AMDP Works Only With HANA As The Primary Database

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CDS Views:
What is CDS view?
--CDS stands for Core Data Services
--HANA is an in-memory database which enable high speed processing of data.
--With CDS views all the logic calculations are performed in the database instead of application server.
This new programming design is known as Code-to-Data paradigm which means code push down into
the database for processing.
--CDS is an enhancement to standard SQL language. It has all SQL features:
1. DDL -Data Definition Language. Used to CREATE table, MODIFY table etc.
2. DQL—Data Query Language. Used to READ data.
3. DCL—Data Control Language. Used to configure ‘SECURITY’
4.Expression Language -Mathematical Calculations, Conditions, Case..EndCase etc.

What happens whenever a CDS view is activated?

--Whenever a CDS view is created and Activated, 2 objects gets generated: 1. DDIC SQL view –it is a
design time object and can be seen in t.code SE11.
2. HANA view –it is a run time object and gets created in HANA DB.


What is AMDP?
--AMDP stands for ABAP Managed Database Procedure
--AMDP is Database Procedure which is managed by ABAP.
--AMDP works only with HANA as the primary database.
--AMDP is used to create and call stored procedures on SAP HANA DB. AMDP uses top-down approach
like CDS views.
--as of now AMDP is database dependent. But AMDP is conceptually designed to work in
any database and any language.
--AMDP is one of the most recommended patterns used for code optimization within the context of
--AMDPs are transported in the same way as normal ABAP objects.

From which version of SAP NW, it is available?

--from ABAP 7.4 SP05 version
--We need to be in ABAP system which is on release 7.4 SP05 and higher and
HANA is the primary database.

What should we need when we define AMDP method?

--we need to let the Method know the database and language.
--For HANA, the database is HDB and language is SQLScript.
How to identify an AMDP class?
--If a class has Marker Interface “IF_AMDP_MARKER_HDB” then it is an AMDP class.
--if one or more METHOD of AMDP class has the keyword “BY DATABSE PROCEDURE”, then it is AMDP

What does the suffix ‘XXX’ in IF_AMDP_MARKER_XXX indicates?

--XXX indicates database system for which the AMDPs (Database Procedures) can be implemented.
--We can have more than one “IF_AMDP_MARKER_XXX” in the class.

The IMPORTING and EXPORTING parameters of AMDP method should be VALUE reference only.

How do you confirm whether the method is really AMDP method?

--in the method implementation we find “BY DATABASE PROCEDURE” then it is AMDP method.
Important Note: --Database Procedures managed by ABAP can only be defined in the classes that
implement the marker interface IF_AMDP_MARKER_HDB.

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