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rlrkl (tfibR / GovERN ENT OF rNDrA

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File No: 20-16/4/2020-0lo TRG - DGS

Dated: 17.12.2020

DGS Order No.40 of 2020

to Conduct of Maritime Training Courses.

1. whereas the Directorate permitted conduct of STCW courses at approved MTIs

after listing all STCW courses vide DGS order No. 38 of 2020 d,ated t2ll72o20.
2 whereas para l0 of DGS order No. 3g stated that necessary changes are being
made in the E-Govemance system to accommodate the changes w.r.t. issuance of
digital certificates for certain courses.

3. The Directorate re-examined the courses listed as Annexure in DGS order No.
38 of 2020 and it was found that there is requirement of inclusion of few other courses.

In view of this, a consolidated list of all the courses has been prepared and mentioned
at Annexure-I to this order. The Annexure-I to this order supersedes the Annexure

attached to DGS Order No. 38 of 2020.

4. Three tier mechanism for Basic Safety Training course.

4.1. whereas the Directorate made it mandatory for all MTIs to conduct the four
'Basic Safety Training courses' (BST) comprising of pST, FPFF, EFA & pSSR as a
composite course and issue single combined certificate vide Training circular
No. 06
of2018 dated 2110312018. BST course accordingly, has been assigned a separare
course ID covering all four of its component individual courses.

Page I of 15

sfi dtrt-d, Rfts{, 0{r{ Ri6 2ffi} Aq(, 6ig('frs t-s, 6ig{qrf (T{) 1ffi- +ooo+z
{.I (E), fvlumbai'400042
'Hol-Think Techno Campus, Kanjur Village Road, Kaniurmarg
9th Ftoor, BETA Building,
dt- et No.: +91-22-ruru ,*ou* nu., i-u-ruru rozsas t-+fr/Er"it: dgship{ tQrll-{z/website: vn'rnr'dgshipping'gov'in
4.2 The MTI will upload batch details for the BST course with BST Course ID.

The candidate has to complete BST as a composite course following Three Tier
Mechanism of Training which would include:

4.2.1 Successful Completion of PST, FPFF, EFA & PSSR courses on e-learning


4.2.2 Completion of Virtual Classes/Live Video Sessions and practical in accordance

with Annexure - I to this Order.

4.2.3 Passing of On-Line EXIT Examination for the BST component courses i.e.

PST, FPFF, EFA & PSSR, sequentially which would be available against the same
BST batch upload.

4.2.4 A candidate will be allowed three attempts in EXIT Examination of each

component course. A candidate failing in any BST component course(s) in all three
attempts need not redo the full BST course again.

4.2.5 BST being a composite of four individual courses necessitates that these four
courses are also kept as separate courses with separate course IDs. at S. No. 2 to 5 of
the Annexure-I. Candidate failing in any component of BST course(s) in all three
will be allowed to redo that particular course(s) only and appear in its EXIT

Examination for another thlee attempts from same MTI. In such cases the MTI will
upload fresh batch details against the relevant course ID mentioned in Annexure-I for
the course(s) at S. No. 2 to 5.

4.2.6 The digital certificate of the BST course will be issued to the candidate only
when he/she clears all the component courses in the manner mentioned above along
with completion of the other two tiers.

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4.3 However, if the candidate fails to clear all three tiers of BST course within 180
days ofend-date ofthe BST course undertaken, heishe will have to do the entire BST
course again.

4.4 It is further clarified that PST, FPFF, PSSR and EFA has been included at S.
No. 2 to 5 of Annexure-I to this order as separate individual courses to facilitate
specific requirement ofthose seafarers who have a CDC and require to do a particular
course for any reason. It may be noted that the e-govemance system will allow
enrollment and batch upload for only those (i) candidates who are without a CDC
and faited in one or more of the component courses ofBST and (ii) sealarers who have

a CDC. Please note any attempt to enroll candidates without a CDC (except when the

candidate has failed in particular Part-course under BST) will be automatically

rejected by the system.

5. The procedure and SOP for issuance of full period digital course completion
certificate for which digital certificate of restricted validity of 18 months pending
completion of practical training have been issued is under development and will be

issued shortly.

J-mu t---/
(Amitabh Kumar)
Director General of Shipping &
Additional Secretary to the Govt. of India


Page 3 of 15
Annexure -I
Three-Tier Trainlng Require ment of STCW Courses
Name of Course l Tier 2"d Tier 3.d Tler C€rtlflcate System
Duratlon Generated Diglt
E-LearElEg Virtual Practlcal's a EXIT
claBseg t MTI Exat l
I Baslc Saletg Cours BST batch details to Exit Exam 18 Months I

e be entered for all BST for the four I

courses at 1(a) to 1(d courses t lPendrng coml

Cource ID: 6707 pletion of pral
I below o be passe
ctical requiril
d separatel
ng entry in w1
ater body wa!
d Personq.l Surulval Yes Yes Yes Yes er).
Technlques After complet] Yes

b ?lre Prerentlon an Yes Yes Yes Yes ion of practic

d ?lre ?lghtlng
al requiring e
ntry in water,
c Personal Safetg an Yes Yes No Yes Certificate wi
d Soclal Respons{b th un-limited
llltles validity shall
be issued wit
d Elementary F-lrst A Yes Yes No Yes h Refresher i
td n PST & FPF
It every 5-Y ea

Yes Yes 18 Months(Pe Yes

2 Persoaal Suruluo,l Yes Yes
Technlques nding comple
tion of practi
Course ID: 6702 cal requiring
entry in wate
r body water)
and then 5-Y

3 Fl,rePteuentlon dn Yes Yes Yes Yes Un-Limited s Yes

d Flre Flghting ubject to Refr
esher Course
Course ID: 6703 every 5-Year

4 Personal Satety an Yes Yes No Yes Un-Limited Yes

d Socldl Respons{[
Course ID: 6704
Page 4of15

5 elementary Ftrst A Yes Yes No Yes Un-Limited Yes

Course ID: 67O5

6 Proflclencg ln Suru Yes Yes Yes Yes 18 Months Yes

laal Crafi, and Res (Pending com
ane Boat other tha pletion of pra
n fcrst Resctte Boa ctical requiri
ng entry in w
ater body wat
er) and then
Course ID:6277 5-Years

7 Proflclencg ln Iast Yes Yes Yes Yes Un-Limited Yes

Rescte Boat

Course ID:6227

8 Adaanced Flre Flg Yes Yes Yes Yes Un-Limited s Yes

htlng ubject to Refr
esher Course
every S-Year
Course ID:6317

9 Medlcal Flrst Ald Yes Yes Yes Yes Un-Limited Yes

Course ID:6477

70 Medlcal Care Yes Yes Yes Yes 18-Months& Yes

Pending com
Course ID:6421 pletion of Ho
spital Visit

71 Ceftlflcate of ProJl Yes Yes No Yes Un-Limited Yes

clencg for Ship Se
curltg OfJTcer on)

Course ID:6577

Page 5 of 15

Yes Un-Limited Yes
12 Uecurity T"alnlng Yes Yes No
for seaJarers ulth
aleslgndted secl"lt on)
q dutles

Course ID:6627
Yes 18 Months Yes
73 Rejreshe/ ln Perso Yes Yes Yes
nal Surulaal Techn (Pending com
lques pletion of pra
ctical requiri
ng entry in w
Course ID: 67 72 ater body wat
L er)

Yes Yes 18 Months Yes

14 ReJresher ln Proflcl Yes Yes
lency ln Suralval C Pending com
rafi o,nd Rescue Bo pletion of pra
at apart lrom Fast ctical requiri
Rescue Bodts ng entry in w
lter body wat

Course ID: 6272

Yes Yes Yes 18 Months Yes
J5 )omblned ReJreshe Yes
. ln Personal Sun l
(Pending com
tal Technlques an pletion of pra
7 Pro.flclencg ln sa ctical requiri
ralual Crafi and R ng entry in w
escue Boat dPart I ater body wal
ro/,r'. F(rst Rescue B er

Course ID:6274
Yes 5-Year Yes
16 Refresher ln F'lre P Yes Yes Yes
reuentlon and Flre

Course ID: 6722

5-Year Yes
17 Relresher ln Adtd Yes Yes Yes Yes
nced Plre Flghtlng

Course ID: 63 72

Page 6 of 15

18 Cotnblned Refreshe Yes Yes Yes Yes 5-Year Yes
r ln F'lre Preoent a
nd Flre ?lghtlng &
Aduanced Flre Flg

Course ID:6373
19 ReJresher ln Protlc Yes Yes Yes Yes 5-Year Yes
lencg ln Fast Resc
ue Boat

Course ID:6222

20 ReJresher Course I Yes Yes Yes Yes 5-year Yes

n Medlcal F'lrst Al

Course ID:6472

21 Reftesher ln Medlc Yes Yes Yes Yes 5-years Yes

al Care

Course ID:6422

22 Baslc Tralnlng for Yes Yes No Yes Un-Limited Yes

Oll and Chemlcal
Tanker Cargo Oper
a.tlons Cou"se

Cotrse ID:5777
23 Boslc Tr.alnlng for Yes Yes No Yes Un-Limited Yes
Ltquefled Ga,s ?an
ker Cargo Operatl
ons Course

Course ID:S727

24 Advanced T-ralntng Yes Yes No Yes Un-Limited Yes

for o fanker Ca
rgo Operdtlons
Course ID:S 7 72

Page TofLs

Yes No Yes Un-Limited Yes
25 ldvanced T7.alnlng Yes
for Chemlcal Tan
ler Cargo OPeratl
gourse ID:57 73

26 idaanced Tvalnlng Yes Yes No Yes Un-Limited Yes

for Ltquefled Grrs

Tanker Cargo OPer
Course ID:i722
27 Llquld Cargo and No Yes Yes No Un-Limited Yes
ballast Handllng S
lmulator Course Jo
r Oll Tankers
Course ID:S774

28 Passenger ShiP .Fc Yes Yes No Yes Un-Limited Yes

mlllarlzatlon Cour

Course ID:5277

29 Passenger Ship Sa Yes Yes No Yes Un-Limited s Yes

fetg Course ubject to Refr

esher Course
Course ID:5272 every S-Year

30 Bas{c Tvalnlng for No Yes Yes No Un-Limited Yes

Shtps uslng Frlel c
overed under IGF C
Course ID:5377

37 Aduanced T-ralnlng No Yes Yes No Un-Limited Yes

Jor Shlps uslng F
uel coaered under
tGF Code

Course ID:5372

32 Bcslc CourseforS Yes Yes Yes Yes Un-Limited Yes

hlps Operotlng ln
Polar Water
Course ID:5477

Page 8of15

Yes Yes Un-Limited Yes
33 !,ituonced cou"se f Yes Yes
rr Shlps OPeratl^g
l^ Pola.r Woter
)ourse ID:5472
Yes No Un-Limited Yes
34 ?adar Obseraer Sl No Yes
?I.ulotor Course
Course ID:2727
Yes No Un-Limited Yes
35 ARPA Course No Yes

Course ID:2722
Yes No Un-Limited Yes
36 Ekctronlc Ctr.r:,rt D No Yes
lsplay ond lnJonn
atlon Systems Cou
Course ID:2723
No No Un-Limited Yes
37 Foundatlon Course No Yes
(PCME) lor 2nd Ma
te (F.G.)
Course ID:27 73
No No Un-Limited Yes
38 ConU)etencY Cours No Yes
e lor 2nd Mate (F,G
.) exam

Course ID:27 77

No No Un-Limited Yes
39 3-month Cotry)etenl No Yes
cy Qourse for Chlei
Mate (F,G.) Phase
7 exam
lcourse ID:221 1
No No Un-Limited Yes
4O le-nontn ConPeten No
lcg Course tor Chlel
I ttate F.o.) Phase t
lcourse to:zztz
No No Un-Limited Yes
llEduanced shtpboa No Yes
lrd Management (A
lsEl course lor Mas
F.G.) exam
Iter to:zzs t
Page 9of15

Yes Yes No Un-Limited Yes
42 Shlp No
Simulo:tor a:nd Bt1.
dge Teamwork Cou

Course ID: 2247

No Un-Limited Yes
43 Rado;r o,nd ARPA N No No Yes
aJrlgg:tlon Slmulot
or Course (RAMCO

Course ID: 2227

Yes No No Un-Limited Yes
44 Competencg Cou?s No
e tor NltrlKO-t'ICV ex

Course ID:27 72
Yes No No Un-Limited Yes
45 Conpetencg Cours No
e tor Chtef Mate N

CV Ph,o,se 7 exam

Course ID:2273
Yes No No Un-Limited Yes
46 CompetencY Cours No
e lor Chlel Mdte N
CV Phase 2 exam

Course ID:2274
Yes No No Un-Limited Yes
47 Adoanced ShtP Bo No
ard Management (
ASM) lor Master N
Course ID:2232
Yes No No Un-Limited Yes
4A Competencg Cou"s No
e lor lltdndgement
la)el - MEO

Course ID:327 7

Page l0 of 15

49 ?'Lgtneerlng
Mana No
gement Course Yes
for No No un-t imitEa
MEO Ctass I / Yes

)ourse ID:323I
fselresner and upa Yes Yes
latlng tratnlng Co No YCS Un-LimGd Yes
lurse for
afl Engtnc

Course ID:1I18
51 Competency Cottrs No Yes No No
e for Operatlonat L Un-Limited Yes
eael - MEO Class ff
Course ID:?112 |

52 Competencg Cours No Yes No No Un-Limited Yes

t for Management
t*ael - MEO Class
III- Pari A (i{CV'SD

2ourse ID:3212
No No Un-Limited Yes
53 Competencg Cours No
z for Management

Leael - MEO Class


Course ID:3213
fn-Limited Yes
Yes No No
54 ffieeang firo,na I

oement Course tor

Angtneer Off
lcer (NCV Class trI)

i"rrt", rD:3274

r Page 11 of 15

Un-Limited Yes
Yes Yes No
55 i@iinoomstmul No
lator Course OPeral

Course ID:3727
Yes Yes No -Un-Limited
56 Eiltn- noom stmul No I

lator Course Mo,nal

gement Lettel (seco I

nd Engl^eer OIlTce

ro:322t I:-
lcourse Y"" I Yes No Un-Limited I Yes
57 inglne Rooin stmul No
a]tor Ndno,gement I
',evel (ChleJ Dnglnel
r Ol!7cer) / Dlesel I
gnstne Cottlbt4stto I

n Go,.B Siltuulo'tor

Cource ID:3247 I :.
Yes I Yes l\o Un-Limited I
58 vottage saletl No

!d d Sultch Geat|
Cource (OPerdtlon I

un-Limrtea Yes
Yes Yes No
59 fri
v*-tgl, saletl No
t and swltch Gedr I
Course (Ma^dgem I
2'Irt Leael)

Cou?se ID:3223
Yes Yes No I
60 fadneeotler and I
No -u*limited
Course (OPeratlonl


No Un-Limited Yes
Yes Yes
61 M-arine Botler and I No
Steam Englneering\
Course (Managem I

ent l,eael)

lcourse Yes Un-Limited Yes
Yes No
62 AA-ildn Mo:rlttme L Yes
eglsldtlon Coutse

Course lD:77O1
Yes Un-Limited Yes
Yes No
63 Assesstnelt, Exdm Yes
l^atlo and CertVT
catlon ol Sealorer
s (AECS) Course

Course ID:7062
No Yes Un-Limited Yes
64 Vertlc(rl l^tegratlo Yes Yes
n Course tor haln
ers (VICT)

Course ID:1067
No Yes Un-Limited Yes
65 Port Fdcllltg Secutl Yes Yes
ttg Ofllce4Prf,o,) c

Course ID:6573
Yes No Yes Un-Limited Yes
66 Conv)dng SecatrltY Yes
Course lD:6572
Yes Yes Un-Limited Yes
67 Traln the slmulo:t Yes Yes
or Tlolner and Ass
essot Course
Course ID:7O63

Page 13 of 15
No Un-Limited s Yes
68 rannlllarizatlon Co No Yes No
ubject to Refr Jor Medlcal E (Procedure to be i
esher every 5
cc:ml^er oJ Seatar ssued seParately)
iourse ID:6423
No 5-years Yes
69 cejresher Course I No Yes No
t Med.lcal Examln (Procedure to be i
er oJ Seafarers ssued separatelY)
Cottrse ID:6424
Yes Yes No Un-Limited Yes
70 General OPerdtor No
Certvlcate Course
Cotrse ID:427 7

& UPdat No Yes No No Un-Limited Yes

71 Rejresher
lng TYoll'ring Cours
e (Ilpgradatlon Co
urse trom STCW I
995 to STCW 2O7O
) lor Mastet & Dec
k Ol!7cers
Course ID:7777
Yes No Un-Limited Yes
72 Llquld. Petloleum No Yes
Gas Tankers Carg
o & Bollast Handlt
ng Slmulo'tor Cour

Course ID:5724

73 Llquld Natural Ga No Yes Yes No Un-Limited Yes

s T(:,nkers Cargo B
dllast Ha^dltng St
mulator Course
Course ID:s723

74 Chemlcql tanker{ No Yes Yes No Un-Limited Yes

argo & Ballast Ha
ndllng Sl,,[;wloto,.

Yes Yes No Un-Limited Yes
75 ?estrlcted OPerato No
. Certvlcdte Cours
z lor GMDSS

Course ID: 4272

Un-Limited Yes
76 chtel lqte (NCv) c No Yes Yes No
ourse lor Indlan N
audl OlJlcers
course ID:2275

77 Brldglng Course fo No Yes Yes No un-Limited Yes

r Exlstlng Electric
dl olficers to ETo
Course ID:36 7 I
7A Rerresher dnd UP No Yes No No Un-Limited Yes

datlng Course Jor

Englneers: Mandge
ment Level
Course ID:7 7 76
No No Un-Limited Yes
79 Relresher dnd UPd No Yes
a:tlng Course lor E
nglneers: OPeratlo
nal Leuel
Course ID:7 7 77
No un-Limited Yes
80 Relresher & UPda No Yes No
tlng Tr(Ilnlng Cout
se (Vpgradatlon Cc
urse lrom STCW I
995 to STCW 2O1A
) for Deck Olficers

Course ID: 7772


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