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Journal of Learning Disabilities

Volume 42 Number 6
November/December 2009 528-547

Investigating the Double-Deficit © 2009 Hammill Institute on


Hypothesis in Greek http://journaloflearningdisabilities
hosted at

Findings From a Longitudinal Study

Timothy C. Papadopoulos
University of Cyprus
George K. Georgiou
University of Alberta, Edmonton
Panayiota Kendeou
McGill University, Montreal

This study examined longitudinally the double-deficit hypothesis in Greek, an orthographically consistent language, follow-
ing a group of children from kindergarten to Grade 2. Four groups were formed on the basis of two composite scores of
phonological and naming-speed criterion measures: a double-deficit group (DD; n = 17), a phonological deficit group (PD;
n = 33), a naming deficit group (ND; n = 33), and a control group exhibiting no deficits (CnD; n = 159). The four groups
were identified in Grade 1, and they were compared retrospectively in kindergarten only on the criterion measures, and in
Grades 1 and 2 on measures of word-reading fluency and accuracy, orthographic processing, and passage comprehension.
The effects of verbal and nonverbal ability, age, gender, and parental education were controlled among the groups. Results
showed that the DD group exhibited greater dysfunction in reading and orthographic processing compared to the single-
deficit and CnD groups. Also, although the three deficit groups were not easily differentiated in kindergarten, their differences
were maximized in Grade 1 and retained in Grade 2. The type and severity of reading deficits found in the ND group were
mostly associated with naming speed at both the word- and text-reading levels, deficits that persisted across development.
The PD group showed mostly deficient orthographic and poor decoding skills that improved across development. Implications
of the findings for the double-deficit hypothesis in languages with transparent orthographies are discussed.

Keywords:  reading difficulties; double-deficit hypothesis; orthographically consistent languages; longitudinal analysis

T o date, there is little disagreement that phonological

awareness, broadly defined as the ability to perceive
and manipulate the sounds of spoken words, is of para-
such as digits, letters, colors, and objects, is a second
core deficit in reading disabilities.
RAN has been shown to be a strong predictor of read-
mount importance to reading development and at the ing in several alphabetic (e.g., Blachman, 1984; Compton,
same time a bottleneck to efficient phonological recod- 2003; de Jong & van der Leij, 1999; Georgiou, Parrila,
ing (e.g., Bryant, Bradley, Maclean, & Crossland, 1989; & Liao, 2008; Kirby, Parrila, & Pfeiffer, 2003; Lepola,
Hulme, Snowling, Caravolas, & Carroll, 2005; McBride- Poskiparta, Laakkonen, & Niemi, 2005; Savage &
Chang, & Kail, 2002; Share, 1995; Stanovich, 1992; Frederickson, 2005) and nonalphabetic languages (Cheung,
Torgesen, Wagner, & Rashotte, 1994; Vellutino, Fletcher, McBride-Chang, & Chow, 2006; Chow, McBride-Chang,
Snowling, & Scanlon, 2004). However, deficits in phono- & Burgess, 2005; Ho & Bryant, 1997; McBride-Chang
logical awareness alone do not appear to account for all
that is known about the development of reading problems.
As a result, researchers have begun to examine other pos-
Authors’ Note: This research was supported by EU-UCY Grants for
sible sources of individual differences in reading. Wolf
Applied Research Projects for Cyprus (No. 8037-16013) to the first
and Bowers (1999) argued that rapid-automatized-naming author. Address correspondence to Timothy C. Papadopoulos,
(RAN) speed, defined as the ability to name as fast as Department of Psychology, University of Cyprus, P.O. Box 20537,
possible visually presented, highly familiar symbols, 1678 Nicosia, Cyprus; e-mail:

Papadopoulos et al. / Double-Deficit Hypothesis in Greek   529  

& Kail, 2002), accounting for unique variance above and to the 48th percentile, and thus not all the children in this
beyond general cognitive ability (Badian, 1993), short- group had reading problems. On the other hand, Lovett
term memory (Parrila, Kirby, & McQuarrie, 2004), articu- et al. (2000) classified 166 children (7–13 years old)
lation rate (e.g., Bowey, McGuigan, & Ruschena, 2005), with identified reading disabilities into the hypothesized
letter knowledge (Kirby et al., 2003), and importantly, double-deficit subtypes. Lovett and her colleagues found
phonological awareness (Bowers, 1995; Kirby et al., 2003; that the double-deficit group showed the most severe
Manis, Doi, & Bhadha, 2000). impairments on measures of reading, spelling, and arith-
The independent contribution of RAN and phonologi- metic, followed by the phonological deficit group and
cal awareness skills in reading ability has led researchers the naming deficit group.
to examine if the coexistence of RAN and phonological Second, differences may have been brought about
awareness deficits results in more severe reading diffi- because of the use of different cutoff scores to identify
culties than do single deficits alone (e.g., Kirby et al., the groups with deficits. For example, in studies with
2003; Lovett, Steinbach, & Frijters, 2000; Manis et al., typically developing samples of children, Bowers,
2000; Schatschneider, Carlson, Francis, Foorman, & Sunseth, and Golden (1999) used the 35th percentile as
Fletcher, 2002; Wolf & Bowers, 1999; Wolf, O’Rourke, a cutoff score, Sunseth and Bowers (2002) the 30th per-
Gidney, Lovett, Cirino, & Morris, 2002). The double- centile, and Manis et al. (2000) the 25th percentile. In
deficit hypothesis “places equal importance on the roles studies with children with reading disabilities, Lovett
of phonological factors and naming-speed factors for et al. (2000) used the 25th percentile as a cutoff score
diagnosis, prediction, and remediation” (Wolf & Obregon, and Wimmer et al. (2000) the 20th percentile. The use of
1997, p. 202). Based on this hypothesis, four separate a more lenient cutoff score may have resulted in children
groups of individuals have been tested in relevant being identified as having a double deficit in the absence
research: one with no deficits, two with single deficits on of noticeable reading problems.
either RAN or phonological awareness, and one with Schatschneider et al. (2002) raised additional con-
double deficits on both phonological awareness and cerns about the use of arbitrary cutoff scores, particularly
RAN. It has been shown that the children in the double- with respect to the double-deficit group. They demon-
deficit group experience the most severe reading diffi- strated that, because phonological awareness and RAN
culties, followed by the children in either one of the were correlated with each other, children in the double-
single-deficit groups (Wolf & Bowers, 1999). deficit group could have a lower level of phonological
The studies that examined the double-deficit hypothe- awareness than do children in the single-phonological-
sis provided contradictory findings in support of such deficit group and have slower RAN than do children in
deficit (e.g., Ackerman, Holloway, Youngdahl, & Dykman, the single-naming-deficit group. In this case, it would be
2001; Compton, DeFries, & Olson, 2001; Kirby et al., difficult to determine whether the poorer performance of
2003; Manis et al., 2000; Schatchneider et al., 2002; the double-deficit group was due to having two deficits
Spector, 2000; Sunseth & Bowers, 2002; Vukovic & or to having more severe deficits.
Siegel, 2006; Wimmer, Mayringer, & Landerl, 2000). Compton, DeFries, and Olson (2001) conducted a
The discrepancies can be attributed to three factors. cross-sectional study examining the additive negative
First, some studies used typically developing children effect of naming-speed and phonological deficits in
and examined if they could be assigned to the three children with dyslexia. In a series of analyses, the
hypothesized deficit groups (e.g., Manis et al., 2000; authors found a number of statistical problems associ-
Powell, Stainthorp, Stuart, Garwood, & Quinlan, 2007; ated with creating discrete groups based on continuous
Sunseth & Bowers, 2002), whereas other studies used variables. Compton et al. nicely demonstrated that cate-
children with reading disabilities (e.g., Compton et al., gorizing children into subtypes based on arbitrary cutoffs
2001; Lovett et al., 2000). For example, Manis et al. of continuous variables that are correlated resulted in
(2000) found support for the double-deficit hypothesis groups that differed in their level of phonological aware-
after classifying a group of 85 second-grade children ness. Importantly, when the groups were matched on
into those with no deficits (n = 50), those with phono- phonological awareness and RAN (i.e., the double-
logical deficits only (n = 13), those with naming-speed deficit group and the RAN-deficit group were matched
deficits only (n = 14), and those with a double deficit on RAN, and the double-deficit and the phonological
(n = 8). However, their double-deficit group had word deficit group were matched on phonological awareness),
identification scores ranging from below the 25th percentile many of the differences in reading disappeared.
530   Journal of Learning Disabilities

In contrast to Compton et al.’s (2001) findings, Kirby et al. accuracy. No significant differences were detected
(2003) found evidence in support of the double-deficit between the phonological deficit and the double-deficit
hypothesis in a longitudinal study extending from kin- groups. Nevertheless, Escribano’s findings should be
dergarten to Grade 5. Kirby and his colleagues secured viewed with some caution, as group sizes were rather
that there was a reasonable degree of separation between small and the power of detecting significant differences
the groups by addressing Schatschneider and his col- questionable.
leagues’ (2002) concerns. The three groups, along with a To summarize, mixed findings have been reported for
no-deficit group, were compared on word identification, the double-deficit hypothesis. Several researchers have
word attack, and passage comprehension. The partici- shown that children with deficits in both phonological
pants in the no-deficit group performed consistently awareness and RAN experienced the most severe read-
well, and the participants in the double-deficit group ing difficulties compared to children with single or no
performed consistently poorly. Participants with single deficits. However, other researchers have shown that
phonological deficits performed poorly at the beginning significant differences in the performance of the double-
but then approached the no-deficit group in performance. deficit group may be the result of a statistical artifact and
The participants in the naming-speed-deficit group did of the language in which the children were tested.
poorly throughout, almost as poorly as the double-deficit
participants. Kirby et al. concluded that the double-deficit
Overview of the Present Study
group lagged behind the no-deficit group by almost 2 years
of achievement and were showing no sign of beginning to The purpose of this study was to examine the double-
accelerate or of catching up. deficit hypothesis longitudinally from kindergarten to
A critical consideration regarding the validity of double- Grade 2 in an orthographically consistent language (i.e.,
deficit subtyping has also been introduced by studies on Greek). To our knowledge, this is the first study examining
languages like German, Dutch, Italian, and Spanish, the double-deficit hypothesis in Greek, but importantly, it
which have a consistent orthography. In these languages, is one of the few longitudinal studies on this important
grapheme-phoneme correspondence is rather consistent, research topic (Kirby et al., 2003; Wimmer et al., 2000).
and as a result, the main difficulty for children with dys- The study aimed to address the following questions:
lexia is not decoding accuracy but reading speed (e.g.,
Landerl, 1997; van Daal & van der Leij, 1999; Wimmer, 1. Is a naming-speed deficit an independent core feature
1993; Wimmer, Landerl, & Frith, 1999; Zoccolotti et al., of reading difficulties or an associated feature of a pho-
2005). In line with the results of studies on dyslexia in nological deficit in Greek? And, therefore, do phono-
logical awareness and RAN have an additive, negative
orthographically consistent languages, Wimmer et al.
effect on reading, above and beyond that of a single
(2000) found that all three deficit groups showed close to
deficit? We expected that the double-deficit group
ceiling accuracy for text and word reading, and even non- would have the lowest scores on all the measures of
word reading accuracy was around 90%. For reading rate, reading and spelling.
there was a clearer picture of differences. The phonologi- 2. Do the phonological awareness and naming-speed defi-
cal deficit group exhibited a reliable reading rate deficit cits occur early before reading develops or later when
for text only and showed no rate deficit at all for nonword reading fluency and orthographic processing become
reading. In contrast, both the naming deficit and the important?
double-deficit groups exhibited reading rate impairments 3. Are reading problems in orthographically consistent
for text, words, and nonwords and differed significantly languages primarily manifested as difficulties in ortho-
from both the no-deficit and the phonological deficit graphic processing and reading speed and not as prob-
group. However, even within the family of consistent lems in word- or pseudoword-reading accuracy? We
expected that the single- and the double-deficit groups
orthographies, there are conflicting findings concerning
would perform equally well on reading accuracy mea-
the double-deficit hypothesis. For example, whereas
sures due to the transparency of the Greek language and
Wimmer and his colleagues (2000) reported that children that their difficulties would be on reading speed and
in the double-deficit group did not have any problems orthographic knowledge measures.
reading nonwords accurately, Escribano (2007), in a 4. Finally, what is the independent and additive contribu-
study with Spanish children with dyslexia, found that the tion of phonological ability and rapid naming as predic-
double-deficit group and the phonological deficit group tors of reading and orthographic skills concurrently and
differed from the no-deficit group in pseudoword reading longitudinally?
Papadopoulos et al. / Double-Deficit Hypothesis in Greek   531  

Method naming-speed scores in Grade 1, we selected for the deficit

groups the participants with performance falling below the
Participants 20th percentile on the composite scores of the criterion
variables (i.e., the five phonological measures and the two
The original group of this large-scale study consisted rapid-naming measures). All the other participants scoring
of 289 children in Cyprus coming from three different above the 20th percentile on the composite scores of the
districts and 42 urban and rural schools that are typical criterion variables were assigned to the control group. The
in Cyprus, randomly chosen among those that tradition- strict cutoff criterion of the 20th percentile was used delib-
ally collaborate with the University of Cyprus for erately, considering that our deficit groups derived from
research and training purposes. The children were native population-based unselected samples. Our aim was to
Greek speakers with no reported history of speech, lan- minimize any risks for identifying children as having a
guage, or hearing difficulties. From this sample, four single or double deficit in the absence of noticeable read-
groups were formed (a double-deficit group, two single- ing problems, as has been observed in previous research
deficit groups, and a no-deficit group), on the basis of a (e.g., Bowers et al., 1999; Manis et al., 2000; Sunseth &
stepwise group selection process, to test the double- Bowers, 2002).
deficit hypothesis.
Step 3 for group selection. To ensure that phonological
Step 1 for group selection. The initial step for group or naming-speed deficits are not confounded with intelli-
selection involved the selection of the criterion variables. gence deficits or demographic variables, this
In an attempt to include as many as possible criteria com- final step for group selection involved the matching
pared to those used in previous research, we first exam- of groups on verbal (Similarities and Vocabulary, Wechsler
ined the correlations between 10 phonological and 4 Intelligence Scale for Children–Third Edition, Revised,
naming tasks (see next section for a description) with two Wechsler, 1992; Greek adaptation by Georgas,
composite scores of fluency and with real and pseudoword Paraskevopoulos, Bezevegis, & Giannitsas, 1997) and
accuracy reading measures in Grade 1. Five phonological nonverbal (Matrices, Das-Naglieri Cognitive Assess­ment
(Rhyme Oddity, which taps phonological sensitivity at the System, Naglieri & Das, 1997; Greek adaptation by
syllabic level, and Phoneme Elision, Sound Isolation, Papadopoulos, Georgiou, Kendeou, & Spanoudis, 2007)
Blending, and Initial Sound Oddity, which tap phonologi- ability measures. This was achieved after excluding from
cal sensitivity at the phonemic level) and two naming the sample those participants who scored lower than the
tasks (RAN-Letters and RAN-Digits), all of which yielded 15th percentile and higher than the 85th percentile on
significant moderate to high correlations (rs > .40) with these measures, namely, on Similarities, Vocabulary, and
the two composite scores for reading fluency and accu- Matrices, Wilks’s Λ, F(3, 238) = 1.17, p > .05 (Cohen’s d
racy, were used as criterion variables to form the partici- for control vs. deficit groups ranged from .33 to .37, which
pating deficit groups. It is important to note that we chose is a small effect). This selection resulted in a new grand
to define the groups using the Grade 1 scores because the total of 242 children (117 girls and 125 boys). These new
vast majority of the tasks yielded higher reliabilities in groups were equivalent on age, F(3, 238) = 0.87, p > .05;
Grade 1 than in kindergarten. In addition, the distribution gender, χ2 = 3.13, p > .05; and parental education, χ2 =
of phonological ability measures showed mild departures 5.64, p > .05. The parents of the participating groups had
from normality but no obvious outliers in Grade 1, and predominantly low levels of education: less than a quarter
participants’ ability to perform correctly the RAN-Letters of the sample had parents who were college or university
and RAN-Digits tasks that were used eventually as crite- graduates (14.5%), 26.9% of the parents had some college
rion measures for RAN was more accurate. Research has education, and 58.6% had less than high school or were
consistently sho­wed that RAN-Letters and RAN-Digits high school graduates. The groups were as follows: (a) a
predict reading performance better than RAN-Colors and double-deficit group (DD; n =17, 9 girls and 8 boys), (b)
RAN-Pictures do (e.g., Bowey et al., 2005; Wolf, Bally, & a phonological deficit group (PD; n = 33, 20 girls and 13
Morris, 1986). This approach secured a reasonable degree boys); (c) a naming deficit group (ND; n = 33, 17 girls and
of separation between the groups and resulted in signifi- 16 boys); and (d) a control group exhibiting no deficits
cant and robust group main effects. (CnD; n = 159; 71 girls and 88 boys). The mean age of this
final set of children in the initial assessment (kindergarten)
Step 2 for group selection. Next, to differentiate the was 5 years 8 months (SD = 0.31 years, minimum = 5.2,
four groups of children based on their phonological and maximum = 6.4), in the second assessment (in Grade 1), 6
532   Journal of Learning Disabilities

Table 1
Data on the Demographic and Ability Variables for the Double-Deficit Hypothesis, Phonological
Deficit, Naming Deficit, and Control–No Deficit Groups in Grade 1
Double Phonological Naming Control–No
Variable Deficit (n = 17) Deficit (n = 33) Deficit (n = 33) Deficit (n = 159)

Mean (SD) 6.62 (0.31) 6.56 (0.31) 6.57 (0.30) 6.64 (0.28)
Range 1.25 1.09 0.91 1.09
Girls 9 52.9% 20 60.6% 17 51.5% 71 44.7%
Boys 8 47.1% 13 39.4% 16 48.5% 88 55.3%
Parental education level
Less than high school 6 35.3% 8 24.2% 12 36.4% 45 28.3%
High school graduate 7 41.2% 12 36.4% 9 27.3% 43 27.0%
Some college 2 11.7% 9 27.3% 9 27.3% 45 28.3%
College graduate 2 11.7% 4 12.1% 3 9.1% 26 16.4%
Nonverbal ability
Cognitive Assessment System Matrices 8.29 (2.51) 8.33 (2.86) 8.12 (3.13) 9.22 (2.47)
Verbal ability
Similarities 4.35 (4.12) 4.36 (3.15) 4.82 (3.27) 4.85 (3.31)
Vocabulary 7.88 (4.70) 7.30 (3.77) 8.06 (3.84) 8.40 (4.05)

Note: The reported ability scores are raw scores, with standard deviations in parenthesis.

years 6 months (SD = 0.29 years, minimum = 6.1, maxi- yielding high internal consistency (Papadopoulos,
mum = 7.2), and in the final assessment (in Grade 2) 7 Kendeou, & Spanoudis, 2009; Papadopoulos, Spanoudis,
years 5 months (SD = 0.30 years, minimum = 7.0, maxi- & Kendeou, 2009). Specifically, Papadopoulos, Kendeou,
mum = 8.1). Table 1 shows the group scores on nonverbal and Spanoudis have reported Cronbach’s alpha reliabil-
and verbal ability measures (raw scores are presented) ity values ranging from .77 to .94 for Rhyme Generation
along with the mean and range of ages, gender distribu- and Syllable Completion, respectively, in kindergarten;
tions, and parental education level for all four groups in alpha values of .73 to .93 for Final Syllable Oddity and
Grade 1. Phoneme Elision, respectively, in Grade 1; and alpha
values of .72 to .93 for Final Syllable Oddity and Syllable
Segmentation, respectively, in Grade 2. Testing prepara-
Measures tion, for all 10 tasks, included two sample items with
feedback regarding the correctness of the participant’s
Selection Criteria answers to ensure that all participants knew what was
Phonological Sensitivity expected of them. All tasks were discontinued after four
failures. In all instances, a participant’s score was the
Participants’ phonological skills were assessed using total number of correct responses.
10 tasks that differed in linguistic complexity with words
that were familiar to the participants. Six of these tasks Rhyme Oddity. This task was adapted to Greek by
measured phonological ability at the syllabic level: Rhyme Papadopoulos (2001) based on the work by Bradley and
Oddity, Rhyme Generation, Syllable Segmentation, Bryant (1985). The child was required to listen to three
Syllable Completion, Final Syllable Oddity, and Initial words presented orally and to identify the one that ended
Syllable Oddity. The remaining 4 tasks tapped phonologi- with a different rhyme compared to the other two (e.g.,
cal ability at the phonemic level: Initial Sound Oddity, µπάλα/άλογο/γάλα; /bala/aloɣo/ɣala/; ball, horse, milk).
Sound Isolation, Phoneme Elision, and Phoneme Blending.
The Rhyme Generation and Final Cluster Oddity tasks Rhyme Generation. In this task, the children were
consisted of 10 testing items. All other tasks were made asked to produce words that rhymed with a target word
up of 15 testing items. This set of phonological tasks (e.g., καλάθι → αγκάθι; /kalaθi/ → /aŋɡaθI/; basket →
has undergone extensive development and validation, thorn). Both real words and pseudowords were considered
Papadopoulos et al. / Double-Deficit Hypothesis in Greek   533  

as permissible responses. The maximum time allowed to μαμά/μέρα/μένω; /mama/mɛra/mɛno/; mom, day, stay),
generate a word for each target word was 30 seconds. CCV (e.g., κρατώ/κρεμώ/κρασί; /krato/krɛmo/krasi/;
hold, hang, wine), and CCCV (e.g., στρατός/στρέμμα/
Syllable Segmentation. In this task, participants were στράτα; /stratos/strɛma/strata/; army, plot, street). With
explicitly directed to tap the number of syllables in the the exception of only three item sets, which were used to
spoken words, aiming at revealing participants’ intui- introduce the participants to the task, the odd-out word
tive notions of syllabic units. The task was adapted from was contrasted to the other two on the basis of the syl-
Mann and Liberman (1984) and included words that var- lable’s vowel.
ied in length and that contained one to six syllables. The
first two testing items had a simple structure: consonant- Initial Sound Oddity. In this task, the child had to indi-
vowel-consonant (CVC) or vowel-consonant-vowel cate which word of a series of three words started with a
(VCV; πως; /pos/; how; and έλα; /εla/; come). All the different sound (e.g., λάµπα/λίρα/ψωµί; /laba/lira/
other words were made up of syllables with relatively psomi/; lamp, pound, bread). This kind of task has been
higher complexity, as defined by the number of conso- widely used to assess children’s phonemic awareness
nants preceding a vowel or the use of diphthongs (exam- (e.g., Byrne & Fielding-Barnsley, 1989, 1990; de Jong,
ple of a bisyllabic word: µπoύκλα; /bukla/; curl). Seveke, & van Veen, 2000). The items used in this task
consisted primarily of bisyllabic and high-frequency
Syllable Completion. In this task, the participants words that are typically acquired by Grade 1 children.
were asked to say aloud the second part of a bisyllabic The first testing item was relatively easy, as only the odd-
word, following the experimenter who pronounced the out word started with a consonant. Half of the remaining
first syllable. All words contained open syllables as tar- items were made up of words that could be contrasted on
get syllables, ending with a vowel, of CV (e.g., γά-τα; / the basis of the initial phoneme with relative easiness, as
ɣa-ta/; cat), CCV (e.g., κά-δρο; /ka-ðro/; frame), or none of them shared the same vowel in the first syllable.
CCCV (e.g., δέ-ντρο; /ðɛ-dro/; tree), structure. A set of The other half were somewhat more difficult, as the tar-
pictures, each depicting the matching familiar object, get word shared the same vowel with one of the other
was used. two words (e.g., µέλι/µωρό/θέλει; /mεli/moro/θεli/;
honey, baby, wants).
Final Syllable Oddity. This task measured children’s
awareness of final syllable. The children were given triads Sound Isolation. This task was a Greek adaptation
of bi- and trisyllabic spoken words and were asked to (Papadopoulos, 2001) of the work of Wagner, Torgesen,
select from the triad the “odd” word that ended differently Laughon, Simmons, and Rashotte (1993) where they
or did not alliterate with the other two. The words in each compared alternative models of young readers’ phono-
triad had the same stress (marked with a diacritic in logical processing abilities. In this test, children were
Greek), a critical feature for the identity of the words in asked to repeat the first, last, or middle sound in a word
stress-free languages such as Greek (Protopapas & (e.g., “Which is the middle sound in the word θέα; /θɛa/;
Gerakaki, in press). Given that Greek has predominantly view). Testing items consisted of three- and four- pho-
an open-syllable structure, the alliteration was based on neme, one- and two-syllable words.
the initial consonant of the target cluster. The items were
split into three groups: those that ended with a CV (e.g., Phoneme Elision. This task was also an adaptation of
γάlα/γάτα/µπότα; /ɣala/ɣata/bota/; milk, cat, boot), CCV the work by Wagner et al. (1993). In this task, children
(e.g., καρέκλα/κούκλα/πέπλα; /karɛkla/kukla/pɛpla/; were asked to repeat a word after deleting an identified
chair, doll, veils), and CCCV (e.g., κάστρα/δέντρα/ phoneme. The targeted phonemes were either vowels or
µάντρα; /kastra/ðɛdra/madra/; castles, trees, yard) sylla- consonants, and their positions varied across items. After
ble with the initial consonant being the only sound that deleting the target phoneme, the remaining phonemes
was different in the odd-out word in all instances. formed a word (e.g., Say the word τώρα; [/tora/; now],
after deleting the sound /t/ → ώρα; [/ora/; time]).
Initial Syllable Oddity. In this task, participants were
asked to pay attention to initial syllables and select the Blending. This task was designed to assess phoneme-
member of each three-item set that began with a different blending skills. Audio prompts presented the sounds of
syllable than the other two. This task was also adapted two- to six-sound words separately, and the child was asked
from Bradley and Bryant (1985). There were three dif- to orally blend them into a word. The child’s response was
ferent groups of items: those that began with CV (e.g., recorded as correct when she or he reproduced all the
534   Journal of Learning Disabilities

sounds in the final word. Word complexity was progres- banana/; strawberry, washer, dog, cross, banana). In the
sively more difficult. The first four words consisted of present sample, the correlations between successive grades
two- to four-phoneme segments that were of CV or CVC were .55 from kindergarten to Grade 1 and .51 from
structure (e.g., ϕως; /fos/; light). The more difficult Grade 1 to Grade 2.
items contained more complex phoneme segments, such
as CCV (e.g., στόµα; /stoma/; mouth). The component RAN-Digits. The digits from 1 to 5 were included in
sounds of each word were spoken at a 500-millisecond the first task. The second task was comprised of the digits
interval. 6 to 9 and 0 (zero). The participants had to say the name
of the digit for an answer to be recorded as correct. In the
Rapid Automatized Naming present sample, the correlation between Grade 1 and
Grade 2 performance was .61.
This set of tasks was originally developed and used by
Papadopoulos, Charalambous, Kanari, and Loizou (2004). RAN-Letters. The letters of the first task were only
All four measures were made up of two tasks (one vowels (α, η, ε, ο, υ), and the letters of the second task
relatively easy and one more difficult) also made up of were only consonants that share similar characteristics
20 testing items (five different stimuli, each repeated four and are usually confused by poor readers in Greek (π, τ,
times). The items in each task were presented on a single σ, δ, θ). The participants had to say the name of the letter,
page, with four lines of 5 items per page. Order of items and not the sound that it makes, for an answer to be
changed from one line to the other. This format of the recorded as correct. In the present sample, the correlation
RAN tasks differs from the type of tasks that are tradition- between Grade 1 and Grade 2 performance was .56.
ally used in the literature in both number of items included
and, therefore, length of the task. In turn, this may explain Reading
the somewhat low reliabilities reported below. Again, as
in the case of the phonological tasks, testing preparation Word reading. Two standardized measures were used
included a short sample. In all instances, the participant’s to assess participants’ word-reading ability, namely, a
score was the ratio between the number of items named real-word-reading task and a pseudoword-reading task
correctly divided by the time taken, for each pair of tasks. (Papadopoulos & Spanoudis, 2007; Cronbach’s alpha for
RAN-Digits and RAN-Letters were used in all analyses the real-word-reading task was .97 in Grade 1 and .81 in
performed in Grades 1 and 2 (following the analysis on Grade 2, respectively, and for the pseudoword-reading
criterion measures). RAN-Colors and RAN-Pictures task .92 in Grade 1 and .69 in Grade 2, respectively). In
instead were used in kindergarten, given that a large num- both tasks, the instruction to the participants was to read
ber of participants could not perform properly the RAN- the entire list of words. Both accuracy score, that is, the
Digits and RAN-Letters tasks at that age. total number of words read correctly, and reading speed
(fluency) score, that is, the number of words read cor-
RAN-Colors. Five basic and relatively more frequent rectly within 60 seconds, were recorded for each partici-
colors, namely, red, green, yellow, blue, and white were pant. We used both scores for at least two reasons: It has
included in the first task. In contrast, the second task was been already shown in previous studies in Greek
composed of less frequent and secondary colors such as (Papadopoulos, 2001; Porpodas, 1999) that children with
pink, light blue, brown, orange, and purple. The partici- reading difficulties achieve a very high accuracy rate
pants had to say the names of the colors for an answer to (almost 98% for real-word reading and 92% for pseudo-
be recorded as correct. In the present sample, the correla- word reading), despite the difficulty of the words.
tions between successive grades were .55 from kinder- Similar findings are reported from cross-language read-
garten to Grade 1 and .52 from Grade 1 to Grade 2. ing studies (Seymour, Aro, & Erskine, 2003). This means
that in reading a regular writing system like Greek, even
RAN-Pictures. This measure was modeled after beginning readers with reading difficulties manage to
Wimmer et al. (2000). The words of the first task started decode almost any letter array successfully. However,
with the same single-consonant cluster (καπέλο/ (a) this cognitive processing deteriorates when a time
καρέκλο/κεράσι/καρότο/κλειδί; /kɑpɛlo/kɑrɛklɑ/ frame is set and the child is required to read as many
kerɑsɪ/karoto/kliðɪ/; hat, chair, cherry, carrot, key), words as possible within it, and (b) research to date in
whereas the words of the second task started with differ- orthographically consistent languages has not reached
ent consonant clusters (ϕράουλα/πλυντήριο/σκύλος/ agreement about whether children’s difficulties are
σταυρός/µπανάνα; /fraʊla/plintirio/skilos/staʌros/ solely observed in reading speed (e.g., Wimmer et al.,
Papadopoulos et al. / Double-Deficit Hypothesis in Greek   535  

1999); Wimmer et al., 2000) or in decoding accuracy as filled blanks. The task was discontinued after four con-
well (Escribano, 2007). By examining group differences secutive mistakes. Cronbach’s alpha reliability coefficient
in both accuracy (i.e., words read correctly in the whole in our sample was .88 in Grade 1 and .92 in Grade 2.
list) and fluency (i.e., words read correctly in 60 sec-
onds) measures, we were able to answer the essential Maze. The Maze Test of Curriculum Based Measure­
question about the nature of the deficits observed in a ment (Deno, 1985; Espin & Foegen, 1996) is a test of
language with a transparent orthography. Both the real- reading comprehension developed for students with
word and the nonword lists were preceded by a practice reading and learning disabilities. The test requires stu-
list to familiarize children with the list-reading proce- dents to read passages that include incomplete sentences.
dure and with nonwords, respectively. The reader is asked to choose the correct word from
three options (one correct and two incorrect) to appropri-
Word Identification. This test consisted of 85 words ately complete the sentence as he or she reads the text.
forming a 2 × 2 × 2 factorial design in terms of frequency Three written passages are presented one at a time to
(high/low), orthographic regularity (regular/exception), students, using a booklet. These passages are similar to
and length (bisyllable/trisyllable). Half of the words texts that the individuals may be exposed to in their own
were sampled from the first-grade language books, reading or in school, with the exception that they have
and the other half taken from second-grade language these multiple-choice test sentences embedded within
books, following Porpodas (1999) and used initially by them. Students have 1 minute to read as much of each
Papadopoulos (2001). The stimulus words were mainly passage as possible and, while reading, circle the appro-
nouns, with a few adjectives and verbs. priate word to accurately complete the target sentences.
This same pattern is repeated for all three passages.
Word Attack. This task consisted of 45 pronounceable Students are guided through two practice sentences and
nonwords that were derived from real words after chang- then continue with the remainder of the test. The total
ing two or three letters (either by substituting them or time for test administration ranges from 5 to 10 minutes.
using them backward). The task started with bisyllabic Students’ scores consist of the average number of correct
words and ended with five-syllable words. words chosen minus the number of incorrect words cho-
sen. Test-retest reliability scores could not be calculated
Reading Comprehension for this sample. However, in a different same-age cohort,
the correlation between Grade 2 and Grade 3 perfor-
Two tasks were administered to the participants to
mance was .55 (Kendeou & Papadopoulos, 2009).
assess reading comprehension skills. Passage Compre­
hension was administered in both Grades 1 and 2, whereas Orthographic Processing
the Maze task was administered only in Grade 2. These
tasks were piloted in Greek for the purpose of the study, Orthographic Choice. This task was adapted from the
in the absence of standardized measures. work of Olson and colleagues (e.g., Olson, Forsberg,
Wise, & Rack, 1994; Olson, Wise, Conners, Rack, &
Passage Comprehension. This test was an adaptation Fulker, 1989) and was initially used by Papadopoulos,
of the Woodcock Reading Mastery Tests–Revised Kendeou, and Spanoudis (2009). It consisted of 20 items
(WRMT-R; Woodcock, 1987). The participant was that were constructed in a way that phonological tran-
required to read a short passage (usually two to three scription alone did not reliably result in identifying the
lines long) and identify a keyword (represented by a one orthographically correct word among the three
blank line) missing from the passage. To successfully words included in each item (e.g., αρέσει/αρέσι/αρέσοι;
complete the item, a participant generally had to under- /aresi/; like). Participants had to use their knowledge of
stand not only the sentence containing the missing word the orthographic patterns for the given words in order to
but also the remaining sentence (or sentences). Before identify the one that was both phonologically and ortho-
starting the test, the examiner instructed the child to read graphically correct. The resulting score was the number
each passage silently and then orally provide a suitable of orthographically correct spellings identified by the
word for the blank space. A sample item was adminis- child. Cronbach’s alpha reliability coefficient in our
tered to ensure that the participant understood what was sample was .56 in Grade 1 and .77 in Grade 2. Although
expected. The version used in this study contained 68 items. the reliability observed in Grade 1 could be considered as
The participant’s total score was the number of correctly somewhat low, it is important to note that the distribution
536   Journal of Learning Disabilities

of scores was normal, with values of kurtosis and skew- In Grade 1, the children received formal reading and
ness being within acceptable ranges. spelling instruction in a basal reading series that
emphasized primarily word recognition, reading com-
Word Chains. In this task, the children were asked to prehension, and incidentally, word-decoding and letter-
scan words presented as a continuous line of print with- sound correspondences through syllable-splitting
out interword spaces (e.g., boygomeet). The children activities. Phonological processing skills, in turn, were
were given 1 minute and were asked to identify the fostered through segmentation and blending activities
words in each row by drawing a line to indicate where as the key strategies.
the spaces should be (e.g., boy/go/meet). The test Similarly, the Grade 2 curriculum expanded on the
included a total of 15 rows of words of increasing length. knowledge acquired in Grade 1, focusing particularly on
The first 2 rows consisted of two words put together, reading and spelling words with less common spelling
whereas the last 3 items consisted of seven words put patterns and multisyllabic words. The children also
together. The individual’s score on this task was the learned prepositions and prepositional phrases. Gen­
number of correctly placed slashes. Cronbach’s alpha erally, grammar and syntax activities such as identifying
reliability coefficient in our sample was .72 in Grade 1 pronouns, learning and using standard punctuation, rec-
and .83 in Grade 2. ognizing compound sentences, and writing friendly let-
ters were some of activities introduced in the daily
Procedure program. Students also continued to work on their oral
In all three assessments, participants were tested indi- reading fluency.
vidually in sessions lasting approximately 60 minutes,
between February and April each year. All testing took Results
place during school hours in a private room in the par-
ticipants’ respective schools. Experimenters were trained
Comparison of Single, Double-Deficit,
graduate research assistants enrolled in educational psy-
and Control Groups
chology courses, blind to grouping of children. The pre-
sentation of the tasks was counterbalanced across the In Grade 1, three MANOVA analyses (see Note 1)
participants in all years, to control for any effects of task were performed, with group as a fixed factor and phono-
complexity on the performance. None of the participants logical, RAN, reading, and orthographic measures as the
in the deficit groups received systematic intervention in dependent variables. The main group effects were sig-
their respective schools over the course of the study. nificant for phonological (4 Groups × 5 Tasks), Wilks’s
With regard to classroom instruction, in kindergarten Λ = .325, F(5, 234) = 21.68, p < .001; RAN (4 Groups ×
the children attended a program that included mostly 2 Tasks), Wilks’s Λ = .519, F(2, 237) = 30.61, p < .001;
social activities and games with semiformal cognitive or and reading and orthographic measures (4 Groups × 7
linguistic training. In relation to language and literacy Tasks), Wilks’s Λ = .585, F(7, 232) = 6.52, p < .001.
development specifically, children became aware of the Subsequent univariate analyses demonstrated that the
range of books and tapes or CDs available to them while main effect of group was significant for all measures
teachers enhanced the opportunities for learning and of (Table 2). In turn, post hoc tests using Bonferroni adjust-
pleasure from reading books on the children’s part. The ment for multiple comparisons, tested with Type I error
development of listening skills was also of major impor- set at .05, one-sided (see Note 2), showed that the cutoffs
tance while the children were read stories. Children were described in the selection procedure resulted in groups
also constantly introduced to new vocabulary while they that were significantly different on the phonological and
were trying to record what they had learned or found out. RAN measures. The DD and PD groups performed sig-
Drawing and prewriting activities were also included on nificantly lower than the ND and control groups in all
a daily basis. Finally, rhyming and odd-out word activi- phonological tasks (p < .001). In turn, the DD and ND
ties for which the children had to identify the word that groups performed significantly lower than the PD and
differed from two or three others in its first or ending control groups with regard to RAN-Digits and RAN-
syllable (or sound) were occasionally practiced. Generally, Letters (p < .001). The PD group did not differ from the
the aims concentrated on aiding children to learn to be CnD group on the RAN measures, and conversely, the ND
more aware of print around them and to enjoy participat- group was not different from the CnD group on the pho-
ing in routine literacy activities. nological measures. In addition, the DD group did not
Papadopoulos et al. / Double-Deficit Hypothesis in Greek   537  

Table 2
Descriptive Statistics and F Values for the Double-Deficit Hypothesis, Phonological Deficit,
Naming Deficit, and Control–No Deficit Groups on Phonological, Rapid-Automatized-Naming
(RAN), Reading, and Orthographic Measures in Grade 1
Double Deficit Phonological Naming Deficit Control–No Deficit
(n = 17) Deficit (n = 33) (n = 33) (n = 159)

Variable M (SD) M (SD) M (SD) M (SD) F Value

Rhyme Oddity 3.12c,d (3.25) 2.76c,d (3.32) 8.94 (3.73) 10.18 (3.80) 42.31***
Initial Sound Oddity 2.47c,d (2.67) 1.67c,d (2.26) 7.91 (4.12) 8.72 (4.46) 35.58***
Sound Isolation 7.59c,d (4.91) 6.18c,d (4.82) 13.09 (2.07) 13.60 (1.74) 86.06***
Phoneme Elision 1.47c,d (1.91) 1.36c,d (2.49) 9.03 (3.57) 10.22 (3.85) 78.63***
Blending 2.18c,d (1.47) 2.30c,d (2.14) 9.52 (3.24) 9.84 (3.36) 77.39***
Digits-Ratio 0.97b,d (0.20) 1.47c (0.19) 1.08d (0.15) 1.50 (0.30) 38.30***
Letters-Ratio 0.91b,d (0.17) 1.33c (0.23) 0.88d (0.20) 1.40 (0.26) 58.22***
Word reading
WID Speed 9.65b,c,d (6.04) 17.34d (4.35) 16.73d (6.57) 23.46 (8.15) 25.41***
WAT Speed 7.94c,d (5.52) 10.70d (3.85) 12.33d (6.14) 16.19 (5.03) 23.30***
WID Accuracy 32.71b,c,d (23.50) 53.77d (22.51) 56.42d (18.66) 67.66 (13.60) 27.80***
WAT Accuracy 18.47b,c,d (12.28) 26.21d (11.18) 29.18d (9.60) 33.22 (7.23) 19.31***
Orthographic Choice 7.35d (1.97) 6.09c,d (3.79) 8.30 (2.49) 8.89 (2.14) 12.78***
Word Chains 2.47c,d (1.62) 2.58c,d (2.74) 4.21 (2.39) 4.74 (2.86) 8.29***
Reading comprehension
Passage Comprehension 12.47d (7.38) 13.09d (7.71) 15.45 (6.17) 17.07 (7.33) 4.34**

Note: Subscript letters indicate that group means differ significantly between each other; group comparisons are marked from left to right only:
d = control–no deficit group; c = naming deficit group; b = phonological deficit group. WID = Word Identification; WAT = Word Attack.
**p < .01. ***p < .001.

differ from the PD group on the phonological measures Orthographic Choice, PD < ND, p < .001, but DD = ND;
and from the ND group on the RAN measures. in turn, for Word Chains, PD < CnD, p < .001, and DD <
The main objective of the group comparisons on word CnD, p < .001; for Orthographic Choice, PD < CnD, p <
reading, orthographic processing, and reading compre- .001, and DD < CnD, p < .05). This means that the PD
hension was to determine whether the DD group is more group was both markedly impaired in identifying the
impaired than the single-deficit and the CnD groups orthographically correct word among three similar pho-
(Question 1). The answer to this question was affirma- nological transcriptions and in recognizing fast and accu-
tive. The DD group performed significantly lower than rately the words in Word Chains. The DD group, in turn,
the single-deficit and control groups on all word-reading performed equally well with the ND group on the pho-
measures except pseudoword fluency (in which case the netic spelling accuracy task (Orthographic Choice), albeit
DD group did not differ from the PD group), with the vast differently from the CnD group. No significant differ-
majority of the p values at < .001 level. On the other ences, however, were observed between the ND and the
hand, the PD and ND groups exhibited a reliable reading CnD groups on these measures. With respect to reading
rate and accuracy deficit when compared to the CnD comprehension, the CnD group outperformed the DD
group (with the vast majority of p values at < .001). (p < .01) and PD (p < .01) groups, but not the ND group
However, the pattern of results for orthographic spelling on the Reading Comprehension task. In sum, in Grade 1,
and reading comprehension was different. The DD and the deficit groups, on the basis of the double-deficit
PD groups’ performance was significantly different from hypothesis, differed mainly with respect to word-reading
that of the ND and CnD groups in almost all comparisons rate and accuracy and partly to orthographic processing
of orthographic processing measures, with the PD group and reading comprehension measures.
exhibiting robust differences in both tasks (for Word After having selected the groups in Grade 1, we tested,
Chains, PD < ND, p < .05, and DD < ND, p < .05; for in retrospect, their performance on the phonological and
538   Journal of Learning Disabilities

RAN tasks in kindergarten. Similarly, we examined real-word-reading accuracy and the Orthographic Choice
group differences in all the dependent measures a year tasks.
later, in Grade 2. In kindergarten, in the case of the RAN Post hoc group comparisons showed that the DD group
tasks, groups were compared only in naming pictures kept performing significantly lower than the CnD group
and colors because very few children had managed to on all measures and lower than the PD and ND groups in
complete successfully the letter- and digit-naming tasks. the vast majority of the phonological, RAN, and word-
In kindergarten, the results from the MANOVA analy- reading measures. The single-deficit groups in turn
ses replicated the effects in Grade 1, with both phono- appeared to improve to the extent that they did not differ
logical, Wilks’s Λ = .889, F(5, 234) = 1.87, p < .05, and from each other in any of the criterion (phonological and
RAN measures, Wilks’s Λ = .907, F(2, 237) = 3.96, p < rapid naming) or dependent measures (word reading,
.001 (Table 3). Subsequent univariate analyses indicated orthographic processing, and reading comprehension),
that the groups differed only in two out of the five phono- albeit their performance was markedly different from
logical tasks, namely, Rhyming Oddity, F(3, 238) = 2.82, that of the CnD group on the criterion and some of the
p < .05, η2 = .034, and Sound Isolation, F(3, 238) = 4.65, dependent measures.
p < .01, η2 = .055. Similarly, the main effect of group was On the one hand, with respect to the performance of
significant for both RAN measures: RAN-Pictures, F(3, the DD group, this was significantly different from the
238) = 6.21, p < .001, η2 = .073, and RAN-Colors, F(3, single-deficit groups on the most demanding phonologi-
238) = 5.80, p < .001, η2 = .068. Post hoc tests revealed cal tasks, namely, Sound Isolation (at p < .01 and p <
that no significant group differences were observed .001, for ND and PD group comparisons, respectively),
among the three deficit groups in any of the phonological Phoneme Elision (p < .01), and Blending (p < .05).
measures. Also, results showed that the CnD group out- Similarly, the DD group was reliably slower on the RAN
performed all three deficit groups on Sound Isolation tasks than the PD group (p < .05 for RAN-Digits and p <
(p < .05) and RAN-Colors (p <. 05, for DD and PD .001 for RAN-Letters) and slower than the ND group on
groups, and p < .001 for the ND group). There were also the RAN-Letters (p < .05) only. As far as reading is con-
significant differences between the DD and CnD groups cerned, the DD group read real words slower than both
on Rhyming Oddity (p < .05) and Initial Sound Oddity single-deficit groups (p < .001 and p < .05, for PD and
(p < .05). In contrast, no group differences were observed ND, respectively) and pseudowords slower than the PD
in the case of Phoneme Elision and Blending between group (p < .01). The same performance was observed in
the deficit and control groups, a result suggesting that the case of the Maze Comprehension task (DD = ND <
these tasks were too difficult for the participants in kin- PD, p < .05), also a speeded task.
dergarten. Finally, the ND and DD groups were signifi- On the other hand, it is of importance that the majority
cantly more impaired in RAN-Pictures than the PD group of the differences that were observed between the single-
(p < .05), whose performance was similar to that of the deficit and control groups on the reading and ortho-
CnD group. This was the only reliable difference, consis- graphic processing measures in Grade 1 were not
tent also with the selection procedure based in Grade 1 observed in Grade 2. The PD group read slower than the
group performances. Thus, as far as the second question CnD group only in the case of word attack (p < .05), a
of the study is concerned, the answer is that although task requiring efficient use of phonological skills during
phonological awareness and naming-speed deficits may decoding (Papadopoulos, 2001; Porpodas, 1999). In
occur early, before reading develops, the three deficit turn, although the ND group appeared to improve accu-
groups are not easily distinguished from each other, par- racy for word reading, this was not also observed in the
ticularly in terms of phonological impairments. case of reading fluency, where the CnD group outper-
In Grade 2, the main group effects were significant in formed the ND group (p < .001). Interestingly enough,
all five MANOVA analyses performed with phonologi- this reading rate impairment was also revealed in the
cal, Wilks’s Λ = .830, F(5, 234) = 3.01, p < .001, η2 = case of the Maze task (also a speed-related task; p < .01).
.060; RAN, Wilks’s Λ = .868, F(2, 237) = 5.54, p < .001, Finally, the PD group performed worse than the CnD
η2 = .068; word-reading, Wilks’s Λ = .803, F(4, 235) = group on the Word Chains task (p < .001), and the ND
4.34, p < .001, η2 = .070; orthographic processing, group was significantly poorer than the CnD group on
Wilks’s Λ = .898, F(2, 237) = 4.20, p < .001, η2 = .052; and the Passage Comprehension task (p < .05).
reading comprehension, Wilks’s Λ = .898, F(2, 237) = In sum, the findings in Grade 2 were different from
4.15, p < .001, η2 = .053, measures (Table 4). Subsequent those in Grade 1. The single deficit in phonological
univariate analyses demonstrated that the main effect of abilities had a limited, negative effect on reading fluency
group was significant for all the measures except for the and orthographic processing (only in the Word Chains
Papadopoulos et al. / Double-Deficit Hypothesis in Greek   539  

Table 3
Descriptive Statistics and F Values for the Double-Deficit Hypothesis, Phonological Deficit,
Naming Deficit, and Control–No Deficit Groups on Phonological and Rapid-Automatized-Naming
(RAN) Measures in Kindergarten
Double Deficit Phonological Naming Deficit Control–No
(n = 17) Deficit (n = 33) (n = 33) Deficit (n = 159)

Variables M (SD) M (SD) M (SD) M (SD) F Values

Rhyme Oddity 4.18d (4.45) 5.30 (4.72) 5.27 (4.46) 6.83 (4.79) 2.82*
Initial Sound Oddity 2.65d (3.41) 3.42 (3.36) 4.09 (3.03) 4.60 (3.44) 2.52
Sound Isolation 1.35d (3.50) 2.67d (3.89) 2.42d (3.09)d 4.26 (4.32) 4.65**
Phoneme Elision 0.88 (1.69) 1.45 (2.84) 1.09 (1.86) 1.75 (3.47) 0.72
Blending 0.41 (1.00) 0.70 (1.65) 1.61 (2.62) 1.72 (3.04) 2.20
Pictures-Ratio 0.52b,d (0.17) 0.62c (0.16) 0.53d (0.16)d 0.64 (0.16) 6.21***
Colors-Ratio 0.48d (0.26) 0.53d (0.18) 0.48d (0.14)d 0.61 (0.21) 5.80***

Note: Subscript letters indicate that group means differ significantly between each other; group comparisons are marked from left to right only:
d = control–no deficit group; c = naming deficit group; b = phonological deficit group.
*p < .05. **p < .01. ***p < .001.

Table 4
Descriptive Statistics and F Values for Double-Deficit Hypothesis, Phonological Deficit,
Naming Deficit, and Control–No Deficit Groups on Phonological, Rapid-Automatized-Naming
(RAN), Reading, and Orthographic Measures in Grade 2
Double Deficit Phonological Naming Deficit Control No
(n = 17) Deficit (n = 33) (n = 33) Deficit (n = 159)

Variable M (SD) M (SD) M (SD) M (SD) F Values

Rhyme Oddity 8.47d (4.36) 9.76d (4.90) 10.73 (3.96) 11.78 (3.73) 5.36***
Initial Sound Oddity 7.94d (4.74) 7.79d (5.00) 9.24 (5.19) 10.95 (4.35) 6.24***
Sound Isolation 10.06b,c,d (4.87) 12.45d (3.74) 13.03 (3.57) 13.67 (2.65) 7.53***
Phoneme Elision 8.18b,c,d (3.99) 11.27d (4.04) 11.76 (4.15) 12.78 (3.00) 10.45***
Blending 6.35b,c,d (3.86) 9.33d (3.84) 9.48 (3.74) 10.75 (3.65) 8.23***
Digits-Ratio 1.46b,d (0.58) 1.78 (0.50) 1.67d (0.31) 1.87 (0.42) 5.77***
Letters-Ratio 0.39b,c,d (0.27) 0.83 (0.41) 0.66d (0.26) 0.81 (0.37) 8.23***
Word Reading
WID Speed 30.65b,c,d (10.52) 41.41 (11.67) 38.03d (8.50) 44.78 (10.26) 12.17***
WAT Speed 19.06b,d (6.23) 23.87d (6.04) 21.84d (5.84) 26.28 (5.76) 11.71***
WID Accuracy 71.59c,d (8.50) 73.22 (8.44) 76.32 (3.95) 75.57 (7.39) 2.53
WAT Accuracy 31.47d (9.89) 33.87 (5.72) 34.03 (6.90) 36.04 (5.52) 3.93**
Orthographic Choice 11.59 (2.50) 12.65 (1.54) 11.66 (2.41) 12.38 (2.32) 1.63
Word Chains 9.65d (2.98) 9.81d (4.65) 11.34 (3.27) 12.78 (4.47) 6.36***
Reading Comprehension
Passage Comprehension 20.87d (5.59) 24.52 (6.60) 23.11d (6.52) 26.06 (5.74) 4.97**
Maze 0.89b,d (1.21) 2.38 (1.98) 1.75d (1.61) 2.86 (1.80) 7.95***

Note: Subscript letters indicate that group means differ significantly between each other; group comparisons are marked from left to right only:
d = control–no deficit group; c = naming deficit group; b = phonological deficit group. WID = Word Identification; WAT = Word Attack.
**p < .01. ***p < .001.
540   Journal of Learning Disabilities

task) a year later and no effect on reading accuracy. The were .76 and .46, and the correlations between the ortho-
single deficit in naming speed, in turn, appeared to have graphic processing measures were .33 and .37. Finally,
basically a negative effect on reading measures requiring a the two reading comprehension measures correlated sig-
speeded response. There was also a moderate impairment nificantly (r = .41) in Grade 2.
of the single-naming-deficit group for passage compre- With regard to the regression analyses, we examined
hension. Probably the most consistent finding was that separately the unique and common contribution of pho-
the performance of the DD group was generally lower nological ability and RAN as follows: in the first set of
than that of the other groups. models we entered phonological ability and RAN as
Taken together with the results in Grade 1, the answer single predictors of reading and orthographic processing
to the third question of the study, regarding the manifes- skills. This was followed by a set of models also examin-
tation of reading problems in orthographically consistent ing the unique contribution of phonological ability and
languages, is clear. The DD group performed worse than RAN (entered successively in Block 2) as predictors of
the single-deficit and control groups on reading accuracy reading and orthographic skills. Finally, we examined
and fluency and worse than the ND group on ortho- the common contribution of phonological ability and
graphic processing in Grade 1, group effects that weak- RAN on the dependent measures. These sets of models
ened a year later in Grade 2. In turn, although the tested concurrently, in Grades 1 and 2, and longitudi-
single-deficit groups exhibited impairments on reading nally, from Grade 1 to Grade 2, the predictive validity of
accuracy and orthographic processing in the first place, phonological ability and RAN on the criterion measures.
they appeared to find ways to compensate for these dif- The results are summarized in Table 5.
ficulties in relation to the control group across time. These analyses showed that phonological ability and
naming speed accounted for unique variance in almost
Regression Analyses all reading and orthographic processing measures in both
concurrent and longitudinal analyses. The only excep-
To answer the fourth question of the study, namely, tions to this were Orthographic Choice and reading com-
what is the independent and additive contribution of pho- prehension in Grade 1, where naming speed accounted
nological ability and RAN as predictors of reading and for small and nonsignificant amounts of variance. In
orthographic skills concurrently and longitudinally, we both instances, phonological ability uniquely predicted a
conducted a set of hierarchical regression analyses on the significant amount of variance independent of RAN
full sample (n = 242). To perform these analyses, we first (24% for orthographic processing and 9% for reading
computed composite scores expressed in z score units for comprehension). In addition, phonological ability
each one of the predictors (phonological awareness and appeared to uniquely predict a higher amount of total
RAN) and dependent measures (reading fluency, reading variance independent of RAN in the vast majority of the
accuracy, orthographic processing, and reading compre- analyses. The independent contribution of RAN was
hension; in the latter, WRMT-R and Maze formed a stan- higher than the contribution of phonological ability only
dardized composite score in Grade 2). This calculation in the case of word-reading fluency (in the concurrent
was possible given the high correlations among the dif- and longitudinal analyses in Grade 2) and reading com-
ferent measures. Specifically, the RAN measures corre- prehension in Grade 2. The highest portion of common
lated significantly with each other (rs ranged from .40 to variance of these two predictors was observed in the
.59) for Grade 1 and 2, respectively. Similarly, the corre- concurrent analysis with word-reading fluency tasks
lations among the five phonological tasks were strong, in Grade 1, accounting for 10% (38% – 17% – 11%) of
with r values ranging from .50 between Rhyme Oddity the total variance, and in Grade 2, accounting for 11%
and Sound Isolation to .75 between Phoneme Elision (33% – 6% – 16%) of the total variance.
and Blending in Grade 1, and from .47 between Initial
Sound Oddity and Sound Isolation to .69 between Initial
Sound Oddity and Phoneme Elision, in Grade 2. In con- Discussion
trast, the correlations among the RAN and phonological
measures were remarkably low (with r values < .30) with In this study, we tested the double-deficit hypothesis
many of those being nonsignificant. in Greek by employing a rigorous methodological design
Similarly, with respect to the dependent variables, the to define the double-deficit, single-deficit, and control
word fluency measures correlated highly, with r values at groups. We predicted that the double-deficit hypothesis
.76 and .69, for Grade 1 and 2, respectively. The respec- would be extended to the Greek language, with the chil-
tive correlations between the word accuracy measures dren belonging to the DD group showing pronounced
Table 5
Regression Results Predicting Reading Subskills in Grade 1 and Grade 2 (concurrently) and in Grade 2 From Grade 1
(longitudinally), Phonological Ability (PA) and Rapid-Automatized-Naming (RAN) Composite Scores
Word Reading Accuracy Word Reading Fluency Orthographic Processing Reading Comprehensiona

Unique Unique Unique Unique

Contribution Contribution Contribution Contribution

Model Variable R 2 PA RAN R2 PA RAN R 2 PA RAN R2 PA RAN

Grade 1 (concurrently)
1 PA .216*** – .06*** .276*** – .11*** .250*** – .00 .094*** – .00
2 RAN .131*** .14*** – .214*** .17*** – .012 .24*** – .006 .09*** –
3 PA + RAN .273*** .382*** .251*** .094***
Grade 2 (concurrently)
1 PA .164*** – .01 .174*** – .16*** .099*** – .04** .180*** – .07***
2 RAN .059*** .12*** – .271*** .06*** – .081*** .05*** – .154*** .10*** –
3 PA + RAN .176*** .334*** .135*** .251***
Grade 1 to Grade 2 (longitudinally)
1 PA .065*** – .02* .117*** – .16*** .083*** – .04** .050*** – .06***
2 RAN .041*** .04*** – .225*** .05*** – .070*** .05*** – .091*** .02* –
3 PA + RAN .084*** .273*** .120*** .113***

a. In the concurrent Grade 1 analyses, the Woodcock Reading Mastery Tests–Revised (WRMT-R) was used as the dependent measure of reading comprehension; in all other analyses,
a composite score of the WRMT-R and Maze was used instead.
*p < .05. **p < .01. ***p < .001.

542   Journal of Learning Disabilities

deficits in reading and orthographic processing tasks, indicating that, in our sample, the naming deficits were
compared to either one of the single-deficit groups or to not associated with low levels of orthographic process-
the CnD group, in the first years of schooling. The ing skills. Similar findings have recently been reported
results confirmed our predictions and were consistent in Spanish (Jiménez et al., 2008). Certainly, these find-
with the findings of previous studies demonstrating that ings challenge Bowers and Wolf’s (1993) theoretical
children with a double deficit have both a naming-speed account that if letter recognition is proceeding too
and a phonological deficit when engaged in word- slowly—reflected in slow RAN performance—letter
reading, text-reading, and orthographic processing tasks representations in words will not be activated in suffi-
(e.g., Wimmer et al., 2000; Wolf & Bowers, 1999). ciently close temporal proximity to induce sensitivity
In relation to the first question of the study, the results to commonly occurring orthographic patterns. Evidence
confirmed our expectation that the DD group would in support of this theoretical proposal would be if our
exhibit greater dysfunction in reading and orthographic ND group was particularly impaired in orthographic
processing compared to the single-deficit and CnD processing measures.
groups. It was also interesting to observe that although The discrepancy between our findings and those rep­
the three deficit groups were not differentiated in the vast orted by Bowers and her colleagues could be attributed to
majority of the tasks in kindergarten (with the exception at least two reasons. First, the participants in studies con-
of RAN-Colors, where DD = ND < PD = CnD groups), ducted by Bowers and colleagues (Bowers et al., 1999;
the between-group differences were maximized in Grade Sunseth & Bowers, 2002) were older than the participants
1 (when formal reading instruction was taking place) and in our study. This difference is important, as there is evi-
were retained in Grade 2. This overall finding regarding dence showing that RAN is more strongly related to ortho-
the lower reading and orthographic processing perfor- graphic processing in later grades (Grade 3 and beyond)
mance of children experiencing both phonological than in earlier grades (Georgiou, Parrila, Kirby, &
awareness and naming-speed deficits is consistent with Stephenson, 2008). Thus, it is legitimate to hypothesize
that of previous research (e.g., Escribano, 2007; Jiménez that if the same children were followed up in Grade 3, the
et al., 2008; Kirby et al., 2003; Manis et al., 2000; Wolf relationship between RAN and orthographic processing
& Bowers, 1999). could be stronger. Second, Bowers and Wolf’s (1993)
Regarding the question about how the reading prob- theoretical account refers to a different level of ortho-
lems manifest themselves in Greek, contrary to previous graphic processing, namely, the sublexical level of ortho-
findings in languages with transparent (e.g., Wimmer graphic processing. We measured orthographic processing
et al., 2000) and opaque orthographies (e.g., Manis et al., at the word-specific (lexical) level (see Hagiliassis, Pratt,
2000), the single-deficit groups performed significantly & Johnston, 2006, for a detailed description of the levels
lower than the CnD group on all word-reading accuracy of orthographic processing). Recently, Powell, Stainthorp,
and fluency measures in Grade 1. Specifically, with and Stuart (2008) demonstrated that children with fast
respect to the performance of the ND group, deficits were RAN performance did not perform worse than children
also observed in both word- and text-reading levels in the with slow RAN performance on Orthographic Choice (a
speeded measures. This is probably one of the reasons measure of lexical orthographic processing) but performed
that some of these children with a single-naming-speed significantly poorer on Word Likeness (a measure of sub-
deficit may not be identified by their teachers as poor lexical orthographic processing). Thus, had we also
readers until Grade 3 or later, when fluency problems administered a measure of sublexical orthographic pro-
interfere seriously with reading comprehension (Wolf & cessing, the relationship between RAN and orthography
Katzir-Cohen, 2001). The association between naming could have been different.
speed and reading comprehension has been suggested by With respect to the degree of impairment among chil-
Kirby et al. (2003) and has also been replicated in the dren with a naming-speed deficit, our findings in Grade 1
study by Johnston and Kirby (2006) with poor readers in are consistent with the work of Manis and his colleagues
Grades 4 and 5. At the very least, the predictive ability of (2000). The ND group was less impaired compared to
RAN to discriminate readers in terms of reading compre- the PD group, most likely because formal reading instruc-
hension needs further validation. tion was under way. However, in Grade 2, the greatest
In addition, contrary to the findings of previous stud- impairments in reading fluency and reading comprehen-
ies in English (e.g., Bowers, Sunseth, & Golden, 1999; sion were associated with the ND group (Kirby et al.,
Sunseth & Bowers, 2002), the ND group was better than 2003). This shift in the contribution of the linguistic and
the DD and PD groups and comparable to the CnD group cognitive skills underpinning reading development in
on the two orthographic processing tasks in Grade 1, children who are relatively poor in reading is of major
Papadopoulos et al. / Double-Deficit Hypothesis in Greek   543  

importance, as it indicates that the observed relationships Spanoudis, 2009; Papadopoulos, Spanoudis, & Kendeou,
do not hold up the same way over time (Kendeou, van 2009). This means that there is a considerable overlap
den Broek, White, & Lynch, 2007, in press; Rapp, van among the various phonological skills, which, in fact,
den Broek, McMaster, Kendeou, & Espin, 2007). It is, may not allow individual differences to be easily detected
therefore, essential to test these relationships longitudi- before the child starts learning to read. Only when read-
nally to obtain a full picture of the significance and ing begins do the dimensions of linguistic complexity or
the role of these deficits over time. Vukovic and Siegel the types of the cognitive operations required to perform
(2006), in their review, reached the same conclusions, the various phonological tasks appear to adequately
suggesting that the majority of the research has accumu- reflect individual differences in unified, higher order pho-
lated little evidence from longitudinal studies and that nological ability (Anthony, Lonigan, Driscoll, Phillips, &
there is a remarkable need to depart from the cross-sec- Burgess, 2003; Papadopoulos, Kendeou, & Spanoudis,
tional designs to properly investigate the double-deficit 2009). Consequently, it is likely that phonological deficits
hypothesis. The present study attained this objective. in kindergarten are masked by the fact that children learn-
The single-phonological-deficit group showed mostly ing Greek manipulate both syllabic and phonemic grain-
deficient orthographic and poor decoding skills that were size units equally the same at this age because of the
also witnessed, albeit to a lesser extent, in Grade 2. The advantage of the consistent orthography. This means that
orthographic processing deficits were serious enough to children learning Greek do not rely heavily on specific
differentiate the PD group from both the ND and CnD word units (rhyme, syllable, or phoneme) to successfully
groups in Grade 1, an effect that was only partially rep- perform a given task at the age of 5, but they may use the
licated in Grade 2 (only in Word Chains where PD < phonological representations of any grain-size unit that
CnD group; see Note 3). As for the remaining measures, are available to them. This interpretation appears also to
only the deficits in nonword fluency were observed be supported by the coefficients of the phonological abil-
again in Grade 2, despite the fact that the PD group con- ity measures that become stronger from Grade 1 onward.
tinued to perform lower than the CnD group in all five This likely reflects the beneficial effects of reading
phonological ability measures. This result was expected instruction on phonological awareness that are more evi-
on the basis of the importance of phonological process- dent in orthographically transparent languages (Goswami,
ing in both orthographic processing skills and decod- Ziegler, & Richardson, 2005; Holopainen, Ahonen,
ing skills (Manis et al., 2000; Share, 1995), particularly Tolvanen, & Lyytinen, 2000).
in Greek, a language with a transparent orthography In sum, although the phonological and naming-speed
(Georgiou et al., 2008; Papadopoulos & Georgiou, in impairments are independent core features of reading dif-
press). This finding cannot be attributed to home literacy ficulties in young Greek readers, the impairments in pho-
factors (Manolitsis, Georgiou, Stevenson, & Parrila, in nological ability are not as robust as those in RAN at the
press). Overall, the PD group performed poorly at the age of 5, between the deficit and the control groups, due
beginning but then approached the CnD group in perfor- to the transparency of the language. In turn, it is not a
mance more than the ND group did, which continued to surprise that the most significant differences in those skills
show deficits in word-reading fluency and passage com- between the deficit groups and the CnD group were
prehension, a finding that coincides with those of previ- observed in Grade 1, when reading accuracy, fluency, and
ous research (e.g., Kirby et al., 2003). This is probably orthographic processing became important. Taken together,
explained by the fact that RAN and not phonological our results suggest that due to the regular structure of the
deficits were those that differentiated more reliably the Greek language, naming deficits are more persistent than
deficit groups from the CnD group in the first place. phonological deficits among children experiencing read-
Apparently, and before formal reading instruction begins, ing difficulties in early years. The latter group gradually
problems in languages with more transparent orthogra- found means to compensate for poor reading performance.
phies are manifested as difficulties in naming speed and By Grade 2, the PD group managed to read better than the
not as problems in phonological ability. ND group that kept struggling with speed in reading at
The limited contributing role of phonological ability in both the word and text levels, despite the fact that both
discriminating the four groups in kindergarten may be single-deficit groups improved to the extent they did not
attributed to the structure of phonological ability in learn- differ from each other on the selection measures (naming
ing to read Greek that is best conceptualized as a unitary speed and phonological ability).
construct, developing in a continuous way with invariant The results from the regression analyses further extend
structure across time (Papadopoulos, Kendeou, & the above findings. Specifically, it was shown that both
544   Journal of Learning Disabilities

phonological ability and naming speed accounted for weak either, which suggests that there are some changes
unique variance but, importantly, in different outcome in the relative standing of the participants on RAN from
measures. RAN accounted for more unique variance in year to year. Probably, further research that would inves-
word- and text-fluency measures. Phonological skills, in tigate the cognitive processes that drive the relationship
turn, accounted for more unique variance in Orthographic between RAN and reading or the role of RAN in differ-
Choice (in Grade 1) and word-reading accuracy (in ent reading and orthographic tasks across time may help
Grade 2). These results converge with those of previous to clarify the issue of stability indexes of RAN more
studies suggesting that the predictive power of RAN on systematically.
reading accuracy is lower than that of phonological abil- What this study, therefore, offers to the ongoing dis-
ity in languages with transparent orthography (Georgiou, cussion about these specific deficits of children with
Parrila, & Papadopoulos, 2008; Papadopoulos, Georgiou, reading difficulties is that it provides the impetus of fur-
Parrila, & Anastasiou, 2005). In addition, the pattern of ther research to either verify or falsify the double-deficit
differences in the amount of unique variance associated hypothesis with individuals learning to read in ortho-
with either phonological ability and naming speed is graphically transparent languages. At least, with regard
consistent with the double-deficit hypothesis. to the pattern of difficulties observed in affected indi-
Overall, the findings of the present study clearly dem- viduals, the precise nature and the contribution of the
onstrate the presence of pronounced deficits in phono- predictors change over time. This suggests, in turn, that
logical ability and naming speed among Greek children the coexistence of naming-speed and phonological
identified as exhibiting reading difficulties. These find- awareness deficits in children learning to read in a trans-
ings raise an interesting question, namely, whether the parent orthography merits further attention.
double-deficit hypothesis is supported in the context of
children who have a formal diagnosis of dyslexia. Notes
Previous studies have shown that the possibility for the
predictions of the double-deficit hypothesis to be con- 1. Rather than one-way MANOVAs, 2 × 2 MANOVA analyses
firmed is higher with children identified with dyslexia with the groups merged as high and low in phonological ability spell
out and rapid automatized naming (RAN) was carried out at each
than with children from a field population (e.g., Katzir, grade level to confirm the sample selection. The results of the two
Kim, Wolf, Morris, & Lovett, 2008; Lovett et al., 2000). analyses were consistent, confirming the group selection on the basis
In either case, however, it is important to study longitu- of the criterion variables: Most main effects of RAN and phonologi-
dinally the time course of the effects of naming speed cal ability were significant, whereas the interactions were not. Also,
and phonological skills to make any direct inference it appeared that phonological impairments have their greatest impact
in Grade 1 and their effect weakened in Grade 2, whereas the reverse
about their role in dyslexia.
was true for RAN impairments: They appeared to have their greatest
Indeed, our results point to this need, as it was shown impact in Grade 2. We have chosen to report the one-way MANOVAs
that the contribution of naming speed and phonological because they provide more detail as to how the four groups differ
skills to the definition of poor reading in Greek is differ- systematically across measures and grades.
ent at different points of development. The deficits 2. In the absence of any empirical findings showing that the
appear to be primarily circumscribed in the processes of double-deficit group would perform better than any single-deficit
group or that the single-deficit groups would perform better than the
RAN. A year later, when reading is formally taught, pho- control group, we tested the null hypotheses with a one-sided, rather
nological skills become the most powerful predictor, than two-sided, alpha level.
whereas RAN becomes more powerful in Grade 2. Also, 3. Although we used this task to measure lexical orthographic
children with a naming-speed deficit make slower prog- processing, it is possible that the children applied phonological recod-
ress in reading development although their reading per- ing strategies to identify the boundaries of words, and that is why the
phonological deficit group was impaired on this task.
formance is similar to—if not better than—that of the PD
group in Grade 1. This change in the importance of the
predictors at different points of assessment challenges References
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bility of their effects over time (see also Kirby et al., Ackerman, P. T., Holloway, C. A., Youngdahl, P. L., & Dykman, R. A.
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