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Methodology Outline

Method Description Justification

On the rubric, a 3 “Describes a replicable research On the rubric, a 4 and 5 “Logically defends the
method, with questionable alignment to the purpose alignment of a detailed, replicable research method to
of the inquiry.” the purpose of the inquiry.”

My approach is to explore the correlation between How do your approach and design fit into your Body
Approach information and the decision-making process and how of Knowledge?
information specifically targeted to either emotion Deductive reasoning and the use of the explore and
and/or logic connects to ease or conflict of decision. explain approaches is common within the social
  sciences and my design of explore to find out more
My design is to conduct interviews with participants about the correlation between information and the
Design decision-making process fits with the social science
after giving them a survey on basic demographics.
Participants names will not be asked they will only be body of knowledge.
known on their surveys and interviews as “participant

Primary/ Secondary How do the variables you plan to study connect to

Type of Data I would be collecting primary data as there is not your research question?
really any secondary data on this topic. But, I will be The variables I plan on studying align with my
using scales from past research to quantify qualitative research question because the goal of my research
data. The scale is in my Lit Review and it is called the question is to find which information aids the
Dimensions of Decision Difficulty scale and provides decision making process the most. My independent
the main four dimensions to decision difficulty. variables are the information and my dependent
variables are the different cohorts who receive the
Independent/ Dependent independent variables/pamphlets. By making these
Variables My independent variables are the pamphlets that will my variables I am able to conduct almost an
be given to participants. There will be three experiment to measure how the dependent variables
independent variables with a control group. One react to the independent variables thus finding the
variable (pamphlet and variable will be synonymous most helpful information to aid the decision-making
for my purposes) will provide entirely medically process.
accurate information appealing to logos; the second
will provide information appealing entirely to pathos
and will be taken from the information given by
Crisis Pregnancy Centers. The third pamphlet will
provide half information appealing to pathos and half
appealing to logos. The control will be given no
stimulus. The dependent variable is the ease or
difficulty in the decision-making process.

Quantitative How does your method fit your research design?

Applying answers from interviews to the DADD scale Qualitative data and the exploration design often go
(it is not super quantitative but it does organize it in a hand in hand. Idecided not to approach this through
similar fashion). an entirely qualitative method to maintain internal
Method validity of the data.

I will conduct interviews with participants in which I
will ask the same questions for each group and
participant but each cohort will receive different
stimuli. They will be asked to rate their answers on a
scale of 1-5 with 1 being not at all confident/helpful
and 5 being incredibly confident/helpful.

Colorado females aged 14-24. How do your subjects connect to your research
Subjects of My question specifically says that I am looking at the
decision-making process of females aged 14-24 in the
state of Colorado so I think the connection is pretty

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