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Youth of Iglesia Filipina Independiente
Youth of Iglesia Filipina Independiente

We the Youth of Iglesia Filipina Independiente , imploring the aid of Almighty God,
through Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, affirming the distinct heritage and tradition of our
revered nationalist Church, binds together to establish a strong and united Youth of Iglesia
Filipina Independiente and fellowship that will foster unity among us, nurturing us all to be
active participants in promoting, advancing and upholding the teachings and mission of the
Iglesia Filipina Independiente and to commit ourselves in service to the people of God
particularly, those who are downtrodden, the poor, deprive and oppress and to prepare
ourselves for a more meaningful and relevant service to our church and society, do hereby,
promulgate and abide this constitution.

Name, Location of Office and the Official Seal of the Organization
Section 1. The name of the organization shall be the Youth of Iglesia Filipina Independiente with an
acronym; YIFI.

Section 2. It shall have its main office at the Youth Center, IFI National Cathedral, 1500 Taft Ave. ,
Ermita, Manila.

Section 3. The official Seal of the Organization is made of the following symbols and meaning :

3.1. YOUTH – Recognize as the strong foundation of the organization , it shall strengthen its
camaraderie and actively promote its total development to serve God and society.
3.2. Pro Deo et Patria – To acknowledge that God as our Divine Providence and we live to be
faithful in
promoting the Church heritage and serve our country for the glory of his Name.
3.3. Iglesia Filipina Independiente – To bear in mind and spirit the historical ministry of our Church
the mission and service of being servants of our God and our country as well.
3.4. Vine – Youth should uphold and unite in the mission of Jesus Christ , carry out his cross and
his footsteps to be one of his people. Holy Bible as the strong shield and arm of youth to protect
and defend their faith.
3.5. Bamboo Cross – A symbol of great love to our Savior.

3.6. Knotted rope – Individual members have their own duties and obligations to protect and
this organization. Their participation and unity symbolize strength , hopes and power of the
3.7. Color Red – It symbolizes the blood of Christ for our Salvation, and the color of bravery as
The servants, martyrs, followers and heroes offer their lives to follow Jesus footsteps.
3.8. Color Blue – Symbolized the honesty, integrity and dignity as a part and member of these
Nationalist Church.
3.9. Philippine Map – Represent our country in which we are born and still need help and concern
for the
welfare of our mission and goals.

Declaration of Principles and Objectives
Section 1. The Youth of Iglesia Filipina Independiente acknowledge Jesus as Lord and Savior,
affirm and commit itself to
the Lord teachings as proclaimed and implied in the Declaration of Faith and article of Religion of
the Iglesia
Filipina Independiente
Section 2. It shall faithfully adhere to the official policies, programs and structure of the church and
teachings of the Bible
and play a vital and integral part in the total ministry of the church.
Section 3. It will affirm the following historical and biblical role of the Youth :

1.1.1 Jeremiah 1:4-10 – the prophetic calling

1.1.2 Joel 2:28 – the visionary role
1.1.3 John 6:1-13 – the feeding of the 5000
1.1.4 I Timothy 4:12-16 – the exampler
1.1.5 Phillip 2:1-9 – self denial/selflessness
1.1.6 Luke 2:41-51 – the iconoclast
Section 4. It shall foster ecumenism to our youth & to promote the spirit of understanding and
cooperation with other
youth groups as it seeks to serve God and society.
Section 5. It shall respond and uphold the interest, rights and well being of those who are
downtrodden in spirit, poor,
deprive and oppress in affirmation of the mission of Jesus Christ ( Luke 4: 18 ff. ).
Section 6. It shall strive to strengthen the unity of the Youth of Iglesia Filipina Independiente and
prepare them for church
leadership and complete service to the people of God.

Section 1. Youth from all parishes are encouraged and entitled to join the Youth of Iglesia Filipina

Section 2. Bonafide members of the Youth of Iglesia Filipina Independiente must first acquire the
following requirements.

2.1.1 Baptism ( however, Youth who are not baptized in Iglesia Filipina Independiente are entitled
to join the Youth of Iglesia Filipina Independiente, if he /she undergo YIFI orientation and passed
the prescribe requirements set in the constitution and by-laws of the organization).
2.1.2 Age requirement 13 – 35 years old.
2.1.3 Membership fee of P5.00 ( inclusive of ID card ).
2.1.4 Membership renewal fee ( annual ) – P 5.00
Section 3. Iglesia Filipina Independiente Seminaries is considered as one diocese.

Rights and Privileges
Section 1. Every bonafide members of the Youth of Iglesia Filipina Independiente shall have the
following rights and
privileges :
1.1. The right to vote and to be elected
1.2. The right to know the records, documents and information regarding the organization .
1.3. The right to participate and involve in any activities, programs and projects of the Youth of
Iglesia Filipina Independiente.
1.4. The right of having free expression provided it is not contrary to the teachings and principle of
the Youth of Iglesia Filipina Independiente.
Section 2. Unbaptized Youth of the Iglesia Filipina Independiente members has the right to vote
and elected, provided
they fully embrace the Declaration of Faith and Articles of Religion, Constitution and Canons of the
and YIFI Orientation and its Constitution and By-laws,

National Youth Convention
Section 1. There shall be a triennial National Youth Convention which shall be the highest policy
and decision-making
body of the organization.
Section 2. The National Youth Convention shall be composed of three (3) official delegates from
each Youth of Iglesia
Filipina Independiente in diocesan level.
Section 3. An official delegate to the convention must have been duly elected in a Diocesan Youth
Convention or duly
elected by the Diocesan Youth Council meeting..
Section 4. The National Youth Convention shall be held triennially on the last of April or first week
of May- such
date(s) shall be determined by the National Youth Executive Council, and the General Secretary
shall issue a
written notice and thereof be sent to each diocesan member sixty ( 60 ) days before convention are
Section 5. Special Convention may be called at any convenient time and date set by the National
Youth Executive Council
or upon written request of at least ( 2/3 ) two-thirds of the member organizations, provided,
however, that notice
may be given to all members organizations ninety ( 90 ) days before said assembly is convened.
Section 6. The order of business of the Convention may be as follows :

1.1. Call to Order

1.2. Invocation
1.3. Roll-Call
1.4. Reading and Consideration of minutes of the previous Convention:
1.5. Reports :
1.a National Youth Executive Council
1.b National Youth Treasurer
1.c Standing Committees
1.d Special Committees
1.6. Unfinished business
1.7. New business
1.8 Election of the National Youth Executive Council
1.9. Announcements
1.10 Adjournment

Section 7. A simple majority of the total number of expected delegate shall constitute a quorum or,
at least 80% of the
total member organizations present shall constitute the convention quorum.
Section 8. The Convention shall elect members of the National Youth Executive Council from
among the official
delegates presents. The Convention shall keep journal of its proceedings instill discipline in every
organizations or official delegates participating in the Convention and to suspend their or his/her
with the concurrence of 2/3 votes of the official delegates present.
Section 9. The National Convention shall define the functions of the standing committees which are
created by the
National Youth Executive Council.
Section 10. The National Convention shall received, approved and ratify the Constitutional

National Youth Executive Council
Section 1. There shall be a National Youth Executive Council to serve as the Governing and policy
making body of the
Youth of Iglesia Filipina Independiente while the National Convention is not in session.
Section 2. The National Youth Executive Council is composed of (9) nine elected members, the
President, Exec. Vice
President, VP –NL, VP – SL,VP – Visayas, VP – Mindanao, General Secretary, Gen. Treasurer
and Auditor.
Section 3. The National Youth Executive Council shall serve for a term of three (3) years with one
re-election. They will
hold office until a new set of qualified officers are elected by the convention.
Section 4. The functions of the Youth of Iglesia Filipina Independiente – National Youth Executive
Council are the
following :
4.1 To formulate and design specific policies and projects for the realization of the three year rolling
Program of the Youth of the Iglesia Filipina Independiente.
4.2 To communicate, coordinate and consult with all the councils in order to attain our mission and
4.3 The National Youth Executive Council has the authority to appoint, designate and recall
members of
program committee and other special committee .
4.4 To create special committees.
4.5 The National Youth Executive Council shall, through its General Secretary, administer and
the National Secretariat.
4.6 To perform such other function as the Convention may authorize and deemed it necessary
4.7 To appoint Deputy Secretary, Assistant Treasurer and other surrogate officers.
Section 5. The National Youth Executive Council shall hold regular meeting regular quarterly,
special meetings may be
called by the President or upon request of the majority of the members of the council.

National Secretariat
Section 1. The National Secretariat is the working, implementing and operating arm of the Youth of
Iglesia Filipina Independiente.
Section 2. The National Secretariat shall be composed of the General Secretary as the over-all
head, and members of the
program committees created by the National Youth Executive Council.

Area Youth Coordinating Committee
Section 1. There must be an Area Youth Coordinating Committee in the following
Area of jurisdiction :
Northern Luzon Tarlac Antique
Southern Luzon Zambales Aklan and Capiz
Visayas Rizal & Pampanga Biliran,Leyte and Samar
Mindanao Bataan & Bulacan Negros Occidental
Ilocos I National Cathedral Negros Oriental and Siquijor
Ilocos 2 GMA Masbate
Nueva Vizcaya & Quirino Cavite Palawan
Tuguegarao Laguna Surigao del Norte
LUISA MaQueBaCa Agusans and Surigao del Sur
Nueva Ecija Romblon and Mindoro MOBUCA
Santiago City Cebu and Bohol Western Mindanao
Eastern Pangasinan Iloilo Southern Mindanao
Western Pangasinan Guimaras
Section 2. The Area Youth Coordinating Committee is a conferencial and consultative body chaired
by the Area Vice-President; it serves to facilitate a direct linkage between the National Youth
Executive Council and the diocesan YIFI.

Youth of Iglesia Filipina Independiente – Diocesan Level
Section 1. There should be the Youth of Iglesia Filipina Independiente – Diocesan Level in every
Iglesia Filipina
Independiente Dioceses.
Section 2. The Youth of Iglesia Filipina Independiente – Diocesan Level is composed of all
parishes under their diocese.

Section 3. The Youth of Iglesia Filipina Independiente – Diocesan Level are headed by the Youth
of Iglesia Filipina
Independiente – Diocesan Youth Executive Council: President, Vice- President, General Secretary,
Treasurer and the Auditor elected during their Diocesan Youth Convention.
Youth of Iglesia Filipina Independiente – Parish Level
Section 1. The Iglesia Filipina Independiente recognizes the parishes as the basic unit and
foundation of the Church. It
shall strengthen its solidarity and actively promote its total development therefore the parish YIFI is
the basic
unit of our organization.
Section 2. The Youth of Iglesia Filipina Independiente – Parish Level is composed of all Iglesia
Filipina Independiente
members under their parish and elect their own Parish Youth Executive Council headed by the
Parish Youth
President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer and Auditor during their Parish Youth Convention.
Section 3. The Youth of Iglesia Filipina Independiente – Parish Level will serve as the coordinator
and convenor among
the members of the Iglesia Filipina Independiente.

Section 1. Elections of the National Youth Executive Council shall be made during the National
Youth Convention.

Section 2. There shall be a Nominating Committee created by the National Youth Executive
Council to set criteria and
requirements for nomination of new officers.
Section 3. There shall be a COMELEC created by the National Youth Executive Council who will
set the rules and
guidelines of election.
Section 4. Election is by secret balloting, no nomination in absentia.

Section 1. Two-thirds thereof may amend this Constitution or any portion (2/3) votes of any regular
National Youth
Ratification and Effectivity
Section 1. This Constitution and By-Laws was ratified and approved by the delegates to the
National Youth Assembly
held at the Parish of Our lady of Peace and Good Voyage, La Paz, Iloilo City on the 15th of April in
the year
of Our Lord, 1977.
Section 2. First Amendment during the 1980 National Youth Assembly

Section 3. Second Amendment during the 1984 National Youth Assembly

Section 4. Third Amendment during the 1993 National Youth General Assembly

Section 5. Fourth Amendment during the 1999 NYO General Assembly, held at Tolentino Resort
Gasan, Marinduque
on the 6th of May 1999
Section 6. Fifth Amendment during the 13th National Youth Convention held in Iglesia Filipina
Parish of La Purisima Conception, Balaoang, Paniqui Tarlac on the 3rd of May 2005
By – Laws of the
Youth of Iglesia Filipina Independiente

The Youth of Iglesia Filipina Independiente
Section 1. The Youth of Iglesia Filipina Independiente shall be represented by the President or in
his/her absence or
incapacity by the Executive Vice – President.
Section 2. The official acts of the Youth of Iglesia Filipina Independiente shall be under the joint
signature of the President
and the General Secretary.

Responsibilities of the Youth of the Iglesia Filipina Independiente
Section 1. To offer counsel and provide opportunities for united actions on members of common
interests to all constituent
members. To provide spiritual educational and other concrete services that will help develop and
respect to the
heads of our youth, and will unite them in serving both Church and Society.
Section 2. To call conferences and forums on specific issues/subjects as the occasion may arise.

Section 3. To publish through its National Youth Convention or National Youth Executive Council
Statements upon any
situation or issue with which the Youth of Iglesia Filipina Independiente or its constituent members
may be
Section 4. To establish working relationship with sectors in the society and Church, provided that
such relationship does
not undermine the principles and objectives set forth in the constitution

Application for Membership
Section 1. Candidates for regular membership shall be admitted to the Youth of Iglesia Filipina
Independiente at any
session, provided that they comply with the admission requirements prescribed by the Youth of
Iglesia Filipina
Independiente Constitution.
Section 2. At least three (3) copies of the application for membership shall be filed to the
Committee on Membership and
Organizing, duly signed by the parish priest and their Parish Youth President and attached with the
P 50.00
membership fee.
Section 3. Regular membership is open to any Youth of Iglesia Filipina Independiente Diocesan
organizations officially
recognized as such by the diocese it represents.

Duties of Member – Organization
Section 1. To uphold the principles and objectives of the Youth of Iglesia Filipina Independiente.

Section 2. To implement all actions provided by the National Convention , Special Assembly and
the National Youth
Executive Council.
Section 3. To attend the National Convention and Special Assembly, meetings, and all other
forums, seminars and
conferences which may be called by the National Youth Executive Council as needs arise.
Section 4. To submit quarterly reports to the National Youth Executive Council Regards to the
developments of their
activities and situations.
Section 5. To coordinate, consult and cooperate with the National Youth Executive Council and the
National Secretariat
for the implementation of the Youth of the Iglesia Filipina Independiente’s General Program Of
Section 6. To pay dues regularly as prescribed in these By- Laws.

Annual Dues
Section 1. A membership fee of P5.00 shall be levied in any individual who wishes to join the Youth
of Iglesia Filipina
Independiente and will be given to the National Organization.
Section 2. An annual membership renewal fee of P5.00 will be levied on all members and will be
given to the the
National Organization.
Section 3. Annual dues amounting to P300.00 of every member diocese are required.

Officers and their Duties
Section 1. The National Youth Executive Council President shall preside over all meetings of the
council and all sessions
of the National Convention, sign together with the Gen. Secretary in all official correspondence,
and represent the organization in all functions. He/ she shall be the chairperson on the Committee
of Education
and Nurture.
Section 2. The Executive Vice – President shall act as the National President when the former is
absent or incapacitated.
He/she shall be the chairperson on Committee on Ecumenical Relation and International affairs.
section 3. The
Area Vice- Presidents will serve as the chairperson and convenor of their respective Area Youth
Section 3. The Area Vice Presidents will serve as the chairperson and convenors of their
respective Area Youth
Coordinating Commitee
3.1. They shall submit quarterly reports about the progress of their works, situations and
programs implemented to their areas of jurisdiction.
3.2. They are required to attend any meeting called by the National Youth Executive Council.
Section 4. The General Secretary shall keep all files, minutes of all proceedings of the National
Youth Convention and all
records, documents and transactions of the Executive Council. He/she shall be the chairperson on
Committee on
Organization and Membership and Committee on Rules and Discipline .
4.1. He/she shall also take charge of giving proper publicity, advertisements, and information to all
Youth of Iglesia Filipina Independiente activities.
4.2. He/she shall head the National Secretariat and supervise all programs, activities and projects
comprising it.
Section 5. The General Treasurer shall collect and receive all dues from our regular member
dioceses as well as other
payments occurable to the Youth of Iglesia Filipina Independiente, pay out funds for all properly
and approved
expenditures of the National Youth Executive Council, and Shall act as the custodian of all
properties and funds
of the organization as a whole, together with the auditor .
5.1. He/she shall make annual reports to the National Convention and Quarterly reports to the
National Youth Executive Council.
5.2. He/she shall be the chairperson on the Committee on Resource, Income Generating Program
and Management.
Section 6. The Auditor shall see to it that all disbursement made by the treasurer are in order and
have complete receipts,
voucher’s and lists of expenditures used by the whole organization
6.1. He/she shall be the chairperson on Liturgy and cultural works.
6.2. Also act the task given by the NYEC.
Quorum in Council / Committee Meetings
Section 1. A simple majority of council/ committee members present during the meeting shall
constitute a quorum.

Section 2. Members of the National Youth Executive Council meetings and other special meetings
must be informed by
the General Secretary or the National Secretariat thirty (30) days prior to the meeting.

Resignation and Removal of Member – Organization
Section 1. A member – organization is considered resigned as soon as a letter of resignation is
properly signed by all its
principal officers and endorsed by the diocese he/she represents or received and accepted by the
Section 2. A member- organization may be expelled from the organization by two-thirds (2/3) votes
of the official
delegates present in the National Convention, Special assembly, Diocesan Convention and Parish
for detrimental and prejudicial or contrary to the basic principle and interest of the organization,
provided that
an erring member shall have been properly notified in writing and sufficiently heard by the
Committee on Rules
and Discipline for the complaints against it and to be submitted to the Council (30) days prior to an
Section 3. Any resigned or expelled member- organization ceases to enjoy the rights and privileges
accorded to regular
membership. However, it may reapply for membership provided that it complies with the admission
requirements prescribe in these by-laws.

National Youth Executive Council
Section 1. The National Youth Executive Council shall have the following powers, privileges and
responsibilities :

1.1 To carry out and implement general policies, programs and instructions on the National Youth
1.2 To implement the rules and regulations which shall governs its operation in line with the
programs and policies approved and designed by the National Convention.
1.3 To review, change and modify the unified budget submitted to the National Convention.
1.4 To supervise the operations of the budget and to impose reasonable limit in spending if and
when necessary. to make decisions and take actions regarding all matters before the National
Convention resume provided that such decisions does not exceed on the limitations and provided
by these Constitution and By-Laws.
1.5 The Council shall issue and inform the members regarding issues and concerns affecting our
sectors, Church and society.

Area Youth Coordinating Committee
Section 1. The Area Youth Coordinating Committee serves the following functions ;

1.1 To report to the council about their situation, struggles and developments.
1.2 To implement the Youth of Iglesia Filipina Independiente 3 year rolling program to their
area of responsibility and jurisdiction.
1.3 To come up with statements regarding on issues and concerns affecting their dioceses, Church

National Secretariat
Section 1. The National Secretariat shall have the following duties and functions ;
1.1 It shall run the day-to-day operation of the organization and its national center.
1.2 It shall assist and coordinate to the Council about the implementation of the 3 year rolling
program from the dioceses.
1.3 It shall undertake other function and task as may be assigned by the National Youth Executive
Section 2. There shall be working committees under the National Secretariat;

2.1 Committee on Education and Nurture

2.2 Committee on Ecumenical Relation and International Affairs
2.3 Committee on Documentation, Research and Publication.
2.4 Committee on Resource, Income Generating Program and Management
2.5 Committee on Organization and Membership
2.6 Committee on Liturgy and Cultural Works
Section 3. The function of the National Secretariat;

3.1. To organize its volunteer staff to help implement the various program of the YIFI.
3.2. It shall ensure that the program set by the National Convention and National Youth Executive
Council must be implemented.
3.3 They must coordinate and communicate its programs to the dioceses as it will observe the
dynamics of the organization.

Youth of Iglesia Filipina Independiente – Diocesan Level
Section 1. It must serve the following functions :

1.1 Would implement Youth of Iglesia Filipina Independiente 3 year Rolling Program to their
respective parishes under the diocese.
1.2 To collect and remit the membership fees, annual dues and other fees that will be levied by the
Youth Council.
1.3 To submit quarterly reports about the development, situations, struggles, issues and concerns
affecting their programs, youth, church and society.
1.4 To coordinate and conduct a regular consultation of all YIFI parish level in all its jurisdiction.
1.5 To attend and to submit quarterly reports to the AYCC.

Youth of Iglesia Filipina Independiente – Parochial Level
Section 1. It must serve the following :

1.1 To follow and implement the 3 Year Rolling Program of Youth of Iglesia Filipina Independiente
to their Parochial youth members.
1.2 To collect and remit the membership fees, annual dues and other fees that will be levied by
their Parish Youth Executive Council.
1.3 To submit quarterly reports to the Diocesan Youth Executive Council about the development,
situations, struggles, issues and concerns of their projects and programs, and issues affecting their
members, church and society.

Standing Committees
Section 1. The National Youth Executive shall create the following committees council during or
before the adjournment of
the National Convention , thus that no duplication of same constituent (see. Constitution of Youth
of Iglesia
Filipina Independiente, Article V, Sec. 10 ).
A. Comm. On Education and Nurture , composed of five (5) responsible in all matters related in
B. Comm. Ecumenical Relations and International Affairs, composed of five (5) with jurisdiction in
all Ecumenical Activities and Programs.
C. Comm. On Resources, Income Generating Prog. And Management, composed of five (5) and
responsible on Business and Finance.
D. Comm. On Liturgy and Cultural Works , composed of five (5) concern in Liturgy and Worship,
Culture and Literary Arts.
E. Comm. On Organization and Membership composed of five (5) and deals with the admission of
Membership and Organizational Development.
F. Comm. On Research Documentation, and Publication composed of five (5) with jurisdiction.
G. Comm. on Rules and Discipline composed of five with jurisdiction on privileges and discipline
and constitution and by-laws.

General Provisions
Section 1. The ratification and approval of this constitution shall require two-thirds votes of the total
number present in
the convention

Section 1. These By- Laws may be amended at any regular sessions of the convention by two
thirds vote of the delegates
convened, provided that notice of the proposed amendments shall have been received by the
Comm. on
Rules thirty (30) days before said convention is convened.
Section 2. Any member – organization can induce amendment as defined the provisions in Article
XII, Sec. 1 of the Youth
of the Iglesia Filipina Independiente Constitution.
Ratification and Effectivity
Section 1. This Constitution and By-Laws was ratified and approved by the delegates to the
National Youth Assembly
held at the Parish of Our lady of Peace and Good Voyage, La Paz, Iloilo City on the 15th of April in
the year
of Our Lord, 1977.
Section 2. First Amendment during the 1980 National Youth Assembly

Section 3. Second Amendment during the 1984 National Youth Assembly

Section 4. Third Amendment during the 1993 National Youth General Assembly

Section 5. Fourth Amendment during the 1999 NYO General Assembly, held at Tolentino Resort
Gasan, Marinduque
on the 6th of May 1999
Section 6. Fifth Amendment during the 13th National Youth Convention held in Iglesia Filipina
Parish of La Purisima Conception, Balaoang, Paniqui Tarlac on the 3rd of May 2005

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