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Push Strategy

Push strategy promotional marketing strategy make use of a company sales force and trade promotion
activities create consumer demand for a product. The product promote to whole seller, promote it to
retailer and retailer to customer.

Push marketing is exactly what it sounds like you are pushing your product or services on to the
customer. You are trying convincing the consumer that this is something they need or want.

When you have to convince a customer this often leads to battle to price and can result in offering
pricing discounts promotions etc.


Research and Development + Production + Marketing = Need


A good example of push selling strategy is mobile phones, where the major hand sets such as Nokia,
promote their products via retailers. Personal selling and trade promotion tools for companies such as
Nokia. For example offering subsidies on the hand set to encourge retailersto sell higher volums.

Pull Marketing Strategy

Push marketing strategy is when you pull your consumer to you. You inspired a want or need for your
product or services.

Pull Marketing can come in the form in bound marketing_creating valuable content that attracts your
ideal consumer word of mouth refferals or even an advertisement.

Companies that focus on pull marketing are typically successful and identifying their customers wants or
needs and putting them first. The goal of pull marketing is attracting long term refferings and loyal


Research and Development + Production + Marketing = Express Market Needs


Apple does a great job at pull marketing consumer will sleep outside the store over night to get the
latest iPhone. They do this because Apple inspired that desires.

Basic Push Marketing Strategy Pull Marketing Strategy

i) Target Group Distributers, Wholesalers and End Users
ii) Purpose Product Selling Demand Creation
iii) Primary Product Industrial Goods Consumer Goods
iv) Suitability Consumer Durables Consumer Goods
v) Advertising Specific Magazines, Discounts, Tv, Newspaper, Radio Discount

Market Segmentation.

Market Segmentation is the way toward partitioning an objective market into littler, increasingly
characterized classes. It sections clients and crowds into bunches that share comparative qualities, for
example, socioeconomics, interests, needs, or area.

The Three Types of Market Segmentation

The three bases of market segmentation are:

 Demographic segmentation
 Psychographic segmentation
 Geographic segmentation

Inside every one of these kinds of market division, different sub-classifications further group crowds and

Demographic Segmentation

Demographic Segmentation is one of the most well known and generally utilized sorts of market
division. It alludes to measurable information about a gathering of individuals.

Segment Market Segmentation Examples

 Age
 Sex
 Salary
 Area
 Family Situation
 Yearly Income
 Instruction
 Ethnicity

Where the above models are useful for portioning B2C crowds, a business may utilize the accompanying
to group a B2B crowd:

 Organization size
 Industry
 Occupation work

Since segment data is measurable and authentic, it is typically generally simple to reveal utilizing
different destinations for statistical surveying. A basic case of B2C segment division could be a vehicle
maker that sells an extravagance vehicle brand (ex. Maserati). This organization would almost certainly
focus on a group of people that has a higher pay. Another B2B model may be a brand that sells an
endeavor promoting stage. This brand would almost certainly target advertising directors at bigger
organizations (ex. 500+ workers) who can settle on buy choices for their groups.

Psychographic Segmentation

Psychographic Segmentation classifies crowds and clients by factors that identify with their
characters and qualities.

Psychographic Market Segmentation Examples 

 Personality traits
 Values
 Attitudes
 Interests
 Lifestyles
 Psychological influences
 Subconscious and conscious beliefs
 Motivations
 Priorities

Psychographic segmentation factors are marginally harder to recognize than socioeconomics in light of
the fact that they are emotional. They are not information centered and expect examination to reveal
and comprehend. For instance, the extravagance vehicle brand may decide to concentrate on clients
who esteem quality and status. While the B2B endeavor advertising stage may target showcasing
supervisors who are propelled to build profitability and demonstrate an incentive to their official group.

Geographic Segmentation
Geographic segmentation is the simplest type of market segmentation. It categorizes customers based
on geographic borders.
Geographic Market Segmentation Examples   

 ZIP code
 City
 Country
 Radius around a certain location
 Climate
 Urban or rural

Geographic division can allude to a characterized geographic limit, (for example, a city or ZIP code) or
kind of zone, (for example, the size of city or sort of atmosphere). A case of geographic division might be
the extravagance vehicle organization deciding to target clients who live in warm atmospheres where
vehicles don't should be prepared for cold climate. The showcasing stage may center their promoting
endeavors around urban, downtown areas where their objective client is probably going to work.

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