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PLAN 9, or The Revenge of the Haunted House of the Living Dead

from Outer Space

A cluster-f*ck adaption of 4 public domain films.

Created using lines from “The House on Haunted Hill” by Robb

White, “Night of the Living Dead” by George A. Russo and John A.
Russo, “Plan 9 from Outer Space” by Ed Wood, and “Teenagers from
Outer Space” Tom Graeff

Adapted by Jackson Walker

October 13, 2020


Made in Highland
Script for Paul!

Early in the play, everyday and

only slightly concerned:

Ladies and gentlemen, please forgive the
interruption and do not be alarmed there is a-

More concerned

This is the emergency radio network. Stay
tuned to this wave length for emergency
information. Your law enforcement agencies
urge you to remain in your homes. Keep all
doors and windows locked or boarded shut.
Civil defense forces are attempting to gain
control of the situation. Stay near your
radio, and remain tuned to this frequency. .
Remain in your homes, cellars, bomb shelters
as directed by civil defense administrators...
I Repeat. Remain in your homes, cellars, bomb

VERY concerned and serious

The theory that this onslaught is a product of
mass hysteria. Eyewitness accounts have been
investigated and documented. Security measures
instituted in metropolitan areas include
enforced curfews and safety patrols by armed
personnel. Citizens are urged to remain in
their homes. Those who ignore this warning
expose themselves to intense danger from the
aggressors themselves, and from armed
citizenry whose impulse may be to shoot first
and ask questions later.
This army of unexplained, unidentified
humanoid beings has appeared world-wide. These
beings are totally aggressive and irrational
in their violence. The civil defense efforts
are underway and investigations as to the
origin and purpose of the aggressors are being
conducted. All citizens are urged to take
utmost precautionary measures.

He has given up hope… maybe he can

help save someone?

There were few remaining survivors of the
search party that was attacked.

Made in Highland


Escape attempts should be made in heavily-
armed groups, and by motor vehicle if
possible. Appraise your situation carefully
before deciding upon an escape tactic. Fire is
an effective weapon if in need of a concerted
attack. Try to remain isolated if possible.
Large families are in extreme danger.
Escape attempts…
If possible, in this situation be careful...
Fire is an effective weapon!


They eat flesh. (Beat) Human flesh. (Beat)

Made in Highland

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