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CN: 7
Range: Special
Target: AoE (24 Yards)
Duration: Willpower Bonus Rounds/2
A swirling flurry of snow and ice rises from the land, freezing and blinding all in its path. You can cast blizzard at
any point you can see. Distant targets may require a Perception Test to see clearly, as dictated by the GM. Those
within 24 yards of the target take SL (roll Language (Magick) each round and apply the resulting damage to all
targets) damage every round and reduce their line of sight to 6 yards. Blizzard also imposes a –20 penalty to the
Ballistic Skill and Agility Tests of all in the area and reduces movement by half.

Chill Voice
CN: 3
Range: Self
Target: Self
Duration: Willpower Bonus Minutes
You speak with the pitiless chill of the Khan-
Queens of old. Gain a +10 bonus on all Command,
Haggle, Intimidate, and (Lore) Torture Tests, but take a –10
penalty to all Blather and Charm Tests.

Crystal Cloak
CN: 5
Range: Self
Target: Self
Duration: 1 Minute
You call forth a swirling, shimmering, ice-laden mist and wrap it around you. Anyone within 2 yards takes a –10
penalty to Weapon Skill, Ballistic Skill, and Agility Tests as the cloak’s cold seeps into them. Further, anyone trying
to attack you in melee combat must pass a Toughness Test. Those who fail back away from the intense chill, losing
their action for the round.

Wall of Ice
CN: 6
Range: Willpower Bonus Yards x 2
Target: AoE (Special)
Duration: Willpower Bonus Minutes
You form a wall of snowy ice from the ground. You may create a straight wall up to 10 yards long and 6 yards high,
(You may add another +2 Yards for every +2 SL past the CN) all of which must be within the spell’s range and may
not pass through an area emanating any warmth (living bodies, fire, and similar, as dictated by the GM). The wall
blocks line of sight and has a TB equal to your WP Bonus and 10 Wounds per SL. Fire deals double damage to the

Deadly Touch
CN: 4
Range: Touch
Target: Special
Duration: Instant
You jolt one living target with a harrowing energy, inflicting a magic
missile with a Damage equal to your Dexterity Bonus. The energy carries
one additional effect of your choice, replacing any Lore effects:
Cold: Targets gain a Stunned condition for every full 5 Wounds
suffered (minimum of 1). Compatible with the Lores of Death,
Heavens, Life, Metal, Necromancy, and Shadows.
Corrosion: All Armour and Weapons carried by affected targets
sufffer I Damage. Compatible with the Lores of Daemonology,
Metal, Necromancy, Shadows, and Witchcraft.

CN: 6
Range: Willpower yards
Target: AoE (Willpower Bonus yards)
Duration: Willpower Bonus Rounds
You cause a geyser of water to erupt from an area of natural ground
within range. Those within the AoE gain the Prone and Surprised
conditions, and are knocked 4 yards in a random direction—suffering
Falling Damage. After the initial burst, a large pool fills the entire
Range (subject to reason), providing fresh water for the next water until
it finally drains away.

Bring Rain (Water)

CN: 7
Range: Willpower yards
Target: AoE (Willpower Bonus yards)
Duration: Willpower Bonus Rounds
If there is moisture in the air, you are able to coalesce it all and release it
as a torrential rainstorm, even indoors if the GM allows. Fires are put
out instantly, and cannot kindle (including magic). Ranged attacks are
impossible except at Short Range, though these are taken at
Challenging (+0) Difficulty. There is a 25% chance that Blackpowder
and Engineering weapons, and their ammo, become waterlogged and
unable to fire until dried out.

Extinguish (Water)
CN: 5
Range: Willpower yards
Target: AoE (Willpower Bonus yards)
Duration: Instant
You conjure enough magical force to put out all fires within the AoE.
All Ablaze conditions are removed immediately.

Part the Seas (Water)

CN: 12
Range: You
Target: AoE (Willpower Bonus yards)
Duration: Willpower Bonus minutes
You hold your hands out towards a nearby body of water (pool, river,
lake, stream) and push open a gap the size of the AoE. You may cross,
and may move at Walking rate across the now-soggy open ground.
Creatures caught by returning water must make a Hard (-20) Swim Test
or be caught in the downstream current and subject to the rules for

Walk on Water (Water)

CN: 4
Range: You
Target: You
Duration: Willpower minutes
Water magically hardens beneath your feet as you move, allowing you to
cross rivers, streams, lakes, marshes, pools, etc, without difficulty. This
has no impact on any other creature or wildlife.

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