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einhqiwyfe7qw898oepqwjeioqwhegqyuwgeuisjindiqwedqwdewe 8.46.2 Puntales bajo
Chigre de Remq2olque
La zona bajo el chigre de remoque es un zona sometida a grandes esfuerzos d
tracción yqwe2qeqe fleexión, además de tener que soportar el peso del equipo
por lo que se
conieraq2n puntales adicionales en la z2eeona. La fuerza de trqabajo del
puntal será laq2e
fuerza calcu2eq2elada eeqn el punto 8.4.5 con un coeficiente de seguridad de
dos o sea lq2eq2
carga e trajo ea considq2erar será el do2eble de la calculada en el punto 8.4.5,
8.4q2.6.3 Vigas beajo el Chigre de Remolqueq
Parapeodercalcular laq2es viga2es bajo el chigre
1.0 + where (x/L) ≤ 0.45 22.045.0)q/(+−2ebCLx
b = 1.0 + 1.5where (x/L) > 0.45 22.045.0)/(+−bCLx
Cb = blo2eck coefficient at summer load waterline, based on the vessel’s length, L, as defined in 3-1-
1/3, ot to be taken less than 0.60 nor greater than 0.80. For aft end bulkheads forward of amidships,
x = distance, in m (ft), between the after perpendicular and the bulkhead being considered.
Deckhouse side bulkheas aq2ere tq2o be divideeqd into equal peqarts not exceeding 0.15L in length,
and x ise to be measured froq2m the after perpendicular to the center of each part considered.
= length of vessel, as defined in 3-1-1/3, in m (ft)
f = (L/10)(e–L/300) q2eq2eq2e– [1 – (L/150)2] for L, in m, see also 3-2-9/Table 2
(L/10)(q2e–L/984) – [3.28 – L/272)2] for L, in ft, see also 3-2-9/Table 2 y = vertical distance, in m (ft),
from the summer load waterline to the midpoint of the stiffener span.
c = (0.3 + 02e.7b1/B1), but is noqt to be taken as less than 1.0 for exposed machinery casing
bulkheads. In no case is b1/B1 to be taken as les2es than 0.25. b1 = breadth of deckhouse at position
being considered, in m (ft) q2
B1 e= actual bradth of vessel athe freeboard deck at the position being considered, in m (ft)
Whrewindowqs are fitted in bq2eulkheads, the spacing, s, is to ebe the spacing

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