Of The Trehantiri Type Boat: Resistance Characteristics

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Laboadum voor
Mskslw,g 2, B cD DeUt
L O15w1a6w.F 015.711030

G. Ganos, T. Loukakis (Greece)

0. ABSTRACT ing a sample of 94 such boats, for twelve of which

the lines plan was available mainly from reference
Three trehantiri type boat models, which form I:1)

a mini-series with L/B2.5, 3.0 and 3.6, were built The sample distribution of the waterline length
and tested for resistance at various displacements L, the L/B vs L and the B/I vs L distributions are
and trim values. The speed range was extended to shown in figs 1. 2 and 3.
over O.45Fn. The results are presented in a form The central model, No.2, is considered to re-
convenient for interpolation. Regression analysis present a typical 12 meter fishing boat with L/B'3
predictions of the resistance are compared to the and BIT=3.6. The other two models, No.1 and No.3,
experimental results. were designed to have the same bndy plan but with
L/B'2.5 and 3.6 respectively. This decision was
1. INTRODUCTION based on the expectation that L/B is the main pa-
rameter affecting the resistance of the boats when
The trehantiri type is the most frequenty operatino at high values of Fn.
used fishing boat in the Greek seas. The same hull- The waterlines and the body plan of model no 2
form is also widely used as a pleasure boat and to are shown in fig.4. The waterline length of the
transport passengers or cargo for short distances. wooden models was 1.67m, 2m and 2.4m for models no
The length of the vessels varies between 5 and 1, 2 and 3 respectively. All models were fitted with
20 meters and in general there is a tendency to a 33cm wooden keel.
excessively overpower them.
To contribute to the proper design of these 2. MODEL TESTS
boats a research program has been initiated at
the Naval Architecture Laboratory of the National
The trehantiri boats, like most small vessels,
Technical University of Athens with main goals: do not operate continuously at a specicic waterline.
to create a computerized procedure for the Thus, each model was tested at four different displa-
generation of the hull lines cements, corresponding to four different BIT values,
to create a systematic resistance series and three different trim values at each displacement.
to establish experimentally the values of The huilform of the boats is such that each of the
the propeller-hull interaction parameters above 36 cases can be thought to represent a dif-
to examine the agreement between theoretical ferent model. The geometrical particulars of the 36
predictions and experimental data for the sea- aforementioned cases are shown in Table 1. Each case
keeping behaviour of these especially sea- is designated by a three digit code. The first digit
worthy vessels. represents the model number, the second the test
In this paper the resistance characteristics displacement (or BIT) and the third the trim value
of an initial systecatic mini-series are presented. (1 for even keel , 2 for 1.5° trim by the stern and 3
for 30 trim by stern).
The main particulars of the central model of
the three del series were selected after exa'lin- The experiments were conducted at the owin

for 1/B values above 3.1. Antoniou uses a selected With regard no to the resistance merits of the
part of F.A.O.'s sample plus huilforms correspond- trehantiri boats when compared to F.A.O.'s sarnple[3J.
ing better to the trehantiri and other Greek type figures 20 and 21 demonstrate that this type of
boats. huliform is on the average inferior, especially at
higher speeds.
In figs. 17. 38 and 19 the predicted EHP vs
ship speed curves for L=12m, using F.A.0. and Note: The term 'tOoXovtilpLa", to characterize a
Antoniou's methods, are compared to experimental medieval type of fast boats, was first used by the
results. It is obvious that F.A.0. gives rea- Byzantine chronicler Nikitas around 865 A.D., ac-
sonable results only for the model with L/B3.6. cording to the modern Greek historian K.Paparigopoulos.
for which it moderately overpredicts. On the
contrary, Antoniou's method in general under- AknowledgmentThe construction of model No 2 was
predicts, but its results are reasonable and clo-
funded by the Alexander S. Onassis Benefit Foundation
ser to the experimental values, in particular for
the higher ship speeds, i.e. Fn>0.3. In Table 3
the percentage error of Antoniou's method is
shown for all cases and En values in the form: Antoniou, A. 'On the design characteristics of
Greek type vessels', Ph.D. Thesis,N.T.IJ.A.,1969
test -EHP regresSOfl )IEHPtest xIOO
. Hayes,J.G. and Engrall,L.0."Computer-aided studies
of fishing boat hull resistance", F.A.0.,Rome
In the same table the r.m.s. error value for each
Fn is shown. Doust,D.J., Hayes,J.G.and Tsuchiya, T.'A Statis-
Table 3.
tical Analysis of F.A.0. Resistance Data for
F 0.225: 0.230 0.215: 6.3001 0.323 0.350 0.315 Fishing Craft', Fishing Boats of the World:3,
III 50.4 30.0 38.0 20.6 8.7 3.9 -17.7 London 1967
112 48.3 1 30.9 30.8 : 74.5 115.5 6.5 -9.5
103 40.7 : 23.6 33.4 : 23.s : 15.5 9.1 -1.5
121 37.0 07.8 22.7 3.2 0.21 -0.9 -25.4
122 39.6 121.0 20.5 11.6 : 2.6 1.8 -14.6 NOMENCLATURE
123 41.2 : 21.7 20.2 13.0 : 9.1 7.8 -8.4
331 71.5 [2.3 10.1 . 2.4 1 -5.8 -4.4 -79.0
132 79.5 14.7 22.9 10.9 1.81 3.0 -21.0
B = maximum beam measured at the floating
133 35.4 18.4 23.5 :14.1 : 8.7 5.7 -15.3
141 22.5 9.0 16.8 1 -2.9 1-11.9 -8.0 -3.4.7 waterl me
142 27.! 12.3 18.1 5.2 1 -1.6 1.3 -13.1
( 2m
= Froude's 'Circle'resistance coefficient
143 32.4 13.4 21.7 9.8 4.8 1 9.1 -9.7 for 12m boat
211 43.0 33.3 36.: 21.7 120.9 70.5 13.4
217 43.4 20.! 35.6 26.2 1 23.7 10.5 26.4 EHP effective horsepower
213 42.6 27.8 29.6 24.6 72.7 18.8 19.7
221 37.0 24.0 27.2 -60.4 1.5 03.0 8.8 Froude number
35.7 22.9 26.7 13.9 11.6 Fn
222 13.3 7.1
223 37.0 21.7 25.8 05.3 10.3 8.7 11.5
23! 27.! 08.1 21.4 2.2 -1.0 8.7 0.5 L length on the floating waterline
232 25.5 17.8 21.3 7.7 6.? 10.0 2.2
233 31.1 19.3 233 31.8 0.7 7.8 5.! 1/3
241 17.0 10.8 14.0 -2.4 -5.1 3.9 -2.8 '4 L/V ratio
242 26.3 12.4 17.1 4.3 3.9 5.3 0.5
243 73.9 15.2 10.8 7.8 5.5 6.8 (i.6 = total ship calmwater resistance
311 33.9 30.8 30.4 71.0 10.0 IL! 25.3
312 32.6 29.1 78.2 21.2 70.6 11.0 36.3
313 33.2 77.0 20.7 17.7 10.5 13.2 41.1' T = dratt at 1/2L excluding wooden keel
32! 22.4 76.2 19.9 7.4 8.9 10.5 14.5
327 25.8 21.5 19.7 8.6 7.0 7.6 15.8
323 26.7 17.9 15.3 7.2 6.9 5.5 23.7 V ship speed
331 16.3 17.6 10.2 3.4 3.8 8.0 10.3
332 21.2 16.5 15.2 2.0 2.1 5.3 10.2 V ship volume of displacement
333 75.7 15.1 15.? 2.6 3.8 3.5 15.5
341 10.6 16.5 17.7 0.4 -0.3 7.6 6.9
342 71.6 12.5 14.8 -2.7 -2.6 4.0 5.0 g acceleration of gravity
343 20.0 12.0 14.0 -0.2 -0.4 0.2 6.6
as 32.5 21.0 24.3 ia.a 36.6 5.7 . 17.4 p = seawater density
S = wetted surface
For definition of symbols CR1. 16' vi,'t,
However, it should be noted that the highest c, c , LCB, 1/2o , 1/2o , 3/2o.., as used for fishing
in p R ee

ship speed for which predictions are possible is boats, see reference [2]
O.357Fn for F.A.O. and O.375Fn for Antoniou.That
is lower than the usually obtained speeds of the Theodore A. Loukakis, Professor
trehantiri boats, when equiped with their bigger George C. Ganos, Assistant
than necessary engines. Dept.of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering
The regression analysis equation of Artoniou National Technical University of Athens,
together with the values of the coefficients are 42, 28is Octovriou, Athens, Greece
given iii the Appendix.

-c..?-- -w! - -r.r rcr---.-.


Table 1. Geometrical characteristics of the 36 tested cases

Case1 L 118 B/T C. Cp Lcb 1 I /2a, 112a,, 1 /2a' Tn. SI 92 '3

Ill 1.588 2.67 4.59
0.722 0.625
-.29 33.4
0.0 6.09
112 1.585 2.66 0.72 1
113 1.581 2.66 4.50 0.729 0.600 -2.12 31.0 27.1 55.2 0 6.22 4.18
121 1.612 2.60 4.16 0.728 0.616 1.60 39.1 24.4 51.8 0.0 5.79 3.97
122 1.610 2.60 L12 0.728 0.612 0.07 37.9 26.8 2.5 5.81 3.96
123 1.607 2.59 4.09 0.734 0.605 -1.58 33.6 52.5 54.6 3.0 5.91 3.96
131 1.637 2.55 3.84 0.732 0.618 I .62 40.2 26.4 51.3 0.0 5.56 3.80
132 1.630 7.55 3.82 0.755 0.615 0.15 39.1 29.0 52. B 2.5 5.59 3.80
233 2.629 2.54 3.78 0.737 0.608 -1.34 35.5 34.0 3.0 5.59 3.79
141 2.650 2.51 3.58 0.738 0.620 1.60 41.2 28.4 50.9 0.0 5.39 3.66
142 1.650 2.51 3.56 0.739 0.617 0.23 40.2 33.6 52.5 1.5 5.40 3.66
143 1.649 2.51 3.54 0.743 0.621 -1.20 39.0 35.6 54.0 3.0 5.41 '.66
211 1.905 3.20 4.58 0.722 0.615 1.55 32.7 19.0 47.1 0.0 6.47 4.73
212 1.902 3.20 4-54 0.72! 0610 -.29 28.8 21.0 48.6 6.49 4.73
213 1.897 3.19 4.50 0.729 0.600 26.6 23.1 50. 1 0 6.50 4.72
221 1.934 3.12 4.26 0.728 0.616 2.60 34.1 20.7 46.6 0.0 6.25 4.49
222 1.932 3.12 4.22 0.728 0.622 0.07 33.0 22.9 49.0 1.5 6.17 4.48
223 1.928 3.12 4.09 0.734 0.605 -1.58 28.9 28.0 49.6 3.0 6.17 4.47
231 1.958 3.06 3.84 0.73 1 0.618 1.62 35.2 22.4 46.2 0.0 5.91 4.50
732 1.956 3.06 3.82 0.735 0.625 0.13 34.1 24.0 47.7 5.94 4.29
233 2.954 3.05 3.78 0. 737 0.608 -1.34 30.8 29.3 49.3 0 5.94 4.29
241 1.980 3.01 3-59 0.738 0.620 1.60 36.1 24.2 45.0 0.0 5.72 4.14
242 1.980 3.02 356 0.739 0.617 0.23 35.2 28.9 47.3
5.74 4.13
243 1.978 3.0! 3.54 0.743 0.612 1.10 34.1 30.8 0 5.75 4.13
311 2.286 3.84 4.58 0.722 0.615 28.2 16.1 41.9 0.0 6.88 5.54
312 2.287 3.84 4.54 0.721 0.6 10 -.29 24.6 17.7 43.4 1.5 6.90 5.34
313 7.276 3.83 4.50 0.729 0.600 -2.12 22.7 19.6 44.9 3.0 6.9! 5.33
321 2.322 3.74 4.16 0.728 0.616 1.60 29.4 17.5 41.4 0.0 6.54 5.07
322 2.318 3.74 4.22 0.728 0.622 0.07 28.4 19.3 42.9 6.56 5.06
323 2.324 3.73 4.09 0.734 0.605 -1.58 24.7 23.9 44.4 3.0 6.56 5.05
331 2.350 3.67 3.84 0.75 1 0.618 1.62 30.4 19.0 41.0 0.0 6.28 4.85
332 2.347 3.67 3.82 0.735 0.615 0.13 29.5 21.0 42.4 1.5 6.31 4.95
333 2.345 3.66 3.70 0.737 0.608 -1.34 26.4 25.1 44.1 3.0 6.31 4.84
341 2.376 3.61 3.58 0.738 0.620 1.60 31.3 20.6 40.5 0.0 6.08 4.67
342 2.376 3.61 3.56 0.739 0.617 0.23 0.4 24.7 42.1 1.5 6.10 4.67
343 2.374 3.61 3.54 0.743 0.611 -1.10 29.4 26.5 43.7 3.0 6.11 4.66

Table 2

Tank of N.T.U.A. with dimensions 904.63.5m. The Fn 0.3 0.375 0.45

ndel was attached to the carriage via a heave rod- 15m -2.5% - 1.4% -0.7%
pitch bearing assembly, which can also measure re-
sistance electronically. Resistance, running trim L=12m 0 0 0
and squat were automatically recorded and analysed
during the test with the data aquisition and ana- L20m +5.2 +3.1% +1.1%

lysis system of the carriage, which utilizes a HP-

9845 micro-computer. By observing the®vs Fn curves one can observe
The speed range of the experiments was extend-
resistance increases very rapidly for Fn vali.
ed to values over 0.45Fn. No turbulence stimulators
above 0.375 especially for the lower 1/B models
were used. The experimental results, in the form
L/B is the doiiant parameter in the range of
Fn, are shown in figs.5 to 16.
high speeds(.Fn)=0.375), where an increase in
For boats with similar geometrical characteri- L/B results in a considerable decrease in
stics, the resistance vs speed curve can be obtain- B/T and trim values have a small and mixed
ed from the above diagrams by interpolation with effect on the value of
regard to the 1/B, B/I and trim values. The neces-
sary formulae are:
i Fn2 The experimental results were compared with the
Although the ©values are calculated for L12m, F.A.O. [2] and the Antoniou [1] prediction methods.
their use for other boat lengths (5 to 2Dm) results both of which are in the form of polynomials of the
in only a small error for the resistance estimates geometrical parameters of the hullforms. with coeffi-
at the design speed range. The following table cients determined by regression analysis on the basis
shows the mean expected error if the uncorrected of large amounts of experimental data. The F.A0.
©l2m'ae5 are used for boat lengths of 5 and sample includes fishing boats from all over the rld
2Dm. but some pf the proposed ranges of the huilform pa-
rameters do not cover the corresponding trehantiri
ranges. For example F.A.0. suggests use of the meth
Fig. I rig. 2
rig. 3
0 0
25 4.30 0 0
4 50 0
0 0
0 0 8
0 0 0
20 4.00 0 0
00 4 pg
00 0
0 0
00 oo0 U0
0 0
15 9 50 0 3.50 0
0 00
0 00
00 0 0 0
o0 0
0 00 0
3.00 9 0oo a
0 000 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 000
o0 0 0 0
5 2.50 2.50
0 0
0 0 0
I0 - -0-
9 12 12 14 10 10 I. (m] 10.0 15.0 L Ci3 10.0 15.0 L (aJ


Flq.4 Lines plan of model 2


121 0
B 122


.05 .1 .15 .2 .25 .3 .35 .4 .45 a5

Experimental results
for model I

Fl g .8

---- 14a


.05 .1 .15 .2 .25 .3 .35 .4 .45 .5

.as i .15 .2 .25 .3 .3 .4.45
Fig. 10
211 221
S 212 222
- - - 213 - -. - - 223

.45 .05 .15 .2 .25 . .35 .4 .45 .5

.1 .15 .2 .25 .3 35 .4 .5 1

Experimental results
for model 2

FIg. 12

- 243


05 .15 .2 .25 .3 .35 .4 .45 .5

05 IS .2 .25 .3 .35 .4 .45 .5




05 .15 .2 .25 .3 35 .4 .45 05

.5 .15 .2 .25 .3 .35 .4 .45 .5
Experimental results
for model 3

Fig. 15

332 6

.05 .1 .15 .2 .25 .3 .35 .4 .45 .5


CR-Is 0 120

Q tr,,antiri boat2


0 10 1.5 2.0 a5

Fig.21 Comparison of the trehantiri boats to F.A.Q.salnplev/vt=12

The 28 term regression equation of Antoniou is shown below:
The calculated values of the corresponding coefficients for seven
-Frbude numbers are also listed in Table 1.


+A14(Cp)2(1/26E)+A(Cp)a(1/2á)+A(Cp)2(Cm)+A(L/B)2(j/2a) +A18(B/T)2(1/2a)+
+A19(B/T)2 (L/v'3)+A2O(L/B)2(jf2aB)+A2l(1CB) (Cp)+A22(L/vL3)(Cp)#


Table I

Fn 0.225 0.750 0.275 0.300 0.325 0.350 0.375

-3.97811 -4.70336 -6.98376 -2 95240 -2.63760 8.04579 26. 18448
0.00219 0.05052 0.19573 0.04940 -.10261
o. a 3772 1.59213 1.38228 -.3744! 330 15 -.10072
10.71127 0.27313 -1.94301 -5 75411
11. 01926 15. 0200 3.21390 -.46201 -12.40063 -36. 79651
-.99640 -1 . 17160 -.49847 -.626 19 1.74392 4.87008 2.37829
0.79 74a -1. 16246 1.33839 4.42538 -42927 -5.40290
.) 74, 5 0.09472 -.37856 0.53343
-.06539 0.38758 0.71660 -01174
00 1826 0.02014 0.18425 0. 02097 -.13184 -.28405 -.09486
0.17564 7.11026 2.19350 -.46018 -.67003 -3. 17198 -3. 65988
- .03378 -.01954 0.00666 -.00764 0.01437 0.02111 0. 01 7-24
0. 004 42 0 00236 0. 0042 1 0.00833 0.0 1317 0.01363- 0.02595
0 11785 0.07661 0.09092 -.08030 -.17659 0.01a95 0.36364
-1.7384! -.40544 0.6367! -3. 17498 5.40111 10 40291 1.47644
1.93781 -2.64186 2. 95604 9. 85591 - 1.20532 -17.21568 -3 .3532 1
-.01174 0.12516 -1. 12137 -.3 1209 0.89109 2.10314 0.59024
0.05996 0.1134! 0.55463 0.08292 -.37906 -.76470 -.76776
-.42783 -5.97643 -6. 077 39 2.18600 2.46159 9.44061 8.49041
0.00035 0.. 00105 0. 00146 000163 0. 00144 0. 00210 0.00140
-. 00061 -.00045 -.0010! -.01)068 -.00075 0. 0 0039 0.00299
-.00441 -.06862 -.00674 -.01376 -.01354 -.01951 --.03832
0.00041 0.00036 0.00022 0. 001)27 -.00065 -.00126 -.00403
-.05353 -.13740 -.36642 -. 10614 0 14064 0.54906 0.17922
-2.32905 =3. 00 273 -7.99399 1.74545 1.54366 3. 7,2 563 6.18290
2.04050 1.57595 -.03251 2.34617 -a. :83!! -14.93995 -3.72696
-7. 16210 4. 06 1.09 -3.47300 -12. 49134 2.24690 20. 09500 2.3-3795
- 06424 -.23334 1.30917 0.30063 -I. 15284 --2.49266 -.37 106
--.06877 -.09989 -.64:62 -.00608 0.44700 0.93280 0. 31524
0.037)5 0. 01935 -02 189 -.01)056 -.00987 -.00735 0.04120

122 12$


62 62

Is 4$

Is is

2 4 I I 1$ 1 4 I I 12






2 I S Is

GR-16 V/IE 0.90

0 twhantirt bolts


tI e

0.5 10 '5 20 as 30

Fig.20 Comparison of the trehantiri boats to F.A.0.sample..V/1[=.9

-. .- . .-

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