Particular Integral

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Finding a Particular  ✏

Integral ✒19.6 ✑

We stated in Block 19.5 that the general solution of an inhomogeneous equation is the sum of
the complementary function and a particular integral. We have seen how to find the comple-
mentary function in the case of a constant coefficient equation. We shall now deal with the
problem of finding a particular integral. Recall that the particular integral is any solution of
the inhomogeneous equation. There are a number of advanced techniques available for finding
such solutions but we shall adopt a simpler strategy. Since any solution will do we shall try to
find such a solution by a combination of educated guesswork and trial and error.

✬ ✩
① understand what is meant by a differential
equation; (Block 19.1)

② be familiar with the terminology associated

with differential equations: order,
Prerequisites dependent variable and independent
variable; (Block 19.1)
Before starting this Block you should . . .
③ be able to integrate; (Block 14)

④ have completed Block 19.5 on Constant

Coefficient Equations
✫ ✪

Learning Outcomes Learning Style

After completing this Block you should be able To achieve what is expected of you . . .
to . . .

✓ understand what is meant by a particular

☞ allocate sufficient study time

✓ find particular integrals by trial solution

☞ briefly revise the prerequisite material
✓ find general solutions of inhomogeneous
equations by adding the complementary ☞ attempt every guided exercise and most
function to the particular integral of the other exercises
1. What is meant by a particular integral?
Given a second order o.d.e.
d2 y dy
a + b + c y = f (x)
dx2 dx
a particular integral is any function, yp (x), which satisfies the equation. That is, any function
which when substituted into the left hand side and simplified, results in the function on the
We denote a particular integral by yp (x).

Try each part of this exercise

Show that
d2 y dy
y = − 14 e2x is a particular integral of 2
− − 6y = e2x (1)
dx dx
d2 y
Part (a) Starting with y = − 14 e2x , find dy
and dx2

Part (b) Now substitute these into (1):


2. Finding a particular integral

In the previous section we explained what is meant by a particular integral. Now we look at
how one is actually found. In fact our method is rather crude. It involves trial and error and
educated guesswork. We try solutions which are of the same general form as the f (x) on the
right hand side. As a guide, use Table 1.

Table 1. Trial solutions to find the particular integral

f (x) Trial solution
constant term c constant term γ

polynomial in x polynomial in x
of degree r: of degree r:
axr + · · · + bx + c αxr + · · · + βx + γ

a cos kx α cos kx + β sin kx

a sin kx α cos kx + β sin kx
aekx αekx

Engineering Mathematics: Open Learning Unit Level 1 2

19.6: Differential Equations
Example Find a particular integral of the equation
d2 y dy
− − 6y = e2x (2)
dx dx

We shall attempt to find a solution of the inhomogeneous problem by trying a function of the
same form as that on the right-hand side. In particular, let us try y(x) = αe2x , where α is a
constant that we shall now determine. If y(x) = αe2x then

dy d2 y
= 2αe2x and = 4αe2x .
dx dx2
Substitution in (2) gives:
4αe2x − 2αe2x − 6αe2x = e2x
that is,
−4αe2x = e2x
so that y will be a solution if α is chosen so that −4α = 1, that is, α = − 14 . Therefore the
particular integral is yp (x) = − 14 e2x .

Now do this exercise

By trying a solution of the form y = αe−x find a particular integral of the equation

d2 y dy
+ − 2y = 3e−x
dx dx
Substitute y = αe−x into the given equation to find α, and hence the particular integral. Answer

Example Obtain a particular integral of the equation:

d2 y dy
−6 + 8y = x
dx dx

In the last example, we found that a fruitful approach was to assume a solution in the same
form as that on the right-hand side. Suppose we assume a solution y(x) = αx and proceed to
determine α. This approach will actually fail, but let us see why. If y(x) = αx then dx =α
and dx2 = 0. Substitution into the differential equation yields 0 − 6α + 8αx = x and α ought
d y

now to be chosen so that this expression is true for all x. If we equate the coefficients of x we
find 8α = 1 so that α = 18 , but with this value of α the constant terms are inconsistent (that
is − 68 on the left, but zero on the right). Clearly a particular integral of the form αx is not
possible. The problem arises because differentiation of the term αx produces constant terms
which are unbalanced on the right-hand side. So, we try a solution of the form y(x) = αx + β
with α, β constants. This is consistent with the recommendation in Table 1. Proceeding as
dy d2 y
before dx = α, dx 2 = 0.

3 Engineering Mathematics: Open Learning Unit Level 1

19.6: Differential Equations
Substitution in the differential equation now gives:

0 − 6α + 8(αx + β) = x

Equating coefficients of x and then equating constant terms we find:

8α = 1 (∗) − 6α + 8β = 0 (∗∗)
From (∗), α = 8
and then from (∗∗)
−6 8
+ 8β = 0
3 3
so that, 8β = 4
that is, β = 32
. The required particular integral is

yp (x) = 18 x + 3

Try each part of this exercise

Find a particular integral for the equation:

d2 y dy
− 6 + 8y = 3 cos x
dx2 dx

Part (a) First try to decide on an appropriate form for the trial solution. Refer to Table 1 if

Part (b) Equate coefficients of cos x in your previous answer:


Part (c) Also, equate coefficients of sin x in your previous answer:


Part (d) Solve these simultaneously to find α and β, and hence the particular integral:

3. Finding the general solution of a second-order inhomogeneous

The general solution of a second-order linear inhomogeneous equation is the sum of its particular
integral and the complementary function. In Block 19.5 you learned how to find a complementary
function, and in the previous section you learnt how to find a particular integral. We now put
these together to find the general solution.

Engineering Mathematics: Open Learning Unit Level 1 4

19.6: Differential Equations
Now do this exercise
Find the general solution of

d2 y dy
+3 − 10y = 3x2
dx dx
The complementary function was found in Block 19.5 page 6 to be ycf = Ae2x + Be−5x . The
particular integral is found by trying a solution of the form y = ax2 + bx + c. Substitute into
the homogeneous equation to find a, b and c, and hence yp (x). Answer

Key Point
The general solution of a constant coefficient ordinary differential equation

d2 y dy
a 2
+b + cy = f (x) is y = yp + ycf
dx dx
being the sum of the particular integral and the complementary function. yp contains no arbi-
trary constants; ycf contains two arbitrary constants.

Example An LC circuit with sinusoidal input. The differential equation governing the
flow of current in a series LC circuit when subject to an applied voltage v(t) =
V0 sin ωt is

d2 i 1
L 2
+ i = ωV0 cos ωt L C
dt C

Obtain its general solution.

The homogeneous equation is
d2 icf icf
L + = 0.
dt2 C

Letting icf = ekt we find the auxiliary equation is Lk 2 + C1 = 0 so that k = ±i/ LC. Therefore,
the complementary function is:
t t
icf = A cos √ + B sin √ where A and B arbitrary constants

5 Engineering Mathematics: Open Learning Unit Level 1

19.6: Differential Equations
To find a particular integral try ip = E cos ωt + F sin ωt, where E, F are constants. We find:

dip d2 ip
= −ωE sin ωt + ωF cos ωt = −ω 2 E cos ωt − ω 2 F sin ωt
dt dt2
Substitution into the inhomogeneous equation yields:
L(−ω 2 E cos ωt − ω 2 F sin ωt) + (E cos ωt + F sin ωt) = ωV0 cos ωt
Equating coefficients of sin ωt gives: −ω 2 LF + (F/C) = 0.
Equating coefficients of cos ωt gives: −ω 2 LE + (E/C) = ωV0 .
Therefore F = 0 and E = CV0 ω/(1 − ω 2 LC). Hence the particular integral is

CV0 ω
ip = cos ωt.
1 − ω 2 LC
Finally, the general solution is:
t t CV0 ω
i = icf + ip = A cos √ + B sin √ + cos ωt
LC LC 1 − ω 2 LC

4. Inhomogeneous term appearing in the complementary

d y 2dy
Occasionally you will come across a differential equation a dx 2 + b + cy = f (x) for which the
inhomogeneous term, f (x), forms part of the complementary function. One such example is the
d2 y dy
− − 6y = e3x
dx dx
It is straightforward to check that the complementary function is ycf = Ae3x + Be−2x . Note that
the first of these terms has the same form as the inhomogeneous term, e3x , on the right-hand
side of the differential equation.
You should verify for yourself that trying a particular integral of the form yp (x) = αe3x will not
work in a case like this. Can you see why?
Instead, try a particular integral of the form yp (x) = αxe3x . Verify that

dyp d2 yp
= αe3x (3x + 1) and = αe3x (9x + 6).
dx dx2
Substitute these expressions into the differential equation to find α = 15 . Finally, the particular
integral is yp (x) = 15 xe3x and so the general solution to the differential equation is:

y = Ae3x + Be−2x + 15 xe3x

Engineering Mathematics: Open Learning Unit Level 1 6

19.6: Differential Equations
More exercises for you to try
1. Find the general solution of the following equations:
d2 x dx d2 y dy d2 y dy
(a) 2
−2 − 3x = 6. (b) 2
+ 5 + 4y = 8 (c) 2
+ 5 + 6y = 2t
dt dt dx dx dt dt
d2 x dx 2
dy dy 2
d y dy
(d) 2 +11 +30x = 8t (e) 2 +2 +3y = 2 sin 2x (f) 2 + +y = 4 cos 3t
dt dt dx dx dt dt
2 2
dy dx
(g) + 9y = 4e8x (h) − 16x = 9e6t
dx2 dt2
d2 x dx
2. Find a particular integral for the equation 2
−3 + 2x = 5e3t
dt dt
d2 x
3. Find a particular integral for the equation 2
− x = 4e−2t
4. Obtain the general solution of y  − y  − 2y = 6.

d2 y dy
5. Obtain the general solution of the equation + 3 + 2y = 10 cos 2x.
dx2 dx
Find the particular solution satisfying y(0) = 1, (0) = 0.
d2 y dy
6. Find a particular integral for the equation + +y =1+x
dx2 dx
7. Find the general solution of

d2 x dx d2 x dx
(a) 2
−6 + 5x = 3 (b) 2
−2 + x = et
dt dt dt dt

7 Engineering Mathematics: Open Learning Unit Level 1

19.6: Differential Equations
5. Computer Exercise or Activity
For this exercise it will be necessary for you to access the com-
puter package DERIVE. To solve a second-order differential
equation using DERIVE it is necessary to load what is called
a Utility File named ode2. To do this is simple. Proceed as
follows: In DERIVE, choose File:Load:Math and select the file
(double click) on the ode2 icon. This will load a number of
commands which enable you to solve second-order differential
equations. You can use the Help facility to learn more about
these if you wish.

Of particular relevance here is the command

Dsolve2(p, q, r, x, c1, c2)

which finds the general solution (containing two arbitrary constants c1, c2) to the second order
differential equation
d2 y dy
+ p(x) + q(x)y = r(x)
dx2 dx
For the examples in this Block both p(x) and q(x) are given constants.
The general solution is the sum of the complementary function (the part containing the arbitrary
constants) and the particular integral. Hence by inspecting the solution given by DERIVE the
particular integral can be obtained. For example the general solution to

d2 y dy
− − 6y = e2x
dx dx
can be obtained by keying Author:Expression

Dsolve2(−1, −6, exp(2x), c1, c2)

followed by Simplify and DERIVE responds with

c1 · ê 3·x
− + c2 · ê−2·x
from which we deduce the particular integral:


As an exercise use DERIVE to check the correctness of the particular integrals requested in the
examples and guided exercises of this Block.

Engineering Mathematics: Open Learning Unit Level 1 8

19.6: Differential Equations
MAPLE will solve a wide range of ordinary differential equations including systems of differential
equations using the command
deqns − ordinary differential equation in vars, or set of equations and/or initial conditions.
vars − variable or set of variables to be solved for
eqns − optional equation of the form keyword=value
For example to solve
d2 y dy
+ 2 + 2y = e−t y(0) = 0, y  (0) = 0
dt dt
we would key in
> dsolve({diff(y(t),t$2)+2*diff(y(t),t)+2*y(t)=exp(-t),y(0)=0, D(y)(0)=0},y(t),type=exact);
MAPLE responds with
1 − cos(t)
If the initial conditions are omitted MAPLE will present the solution with the correct number
of arbitrary constants denoted by C1, C2 . . . . Thus the general solution of

d2 y dy
+ 2 + 2y = e−t
dt2 dt
is obtained by keying in
> dsolve({diff(y(t),t$2)+2*diff(y(t),t)+2*y(t)=exp(-t)},y(t),type=exact);
and MAPLE responds with

y(t) = exp(−t) + C1 ∗ exp(−t) ∗ cos(t) + C2 ∗ exp(−t) ∗ sin(t)

As with the DERIVE response the particular integral can be deduced from this general solution
as being that part not multiplied by an arbitrary constant.

9 Engineering Mathematics: Open Learning Unit Level 1

19.6: Differential Equations
End of Block 19.6

Engineering Mathematics: Open Learning Unit Level 1 10

19.6: Differential Equations
d2 y
= − 12 e2x , dx2
= −e2x

Back to the theory

11 Engineering Mathematics: Open Learning Unit Level 1

19.6: Differential Equations
Substitution into (1) yields −e2x − − 12 e2x − 6 − 14 e2x which simplifies to e2x , the same as
the right hand side. Therefore y = − 14 e2x is a particular integral and we write (attaching a
subscript p)
yp (x) = − 14 e2x

Back to the theory

Engineering Mathematics: Open Learning Unit Level 1 12

19.6: Differential Equations
α = − 32 ; yp (x) = − 32 e−x

Back to the theory

13 Engineering Mathematics: Open Learning Unit Level 1

19.6: Differential Equations
y = α cos x + β sin x in which α, β are constants to be found. We shall try a solution of the
form y(x) = α cos x + β sin x. Differentiating, we find:

dy d2 y
= −α sin x + β cos x = −α cos x − β sin x
dx dx2
Substitution into the differential equation gives:

(−α cos x − β sin x) − 6(−α sin x + β cos x) + 8(α cos x + β sin x) = 3 cos x

Back to the theory

Engineering Mathematics: Open Learning Unit Level 1 14

19.6: Differential Equations
7α − 6β = 3

Back to the theory

15 Engineering Mathematics: Open Learning Unit Level 1

19.6: Differential Equations
7β + 6α = 0

Back to the theory

Engineering Mathematics: Open Learning Unit Level 1 16

19.6: Differential Equations
α= 21
, β = − 18
, yp (x) = 21
cos x − 18
sin x

Back to the theory

17 Engineering Mathematics: Open Learning Unit Level 1

19.6: Differential Equations
a = − 10
, b = − 50
, c = − 500
, yp (x) = − 10 x −
3 2 9
x − 57
. Thus the general solution is

y = yp (x) + ycf (x) = − 10 x −

3 2 9
x − 57
+ Ae2x + Be−5x

Back to the theory

Engineering Mathematics: Open Learning Unit Level 1 18

19.6: Differential Equations
1. (a) x = Ae−t + Be3t − 2 (b) y = Ae−x + Be−4x + 2 (c) y = Ae−2t + Be−3t + 13 t − 5

(d) x = Ae−6t + Be−5t + 0.267t − 0.0978

√ √
(e) y = e−x [A sin 2x + B cos 2x] − 17
cos 2x − 2
sin 2x
(f) y = e−0.5t (A cos 0.866t + B sin 0.866t) − 0.438 cos 3t + 0.164 sin 3t
(g) y = A cos 3x + B sin 3x + 0.0548e8x (h) x = Ae4t + Be−4t + 9 6t
2. xp = 2.5e3t
3. xp = 43 e−2t
4. y = Ae2x + Be−x − 3
5. y = Ae−2x + Be−x + 32 sin 2x − 12 cos 2x, 3 −2x
e + 32 sin 2x − 12 cos 2x
6. yp = x
7. (a) x = Aet + Be5t + 5
(b) x = Aet + Btet + 12 t2 et

Back to the theory

19 Engineering Mathematics: Open Learning Unit Level 1

19.6: Differential Equations

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