR2 Subject Adviser



Name (optional) Grade & Section Date

Part 1. The Effect of Time Management.
Direction: Put a check (✓) on the appropriate box that corresponds to your
5- Very High Impact

Statements 1 2 3 4 5
1. I do things in order of priority
2. I accomplish what needs to be done during the day
3. I always get assignments done on time
4. I feel I use my time effectively
5. I tackle difficult or unpleasant tasks without procrastinating
6. I force myself to make time for planning
7. I spend enough time planning
8. I prepare a daily or weekly “to do” list
9. I prioritize my list in order of importance, not urgency
10. I am able to meet deadlines without rushing at the last minute
11. I spend enough time on academic matters
12. I plan time to relax and be with friends in my weekly schedule
13. I have weekly schedule on which I record fixed commitments such as
classes and practice hours
14. I have disregarded any wasteful or unprofitable activities or routines
15. I have a clear idea of what I want to accomplish during the coming
16. My participation in sports inspires me to excel in class
17. I manage my time well between sports and studying my lessons
18. I would rather spend my time in sports than in reading
19. I lost my interest in attending my class after athletics intramurals
20. I would rather go to the playing areas than to the library
SOURCE: Nancy D. Costina. Impact of Athletics to the Study Habits of Students (2017).

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