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Cloud Computing Models

Cloud providers offer services that can be grouped into three categories
 Software as a Service (SaaS)
 Platform as a Service (PaaS)
 Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)
Software as a Service (SaaS)
 A complete application software is offered to the customer, as a service on demand on the internet. A
single instance of the service runs on the cloud and many end users are serviced.
 Clients are not responsible for anything in this model; the SaaS provider manages everything from
hardware stability to application functioning.
 The user does not need to install and run software applications on the computer, they only use
programs to complete their tasks.
 Everything is available over the internet when you log in to your account online.
 On the customers’ side, there is no need for upfront investment in servers or software licenses, while
for the provider, the costs are lowered, since only a single application needs to be hosted and
 Customers can collaborate on projects, as well as store and analyze data.
 Examples of SaaS providers are Google (Google Classroom, Google Docs etc.), Salesforce, Microsoft,
Zoho, etc.
When to use SaaS
 If your company needs to launch a ready-made software quickly
 For short-term projects that require collaboration
 If you use applications on a temporary basis
 For applications that need both web and mobile access
 No need to download, install or upgrade software.
 Available over the internet.
 The provider is responsible for everything
 Hosted on a remote server by a third-party provider.
 Apps are accessible from any connected device
 Resources can be scaled depending on requirements
 Inclusive, offering security, compliance, and maintenance as part of the cost.
 There is no need to install and run software applications on any computer.
 Everything is available over the internet when you log in to your account online.
 One can access the software from any device, anytime (as long as there is an internet connection).
 No need to engage an IT specialist to download the software onto multiple computers throughout your
office or worry about keeping the software on every computer up-to-date.
 SaaS providers operate a subscription model with a fixed, inclusive monthly account fee so the user
know exactly how much the software will cost and can budget accordingly, without worrying about
hidden surprises.
 Less demand for the company to invest in new storage hardware.
 Users can terminate SaaS offerings at any time to stop recurring costs such as monthly costs.
 Pay-as-you-go model.

 Accessible only when there is an internet connection.
 Slower internet connections reduce performance.
 Servers can be accessed by unauthorized people.
 Loss of client control

Platform as a Service (PaaS)

 PaaS vendors manage servers, operating system updates, security patches and backups (software and
hardware) on the internet and the customers only focus on application development and data without
worrying about infrastructure, middleware and OS maintenance.
 PaaS is used by developers who are building software or applications.
 Examples are Google’s App Engine,, etc.
When to use PaaS
• By developers who want to spend more time coding, testing and deploying their applications.

 Allows for developing, testing and hosting apps in the same environment
 Resources can be scaled up and down depending on business needs
 Multiple users can access the same application in development
 The user doesn’t have complete control over the infrastructure
 Web services and databases are integrated
 Scalable - you can choose from various tiers of resources to suit the size of your business.
 Easy to run without extensive system administration knowledge.


 Any platform updates, security patches and general maintenance would be the responsibility of the
 Reduces the amount of creating, testing and launching applications.
 Current software is available for developers.
 Administrative and ownership costs are very low.
 The development process s quickened and simplified.

 Problems of compatibility of existing infrastructure (not every element can be cloud-enabled).
 Applications are event oriented.
 Problems of data security.
 Dependency on vendor’s speed, reliability and support.
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)
 IaaS provides pay-as-you-go basic storage, networking and virtualisation capabilities as standardized
services over the internet.
 Servers, storage systems, networking equipment, data center space etc. are pooled and made available
to handle workloads.
 The customer would develop his own software on the infrastructure.
 Examples are AWS EC2 (offers virtual servers to EC2 users), Amazon, GoGrid, 3 Tera, etc.
When to Use IaaS
 If you are a small company or a startup that has no budget for creating your own infrastructure.
 If you are a rapidly growing company and your demands are unstable and changeable.
 If you are a large company that wants to have effective control over infrastructure but pay only for the
resources, you actually use.

 Highly flexible and highly scalable.

 Accessible by multiple users.
 Cost-effective.

 Businesses can avoid investing in expensive on-site resources (No need to invest in physical hardware
and IT infrastructure).
 IaaS is highly flexible and scalable (You can buy what you need, as you need it, and purchase more
as your business grows).
 IaaS puts control over the infrastructure back in your hands (You no longer need to place faith in an
external IT contractor; you can access and oversee IaaS platforms yourself if you wish).
 Data security issues due to multitenant architecture
 Vendor outages make customers unable to access their data for a while
 The need for team training to learn how to manage new infrastructure
How different consumers may use the different models
End Users: These consumers mainly use the services of the SaaS layer over a Web browser and basic
offerings of the IaaS layer as for example storage for data resulting from the usage of the SaaS layer.
Business customers: These consumers access all three layers - the IaaS layer in order to enhance their
own infrastructure with additional resources on demand, the PaaS layer in order to be able to run own
applications in a Cloud and eventually the SaaS layer in order to take advantage of available applications
offered as a service.
Developers and Independent Software Vendors: Independent Software vendors that develop
applications that are supposed to be offered over the SaaS layer of a Cloud. Typically, they directly access
the PaaS layer, and through the PaaS layer indirectly access the IaaS layer, and are present on the SaaS
layer with their application.

1. Explain any three services offered by cloud providers. [6
2. Explain the following software models stating two advantages and two disadvantages on each.
a) Software as a Service (SaaS) b) Platform as a Service (SaaS) [12]
3. Explain how different users can use the following cloud service models
a) Software as a Service (SaaS) b) Platform as a Service (SaaS) [4]

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