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Division Pyrrophyta, Class Desmokontae

Order Desmomonadales, Family Prorocentraceae

369a (96, 100, 103) Cells with a bivalve theca without a transverse furrow; flagella issuing
from a funnel-shaped pore at the anterior end....................... Exuviaella
369b Cells with a transverse furrow or girdle; naked or thecate............. 375

Class Dinophyceae

371a (370) Girdle completely encircling the cell.............................................. 372
371b Girdle incompletely encircling the cell........................................... 376
372a (371) Cells without a theca ...................................................................... 373
372b Cells with a theca composed of plates............................................. 377
373a (372) Girdle spiraling steeply to the left; ends displaced 3 to 5 times their width
at the sulcus; sulcus oblique .................................................. Gyrodinium
373b Girdle straight, or spiraled to left wuh slight displacement at ends adjoining
the sulcus ........................................................................................ 375
374a (373) Girdle supramedian, median, or inframedian ....................... Gymnodinium
374b Girdle near the anterior or the posterior end................................... 375
375a (374) Girdle near anterior end; epicone very small......................... Amphidinium
375b Girdle near posterior end; hypocone very small.................... Massartia
376a (371) Girdle starting in lower third of cell ..................................... Bernardinium

Order Peridiniales, Family Glenodiniceae

376b Girdle starting in upper third of cell...................................... Hemidinium

377a (372) Theca composed of many (50 or more) small plates............. Woloszynskia
377b Theca composed of few (15 to 25) plates ..................................... 378
378a (377) Sulcus reaching both apices, usually sigmoid ................................. 383
378b Sulcus entering epitheca of the way at most............................. 379
379a (378) Epitheca produced as a long horn; hypotheca bearing 2 or 3 horns. 383
379b Epitheca not produced as a horn but may be conical ..................... 380
380a (379) With 5 to 6 apical plates and hypothecal spines ................... Glenodinium
380b With 2 to 4 apical plates; with or without spines............................ 381
381a (380) Without anterior intercalary plates except for one species, which
has 1, and its variety , which has 2 such plates...................... Glenodinium
381b Charecteristically with 2 to 4 anterior intercalary plates ............... 382
382a (381) With 4 anterior intercalary and 6 postcingular plates .......... Sphaerodinium

Biologi Tumbuhan Laut


Family Peridiniaceae

382b With 2 or 3 anterior intercalary and 5 postcingular plates..... Peridinium

Family Gonyaulaceae

383a (378, 379) With one postintercalary plate; girdle ends, at the sulcus, usually
displaced 2 or more times width of gridle............................. Gonyaulax

Family Ceratiaceae
383b Without a postintercalary plate; girdle end, at the sulcus; nearly even
and dissipated ........................................................................ Ceratium

NAMA SPESIES: Gonyaulax apiculata

371a (370) Girdle completely encircling the cell.............................................. 372

372b Cells with a theca composed of plates............................................. 377
377b Theca composed of few (15 to 25) plates ..................................... 378
378b Sulcus entering epitheca of the way at most.............................379
379a (378) Epitheca produced as a long horn; hypotheca bearing 2 or 3 horns.383
383a (378, 379) With one postintercalary plate; girdle ends, at the sulcus, usually
displaced 2 or more times width of gridle............................. Gonyaulax

Gambar 1. Struktur morfologi dari Gonyaulax apiculata

Biologi Tumbuhan Laut


Gambar 2. Gonyaulax apiculata

Kingdom : Protozoa
Subkingdom : Biciliata
Infrakingdom : Alveolata
Kelas : Dinophyceae
Subkelas : Peridiniphycidae
Orde : Gonyaulacales
Famili : Gonyaulacaceae
Genus : Goyaulax
Spesies : Gonyaulax apiculata

DESKRIPSI DARI Gonyaulax apiculata

Gonyaulax apiculata merupakan biflagelata yang berukuran dari kecil sampai besar
(25-175 µm). Flagelata yang heterodinamis dilapisi dengan dinding sel dari lapisan selulosa.
Sel berbentuk asimetri yang ditandai oleh adanya torsi. Cingulum (gridle) melingkar dibagian
tengah, kemudian berputar ke kiri membentuk spiral yang menurun, membuat lebih dari satu
putaran. Oleh karena itu, sulkus dimulai pada awal pertengahan cingulum bagian perut yang
berputa ke arah posterior. Beberapa dari putaran tersebut terletak di lapisan hipoteka.
Reproduksi dari Gonyaulax apiculata ini adalah reproduksi vegetatif dengan pembelahan

Biologi Tumbuhan Laut


biner. Genus dari Gonyaulax ini daat menyebabkan blooming yang disebut “red tide”.
Gonyaulax menghasilkan toksin (racun) yang dapat melumpuhkan kerang-kerangan.

Wald, H.B., Whipple, G.C., 1918. Fresh Water Biology Second Edition. Edited: Edmondson,
W.T. John Wiley & Sons Inc. New York

Biologi Tumbuhan Laut

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