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Fundamentals of Microbiology

FANFR ground floor 29
(consulting hours: Tuesday 1 -3 p.m.)
or lab 2 nd floor 230
Fundamentals of Microbiology

12 lectures, FANFR 220

 written report on selected
microbiological theme
 10 minutes presentation on 5 th
January 2012
 written test
Literature to study

 Prescott et al.: Microbiology, Wm. C.

Brown Publishers, 1996
 any other textbook of fundamentals of
microbiology or general microbiology
Lectures topics

1. Introduction, history of microbiology

2. Viruses
3. Bacteria, prokaryotic cell structure and function
4. Fungi, eukaryotic cell structure and function
5. Microbial nutrition and growth
6. Control of microorganisms by physical and chemical agents
7. Metabolism and enzymes
8. Generation of energy, respiration
9. Fermentations, catabolism of carbohydrates and polymers,
carbon cycle
10. Lipid and protein catabolism, biosynthesis
11. Nitrogen, phosphorus, and sulphur cycles
12. Microbial genetic
Written report

 5 – 10 pages
 literature overview
 minimum 5 literature sources (textbooks, research

 introduction
 main part
 conclusions
 list of references
 (enclosures)
Fundamentals of Microbiology

24 hours of laboratory exercises

FA N F R 2 2 0

C R E D I T:
 2 written protocols on chosen laboratory
t r a i n i n g t h e m e ( e . g . AT B t e s t , i d e n t i f i c a t i o n o f
b a c t e r i a , w a t e r e x a m i n a t i o n ) , t i l l 1 5 th
D e c e m b e r 2 0 11 ( c o n t e n t : p r i n c i p l e ,
m e t h o d o l o g y, r e s u l t s , c o n c l u s i o n s )
 attendance on trainings

 is defined as the science studying organisms or agents

which cannot be seen by eye and must be examined by
microscope (objects less than about 1 mm)
 its subjects are viruses, bacteria, many algae and fungi,
and protozoa
 can be divided into virology, bacteriology, algeology,
mycology etc.
 or on general, systematic, applied microbiology

 are necessary for the production of bread,

cheese, beer, antibiotics, vaccines, vitamins,
 they make possible the cycles of carbon,
oxygen, nitrogen, sulphur....
 they also caused many diseases
History of Microbiology

 medical doctor
 1546 – declared, that
small nonvisible
organisms exist and
are responsible for
History of Microbiology

1665 – 1670 – microbiology as a science starts

 construction of first microscopes by Robert
Hooke and Antony van Leeuwenhoek –
described cocci and rods, blood cells and protozoa
Louis Pasteur (1822-1895)

 discovered fermentations
 discovered anaerobic life
 sterilization,
 vaccination (smallpox)
 isolation and identification
of causers of some
infection diseases
Robert Koch (1843-1910)

 solidifying of liquid cultivation

media (gelatine, agar)
 construction of Petri dish
 new cultivation media
 colouring of bacteria by
aniline colours
 isolation and identification of
causers of cholera, anthrax
and tuberculosis
Koch‘s postulates

 the microorganism must be present in all ill

objects and absent in all healthy objects
 the causer of disease must be isolated and
grown in pure culture
 when the isolated microorganism is inoculated
into healthy host, the same disease will
 the same microorganism must be isolated
again from the host
Some important historical facts

1786 – Muller – first classification of microorganisms

1867 – Lister – antiseptic surgery
1884 – Metchnikoff – phagocytosis
1884 – Gram – Gram colouring
1892 – Ivanowsky – viruses
1907 – Metchnikoff – probiotics
1923 – first edition of Bergey‘s manual
1928 – Fleming – penicillin
1937 – procaryotes x eucaryotes
1953 – Watson and Crick – structure of DNA
1983 – HIV identification
1984 – PCR
Five kingdom system

SUBCELLULATA – Vira – viruses
PROTOCELLULATA – Bacteria – bacteria
Cyanophyta – cyanophytes
2. PROTISTA – eucaryotic cell
- algae, protozoa, some simple fungi
3. FUNGI – fungi and mashrooms
4. PLANTAE – plants
5. ANIMALIA – animals
Main differences between microorganisms

criterion viruses bacteria fungi protozoa

cell type no procaryotic eucaryotic eucaryotic
cell wall no yes yes no
size 20-400 nm 1-2 (10) μm 5-10 μm 50-300 μm
Differences between procaryotic and
eucaryotic cell
procaryotic eucaryotic
cell cell

- +

size usually
- +
>2 μm

mitochondria - +

- +
reticulum (ER)
free in
placing of
cytoplasmic on ER
chromosomes circular linear
General properties of viruses

 simple acellular organization

 virion = complete virus particle
 one or more molecules of DNA or RNA (absence of both in
the same virion)
 enclosed in protein capside, sometimes other layers
(carbohydrates, lipids, additional proteins)
 exist in two phases: extracellular and intracellular
 obligatory intracellular parasites (intracellular phase,
replicating nucleic acid, induce host metabolism to
synthesize virion components)
 inability to reproduce independently on the host cells
 few or no enzymes (extracellular phase)
 without own metabolism

 size: 10 – 300 (400) nm

 nucleic acid in central part
 DNA or RNA, single- or double-stranded, linear or circular
 capsid = protein coat composed from capsomers
 morphological types of capsides: helical and icosahedral
Virion structure
Size and morphology of viruses
Virus taxonomy

 lack of knowledge of viruses origin and

 viruses are separated into large groups
based on their host preferences: animal and
plant viruses, bacteriophages
 divided into 73 families by:
a) nucleic acid type
b) nucleic acid strandedness
c) presence or absence of an envelope
Bacteriophage structure
Bacteriophage adsorption
Animal virus entry into the host cell
Lysogenic and lytic cycle of bacteriophage
Lytic cycle of bacteriophage
Differences between procaryotic and
eucaryotic cell
procaryotic eucaryotic
cell cell

cell wall - +

size usually
- +
>2 μm

mitochondria - +

- +
reticulum (ER)
free in
placing of
cytoplasmic on ER
chromosomes circular linear
Bacterial size and shape

cocci – roughly spherical cells, 1 μm

rods (bacilli) – rod shape, 1 x 2-4 (10) μm
actinomycetes – filamentous bacteria, filaments
are 1 μm width and several mm long
Morphology of bactrerial cell
G+ cell wall structure
G- cell wall structure

o adherence, enzyme storage

o polysaccharides filaments

bacterial cell
Pili and Fimbriae

o attachment to surfaces
o sex-pili – conjugation
o protein filaments

o movement, antigens
o proteins (flagellin)
o monotricha
o lofotricha
o amfitricha
o peritricha
Plasma membrane

o contain proteins and phospholipids

o lipids forms bilayer, hydrophilic x hydrophobic ends
o thin structure, thick 5-10 nm
o peripheral x integral proteins
o selectively permeable barrier
o nutrient and water transport
o metabolic processes
Nutrient transport

o main role play cell wall and plasma membrane

Passive (simple) diffusion
o concentration gradient
o no energy consumption
o ions, glycerol, O2, CO2
Facilitated diffusion

o carriers proteins – permeases

o by concentration gradient
o no energy use
o limited in procaryotes, typical for eucaryotes
Active transport

o against concentration gradient

o use of energy
o membrane proteins
Group translocation

o against concentration
o use of energy
o membrane proteins
o molecules are modified
during the transport
o typical for eucaryotes

o internal membrane system

o invagination of plasma
o function is unknown
o involved in cell wall
formation during division
o chromosome replication
o energy metabolism
o artefacts generated during
the fixation for electron
Cytoplasmic matrix

o protoplast
o inclusion bodies
o granules
o enzymes
o ribosomes
o nucleoid (DNA
and associated

o one circle chromosome

o single- or double-stranded DNA
o about 3 500 genes
o no membrane
o enzymes
DNA replication

o circle double-stranded DNA

o can exist and replicate independently of the
chromosome or may be integrated with it
o are not required, genes that give advatages

o protein synthesis
o rRNA, mRNA, tRNA
o proteins

o resistant dormant structure

o no reproduction
o Clostridium, Bacillus
o viable for over 500 years
o multilayered (central core,
membrane, cortex, coat,
o low water content,
metabolism and ribosome
number reduction
Bacteria identification

Classification = arrangement of organisms into

groups or taxa
Identification – process of determining that a
particular isolate belongs to recognized taxon
Nomenclature – names for taxonomic groups
Basic taxon = species (binomial system)
Species = set of cells with the same
Strain = set of cells which grew from one cell

Classification systems:
 phylogenetic
 numerical taxonomy
 phenetic
An example of taxonomic ranks and names

Rank Example
Kingdom Procaryotae
Phytum Actinobacteria
Class Actinobacteria
Order Bifidobacteridae
Family Bifidobacteriales
Genus Bifidobacterium
Species Bifidobacterium animalis
Subspecies Bifidobacterium animalis ssp. lactis
Morphological characteristics

o cell shape
o cell size
o staining behavior
o cilia and flagella
o endospore shape and location
Cultivation characteristics

o morphology of colonies
o colour of colonies
o growth in liquid media
Physiological characteristics

o growth temperature optimum and range

o osmotic tolerance
o oxygen relationships
o pH optimum and growth rang
o salt requirements and tolerance
o sensitivity to metabolic inhibitors and antibiotics
Metabolic characteristics

o carbon and nitrogen sources

o energy sources
o fermentation products
o mechanisms of energy conversion
o secondary metabolites formed
o storage inclusions
Molecular characteristics

o comparison of proteins
o nucleic acid base composition – G+C content
o nucleid acid hybridization
o nucleic acid sequencing
o polymerase chain reaction

Yeasts and Moulds

Micromycetes - introduction

 eucaryotic, filamentous or holocarpic

 haploid, except zygotes
 hyphae with or without cross walls
 diameter of hyphae 5-10 μm, length from
μm to hundreds mm
 mycelium – network of hyphae
 cell wall with chitin or cellulose
 mono-, di-, polycaryotic structure
Kingdom: Mycota (Fungi)

Division: Eumycota (True fungi)

Subdivision: Zygomycotina
Genus: Mucor, Rhizopus
Subdivision: Ascomycotina
Genus: Aspergillus, Penicillium,
Subdivision: Deuteromycotina
(Fungi imperfecti)
Genus: Candida, Monilia

Yeasts and Moulds

Scheme of yeast cell
Life cycle of yeast

Reproduction of
 buding(vegetative)
 ascospores
(sexual spores)
Cell-division cycle in a
yeast Saccharomyces
Buding and Pseudomycelia
Important yeast genera

Saccharomyces – ethanol fermentation, vitamin

production, bakery yeasts, food spoilage
(honey, jam, ketchup)
Kluyveromyces – milk products (kefir), feed
mixtures, spoilage of cheeses
Candida – some are pathogenic, food spoilage
(beer, milk products, meet, vegetable), feed
mixtures, cocoa bean fermentation
Torulopsis – feed mixtures
Methylene blue staining

 this method distinguish live (colourless)

and dead (coloured) cell
 Saccharomyces cerevisiae
 a drop of yeast is placed in the centre of
a slide
 one drop of methylene blue is added
 cover glass
 examine with dry objectives (10x, 45x)
Nonseptated hyphae Septated hyphae

Fructification organs
Reproduction of Moulds

 Vegetative – disintegration of mycelium

 Sexual spores – zygospores, ascospores
 Asexual spores – fructification organs
- sporangiophore
- conidiophore
Asexual spores of moulds

Mucor Penicillium

 nonseptated mycelia
 sexual zygospres, asexual
 saprophytic
 soil, fruits, food spoilage,
decomposition of
polysaccharides (pectin)
 Rhizopus, Mucor
Life cycle of Zygomycota

 sexual ascospores,
asexual conidiospores
 moulds with septated
 sporogenic yeasts
 Penicillium, Aspergillus,
Candida, Saccharomyces
Life cycle of Ascomycota
Deuteromycota (Fungi imperfecti)

 conidial stages of Ascomycota

 sexual reproduction has not been
primarily observed
 two names for one genera – one
genera placed into both groups
Ascomycota and Deuteromycota
 food spoilage, plant pathogens,
decomposition of organic matter
Penicilin – antibiotic, P. notatum, Sir Alexander
Flemming 1929
P. expansum – patulin
P. roquefortii and P. camembertii
P. marneffei – pathogenic for immunodeficient people
 soil, decomposition of organic matter
 food spoilage – bread, vegetable
Aspergilus flavus 1961 – aflatoxins
food spoilage – vegetable, meat,
dried meat, crops, jams
production of enzymes (amylases,
lipases and pectinases),
soya sauce
Asp. niger – production of citric acid
Blacks, wet walls of
food factories
Tokay wines
vegetable pathogen
Microbial nutrition requirements

Bacterial cell composition

Elements: C 50%, N 8%, H 8%, O 30%, P 3%, S 1%, K, Mg, Ca, Na,
Cl (all 0,4%), Fe, Cu, Mn, Co, I, F, Zn
Matter: water 80%, dry matter 20% (proteins 60%, DNA 3%, RNA
16%, polysaccharides 3%, lipids 15%, other compounds 3%)

 macroelements: C, N, H, O, S, P, K, Ca, Mg, Fe
 microelements: Mn, Zn, Co, Mo, Cu, ......
 biosynthesis and source of energy (chemothrophs)
Carbon, Hydrogen and Oxygen

 often satisfied together

 the skeleton of organic molecules (saccharides,
peptides, lipids)
 CO2 or organic carbon (source of energy, are
reduced and donate electrons to other molecules
 saprophytes
 parasites

 amino acids, proteins, enzymes, purines,

pyrimidines (DNA, RNA)
 organic – amino acids, peptides (pepton, trypton,
yeast extract)
 inorganic – NH4+, NO3, N2 (reduction to NH4+)

 nucleic acids, phospholipids, ATP, ......

 inorganic – soluble forms of phosphate (H2PO4-,
HPO42-, PO43-)
 organic – phosphatase, nucleic acids, phospholipids

 amino acids (methionine, cysteine)

 vitamins (biotin, thiamin)
 inorganic – usually preferable, SO42-
 organic – S amino acids
Microbial growth

 usually the growth of microbial population

is studied, not the growth of individual cell
 changes in the population during
cultivation time describes growth curve
 batch and continual cultivation
 in bacteria, each cell separates into two
new cells in every generation
The Growth Curve in a Closed System
Measurement of microbial growth

 direct counting
 cultivation
 turbidity measurement
Lag phase

 cells do not divide

 preparation for multiplication
 ribosomes, enzymes synthesis
 number of cells can decrease
 the length depends on the age of
inoculum and medium quality
Exponential phase

 maximum growth and division rate

 the shortest generation time
 the highest consumption of nutrients
 the highest production of primary products
 determination of growth characeteristics (matematical
rules are valit at that phase)
Stationary phase

 the total number of viable cells is constant

 balance between cell division and cell death
 nutrient limitation
 accumulation of metabolites
 maximum production of secondary
Death phase

 decreasing number of live cells

 nutrient deprivation
 toxic metabolites
 small number of cells resists in
Mathematical characteristics of the growth

 lag phase duration

 generation time (time for each cell division, time
necessary for cell number doubling in population)
Microorganism Generation
time (h)
Streptococcus thermophilus 0.20 (12´)
Escherichia coli 0.35 (21´)
Bacillus subtilis 0.43 (26´)
Clostridium botulinum 0.58 (35´)
Mycobacterium tuberculosis 12
Saccharomyces cerevisiae 2
Protozoa 10
Mathematical characteristics of the growth

 specific growth rate (number of generation

per time unit, amount of biomass generated
per time unit, amount of cells...)

Microorganism specific growth rate (h-1)

Streptococcus thermophilus 3,47
Escherichia coli 1,98
Bacillus subtilis 1,61
Clostridium botulinum 1,19
Mycobacterium tuberculosis 0,06
Saccharomyces cerevisiae 0,35
Protozoa 0,07
Continuous cultivation

 growth in open system

 population in
exponential phase
 chemostats – regulation
by constant chemical
composition of the
 turbidostat – constant
cell number
Factors influencing growth

(Staphylococcus aureus)


(proteolytic bacteria)
(Chlamydomonas nivalis)

(Pseudomonas florescens)
(E. coli)

(Thermus aquaticus)

(Sulfolobus, Pyrococcus)
obligate anaerobe: Micrococcus luteus, Pseudomonas, fungi
facultative anaerobe: E. coli, Enterococcus, Saccharomyces
aerotolerant anaerobe: Streptococcus pyogenes
obligate anaerobe: Clostridium, Bacteroides, Bifidobacteria
microarophile: Campylobacter, Lactobacillus
Influence of nutrient
Growth of Bifidobacterium animalis on media
with glucose (Glu) or raffinose (Raf)
Influence of nutrient (diauxic growth)

Growth of E. coli on media with glucose (glukózy) and sorbitol

Antimicrobial substances

normal growth

time of
addition bacterio- (microbi-) static substance

bacterio- (microbi-) cide substances

Metabolism, Carbon Cycle
Sources of energy for microorganism
ATP – adenosine triphosphate

o energy carrier
o ATP breaks down to
ADP and orthoposphate
(Pi), energy is available
for work
o energy from
respiration and
fermentation is
accumulated in ATP
The cell‘s energy cycle

Catabolism Anabolism
o specific proteins catalyzing
metabolic reactions
o increase the rates of
o formation of the enzyme-
substrate complex
o its conversion to products
o cleavage of substrate
Allosteric regulation
o modulator binds to
regulatory site
o changes enzyme
o alteration in the shape of the
active site
o possibility to bind the
A general diagram of aerobic catabolism in a

o glucose degradation to
o (Embden-Meyerhof
o cytoplasmic matrix
Carbon cycle in the environment
Catabolism of Carbohydrates

polymers (starch, cellulose)

hydrolysis or phosphorolysis
monomers (glu, man, fru, gal)

fermentation respiration

o 2 ATP from glucose

o anaerobic processes
o electrons from
organic molecules
are donated to
organic electron
o products of
fermentations are
simpler organic
Alcoholic fermentation

o glycolysis → pyruvate decarboxylation

(acetaldehyde) → reduction to ethanol
o C6H12O6 → 2CH3CH2OH + 2CO2 (2ATP)
Alcoholic fermentation

o bakery, alcoholic beverages, vitamins
o anaerobic – fermentation x aerobic – respiration
o mezophiles
o mono- or disaccharides

Zymomonas (bacteria)
Lactic acid fermentation

o glycolysis → pyruvate + H+ → lactic acid

homolactic fermentation:
o main product is lactic acid (> 90 %)

heterolactic fermentation:
o about 50% lactic acid, acetic acid, ethanol, CO2,
other organic acids
Lactic acid bacteria (LAB)

o anaerobic, facultative anaerobic, microaerophilic

o mesophilic, thermophilic
o acidotolerant
o mono or disaccharides, organic N, vitamins
Lactic acid bacteria (LAB)

Homolactic fermenters
Lactococcus – milk, milk products, Lc. lactis, Lc. cremoris
Streptococcus – yogurt, Sc. thermophilus
Enterococcus – intestinal tract, probiotic, indicators of faecal
pollution, E. faecium, E. fecalis
Pediococcus – milk, silage, fermented meat products
Lactobacillus: homo as well as heterolactic
Lb. deslbrueckii ssp. bulgaricus – yogurt
Lb. acidophilus – milk, intestinal tract, probiotic
Lb. plantarum – plants, silage
Lactic acid bacteria (LAB)

Heterolactic fermenters
Lactobacillus – Lb. fermentum, Lb. brevis – silage,
souerkraut, plants
Leuconostoc – milk, milk products (production of
polysaccharides), silage
Fermentation by bifidobacteria

sugars (mono or oligosaccharides) → 60%

acetic acid + 40% lactic acids

o anaerobes, mezophilic
o intestinal tract, probiotics
o B. bifidum
o B. animalis
o B. longum
Propionic acid fermentation

monosaccharide or lactic acid → pyruvate → propionate +

acetic acid + CO2 + H2O

o facultative anaerobe, mezophilic
o skin (P. acne), Emmenthal chesses (flavour and holes),
intestinal tract
Butyric acid fermentation

sugars (mono-, oligo- or polysaccharides) →

pyruvate → butyric acid + acetic acid + CO2 + H2
+ alcohols or other organic acids

o anaerobic, mezophilic, G+, sporeforming
o intestinal tract, soil, food spoilage
o C. perfringens
o C. butyricum
o C. botulinum

o acetic acid or CO2 + H2 → CO2 + CH4

o methanogenic bacteria (Methanobacterium,
Methanococcus, Methanobrevibacter)
o biogas production
o greenhouse gas
Mixed acid fermentation

pyruvate → ethanol + acetic acid + lactic acid +

succinic + formic acid + CO2 + H2

o facultative anaerobic, mezophilic, G-,
o intestinal tract, probiotic, indicators of faecal
pollution, pathogenic
o E. coli
Mixed acid fermentation

o facultative anaerobic,
mezophilic, G-, enterobacteria
o intestinal tract, zoonotic
infection (transferred between
animals and human), food
o S. enterica

o facultative anaerobic,
mezophilic, G-, enterobacteria
o intestinal tract, urinary infections
Butanediol fermentation

pyruvate → acetoin → butanediol + ethanol + acids

Enterobacter, Serratia, Erwinia

o facultative anaerobic, mezophilic, G-,
o intestinal tract
Catabolism of Carbohydrates

polymers (starch, cellulose)

hydrolysis or phosphorolysis
monomers (glu, man, fru, gal)

fermentation respiration
Aerobic respiration

pyruvate → acetyl-CoA → tricarboxylic acid

cycle → electon transport and oxidative
phosphorylation → CO2 + H2O

o 38 ATP from glucose

o aerobic process
o aerobic bacteria
o most of fungi
o electrons from organic
molecules are donated to
molecular O2 by way of an
electron transport chain
Incomplete aerobic respiration

organic C-substrate → simpler organic molecule +

(CO2) + H2O + energy

o acetic fermentation
o citric acid fermentation
Acetic fermentation

ethanol + O2 → acetic acid + H2O + energy (6 ATP)

o aerobic, G- rods, acidophils
o vinegar
o spoilage of alcoholic beverages
Citric acid fermentation

saccharides + O2 → citric acid + H2O + energy

Aspergillus niger
o ascomycetes
o citric acid production (preservation of
food and beverages, aroma)
Anaerobic respiration
o aerobic – electrons from
organic molecules are donated
to molecular O2 by way of an
electron transport chain
o anaerobic – electron transport
chains that can operate with
inorganic electron acceptors
other than O2
o electron acceptor is an
oxidized inorganic molecule
o nitrates (reduction,
denitrification), sulphate
(desulfuration), CO2
(methanogens), ....
Catabolism of polysaccharides

o hydrolysis
o secreting of
o assimilation of
smaller molecules
Disaccharide cleavage
Catabolism of polysaccharides

Anaerobic condition Aerobic condition

CO2 + H2O2
Cellulose cleavage

o structure polymer of glucose in plants

Aerobic condition
o soil, mineralisation of organic matter
o complex of cellulolytic bacteria: Cytophaga,
Sporocytophaga, Cellulomonas
o actinomycetes, micromycetes

Anaerobic condition
o butyric fermentation
o Clostridium
o waterlogged soil, bottoms of rivers and lakes
o mulch, compost, sludge digestion, production of
Cellulose cleavage in ruminants

o Fibrobacter
o Butyrivibrio
o Bacteroides
o Ruminococcus
o Clostridium
o anaerobic moulds
o in monogastric
animals – large
Strarch cleavage

o reserve polymer of glucose

Aerobic condition
o moulds - Apergillus, Rhizopus
o bacteria - Bacillus, Pseudomonas, Streptomyces
o mineralization in soil, amylolytic enzymes, malt
production, synthetic sugars

Anaerobic condition
o butyric fermentation
o Clostridium
o intestinal tract, waterlogged soil
Pectin cleavage

o polymer of galacturonic acid, plant

pectinases cell walls and tissues

Aerobic condition
o Bacillus, Mucor, Alternaria
o plant pathogens, soil

Anaerobic condition
o butyric fermentation, except of
galcturonic acid
o Clostridium
o soil, intestinal tract, sludge digestion,
production of biogas
Lipid catabolism

o energy source
o lipids = triacylglycerols
(esters of glycerol and fatty
o hydrolyzed by lipases
o glycerol is catabolised in
the glycolysis
o fatty acids are oxidized in
the β-oxidation pathway →
acetyl-CoA – fed into the
TCA cycle or used in
Protein and amino acid catabolism

o source of carbon and energy

o some bacteria and fungi
o pathogenic, food spoilage, soil
o Bacillus, Pseudomonas, Proteus,
o products: NH3, CO2
o Clostridium
o products: NH3, CO2, H2S, scatol,
indol, mercaptans, organic acids,...
Protein and amino acid catabolism

o proteases – hydrolysis of proteins

to amino acids – transported to the
cell and catabolised
o deamination – removal of the amino
group from AA → organic acids
o transamination – amino group is
transferred to an keto acid acceptor
o convertion of organic acids to
pyruvate, acetyl-CoA, TCA cycle
o nitrogen is excreted as ammonium
Anabolism - biosynthesis
The cell‘s energy cycle

Catabolism Anabolism
The Construction of Cells


The Organization
of Anabolism

o biosynthetic products (in

blue) are derived from
o CO2 fixation (in red)
Fixation of CO2

o only autothrops
high need for energy:
o photosynthesis
o oxidation of reduced inorganic
incorporation of CO2:
o Calvin cycle
o reductive pentose phosphate cycle
o site for CO2 fixation
o thiobacilly
o cyanobacteria
o nitrifying bacteria
Synthesis of Saccharides

o reversed glycolytic pathway
o pyruvate synthesis, glucose or fructose, converted to other sugars
synthesis of polysaccharides:
Synthesis of proteins

o amino acids joined by

peptide bonds
o different proteins have
different amino acid
sequences and structure

amino acids
o amination
o transamination
Synthesis of lipids

fatty acids:
o straight chained or branched
o fatty acid synthetase

o arises from the reduction of the
glycolytic intermediates

Nitrogen cycle

o mineralization, mainly in soil

o proteins, amino acids, nucleic acids, urea, chitin,
uric acid, peptidoglycan, etc. → NH3, NH4+
The use of NH4+
o source of N for biosynthesis
o source of energy through nitrification
o volatisation (outflow into the atmosphere)
o sorption on soil complex
o leaching into underground and surface water
o aerobic!
o oxidation of ammonium in two steps
o chemolitothrophic autotrophs
o source of energy for nitrifying
bacteria (source of C usually CO2)
NH4+ + O2 → NO2- + 2H+ + H2O + E
Nitrosomonas, Nitrosococcus,
NO2- + O2 → NO3- + E
Nitrobacter, Nitrococcus…
Significance of Nitrification

o source of energy for nitrifying bacteria

o NO3- is main source of N for plants
o NO3- is used in denitrification
o NO3- is not stable
o losses of N by leaching
→ limitation for use water as drinking
→ eutrophisation of surface water →
developing of algae
o undesirable oxidation of NH4+ in farmyard
mature (→ N losses by leaching)

o NO3- + H+ → N2 + H2O + E + O2
o (NO3- → NO2- → NO → N2O → N2)
o respiration chain in which O from nitrates
is an acceptor of H+
o source of energy for denitrifying bacteria
o anaerobic
o Pseudomonas, Paracoccus,
Propionibacterium, Thiobacillus
o losses of N from soil
o removing of NO3- from drinking water
Assimilatory nitrate reduction
Assimilatory nitrate reduction

o NO3- + H+ → NH4+ + H2O + E

o anerobic respiration
o O2 from NO3-
o source of energy and N for
synthesis of amino acids and
N2 Fixation
N2 Fixation

o returning N2 from athmosphere to soil

o nitrogenases
o high need for energy
o anaerobic or aerobic proces
o N = N → HN=NH → H2N-NH2 → 2 NH3 → 2 NH4+ → AK
o N2 + 8e- + 16 ATP + 10 H+ → 2NH3 + H2 + 16ADP + 16 Pi
N2 Fixation - Diazotrophic bacteria

o soil free living bacteria: Clostridium, Azotobacter

o associative bacteria: Azospirillum (G- curved rods)
o symbiotic bacteria: Frankia (G+ filamentous),
Rhizobium, Bradyrhizobium (G- rods)

Frankia Bradyrhizobium
N2 Fixation - Diazotrophic bacteria

o G+ sporeforming anaerobic rods
o acidic waterlogged soils
o fixation 5 kg/ha/year
o only in absence of other sources
N2 Fixation - Diazotrophic bacteria

o G- nonsporeforming aerobic
rods (nonfixing stage) x cocci
(fixing stage)
o neutral, high quality soils
o fixation 5-10 kg/ha/year
o only in absence of other sources
N2 Fixation - Diazotrophic bacteria

o G- nonsporeforming aerobic
pleomorphic rods
o straight in soil and media, branched in
root nodules = bacteroids (shape „Y“)
o fixation only in the roots if the content
of N in soil is low (50-150 kg/ha/year)
o symbiosis with Fabaceae
o plants give sugars, rhizobia N
o to improve fixation seeds could be
inoculated before sowing
Sulphur cycle

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