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Downhole Water Sink/Loop

Supervisor: Dr. Hashemi Zadeh

Student: Mahdi Tohidi Mobark Aabad
June 2020
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Why and what is DWS & DWL?

DWS Well Completion Method & Mechanisms

DWL Well Completion Method & Mechanisms

Performance Analysis Of Well With DWL Installation

Downhole Water Sink/Loop
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Why and what is DWS & DWL?

Downhole Water Sink/Loop
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DWS Well Completion Method & Mechanisms

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• Coning Control
• Reduce Surface Separation Costs

• Drainage of Large Volumes of Water Depresses Water Drive
• High Lifting & Water Disposal Costs
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DWL Well Completion Method & Mechanisms

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The Limitation of DWL System

• The drained & injected water must be free from oil
• The pressure interference between the two water
completions must be minimized(Efficient D/I Spacing)
• Water-free Oil Production
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Parameters affecting water-free oil production

• Top Production Rate
• Drainage-Injection Distance(D/I Spacing)
• Bottom Drainage-Injection Rate
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Top production rate

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Drainage-Injection Distance(D/I Spacing)

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Bottom drainage-injection rate

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• Coning Control
• Reduce Surface Separation Costs
• The Water Drive Does not Change
• No Cost of Lifting and Disposing of Water
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1) Wojtanowicz, A. K., and H. Xu. "Downhole Water Loop-A New
Completion Method to Minimize Oil Well Production Watercut in
Bottom-water-drive Reservoirs." Journal of Canadian Petroleum
Technology 34.08 (1995).
2) Jin, Lu, and Andrew K. Wojtanowicz. "Performance analysis of wells
with downhole water loop installation for water coning control." Journal
of Canadian petroleum technology 49.06 (2010): 38-45.
3) Jin, Lu, and Andrew Krzysztof Wojtanowicz. "Analytical assessment of
water-free production in oil wells with downhole water loop for coning
control." SPE Production and operations symposium. Society of
Petroleum Engineers, 2011.
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