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Enumerate at least three scenarios in Odyssey which proves how clever Odysseus is.

Discuss briefly your

reason/s for thinking so.

1. triumph over the Cyclops, Polyphemus. Having introduced himself as “Nobody,”

Odysseus subdues the giant with wine and blinds him by piercing his one large eye
with a pointed stake. Polyphemus then calls out to his kin for help,
saying that “Nobody, friends…Nobody’s killing me now by fraud and not by force
!” The other Cyclopes thus assume that he is fine and ignore his pleas for help,
allowing Odysseus and his men ultimately to escape

2. Odysseus had the idea to build a giant wooden horse so that the Trojans would welcome it into the city

3. Odysseus is warned about the Sirens by the goddess Circe. After consulting the goddess Circe,
he devised a clever plan that would allow him and his men safe passage.The plan was to have
all the men except Odysseus plug their ears with wax so the songs of the Sirens would not affect them.

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