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Learning Activity Plan for PreK-Grade 2

Teacher Candidate Joaquin Rodriguez

Date/Time of Scheduled Visit 11-03-2020
Name/Address of School P.S.163 The Alfred E. Smith School
163 West 97th Street, NY, NY 100255
Age/Grade level 5 years old/ Kindergarten
Cooperating Teacher Joaquin Rodriguez Classroom Number: K-104

Name of Lesson What Plants Need to Survive

Content area(s)/developmental What concepts or developmental skills will this lesson address?
domain(s) addressed  This lesson will address cause and effect. By observing the cause and effect that water, soil
and sunlight can have on plants.
Brief description of the lesson  Teacher will have students discuss and give an example of what they think plants need to
survive and thrive. (Think, Pair, Share)
 Teacher will introduce the Learning Objective and the vocabulary
 Students will be shown images on the smartboard of different plants (some alive, somewhat
alive, and dead)
 Teacher will read the book “The Tiny Seed” by: Eric Carle
 Students will be asked to turn and talk and discuss what they notice about the different plants
and why do they think each plant looks that way
Teacher will use a digital chart on the smartboard to take notes on What students noticed about the
plants and why they think the plants look the way they do.
This lesson is:  A new concept/activity

Why is there a need for this lesson? ? It is important for students to understand that all plants are
able to survive and thrive if they are provided with the right type of soil, proper amount of sunlight
and water. This lesson introduces students to plants and the things they need to survive.
Furthermore, it allows students control how much soil, light and water different plants are provided
and see for themselves what happens when the proper and or incorrect amount of these materials are
provided to each plant.
Timeframe Keep in mind appropriate length of an activity for preschool-aged children is 20 mins at most, no
more than 45 mins for children K-2 grade)
 2 minutes-Teacher will have students discuss and give an example of things plants need to
survive and thrive. (Think, Pair, Share)
Learning Activity Plan for PreK-Grade 2

 5-minutes- Teacher will fill out the Digital Chart with student answers from the (Think, Pair,
 2 minutes- Teacher will introduce the Learning Objective and the vocabulary
 2 minutes Students will be shown images on the smartboard of different plants (some alive,
somewhat alive, and dead)
 5 minutes- Students will share out what they notice about the various plant images.
 10 Minutes-Teacher will read the book “The Tiny Seed” by: Eric Carle
 5 Minutes- Teacher will engage students about the book by asking what are some of the things
they noticed the plant needed to survive in the book the book.
 5 Minutes- Watch a video on “How to plant a seed”.
 10-15 minutes- Students will go to their assigned groups
 Sunlight, water, soil
 Sunlight, Soil,(no water)
 Water, Soil, (no sunlight)-place cup in closed box
 Sun, water, (no soil)- plant seed in cotton wool

Objective(s) of the activity What will children know, or demonstrate as a result of this learning experience?
Students will determine what plants need to grow and survive by growing plants from seed under a
range of different conditions, including lack of sunlight, lack of water, lack of soil, and under the
correct conditions. Students will then compare plants needs to those of animals and look at the
similarities and differences in their requirements.
Connections to standards Which NYS Early Learning, or Common Core Standards are addressed? Are there other standards

K-LS1-1. Use observations to describe patterns of what plants and animals (including humans) need
to survive. [Clarification Statement: Examples of patterns could include that animals need to take in
food but plants do not; the different kinds of food needed by different types of animals; the
requirement of plants to have light; and that all living things need water.]

RL.K.1 With prompting and support ask and answer questions about the key details in a text.
Language Objectives What language/vocabulary, communication, or literacy skill(s) do I want my students to develop in
this lesson? How is this activity using the specific academic language demand?
Students can identify what plants need to survive by using academic vocabulary.
 Plants need water to survive.
Learning Activity Plan for PreK-Grade 2

 Plants need sunlight to survive.

 Plants need soil.
 Living: organisms that can grow, move, have cells and take in and release chemicals.
 Water: : the liquid that comes from the clouds as rain and forms streams, lakes, and
 Soil: the upper layer of earth in which plants grow.
 Sunlight: light from the sun
Resources/materials needed:  Smartboard
(Include any worksheets or  PowerPoint
sources of evidence for children’s  Different images of Plants in different stages of life (Alive, Somewhat alive, and Dead).
learning you will use during the  Chart (digital in PowerPoint)
activity)  Seeds
 Cups
 Soil
 Water
 Cotton Wool
 Box

Technology inclusion (if  Smartboard

applicable)  PowerPoint
 Videos
Procedures (step by step) Anticipatory Set (Connection/Motivation) What will you do to get children’s attention, or to
introduce children to this learning activity? Describe the process in getting them interested and
 I will explain to the children that today we will be engaging in a really fun activity that will
answer some really important questions about plants and the things they need to survive and
thrive. I will also let them know that in the following days we will be exploring in groups
different Controlled/Experimental Plant Groups . Reminding them that it is important to pay
close attention and observe the effect sunlight, soil, and water have on plants.
Instruction/Mini Lesson (Outline the procedures or sequence activities that will make up this learning
experience; for instance, you might follow a routine wherein you model (I try); and ask for active
involvement (we try) during a whole group session.
Learning Activity Plan for PreK-Grade 2

 Teacher asks. What do you know about Plants and the things they need to survive? Explain to
your friend in your own words what plants are and the things they need to survive? Give an
 Teacher will fill out the Digital Chart on the PowerPoint with student answers
 Teacher will go over the Learning Objective and Important Vocabulary

 Teacher will be show images on the smartboard of different plants (some alive, somewhat
alive, and dead)
 Students will share out what they notice about the various plant images.
 Teacher will introduce the book “The Tiny Seed” by: Eric Carle
 T-Let’s make a prediction -What do you think this book will be about?
 S-Share their predictions about what the book will be about
 T- Asks- What do you noticed happened to the seed? Why is the seed not able to grow?
 S-students share their answers (the seed lands in an icy mountain and can’t grow because there
is no sun and it is too cold.
 T- Asks- What do you noticed happened to the second seed? Why is the seed not able to
 S-students share their answers- the seed lands in the ocean and it drowns.
 T- Asks- What do you noticed happened to the third seed? Why is the seed not able to grow?
 S-students share their answers (the seed lands in the desert and the weather is to hot)
 T- Asks- What do you noticed happened to the fourth seed? Why is the seed not able to grow?
 S-students share their answers- the seed landed but it got eaten by a bird
 T- Asks- What do you noticed happened to the rest of the seeds? Why are the seeds able to
 S-Students share their answers- because it is now spring, the weather is warm, there is water,
and the seeds landed in places they can grow.
 T- Asks- What are some of the things the seeds needed and were able to get in-order to
become plants?
 S-students share their notecings.
 T-Asks-How come some plants were able to grow and thrive and others did not?
 S-students share their ideas.
 S-students watch a video on “How to plant a seed”.
 10-15 minutes- Students will go to their assigned groups and plant their seeds
 Group 1-Sunlight, water, soil
Learning Activity Plan for PreK-Grade 2

 Group 2-Sunlight, Soil,(no water)

 Group 3-Water, Soil, (no sunlight)-place cup in closed box
 Group 4-Sun, water, (no soil)- plant seed in cotton wool
 T- Asks- What did you notice about the materials you were given? Do You Think your plant
will grow and thrive? Explain.
 S-students write their ideas in their science notebooks and share their answer with the class.
 Students will keep track of their observation and finding in their Science Notebooks. (2
Independent Practice (small group activity, working with partners, or independently)
 Students will go to their assigned groups and plant their seeds.
 Students write their ideas in their science notebooks and share their answer with the class.
 Students will keep track of their observation and finding in their Science Notebooks. (2
Closure (sharing/reflection, next steps)
 What did you notice about the materials you were given? Do You Think your plant will grow
and thrive? Explain.

Method of assessing children’s Pre-assessment Assessment of Student Learning Assessment of Children’s

understanding of Outline the steps you will take Outline the steps you will take to Language Learning
lesson/activity/objective(s) to evaluate student’s prior evaluate students’ learning. What Outline the steps you will
(Be sure to include any tools, knowledge. evidence will I have to assess take to evaluate students’
rubrics/checklists and/or Teacher will evaluate student’s whether students have successfully language learning. What
worksheets you will use for prior knowledge by listening to achieved the content objectives? evidence will I have to assess
assessment(s) answers to questions posed, by Teacher will evaluate students whether students have
the conversations they are answer in their Science successfully achieved the
having with their peers about Notebooks to see whether the content objectives?
what plants are and what they student understood the lesson. Student’s understanding of
need to thrive. the terms and concepts
presented will be formally
assessed through teacher
observations, questions
asked during class,
participation in class
Learning Activity Plan for PreK-Grade 2


Plans for differentiated Supporting children with Supporting English Language Learners
instruction/instructional identified delays or disabilities What modifications should I make to the activity to ensure all
modifications What considerations should I students are included and engaged in all steps required to meet the
keep in mind regarding cultural lesson’s objectives?
relevance, age appropriateness, Since this is towards the end of the Unit students should be
and ability levels for all familiar with some of the science vocabulary used since it has
learners? been introduced in previous lessons. In this lesson there will be
I will provide directions in age many labeled visuals provided throughout the PowerPoint.
appropriate language that the Furthermore, as the teacher is discussing each picture he will
student can understand. I will point to the text and or materials being used .
also use visual clues (hands-on Students will also be provided sentence stems on each
demonstrations and modeling, PowerPoint slide that they can use when answering questions
objects and pictures) as needed about the lesson.
to help the child better grasp
the directions. I will also
check-in to ensure students
are paying attention and
understand what they are being
asked to do.
Follow up/Extension activities How can I provide an opportunity to remediate, reinforce, or expand on students’ learning today in
 When you go outside today for recess or for a walk with your parents, I want you to carefully
look at a plant. What do you notice? Does it look strong, weak, or in-between? Look at the
soil, amount of sunlight it’s receiving? Why does the plant look the way it looks?
Any additional information that
would be helpful for the
observer to know

Observer feedback on the lesson plan, including commendations and recommendations for improving aspects of the learning activity

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