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After the lessons, the students should be able to:

1. Establish and document the “JOB RELATEDNESS” of employment procedures;

2. Identify or develop training content, assessment tests to measure effectiveness of training,
equipment to be used in delivering the training and methods of training.
3. Identify or determine skill levels, compensable job factors work environment, responsibilities
and required level of education.
4. Identify job duties in advertisements; appropriate salary level for positions; minimum
requirements; interview questions; selection tests/instruments; appraisal/evaluation forms;
orientation material for applicants/new hires; and
5. Identify or develop goals and objectives, performance standards, evaluation criteria, length of
probationary periods and duties to be evaluated.

 A sound Human resource management program requires knowing the different jobs in the
 The manager and supervisor must get a comprehensive picture of each job in his organization.
 This involves – what each worker does, how he does it, why he does it and under what
conditions he performs his job and what special qualifications each worker must possess to
perform his job satisfactory.
 Analysis of the organizational structure is the vertical and horizontal interconnections among
 We must have a thorough understanding of how one job relates to those above the organization
and those down the line of the organization and those at the same level of the functional areas.
 Analysis of the organization structure can be leverage to gain a competitive advantage for the
company, but how one does this depends on the firm’s strategy and its competitive
 A major quality program is the need to identify clearly the output requirement for a particular
type of job.
 To design work systems that are maximally efficient, a manager needs to understand the
process required in the development of the products for their work units.
 Without a clear understanding of the tasks necessary to the production of the desired output, it
would be difficult to determine whether the works is under-staff or over-staff.


 The conduct of job analysis has behind it several reasons that are vital to human resource
management and the supervision of the work to be done by the workers in the shop or the
 It is considered as the building block of anything that human resource management does as any
personnel action requires information that is gleaned from job analysis.


1. To specify the duties and responsibilities of the position. It examines what the employee will
perform, what skills are needed the condition which work shall be done and the range of
difficulty or complexity of the action.
2. To provide job-oriented recruitment and selection guides. Those in the recruitment and election
of employees must be familiar with the duties and responsibilities of the vacant position. To
identify which applicant is most qualified, it is necessary to determine the task that will be
performed by the individual hired as to skills, knowledge and abilities.
3. To provide guide in operation-based compensation determination – the process of job
evaluation involves the relative peso value of each job to the organization to set up equitable
pay structures. To get the peso value on jobs, is necessary to get information about different
jobs, which jobs deserves higher pay than others.
4. To provide information and tools for career planning entails matching individual skills and
aspirations that are or may become available in the organization, this matching process requires
that those in charge of career planning know the skill requirements of the various jobs.
5. To have a guide in the construction of performance evaluation criteria. Performance criteria
deals with getting information about how well each employee is performing his job in order to
reward those who effective. The information generated by job analysis unveils the aspect of the
jobs that are measurable and should logically be evaluated in the performance appraisal of the
6. To serve as guide in methods improvement. Jobs designs consists of different steps or
processes. Job analysis provides the information to design the work process most effective in
carrying out tasks. This involve improving methods and developing more efficient systems at
7. To obtain background information about working conditions. The environment of work
positively affects the productivity and morale of the workers. This information is available in job
analysis and could be used by management in positively identifying the hazards and other
conditions that affect job performance.
8. To serve as guide in the development of training programs. Almost all employees hired by an
organization will require training in their jobs. Some training programs may be more extensive
than others. Job analysis provides the required information to ensure the training program will
prepare the individual to perform the job effectively.
9. To assist the supervisor in the supervision of the employees. Supervisors are provided with
precise and detailed description of the jobs under their respective areas or departments and
they can make this serve as bases for judging their performance.
10. To provide the conceptual basis for position classifications to the employee who will occupy the
position. The bases of any position title are the tasks, duties and responsibilities of the job.
Managers without proper job analysis might assign position titles that are not related to the
functions of the position.


 Job analysis starts with a careful study of the organizational structure.

 This would reveal the relationships of jobs within the organization.
 Organizational structures is often seen in organizational charts that convey the vertical and
horizontal relationship of the two.
 The type of organizational structure has implications on the design of the jobs.
 A functional structure needs specialization and the responsibility is focused on specialized skills
hence supervision and decision-making become minimal..
 In a divisional structure, jobs are holistic and people are working in teams that tend to have
greater decision-making and authority.
 For the company to succeed, it must have detailed information about the requirements of the
jobs through careful job analysis program.
 It must ensure that a match exist between job requirements and the individual aptitudes and
qualities to fit into the position in the organization.
 Management must understand that it is great importance for an organization to match job
requirements and people to achieve high quality-performance to be more competitive in todays’
global marketplace.
 Job analysis is a continuing program.
 Organizational structure changes due to introduction of new technology in order to be
competitive in the global economy. Any changes in structure carry additional duties and
responsibilities or simplifications of functions.


 Job analysis is not the sole responsibility of human resource department but a cooperative
effort of ll operating departments.
 While it is more of personnel functions, the greater bulk of information must come from the
persons who are jobholders of the position.
 The supervisor or manager must immediately inform the HRD of any changes in the duties and
responsibilities of the position due to the introduction of new technology or changes in the
production process that improved production efficiency.
 Some companies get the services of management consultants to conduct a job analysis program
to be more objective.
 Management consultant is more objective as they have more experience in conducting the job
analysis program due to their exposure to different organizational systems.
 Another reason is that there are managers who try to overstate the functions and duties of the
different positions, as they know that they have great implications in the company’s pay scale.


JOB ANALYST – The study of jobs is the responsibility of the personnel department thru the job analyst
who is trained to conduct the job evaluation program. The job analyst studies the duties and
responsibilities, and the specification requirements of the job. This involves careful understanding of the
conditions around the functions and tasks of the positions.


1. Good knowledge of organizational system.

2. Good intelligence and analytical skills.
3. Good judgement and acumen.
4. Clarity and facility of language.
5. Familiarity with organizational and company policies.
6. Good personality and good relationships with others in the organization.
7. Tact and diplomacy in getting along with others.

Job analysis starts with a careful understanding of the relationship of the jobs in the
organizational structure. This relationship is concerned with the details of the job rather than with the
worker who is assigned to do the job.


1. What the job requires the employee to do. Job requirements involves the activities that workers
have to do the importance of the duties or activities. The amount of time that involve din doing
the job and other minor duties required of the job.
2. How effectively does the employee perform hid assigned duties and responsibilities? This
involved the detail on how the workers perform the assigned tasks, the materials and essential t
tools and equipment required to the job, the skills required and the methods and procedures
involved in doing the work.
3. Why should the worker do the job? This cover the reason why the employee has to do the tasks
assigned to him and the purpose of the job in relation with those of another jobs in the
organization. The tasks should justify its contributions to the effective and efficient functions in
the organizational work systems.
4. Supervision required in the job. The details of supervision requires the amount of supervision
involved or the assistance needed in carrying out the job, the extent of employee’s authority in
carrying out the functions and the extent of relationships of the job with those others in the
organizational setup
5. Working environmental conditions. This deals with the conditions prevailing in the workplace,
like exposure to hazards, heat, or other elements that affect the performance of the job. This
may involve in the conditions of comfort or discomfort while the employee is performing the
tasks assigned to him.


 The correct title of a particular job is very important in the organization.

 Similar jobs performing similar duties and responsibilities must have the same job titles.
 The title of the job must show clearly the area of job activity and must show its relationships
with the other jobs in the unit or department.
 The job relationships will provide better job placements in the organizational ladder thereby job
inconsistencies can be avoided.
 The specific titles will clarify the employee’s line of movement in the organizational structure
and they should be grouped in job families in the line and staff organization.
 Job title must reflect the major job function.


1. The title must be standard used in the industry.

2. It must be suggestive of the nature and function of the jobs.
3. It must be different from other jobs based on major duties of employees who hold the position.
4. The job title must be brief but suggestive of its functions.

 Job analysis focuses on the two important data or information that managers must have the
right information about the nature of the employees’ job.
 This information is reflective of what the employee does daily, weekly, monthly or annually.
 It also reflects the conditions or the working environment in the organization. These two
important factors are:
1. THE JOB DESCRIPTION – the result of any job analysis program is the writing of the job
description. The job description contains the tasks, duties, and responsibilities that the jobs
entail. This information is derived from the job analysis report.


a. It helps identify and distinguish one job from other jobs.

b. It is used as a tool in the proper employee recruitment, selection, and training.
c. It helps establish job relationships within the salary bracket.
d. It serves a guide in structural departmentalization.
e. It could be used as a guide in the horizontal and vertical promotion of employee’s thereby
developing and promoting morale.

2. JOB SPECIFICATION – IT CONTAINS INFORMATION about the employee’s qualifications and trait
required in the effective performance of the work assigned. It specifies the qualifications as to
education, training, experience and the statement as to the nature of the environment where
the employee is assigned.


a. It serves as a guide in interviewing applicants.

b. It is a guide in the proper selection of the employee as to his qualifications for the proposed
vacant positions.
c. It is used in the assessment of employees for training and development.


Position Title – Human Resource Assistant Department – Human Resources

Job Code – HR 002 Salary Grade – Pay Grade 5


Under the direct supervision of the Human Resource Manager assist in the general functions in
the recruitment, selection, training, benefits administration, performance appraisal and other related
duties inherent in the function of the department.


1. Assist in the processing of application by conducting preliminary interviews to applicants to
determine their initial qualification for the position being applied.
2. Determines the qualifications requirement for the positions and makes reports to the
immediate supervisors for the applicants that meet the initial evaluation.
3. Assist in the giving of examination to applicants to determine their suitability in the position
being applied for and makes report of the results.
4. Assist in the orientation program to ascertain that the new employees are properly oriented
with company rules and regulations and other company policies.
5. Prepare reports to the Social Security System, Pag Ibig Fund, Philhealth and other
government instrumentalities to comply with government requirements as directed by the
immediate supervisor.
6. Assist in the Periodic Performance Evaluation of employees and makes records in their HIRS
or 201 file for references in terms of salary adjustments or promotion.
7. Assist in job evaluation program conducted by the department trough the distribution and
retrieval of questionnaires for further analysis of the job Analyst.
8. Coordinates with other department on employees’ requirements such as leave of absence,
sick leave notices, maternity leave and other benefits.
9. Does other related duties and assignments that may be required from time to time.


1. Education – College Graduate Major in Human Resource or Psychology

2. Training – On the job training at the HRD for at least 500 hours
3. Job Location – HRD at usually in air conditioned room
4. Assignments - May be assigned to liaison work with government offices and may be exposed to
traffic and dust


1. The Job Questionnaire Method – the accuracy of job information is necessary. The job analyst
prepares the questionnaire based on the purpose of the job analysis. The form to be used is
carefully prepared based on the simple understanding of the employees who will answer them.
The set of questions contains information as to its purpose, clear cut instruction and the
procedure on how to accomplish the questionnaire.
The questionnaire is distributed to the supervisor who will then require the employee
concerned to answer it, the supervisor then reviews the information as to its accuracy. He talks
with the employee concerned with the information which he thinks does not conform to his
judgement. The corrected questionnaire is then forwarded to the HRD for finalization of the job
description. The duties and responsibilities change due to changes in technology and other
needs of the organization. Job description should be reviewed annually.
2. The Interview Method – is commonly used for blue-collar jobs, as the employee may not be able
to answer the questionnaire. The job analyst gets the information by interviewing the employee
about his job or the immediate supervisor. To get the more specific data the analyst is guided by
a set of facts about the job or records or take notes in the information given by the employee.
The analyst gathers information and acquires a personal impression about the job and later
these will contribute to the accuracy of his job description.
3. The Combination of Interview and Questionnaire Methods – The job analyst gives the
questionnaire and then conducts interview later. The analyst verifies the information from the
employees’ immediate supervisor thru a structural interview. To verify further information, the
analyst interviews the employee concerned. The contents of the questionnaire and the verified
information are the bases for the writing of the job description.
4. Observation and Interview method – is involved in the observation of the worker at the job site
and in their station. The observation is noted while the employee is performing the tasks
assigned to him. Time and motion study is involved in this activity. The results of the interview,
observation and time motion study are the bases of the written job description, which will be
sent to the supervisor and the employee concerned for final review and final printing.



The chairman of the board of directors of Jonadel Corporation has proposed that all managerial
positions be included in the corporate job evaluation program. The idea came from several friends in
other companies of the Chamber of Commerce and Industries where he is a member of the board of
directors. The inclusion of the managerial position in other company’s job evaluation program has been
found successful and helpful. There are differences in the pay systems based on the job evaluation in
these companies and the chairman is convince that these will work also with the company where the
chairman is and has the greatest shares of stocks.

In one of the special meetings of the board of directors, he proposed the idea to the chief
operating officer. The Chief operating officer said that the programs be held in abeyance until he had
consulted his line and operating managers who will be affected by the changes due to the job evaluation
system that will be implemented.

In the meeting called by the chief operating officer, most of the managers opposed the idea.
They argued that their positions cannot be rated with other positions due to the complexity of their
responsibilities. They pointed out further to the CEO that no job evaluators can possibly know the extent
of their jobs and compare the same with subordinate positions. The objections of the mangers were that
the qualities for such positions were varied and salaries were differently structured based on experience
and length of service in the company.

The CEO while being neutral, feared that if the job evaluation would include the positions of his
line and operating managers, he would be losing his best people in the organization. He also thought
that developing new manager takes time and those operations might suffer due to changes in the
organizational system.

The Human Resource Manager in his talk with the chairman of the Board was in favor of the
idea. He discussed the same with his staff and also supported the idea of including the managerial

The CEO called the president to prepare a memorandum for the human resource department to
study the program and implement the Job Evaluation Program for managerial positions. The program
should give details of the advantages of the program and the process of what is to be done and how it
should be done.

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