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Math 1:

For the following PERT diagram:

2 D(4) 3
E(4) I(5)
1 4 6
B(2) 8 K(3) 9

5 6 J(6)

I. Compute earliest event time and latest event time.

II. Critical path and total project duration.
III. Total, free and independent float for each activity.

Solution: To determine earliest start time, Ej and latest finish time, Lj for each time, proceed as

Forward Pass Method: Earliest event time

E1= 0

E2= E1+ t1,2 = 0+3= 3

E3= E2+t2,3 =3+4= 7

E4=E1+t1,4 =0+2= 2

E5= E1+ t1,5 = 0+2=2

E6= max{E4+ t4,6; E5+ t5,6}

=max{2+7, 2+4}=9

E7= E4+ t4,7 + 2+4= 6

E8=max{E3+ t3,8; E7+ t7,8}

=max{7+2, 6+5}=11

E9= max{E8+ t8,9; E6+ t6,9}

=max{11+3, 9+6}=15

Backward Pass Method: Latest event time

L9= l9= 15

L8= L9-t8, 9= 15-3= 12

L7= L8- t7, 8= 12-5= 7

L6= L9- t6,9= 15-6=9

L5= L6- t5,6= 9-4= 5

L4= min{L6-t4,6 ; L7-t4,7}

=min[9-7 ; 7-4} = 2

L3= L8-t3,8 = 12-2= 10

L2= L3- t2,3 =10-4= 6

L1= min{L2-t1,2 ; L4-t1,4 ; L6- t1,5}

=min[6-3 ; 2-2 ; 5-2 } = 0

3 7
6 10
2 3
0 11 15
0 A(3) 6
2 H(2) 12 15
2 E(4)
1 4 7 I(5)
B(2) 8 K(3) 9

5 6 J(6)

2 9
5 9
The critical path shown by double lines in the network is the longest time path throughout the
network or path B-F-J, where E-values are equal to the L-values. Thus, there is no spare (slack)
time and the events must be completed exactly as scheduled to meet completion time of 15(2+7+6)

Table1: Computation of the Time Estimates

Activity Duration Earliest time Latest time

Start Finish Start Finish
A 1-2 3 0 0+3= 3 6-3= 3 6
B 1-4 2 0 0+2= 2 2-2= 0 2
C 1-5 2 0 0+2= 2 5-2= 3 5
D 2-3 4 3 3+4= 7 10-4= 6 10
E 4-7 4 2 2+4= 6 7-4= 3 7
F 4-6 7 2 2+7= 9 9-7= 2 9
G 5-6 4 2 2+4= 6 9-4= 5 9
H 3-8 2 7 7+2= 9 12-2= 10 12
I 7-8 5 6 6+5= 11 12-5= 7 12
J 6-9 6 9 9+6= 15 15-6= 9 15
K 8-9 3 11 11+3= 14 15-3= 12 15

Table2: Computation of Total, Free and Independent Floats

Activity Duration Total Floats Free Float= Total Independent float=Free

LSij- ESij float- Head slack float-Tail skack
A 1-2 3 3-0= 3 3-3= 0 0-0= 0
B 1-4 2 0-0= 0 0-0= 0 0-0= 0
C 1-5 2 3-0= 3 3-3=0 0-0= 0
D 2-3 4 6-3= 3 3-3= 0 0-3= -3
E 4-7 4 3-2= 1 1-1= 0 0-0 0
F 4-6 7 2-2= 0 0-0= 0 0-0= 0
G 5-6 4 5-2= 3 3-0= 3 3-3= 0
H 3-8 2 10-7= 3 3-1=2 2-3= -1
I 7-8 5 7-6= 1 1-1= 0 0-1= -1
J 6-9 6 9-9= 0 0-0= 0 0-0= 0
K 8-9 3 12-11=1 1-0= 1 0-1= -1
Math 2:

Draw a network of the following activities and tabulate earliest and latest starting and finishing
times of each activity and the total and free floats of them:

Event Activity Activity description No. of days

number symbol
1-2 A Study of plan layout 2
2-3 B Clearance of site 4
3-4 C Earth work 10
2-4 D Procurement of line, sand, cement & concrete 4
4-5 E Laying of foundations 10
2-5 F Procurement of bricks 5
5-8 G Construction of building 36
5-6 H Laying of conduit pipe lines for electric wires 12
6-8 I Laying of electric wires 4
5-7 J Laying of drainage and sewage system 12
7-8 K Laying of water pipe lines and taps 8
8-9 L Connecting building to water and electricity 6
9-10 M Finishing work in building 12

Solution: The graphical representation of network and time schedule is shown below:


6 4
6 38
C(10) 58
0 6 80
0 B(4) D(4) J(4) 62 86
A(2) M(12)
F(5) L(6)
1 2 5 8 9 10
26 I(12) 68
26 7 K(3) 68

The critical path is: A-B-C-E-G-L-M

Table: Computation of scheduling time estimates and floats

Activity Sequenc Duration Earliest time Latest time Float

e Start Finish Start Finish Total Free
A 1-2 2 0 2 0 2 0 0
B 2-3 4 2 6 2 6 0 0
C 3-4 10 6 16 6 16 0 0
D 2-4 4 2 6 12 16 10 10
E 4-5 10 16 26 16 26 0 0
F 2-5 5 2 7 21 26 19 19
G 5-8 36 26 62 26 62 0 0
H 5-6 12 26 38 46 58 20 20
I 6-8 4 38 42 58 62 20 20
J 5-7 12 26 38 42 54 16 16
K 7-8 8 38 46 54 62 8 8
L 8-9 6 62 63 62 68 0 0
M 9-10 12 68 82 68 80 0 0

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