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Firmicutes/“Bacilli”/Bacillales/ Planococcaceae/

Kluyver and van Niel 1936, 401AL emend. Yoon, Lee, Weiss, Kho, Kang and Park 2001b, 1085
The Editorial Board,’na. Gr. n. spora a spore; L. fem. n. sarcina a Type species: Sporosarcina ureae (Beijerinck 1901) Kluyver
package, bundle; N.L. fem. n. Sporosarcina a sporeform- and van Niel 1936, 401VP (Planosarcina ureae Beijerinck
ing package. 1901, 52.).
Endospore forming cocci or rods. Gram positive Number of validated species: 9
or variable. Most species are motile. Strict or fac-
ultative aerobes. Catalase positive. Most species are Further descriptive information
also oxidase and urease positive. Nitrate reduction
to nitrite is variable. Optimum growth temperature Coherent clustering of the nine species of Sporosarcina is
and pH are 20–30∘ C and 6.5–8, respectively. Many suggested by sequence analyses of the 16S rRNA gene.
One study found that Sporosarcina saromensis forms a clus-
species grow at low temperatures <10∘ C. Many species
ter with the type strains for Sporosarcina aquimarina (97.3%
are also halotolerant and grow at <3–15% NaCl.
similarity), Sporosarcina globispora (96.9%), Sporosarcina psy-
Cell wall peptidoglycan contains L-lysine at position
chrophila (96.8%), Sporosarcina ureae (96.8%), Sporosarcina
3 of the peptide subunit and is the A4α type. The
pasteurii (96.0%), and Sporosarcina macmurdoensis (95.9%)
principal menaquinone is MK-7. Major fatty acid is (An et al., 2007). Another study found that Sporosarcina
C15:0 ante . koreensis forms a cluster with the type strains for Sporosarcina
DNA G + C content (mol%): 38–46.5. soli (98.9%), Sporosarcina globispora (97.3%), Sporosarcina
Type species: Sporosarcina ureae (Beijerinck 1901) aquimarina (97.2%), and Sporosarcina psychrophila (96.9%)
Kluyver and van Niel 1936, 401VP (Planosarcina ureae (Kwon et al., 2007).
Beijerinck 1901, 52.). Though similar in phenotypic and physiological charac-
teristics, Sporosarcina species may also be distinguished on
the basis of phenotypic differences (see Table 1). The cells
Endospore forming cocci or rods. Gram positive or variable. of some species occur singly or in pairs (Sporosarcina globis-
Most species are motile. Strict or facultative aerobes. Cata- porus, Sporosarcina koreensis, and Sporosarcina macmurdoensis),
lase positive. Most species are also oxidase and urease positive. whereas others also form clusters or short chains (Sporosarcina
Nitrate reduction to nitrite is variable. Optimum growth tem- psychrophila and Sporosarcina soli). Endospores can be terminal
perature and pH are 20–30∘ C and 6.5–8, respectively. Many (Sporosarcina aquimarina, Sporosarcina globispora, Sporosarcina
species grow at low temperatures <10∘ C. Many species are koreensis, Sporosarcina pasteurii, Sporosarcina psychrophila, and
also halotolerant and grow at <3–15% NaCl. Cell wall pep- Sporosarcina saromensis), subterminal (Sporosarcina macmur-
tidoglycan contains L-lysine at position 3 of the peptide sub- doensis), or central (Sporosarcina soli). Only two species are
unit and is the A4α type. The principal menaquinone is MK-7. nonmotile (Sporosarcina macmurdoensis and Sporosarcina soli).
Major fatty acid is C15:0 ante . All species tested are catalase positive. Only one species is
DNA G + C content (mol%): 38–46.5. negative for urease and oxidase (Sporosarcina macmurdoensis).

Bergey’s Manual of Systematics of Archaea and Bacteria, Online © 2015 Bergey’s Manual Trust. This article is © 2009 Bergey’s Manual Trust.
DOI: 10.1002/9781118960608.gbm00563. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., in association with Bergey’s Manual Trust.
2 Bergey’s Manual of Systematics of Archaea and Bacteria

TABLE 1. Differential phenotypic and physiological characteristics of species of the genus Sporosarcin a a

Characteristic S. ureae S. aquimarina S. globispora S. koreensis S. macmurdoensis S. pasteurii S. psychrophila S. saromensis S. soli
Colony colorb W O W O W W W B O
Cell shapec S R R R R R R R R
Spore positiond NA T T T ST T T T C
Motility + + + + − + + + −
NaCl (%) tolerance 3 13 5 7 3 10 5 9 5
Optimum pH 7 6.5–7.0 7 7 7 9 7 6.5 8
Growth at (∘ C):
5 and 10 NA + + − + NA + + −
30 + + + + − + w + +
40 − − − + − w − + −
Optimum growth 25 25 20–25 30 20 30 25 27 30
temperature (∘ C)
Anaerobic growth − + + − + + + − −
Presence of:
Oxidase + + + + − NA + + +
Urease + + + + − + + + +
Hydrolysis of:
Casein − − − − NA w − − −
Gelatin − + + + + + + + −
Starch − − − − + − + + −
Tween 80 w − − − NA NA − NA −
Tyrosine + w NA − NA NA − NA −
Nitrate reduction + + + − − + + − +
DNA G + C content 40–41.5 40 40 46.5 44 38.5 44.1 46 44.5
a Adapted from Table 1 in Kwon et al., (2007). Symbols: +, positive, −, negative; w, weak, NA, data not available.
b B, beige, O, light orange; W, white.
c R, rod; S, spherical.
d C, central; ST, subterminal; T, terminal.

While Sporosarcina pasteurii is positive for urease, it has not 0.1 ml of each dilution was streaked on nutrient agar plates
been tested for catalase and oxidase. (peptone, 5 g; meat extract, 3 g; agar, 15 g; distilled water,
100 ml) supplemented with 30–100 g urea/liter. After incu-
Isolation and enrichment procedures bation at 25∘ C for 3 or more days, colonies were visible under
a dissecting microscope or by transmitted light. Colonies
Isolation is best achieved by plating soil or water dilutions on
were checked microscopically for the sarcina morphology
an appropriate agar. The growth of Sporosarcina ureae can be
enhanced by addition of 3% urea. Two methods for isolating and restreaked on nutrient agar containing 1% urea for
Sporosarcina ureae are described in detail in Claus et al. (1991) purification. Testing motility and endospore formation was
and include Claus’s 1981 modification of Gibson’s method used to confirm the provisional identification.
and the method used by Pregerson in 1973. In the former, The second method used tryptic soy yeast extract agar
about 5 g of dried soil was suspended in 20 ml of sterile tap (Difco Tryptic Soy Broth, 27.5 g; Difco Yeast Extract, 5.0 g;
water, and the suspension was diluted 1:10 and 1:100. About glucose, 5.0 g; Bacto Agar, 15.0 g; distilled water, 1000 ml),

This article is © 2009 Bergey’s Manual Trust. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., in association with Bergey’s Manual Trust.
Bergey’s Manual of Systematics of Archaea and Bacteria 3

which was adjusted to pH 8.5 with NaOH before sterilization.

Taxonomic comments
After sterilization, a filter-sterilized urea solution was added
to give a final concentration of 1% (Claus and Fahmy, 1986).
Nine species are currently assigned to the genus Sporosarcina.
If cells from picked colonies exhibited motile tetrads and/or
In the last edition of Bergey’s Manual of Systematic Bacteriology,
packets under the microscope, the colonies were restreaked
this genus comprised the type species, Sporosarcina ureae, and
on the same medium for further purification.
Sporosarcina halophila (Claus and Fahmy, 1986). However, sub-
Other species were isolated by a variety of methods.
sequent 16S rRNA sequence analyses led to the reassignment
Sporosarcina aquimarina was isolated on trypticase soy agar
of the latter species to a new genus, Halobacillus (Spring et al.,
(TSA) supplemented with artificial sea water (pH 7.5) (Yoon
1996). Further analyses of Bacillus species discovered close
et al., 2001b). Sporosarcina koreensis and Sporosarcina soli were
relationships of Bacillus globisporus, Bacillus psychrophilus, and
isolated upon dilution and plating of soil on TSA (30∘ C for
Bacillus pasteurii to Sporosarcina ureae, and these organisms
2 days) (Kwon et al., 2007). Sporosarcina macmurdoensis was
were reclassified as Sporosarcina globispora, Sporosarcina psy-
isolated from a suspension of cyanobacterial mat after plat-
chrophila, and Sporosarcina pasteurii, respectively (Yoon et al.,
ing on ABM agar (0.5% peptone, 0.2% yeast extract, 1.5%
2001b). Five additional species have also been isolated in soil
agar, pH 7.2) (Reddy et al., 2003). Sporosarcina saromensis
and water samples.
was isolated from surface water of Lake Saroma or marine
sediment by plating on JCM57 medium (10 g of glucose, 1.0
List of species of the genus Sporosarcina
g of asparagine, 0.5 g of K2 HPO4 , 2.0 g of yeast extract, 15
g of agar per liter of distilled water, pH adjusted to 7.3) or Sporosarcina ureae
1/10 diluted marine agar 2216 (An et al., 2007). (Beijerinck 1901) Kluyver and van Niel 1936, 401AL
(Planosarcina ureae Beijerinck 1901, 52.)
Maintenance procedures ................................................................................... N.L. n. urea urea; N.L. gen. n. ureae of urea.
Sporosarcina ureae vegetative cultures grown on nutrient agar The description is the same as for the genus except
are viable for up to a year when stored at 4–10∘ C in the as follows. Cells are spherical or oval cocci (1.0–2.5 μm in
dark. Endospores survive several years in screw-capped tubes diameter). They occur singly, in pairs, tetrads, and in pack-
under the same conditions (Claus and Fahmy, 1986). In ets of eight or more cells as a result of division in two or
general, strains of Sporosarcina ureae form spores in nutrient three perpendicular planes. Endospores are 0.5–1.5 μm in
agar supplemented with urea (final concentration 0.2%) if diameter. Cells are motile, and flagella are randomly spaced.
incubated at 25∘ C. Addition of 50 mg of MnSO4 H2 O per Colonies are gray or cream, becoming yellowish, orange, or
liter may enhance sporulation. Good sporulation can also brown depending upon the strain and medium. Negative
be expected in the medium of MacDonald and MacDonald for acid production from D-glucose and D-xylose. In nature,
(1962) (see Claus and Fahmy, 1986). it may play an active role in urea decomposition. Other
Cryopreservation is recommended for long term storage. characteristics are described in Table 1.
Cryoprotectants in use include skim milk (20%, w/v), serum DNA G + C content (mol%): 40–42 (Tm ).
containing 5% meso-inositol, glycerol (10%), and DMSO Type strain: ATCC 6473, DSM 2281, JCM 2577, LMG 17366,
(5%). NBRC 12699, VKM B-595.
GenBank accession number (16S rRNA gene): AF202057.
Differentiation of the genus Sporosarcina from other
species Sporosarcina aquimarina
Yoon, Lee, Weiss, Kho, Kang and Park 2001b, 1084VP
The genus belongs to the family Planococcaceae and can be ...................................................................................
differentiated from other family members on the basis of’na. L. n. aqua water; L. adj. marinus of the sea; M.L.
its morphology, chemotaxonomic markers and 16S rRNA adj. aquimarina pertaining to sea water.
sequence. Species of Sporosarcina form coccoid or rod-shaped Cells are rods (0.9–1.2 μm × 2.0–3.5 μm) that form round,
cells and round or oval endospores. Most species are motile. terminal endospores in swollen sporangia in 3-day-old cul-
All species described so far possess MK-7 as the major tures on trypticase soy agar. Gram variable. Motile by means
menaquinone and an A4α peptidoglycan type in the cell wall of a single polar flagellum. Colonies are light orange,
(Reddy et al., 2003). smooth, circular to irregular, and raised on TSA. Grows

This article is © 2009 Bergey’s Manual Trust. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., in association with Bergey’s Manual Trust.
4 Bergey’s Manual of Systematics of Archaea and Bacteria

in the presence of 13% NaCl but not in the presence of presence of an organic nitrogen source. Negative for starch
more than 14% NaCl. Growth occurs at 4 and 37∘ C, but hydrolysis, acetylmethylcarbinol production, and citrate
not at 40∘ C. The optimal growth temperature is 25∘ C. utilization. Maximum temperature for growth is 20–25∘ C.
The optimal pH for growth is 6.5–7.0. Growth is inhib- Grows and sporulates at 0∘ C. Isolated from soil and river
ited below pH 5.0. Does not hydrolyze esculin, arbutin, water. Other characteristics are included in Table 1 and the
casein, hypoxanthine, starch, Tween 80, and xanthine. genus description.
Negative for deamination of arginine and production of DNA G + C content (mol%): 39.7 (Bd), 39.8 (Tm ).
indole. Acid is produced from N-acetylglucosamine, esculin, Type strain: 785, Larkin and Stockes W 25, ATCC 23301,
fructose, glycerol, 5-ketogluconate, ribose, and D-tagatose CCUG 7419, CIP 103266, DSM 4, HAMBI 471, NBRC 16082,
but not from erythritol, D-arabinose, L-arabinose, D-xylose, JCM 10046, LMG 6928, NRRL NRS-1533, NRRL B-3396, VKM
L-xylose, adonitol, β-methyl-D-xyloside, galactose, glucose, B-1435.
mannose, sorbose, rhamnose, dulcitol, inositol, manni- GenBank accession number (16S rRNA gene): X54967,
tol, sorbitol, α-methyl-D-mannoside, α-methyl-D-glucoside, X68415.
amygdalin, arbutin, salicin, cellobiose, maltose, lactose,
Sporosarcina koreensis
melibiose, sucrose, trehalose, inulin, melezitose, raffinose,
Kwon, Kim, Song, Weon, Schumann, Tindall,
starch, glycogen, xylitol, gentiobiose, D-turanose, D-lyxose, Stackebrandt and Fritze 2007, 1697VP
D-fucose, L-fucose, D-arabitol, L-arabitol, gluconate, and ...................................................................................
2-ketogluconate. The major fatty acid is C15:0 ante . Isolated’sis. N.L. fem. adj. koreensis referring to Korea, where
from sea water in Korea. Other characteristics are included
the isolates were collected.
in Table 1 and the genus description.
The species characteristics are the same as those of
DNA G + C content (mol%): 40 (HPLC).
the genus except as follows. Cells are sporeforming rods
Type strain: SW28, JCM 10887, KCCM 41039.
(0.5–0.7 μm × 2.5–3.0 μm) occurring singly or in short
GenBank accession number (16S rRNA gene): AF202056.
chains. Gram positive. They form mainly oval, terminal
Sporosarcina globispora endospores in swollen sporangia. Colonies are light orange
(Larkin and Stokes 1967) Yoon, Lee, Weiss, Kho, (after 2 days on TSA at 30∘ C). Growth is strictly aerobic
Kang, and Park 2001b, 1085VP (Bacillus globisporus and does not occur in >7% NaCl. The growth temperature
Larkin and Stokes 1967, 892.) range is 15–40∘ C (optimum, 30∘ C), and growth pH range
is 6.0–9.0 (optimum, 7.0; no growth at pH 5.7 or 10.0).
glo.bis’por.a. L. n. globus a sphere; N.L. n. spora a spore; N.L. Negative for anaerobic growth, formation of indole and
fem. adj. globispora with spherical spores. dihydroxyacetone, in the Voges–Proskauer test, for pheny-
Cells are rods (usually 0.9–1.0 μm × 2.5–4.0 μm) with lalanine deamination, and acid production from D-glucose,
rounded ends. They occur singly or in pairs, stain uniformly,
L-arabinose, D-xylose, and D-mannitol. No utilization of citrate
and are motile by means of peritrichous flagella. Gram
or propionate. The major fatty acids are C15:0 iso and C15:0 ante .
positive or Gram variable. They form terminal to subtermi-
The major polar lipids are diphosphatidylglycerol, phos-
nal (sometimes slightly lateral), thick-walled, easily stained
phatidylglycerol, phosphatidylethanolamine, an unidentified
spores (1.0–1.1 μm in diameter). Colonies on nutrient agar
phospholipid, and two unidentified aminophospholipids.
are off-white, raised, and irregular with lobate to undulate
The type strain was isolated from upland soil in Suwon,
margins. In glucose broth, growth occurs under anaerobic
Korea. Other characteristics are included in Table 1.
conditions. Growth is the same on nutrient agar, glucose agar,
DNA G + C content (mol%): 46.5 (HPLC).
and tyrosine agar, but better on soybean agar and trypticase
Type strain: F73, DSM 16921, KACC 11299.
soy agar. No growth or scant growth on glucose nitrate agar
GenBank accession number (16S rRNA gene): DQ073393.
and proteose-peptone acid agar. Moderate turbidity forms
with sediment in nutrient broth. A small curd forms in litmus Sporosarcina macmurdoensis
milk, which becomes slightly alkaline, after 3 weeks of growth. Reddy, Matsumoto and Shivaji 2003, 1364VP
No indole production. Using ammonium salts as the source ...................................................................................
of nitrogen, cells form acid but not gas from glucose, lactose,’sis. N.L. fem. adj. macmurdoensis pertaining to
sucrose, and glycerol but not from mannitol, arabinose, the McMurdo Region, Antarctica, where the isolates were col-
and xylose. However, no acid is formed from lactose in the lected.

This article is © 2009 Bergey’s Manual Trust. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., in association with Bergey’s Manual Trust.
Bergey’s Manual of Systematics of Archaea and Bacteria 5

Cells are single, nonmotile, rods and form subterminal Cells are rods, 0.5–1.2 × 1.3–4 μm. Colonies are usu-
spores. Gram positive. Colonies (2–3 mm in diameter) are ally circular and glossy and have variable opacity and size,
white, circular, flat, and opaque. They tolerate a maximum depending on the medium. In liquid media, growth is turbid
of 3% (w/v) NaCl and grow at pH 6–9 (pH 7 is optimum with slimy deposits but rarely a fragile pellicle. Cultures are
for growth) and at psychrophilic temperatures (4–25∘ C; very adept at converting urea to ammonium carbonate, but
18–20∘ C is optimal for growth). They do not hydrolyze this activity frequently decreases upon transfer in artificial
esculin or reduce nitrate to nitrite. They are negative for media. Requires alkaline medium (optimum pH ca. 9)
lipase, β-galactosidase, arginine dihydrolase, arginine decar- containing NH3 (1% NH4 Cl). Growth in culture medium
boxylase, lysine decarboxylase, indole production, methyl is supported by casein hydrolyzate (pH 8.5–9.5), ammonia,
red test, and Voges–Proskauer test. Neither acid nor gas is thiamine, and for some strains, biotin, and nicotinic acid.
produced from L-arabinose, D-fructose, D-galactose, lactose, Isolated from soil, sewage, and incrustrations on urinals.
D-mannose, D-mannitol, L-rhamnose, sucrose, or D-xylose. Uti- Other characteristics are included in Table 1 and the genus
lizes dulcitol, D-fructose, D-galactose, D-glucose, meso-inositol, description.
lactose, D-maltose, D-mannose, pyruvate, D-raffinose, D-xylose, DNA G + C content (mol%): 38.4 (Bd), 38.5 (Tm ).
and L-glutamic acid as sole carbon sources but not acetate, Type strain: ATCC 11859, CCUG 7425, CIP 66.21, DSM 33,
adonitol, L-arabinose, D-cellobiose, cellulose, citrate, dex- LMG 7130, NCCB 48021, NCIMB 8841, NCTC 4822, NRRL
tran, glucose, meso-erythritol, fumaric acid, glycerol, inulin, NRS-673, VKM B-513.
lactic acid, D-mannitol, D-melibiose, melezitose, L-rhamnose, GenBank accession number (16S rRNA gene): X60631.
D-ribose, sorbitol, D-sorbose, sucrose, succinic acid, tre-
Sporosarcina psychrophila
halose, thioglycollate, L-alanine, L-arginine, L-aspartic acid,
(Nakamura 1984) Yoon, Lee, Weiss, Kho, Kang, and
L-aspargine, L-glutamine, L-lysine, L-histidine, L-isoleucine,
Park 2001b, 1085VP (Bacillus psychrophilus Nakamura
L-leucine, L-lysine, L-methionine, L-phenylalanine, L-proline, 1984, 122.)
L-serine, L-threonine, L-tyrosine, L-tryptophan, or L-valine. ...................................................................................
Sensitive to amikacin, ampicillin, amoxycillin, bacitracin, psy.chro’phil.a. Gr. adj. psychros cold; Gr. adj. philos liking, pre-
carbenicillin, cefazoline, cefaperazone, cephotaxime, ferring; N.L. adj. psychrophila preferring cold.
chloramphenicol, chlorotetracycline, co-trimoxazole, Rod-shaped (0.5–1.0 μm × 3.0–7.0 μm). Cells occur singly
ciprofloxacin, erythromycin, furazolidone, furoxone, gen- and in chains. Gram positive. Motile. Round endospores
tamicin, kanamycin, lomefloxacin, nalidixic acid, neomycin, produced in swollen sporangia. Colonies (1–2 mm in diame-
nitrofurazone, nitrofurantoin, norfloxacin, novobiocin, ter) are nonpigmented, translucent, slightly raised, circular,
nystatin, oxytetracycline, penicillin, polymyxin-B, rifampin, entire, smooth, and slightly glossy. Grows anaerobically in
roxithromycin, streptomycin, tetracycline, tobramycin, the presence of glucose. Acetylmethylcarbinol, indole, and
trimethoprim and vancomycin, but resistant to cefuroxime, hydrogen sulfide are not produced. Arginine-, lysine-, and
colistin, and lincomycin. Peptidoglycan type is L-Lys– D-Glu ornithine-decomposing enzymes are not produced. Acetate,
of the A4α variant. The major fatty acids include C16:1 iso in fumarate, malate, and succinate, but not citrate, are uti-
addition to C15:0 ante . Other characteristics are included in lized. No growth occurs at pH 5.6 or 5.7. Litmus milk is
Table 1 and the genus description. unchanged at 7 d. Temperature for growth ranges from
DNA G + C content (mol%): 44 (Tm ). 0–3∘ C to 30∘ C and is optimum at 25∘ C. Acid but no gas is
Type strain: CMS 21w, CIP 107784, DSM 15428, MTCC produced from D-fructose, D-galactose, D-glucose, D-mannitol,
4670. maltose, D-ribose, sucrose, trehalose, and D-xylose. Isolated
GenBank accession number (16S rRNA gene): AJ514408. from soil and river water. Other characteristics are included
in Table 1 and the genus description.
Sporosarcina pasteurii
(Miquel 1889) Yoon, Lee, Weiss, Kho, Kang and Park DNA G + C content (mol%): 44.1 (Bd).
2001b, 1085VP (Urobacillus pasteurii Miquel 1889, 519; Type strain: ATCC 23304, CCM 2117, BCRC 11738, CCUG
Bacillus pasteurii Chester 1898, 47.) 28886, CIP 103267, DSM 3, IAM 12468, NBRC 15381, JCM
................................................................................... 9075, LMG 6929, NRRL B-3397, NRRL NRS-1530, W16A.
pas.teur’i.i. N.L. gen. n. pasteurii of Pasteur; named for Louis GenBank accession number (16S rRNA gene): D16277,
Pasteur, French chemist and bacteriologist. X60634.

This article is © 2009 Bergey’s Manual Trust. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., in association with Bergey’s Manual Trust.
6 Bergey’s Manual of Systematics of Archaea and Bacteria

Sporosarcina saromensis The type strain was isolated from upland soil in Suwon, Korea.
An, Haga, Kasai, Goto and Yokata 2007, 1870VP Other characteristics are included in Table 1 and the genus
................................................................................... description.’sis. N.L. fem. adj. saromensis pertaining to Lake DNA G + C content (mol%): 44.5 (HPLC).
Saroma, where the type strain was collected. Type strain: strain I80, DSM 16920, KACC 11300.
Cells are sporeforming rods (0.8–1.0 μm × 2.0–3.2 μm). GenBank accession number (16S rRNA gene): DQ073394.
Gram positive. They form spherical, terminal endospores.
Colonies are circular, convex, and beige on TSA medium
containing 50% Herbst’s artificial sea water. The growth References
temperature range is 5–40∘ C (optimum, 27∘ C; no growth
at 45∘ C) and growth pH range is 5.5–9.0 (optimum, 6.5).
Alam, S.I., L. Singh, S. Dube, G.S. Reddy and S. Shivaji. 2003.
Negative for formation of indole, H2 S, and acetoin, and
Psychrophilic Planococcus maitriensis sp.nov. from Antarc-
tests for arginine hydrolase, lysine decarboxylase, ornithine
tica. Syst. Appl. Microbiol. 26: 505–510.
decarboxylase, tryptophan deaminase, and citrate utilization.
Acid is not produced from carbohydrates in the API 50CHI An, S.Y., T. Haga, H. Kasai, K. Goto and A. Yokota. 2007.
gallery. L-Lys-D-Glu is the cell wall peptidoglycan type. The Sporosarcina saromensis sp. nov., an aerobic endospore-
major fatty acids are C15:0 iso and C15:0 ante . The major polar forming bacterium. Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol. 57:
lipids are diphosphatidylglycerol, phosphatidylglycerol, and 1868–1871.
phosphatidylethanolamine. The type strain was isolated from Beijerinck, M.W. 1901. Anhäufungsversuche mit Ureumbak-
surface water in Lake Saroma. A reference strain, HG711, was terien, Uremspaltung durch Urease und durch Katabolismus.
isolated from sediment in Nagasuka fishery harbor (Miyagi, Zentbl. Bakteriol. Parasitenkd. Infektionskr. Hyg. Abt. II 7:
Japan). Other characteristics are included in Table 1 and the 33–61.
genus description.
Chester, F.D. 1898. Report of the mycologist: bacteriological
DNA G + C content (mol%): 46.0 (HPLC).
work. Del. Agric. Exp. Stn. Bull. 10: 47–137.
Type strain: HG645, IAM 15429, JCM 23205, KCTC 13119,
MBIC08270, NBRC 103571. Claus, D. and F. Fahmy. 1986. Genus Sporosarcina Kluyver
GenBank accession number (16S rRNA gene): AB243859. and van Niel 1936. In Mair, Sneath, Sharpe and Holt (Edi-
tors), Bergey’s Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, vol. 2. The
Sporosarcina soli Williams & Wilkins Co., Baltimore, pp. 1202–1206.
Kwon, Kim, Song, Weon, Schumann, Tindall,
Stackebrandt and Fritze 2007, 1697VP Claus, D., D. Fritze and M. Kocur. 1991. Genera related
................................................................................... to the genus Bacillus–Sporolactobacillus, Sporosarcina,
so’li. L. neut. gen. n. soli of soil, the source of the organism. Planococcus, Filibacter, and Caryophanon. In Balows, Trüper,
Cells are sporeforming rods (0.7–1.0 μm × 2.0–3.0 μm) Dworkin, Harder and Schleifer (Editors), The Prokaryotes,
2nd edn, vol. 2. Springer, New York, pp. 1769–1791.
occurring singly, in pairs, or occasionally in short chains.
Gram positive. They form mainly round, central endospores Kluyver, A.J. and C.B. van Neil. 1936. Prospects for a natu-
in nonswollen sporangia. Colonies are light orange after ral classification of bacteria. Zentbl. Bacteriol. Parasitenkd.
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This article is © 2009 Bergey’s Manual Trust. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., in association with Bergey’s Manual Trust.
Bergey’s Manual of Systematics of Archaea and Bacteria 7

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This article is © 2009 Bergey’s Manual Trust. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., in association with Bergey’s Manual Trust.

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