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(2880 WORDS)
JUNE 07, 2020
✓World at the verge of global crisis (majorly social and
✓World at the brink of a pandemic
✓the global impacts of corona virus
TOPIC ✓Covid19 has paralyzed the world
✓COVID-19 has halted the progress of the world
✓COVID-19 and globalization
✓1-History of pandemics
✓Globalization facilitated the spread of smallpox
✓Smallpox eradicated after two centuries
✓Spanish flu was the deadliest episode
OUTLINE ✓Economic crisis after the Spanish flu
✓2-Current pandemic
( 64 WORDS) ✓Globalization has also facilitated the spread of COVID-19
✓3- Global Impacts of COVID-19
✓Social impacts
✓The pandemic has caused a health crisis and claimed many
✓Developed nations have failed to provide a cure for COVID-
✓Quarantine and social distancing is the only option available
✓Pandemic has imprisoned the students
✓Psychological health of the world community is affected
✓Economic impact
✓Economic activity has decelerated at a pace unseen in at least
OUTLINE 50 years
✓The world community is faced with unemployment and
( 88 WORDS) Japan with a recession.
✓4-COVID-19 in Pakistan and its impacts
✓Covid-19 in a month has increased three times the number
✓Covid-19 is a severe threat the government must understand
✓Students from middle income and low-income families are
unable to get the education
✓The economic crisis aggravated, and the most significant loan
from the IMF has been demanded.
OUTLINE ✓5-The way forward to deal with the pandemic
✓Focusing on social distancing and precautionary measures
( 46 WORDS) ✓Distant learning should be provided to students
✓UNO should help draft SOP’s for international trade.
• We are in danger; we cannot socialize, are imprisoned, are
enemies of one another, and can kill one another. This is what
the mass media and the government of almost every country
are shouting. They are right; the pandemic has not only
INTRODUCTION reached in our country, but it has also reached our city, street,
and even at our doorstep. The pandemics are no joke; they are
real. A disease when it spreads in the whole region or country
( 126 WORDS) it is said to be epidemic and when the same epidemic spread
over multiple countries or continents is considered to be a
pandemic and unfortunately in this globalized world, age of
artificial intelligence and technological advancement we have
been paralyzed and immobilized by a tiny virus known as
COVID-19 or coronavirus.
• Covid-19 has affected the health of the global community, but
it also has profound consequences on the economic
development of the world, including Pakistan. Sadly, now the
INTRODUCTION world is on the verge of a global crisis. Before discussing the
pandemic of this century and the global crisis it has caused in
( 72 WORDS) the fields of economy, politics, technology, and health, it
would be pertinent to discuss pandemics' fatality from the
pages of history.
• The information available from Centres for Disease Control
and Prevention-CDC( the leading, national public health
institute of the United States. It is a United States federal
PARA 01 agency, under the Department of Health and Human Services)
is that the global spread of smallpox can be traced to the
growth and spread of civilizations, exploration, and
1-History of pandemics expanding trade routes over the centuries. In the 6th century,
increased trade with China and Korea introduced smallpox
into Japan. By the 18th century, great Britain introduced it to
Globalization facilitated
Australia by exploring it. Smallpox was a devastating disease.
the spread of smallpox On average, 3 out of every ten people who got it died. The
basis for vaccination began in 1796 when an English doctor
( 160 WORDS) named Edward Jenner took the initiative. In late 1975,
Rahima Banu, a three-year-old girl from Bangladesh,
considered to be the last Asian who acquired this disease
naturally was isolated at home with house guards posted 24
hours a day until she was no longer infectious.
• Almost two centuries after Jenner published his hope that
PARA 02 vaccination could annihilate smallpox, on May 8, 1980, the
33rd World Health Assembly( the world's highest health
1-History of pandemics policy-setting body) officially declared the world free of this
disease. Eradication of smallpox is considered the most
Smallpox eradicated significant achievement in international public health. From
after two centuries these facts of history, It is evident that vaccinating and
eliminating a pandemic is not an easy job. The history of the
pandemic is not limited to smallpox; Spanish flu was more
( 87 WORDS) deadlier than smallpox.
• CDC also provides information about influenza or Spanish flu
that spread in the early 20th century. It was caused by an
PARA 03 H1N1 virus with genes of avian origin. Although there is no
universal consensus regarding where the virus originated, it
1-History of pandemics spread worldwide from 1918-1919. In the United States, it
was first identified in military personnel in spring 1918. It is
estimated that about 500 million people or one-third of the
Spanish flu was the world's population became infected with it. The number of
deadliest episode deaths was estimated to be at least 50 million worldwide, with
about 675,000 occurring in the United States. Mortality was
high in people younger than five years old, 20-40 years old,
( 136 WORDS) and 65 years and older. The high mortality in healthy people,
including those in the 20-40-year age group, was a unique
feature of this pandemic.
PARA 04 • Economic historians do not agree on a headline figure for lost
GDP because the effects of the flu are hard to disentangle
1-History of pandemics from the confounding impact of the first world war fought
between the years 1914-1918. Although historians failed to
Economic crisis after the provide the figures for economic losses, they do not disagree
Spanish flu that there were no losses. By discussing these two chapters of
history, it is evident that the nations have suffered from health
and economic crisis. There is a fear that history is about to
(100 WORDS) repeat itself in the form of COVID-19.
• COVID-19, the pandemic of this century, is defined as an
PARA 05 illness caused by a novel coronavirus now called severe acute
respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2; formerly
called 2019-nCoV), which was first identified amid an
2-Current pandemic outbreak of respiratory illness cases in Wuhan City, Hubei
Province, China. It was initially reported to the WHO on
Globalization has also December 31, 2019. On January 30, 2020, the WHO declared
the COVID-19 outbreak a global health emergency. On
facilitated the spread of March 11, 2020, the WHO announced COVID-19, a global
COVID-19 pandemic, its first such designation since declaring H1N1
influenza a pandemic in 2009. the virus started spreading with
mobilization of people to or from China. Like the two
( 122 WORDS) pandemics of history, COVID-19 has majorly impacted the
world economy and has social impacts.
• The coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic defines the global
health crisis of our time and the most significant challenge we
PARA 06 have faced since World War Two. The virus has spread every
continent except Antarctica. Cases are rising daily in Africa,
3- Global Impacts of the Americas, and Europe. The world health organization-
COVID-19 (Social) WHO( a specialized agency of the United Nations responsible
for international public health) reported as, on 6th June 2020,
The pandemic has there have been 6,612,301 confirmed cases of COVID-19,
including 391,161 deaths. Individually, the leading economy,
caused a health crisis USA, leads the maximum number of patients, and deaths, 1.8
and claimed many lives million affected, and 107901 deaths. Collectively, the
American continent is leading with 3 million reported cases,
( 131 WORDS) and the second in the list is the European continent with
2millinon cases. The least cases reported are from the
continent of Africa i.e., 126,561 cases.
• These countries are considered the developed and leading
3- Global Impacts of nations of this globalized world, yet how vulnerable they are
COVID-19 (Social) is made evident by a microorganism. Although they
possessed the best doctors, scientists, hospitals, and drugs, yet
Developed nations have the biggest economy of the world i.e., USA, seems to be
failed to provide a cure helpless. The budgets are allocated for research and
for COVID-19 development of a vaccine, yet till today no vaccination is
available to cure it.
( 84 WORDS)
• Countries are racing to slow the spread of the virus by testing
and treating patients, carrying out contact tracing, limiting
3- Global Impacts of travel, quarantining citizens, and canceling large gatherings
COVID-19 (Social) such as sporting events, concerts, and schools. The best
example to quote is of the kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Where
Quarantine and social the lockdown eased for a day or two, but they observed the
distancing is the only situation and announced a more strict lockdown. The
option to deal with the pandemic is moving like a wave that may yet crash on those
pandemic least able to cope. COVID-19 has social impacts on health,
but it also has a perspective of the educational crisis.
( 99 WORDS)
• Most governments around the world have temporarily closed
educational institutions to contain the spread of the COVID-
PARA 09 19 pandemic. These nationwide closures are impacting over
60% of the world's student population. Several other countries
3- Global Impacts of have implemented localized closures affecting millions of
COVID-19 (Social) additional learners. The International Association of
Universities is closely monitoring the impacts of COVID-19
Pandemic has on higher education around the world. IAU ( an independent
global NGO created in 1950 and officially associated with
imprisoned the students UNESCO). As part of the IAU activities, it developed a
first Global Survey on the impact of COVID-19 on Higher
( 120 WORDS) Education. There Survey Report claimed that More than 1.5
billion students and youth across the planet are affected by
school and university closures due to the COVID-19.
• Head of the department of psychiatry at the University of
Cambridge, Prof Ed Bullmore said research conducted so far
3- Global Impacts of has been small-scale and fragmented. The pandemic is having
COVID-19 (Social) a major social and psychological impact on the whole
population, increasing unemployment, separating families,
Psychological health of and various other changes in the way that we live that we
the world community is know are generally major psychological risk factors for
affected anxiety, depression, and self-harm. It is believed that the
major reason would be the economic crisis that the
( 89 WORDS) individuals and nations are either suffering or would suffer.
• By stressing every one of the countries it touches, it has the
potential to create devastating economic crises that will leave
PARA 11 deep scars. According to international monetary fund-
IMF( an international organization working to foster global
monetary cooperation, secure financial stability), Economic
3- Global Impacts of activity has decelerated at a pace unseen in at least 50 years
COVID-19 (Economic) as the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic ravages the global
economy. Several countries are experiencing a sharp decline
in trade and capital flows and an unprecedented reduction in
Economic activity has oil and other commodity prices. As the pandemic and
decelerated at a pace prolonged lockdown hampered global supply chains, many
unseen in at least 50 countries took steps to ensure food security and continued
years access to medical supplies. A recent report by the OECD(an
intergovernmental economic organization that stimulates
economic progress and world trade). Monitored developed
( 151 WORDS) economies, and said that international tourism, globally, will
be down by 45% to 70% this year, and it may take years to
• Every day, people are losing jobs and income, with no way of
PARA 12 knowing when normality will return. Small island nations,
heavily dependent on tourism, have empty hotels and deserted
beaches. The International Labour Organization-ILO(a
3- Global Impacts of
COVID-19 (Economic) United Nations agency mandated to advance social and
economic justice through setting international labor
standards.) estimates that 195 million jobs could be
The world community is lost.Businesses had already been staggering in the 3rd biggest
faced with unemployment economy i.e., Japan before the coronavirus hit, and with the
and Japan with a spread of a pandemic, the condition got worse. In May 2020,
recession. Japan officially acknowledged that they are faced with a
recession. It’s a dire picture of the global economy. In April
(135 WORDS) 2020, the IMF estimated that global GDP would shrink 3%
this year—compared to its pre-pandemic prediction of a 3.3%
expansion. Pakistan has no exception to this crisis.
• On February 26, 2020, Pakistan confirmed its first two cases
of the coronavirus. The statement was made official by Zafar
PARA 13 Mirza, the Prime Minister's Special Assistant on Health. The
country followed the world and started practicing social
distancing, and a lockdown was announced, yet the number of
4-COVID-19 in cases kept rising. The lockdown was announced in the mid of
Pakistan and impacts March 2020 and made official on April 1. It lasted till May 9.
Covid-19 in a month has as per the information available from WHO in the mid of
march the confirmed cases of this fatal disease in Pakistan
increased three times the were 52 whereby the cases reached 2079 by the April 1 and
number on May 9 when the lockdown was eased, or it can be said that
lockdown being lifted by the people themselves, the cases
were 27474. but on this day, June 7, 2020, just after a month
(168 WORDS) of ease, the cases now stand at a figure of 98943 with 2002
deaths, which is three times more than what we were having
in the last month.
PARA 14 • Thanks to the government and more to the people who took it
as a joke. But the government of Pakistan and the civil
4-COVID-19 in society must have observed the condition of brazil. The
Pakistan and impacts Brazilian president took COVID-19 as a joke, and they paid
Covid-19 is a severe the price by becoming the second country in the list of most
threat the government affected countries. The country is unable to provide the care
and facilities required for the affected people. There are
must understand shortages of beds, ventilators, and even the doctors are found
to be COVID-19 positive. Pakistan, like the world in these
( 101 WORDS) hard times, is faced with an educational crisis.
• The school, colleges, universities were closed in the mid of
March 2020. The examinations that were to be conducted
were postponed, and later, the provincial governments
PARA 15 decided to qualify the students of matriculation and
4-COVID-19 in intermediate based on their previous results. A few
Pakistan and impacts universities are somehow conducting online classes. Yet, they
feel hard to deliver the lectures as many students do not have
Students from middle access to the internet, or they do not own the advanced
income and low-income gadgets like laptops and smartphones. The elite schools and
families are unable to colleges have launched their applications or online classes,
get the education and they are educating the children, yet the problem is with
the masses as the elite schools and colleges can not be
afforded by a middle income or low-income family; thus,
( 137 WORDS) such children are at a loss. The pandemic has also adversely
impacted the economy of Pakistan.
• Since long, Pakistan has been in economic crisis, but the
PARA 16 recent lockdown in April has aggravated the situation. Prime
Minister of Pakistan. Imran Khan has appealed to the leaders
4-COVID-19 in of rich countries, the UN secretary-general and heads of
Pakistan and impacts financial institutions, to give debt relief to developing
countries like Pakistan so that they could combat the deadly
The economic crisis Covid-19 in a better way. The government of Pakistan is also
aggravated, and the most seeking its largest loan package from the IMF to bail itself out
significant loan from the from a severe balance-of-payments crisis that threatens to
IMF has been cripple the country's economy. There is also a threat of food
demanded. insecurity because the country has not reformed its
agricultural sector and the locusts' attack. However, the
( 136 WORDS) pandemic has adversely affected every nations and
individuals, yet the only option available to deal with this
pandemic until today is a precaution.
• The countries are practicing social distancing; the
governments' imposed lockdowns are a way to prevent the
people from getting in contact with one another and
PARA 17 especially becoming a part of the crowd. The same practices
were observed in the case of Rahima, the last known Asian
5-The way forward affected by smallpox. WHO has provided a list of
precautionary measure which every individual must strictly
Focusing on social follow. Firstly, one should Regularly and thoroughly clean
distancing and one's hands with an alcohol-based hand rub or wash them
precautionary measures with soap and water. Secondly, at least 1-meter (3 feet)
distance between oneself and others should be maintained.
Thirdly, one should avoid going to crowded places, and
( 143 WORDS) lastly, one should adopt the habit of exercise. The
governments should continue to provide awareness
campaigns. The governments must also work together to sort
out a way forward to deal with the current global crisis.
PARA 18 • Education is mandatory, and every country must now ensure
the inclusion of distance learning programs (online or e-
5-The way forward learning). The school, colleges, and universities must ensure
the Protect data privacy and data security of their students.
Distant learning should And if any student faces any possible psychosocial problem it
be provided to students should be Prioritized with solutions to address psychosocial
challenges before teaching. The educational institutions must
Provide support to teachers and parents on the use of digital
tools. The institutions should also develop distance learning
( 75 WORDS) rules and monitor students’ learning process.
• The UNO must take the initiative by arranging a special and
urgent meeting keeping in view that those who attend the
meeting must be practicing the precautionary measures. The
PARA 19 meeting should define the global threat in the absence of a
cure to COVID-19. UNO must then work on drafting some
consensus based standard operating procedures for
5-The way forward international trade. The exports need to be managed to keep
UNO should help draft the economy running. Some nations are importing and
SOP’s for international exporting the products, whereas some have abandoned the
trade. flow of goods and services. Some countries have made their
industries operational, whereas some have still kept them
shut. The nature of jobs varies as white-collar jobs can be
( 113 WORDS) done from home, but labor and manufacturing jobs require
physical presence. Somehow the governments of all the
countries must draft SOP’s and make their industries
operational to ensure that they earn revenues.
• In conclusion, a pandemic is at our doorstep, and there is no
cure available for it. COVID-19, like smallpox and Spanish
flu, has already claimed many lives and has affected many.
The sole reason is globalization. The global economy has
CONCLUSION suffered, and the physical and mental health of masses have
been deteriorated. The young generation is unable to get the
education in some countries of the world. Scientists are
( 106 WORDS) working to provide the world with a vaccine, yet there is no
visible indication of their success. The only solution available
to the world is prevention and precaution. WHO has provided
the precautions that every single being of the planet should
• The government of every state should not only play an active
part in ensuring the implementation of precautionary
measures, but they should also actively provide awareness
CONCLUSION campaigns. The governments must also draft, implement and
monitor the SOP’s for the business and help them becoming
( 76 WORDS) operational UNO is the only leading organization of the
world; it should work with the governments to draft a
consensus-based SOP’s of international trade to keep the
wheels of global economy running.

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