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Sports - the power to change to world

Of course, sports have the power to change the world, either in any
field, such as economical, social or even poli cal.
Sports create hope for those in despair, who live their life just to
be mo vated to con nue the next day. It also can empower an
individual and expose them to incredible life lessons, it has the power
to change the world posi vely. It also brings people together from
diverse backgrounds around a common goal and provides a pla orm to
work together, develop friendships and focus on commonali es, not
differences. Sports also helped raise the economy of a country, such as
Brazil where the World cup took place and it increased its economy by
its tourists that came to watch the games.
From past events, I can confirm that its influence over people's
mind is something remarkable. As an example, it reduced racism
towards different kinds of players and it also inspired others to be the
change in the world. It also encouraged female players to par cipate in
mass to sports events which are nowadays one of the most pres gious
events in the world. Poli cally speaking it managed to stop wars just for
people's desire to watch a match, such as happened in Pele's era.
Sports remains one of the world's common places where
everybody is welcomed and no one has the right to the other, not
forge ng that it gives opportuni es, values and friendships that it is
treasured immensely.

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