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драма 7:

- List the plays in the two tetralogies by Shakespeare

 the first consisting of the three Henry VI plays and Richard III, and the second
consisting of Richard II, the two Henry IV plays, and Henry V.

- Identify and exemplify the following terms: apron stage, groundlings, swan drawing, Lord
Admiral's Men (company of players under the ownership of Philip Henslowe. Marlowe wrote
for this company), trap door...
- The Hope was built in ____________, the Fortune was built in ________
- Bitter comedies are _________________
- List and give examples of the four sources for reconstruction of Shakespeare's
- The character of Falstaff originates from _____________, which is influenced by

1. Give the names of 4 London's most popular Elizabethan theaters and the dates when
they were built.
2. Give the title, the name of the author and dates of publication of 4 critical texts
about Shakespeare that we have covered so far.

2. 1)source 2.source 3.source 4.source

a)primer a)primer a)pr a)pr.
b)primer b)primer b)pr. b)pr

explain the following:

1.Henslowe`s contracts/papers
2.the swan drawing
4.problem plays

Кратки извадоци:
1. Од Хамлет (страна 83 од драмата)
2. Од Coleridge's Lectures and Notes
3. Од Richard III кога Clarence кажува како сонувал дека се дави
izvadocite bea od :
2 od kritikite:
1.AC Bradley

2.Ben Jonson :To my beloved Master(koga go objasnuva Sekspir kako Swan(so ovoj zbor ke go
najdes delceto) i zamisluva deka e CONSTELLATION(so ovoj zbor ke go najdes delceto )sto ke
moze da ja podobri situacijata vo teatarot

,3.izvadok od Henry 4-Faustus(koga ja objasnuva vojskata sto ja sobiral za vo vojna,odnosno

deka koga bogatite trebale da odat vo vojna mu plakale na faustus za da ne odat,se plasele duri i
od lov)

za ovie izvadoci trebase da se napise zosto se vazni opsto,generalno,a ne samo delceto

da se napise :title ,author,speaker

sleden bese izvadokot od "as you like it"

da se napise speakers(rosalind,orlando),title,date(when it was written),paraphrase and analysis
ovoj del bese koga rosalind mu objasnuva na orlando kako nekogas izlecila nekoj sto stradal od
ljubov i toj na kraj se otkazuva i se zamonasuva.vo ova delce rosalind objasnuva kako se
odnesuvaat zenite i nivnata promenlivost(shallow,inconstant,sad happy)i na toj nacin bi go
izlecila i orlando
1. Richard III - first speech, at the very begining
2. Rosalind (As You Like It) - Epilogue
3. Hamlet - 'to be or not to' be speech

Долг извадок: Од Hamlet, кога Falstaff зборува во име на Henry IV и му кажува на

Hal дека не треба да се дружи со такви луѓе (пошо се апаши) 

Теми за есеј:
1. Compare and contrast the female characters in Richard III and As You Like It
2. Нешто за Hotspur, дека е многу избувлив и како тоа придонесува да Hal го

Section A:

1. Shakespeare’s major non-dramatic works

1. Title ___________ Date ______ (Venus and Adonis, 1953?)

Sources ____________

2. Title ___________ Date ______ (Rape of Lucrece, 1954?)

Sources ____________
Discuss more fully one of them

Sources of:

1. As you like it
2. Hamlet
3. Othello
4. King Lear
5. The Tempest
6. The Merchant of Venice

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