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Statement of Purpose

My interest for law was sparked by legions of incidents, some of which were local and some
were international. As an inquisitive child I always had the passion to explore various things
around me and understand the logic behind them. Amongst a myriad social and political
situation, law played an important role in bringing about a multitude of changes in a common
man’s life. This profound influence of law on common people is what interests me. Moreover
belonging to a family having legacy of lawyers the atmosphere around me has also always
persuaded me to opt for Law.

Oxford being one of the best universities in the world has always attracted me to apply for it
but I never got a chance to do so before coming to OP Jindal Global University. The college
has given me this golden opportunity to apply for the summer school course, which
specifically focuses on International Laws and Global Governance, which has always
grabbed my attention. International law is expanding dynamically into all aspects of our lives
these days whether it is financial, economical, societal or political. The study of it has now
gained much importance than previous years. In today’s global world India as a developing
country needs more good lawyers who truly understand the importance of International Law
and give topic the dew regards which it should be given.

Onora O’Neill (Member of Parliament UK), Eleanor Rathbone (British Member of

Parliament), Margaret Forster (a Novelist) who have always fascinated me are also the
notable alumni of The Somerville College United Kingdom. This interests me even more that
I will be going to the place where they studied. It would be a really amazing opportunity for
me to get there. The beautiful structure of The Somerville College is really alluring which is
also one of the reason for applying. My father always had a dream about me going to Oxford
for such summer schools or student exchange programs I will probably make him proud of
myself by doing so.

My journey into this field started at a very young age and culminated with the time I visited
to courtrooms, defining in my mind clearly that law is the tool to make my mark. Every turn
of a decade has thrown up various issues for lawyers around the world to fight for justice and
International Law being one of them in todays so called Globalized world. Women
Empowerment is another such issue. We have reached the space and its outer limits but
around the world there are women who are still tortured, enslaved or even abused. While
Amal Clooney has voiced the tortures faced by the Yazidi Women, I too would like to
alleviate the sufferings endured by women be it on a local or national scale as well as, bring
about a change for the needy and deserving women, which will be immensely satisfying, and
make my biggest contribution to the society.

I assure the university to bring out the fullest potential out of me during the summer school
and will prove to be the most sincere and dedicated students amongst all. This opportunity
has made me excited like never before. It would be the biggest turn out of my life and
promise to avail the best out of it and also I won’t give a single chance to the college
authority to question me on that. I will be highly obliged if I get selected for the same.

Devika Thakur
BA LLB (1st Year)

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