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Assessment Plan

One of the most important tools for monitoring children’s understanding and
progress of what is being taught and learned in the classroom is having an
assessment plan that looks at the different ways children learn. Assessments are
not only meant to help educators with planning and ways of instruction but is an
important tool that can be used to understand what children need to become
successful in the classroom by looking at the fundamental skills that they might
lack in properly acquiring what is being taught in the classroom. According to
Bredekamp and Copple “Assessments are done for four specific, beneficial
purposes: planning and adapting curriculum to meet each child’s development
and learning needs, helping teachers and families monitor children’s progress,
evaluating and improving program effectiveness, and screening and diagnosis of
children with disabilities or special learning and developmental need.”(321)

 Formative Assessment:
I will conduct daily formative assessments throughout the day. Some of the
assessment will include Entry and Exit Slips which are done at the beginning
of the lesson to see what the student knows and at the end of each lesson
to see if the student has mastered or still needs help with what was taught.
I will also be observing students during Small Group discussions and group
work to see how students interact and participate with their peers.
Furthermore, I will provide students with weekly short quizzes in-order to
see if they are mastering what is being taught. These forms of assessment
will give me the anecdotal notes I need to further develop lessons and work
that is appropriate for all students. In it will also provide me the necessary
feedback I can provide administration and or parents during Parent
Teacher Conferences.

 Anecdotal Notes:
I will also be taking anecdotal notes of what student do and say throughout
the day. Notes taken will be based on the questions students are asked by
their teacher during whole class instruction or on previously created
questions that are to be discussed with their peers during small group work
time. All questions are connected to what students are learning during that
specific learning period.
 Video/Voice Recording
I will give students the opportunity to either record themselves on video or
use voice recordings to complete their assignments. This will allow students
who are less likely to participate in class because of their fear of public
speaking to have a voice and to be able to share their knowledge and ideas.
This will be another way for me to assess and keep track of student

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