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The final essay for “The analysis of employees’ psychology” course about: Job satisfaction is

one of the most frequently studied constructs in applied psychology and organizational
behavior (Cranny, Smith, & Stone, 1992). Job satisfaction is often viewed as an attitude or
emotional state toward work that is influenced by situational factors, such as the appraisal of
one’s working conditions (Hulin, 1991; Locke, 1976).

Job satisfaction in any field of work depends a lot on how conducive the work environment is. The work
itself, the pay and the scope for promotion are only some of the factors which have an impact on job
satisfaction. “Educators’ job satisfaction is important as it has a direct impact on students’ achievement
and their future career”. An educator who is unsatisfied with his/her job tends to be unmotivated and
more likely to escape from his/her responsibilities. In these circumstances, we tend to see an increase in
absenteeism among teachers. Such educators usually show little concern in school matters and this
obviously has a negative impact on the performance of our children.

In the past, numerous studies have been carried out to examine the effect of motivation and work
satisfaction on the efficiency and performance of employees. Some of these studies also found a strong
correlation between work satisfaction and job efficiency, leading to the belief that happier workers
appear to perform much better than those who are less satisfied.

Job satisfaction is one of the most investigated topics in the fields of organizational behavior. The most-
used research definition of job satisfaction is by Locke (1976), who defined it as “. . . a pleasurable or
positive emotional state resulting from the appraisal of one’s job or job experiences”. It is now
recognized that job satisfaction is a global concept that also comprises various facets including pay,
promotions, co-workers, supervision, the work itself, recognition, working conditions, and company and

Davis and Newstrom (2003) and Dessler (2001) describe job satisfaction as a set of favorable or
unfavorable feelings for the employees to perceive their work and that determine the possibility of a
major disposition to achieve higher performance. Therefore, job satisfaction refers to an individual’s
general attitude toward his or her job (Robbins, 1998).

On the other hand, work disappointment alludes to “unhappy or

negative sentiments approximately work or the work environment” (Furnham, 1997). There
exist numerous variables which may result in work disappointment. A few of them are destitute working
conditions, exhaust, moo levels of pay, no scope of advancement or
career progression and need of acknowledgment. But what is most noticeably awful are
the results of work disappointment which clearly influence both the workers and the organization. It
may result in misfortune of inspiration, need of intrigued, disappointment, destitute efficiency, non-
appearance and indeed tall turnover rates.

To sum up, we can say that job satisfaction describes how content an individual with his or her job and
also implies doing a job one enjoys, doing it well, and being suitably rewarded for one’s efforts. Job
satisfaction further implies enthusiasm and happiness with one’s work.

Job satisfaction depends on several different factors such as satisfaction with pay, promotion
opportunities, fringe benefits, job security, relationship with co-workers and supervisors and
communication within the company (Nguyen, Taylor, & Bradley, 2003). Job satisfaction may lead to
cost reduction by reducing absences, task errors, conflicts at work and turnover. As work is an important
aspect of people’s lives and most people spend a large part of their working lives at work, understanding
the factors involved in job satisfaction is crucial to improving employees’ performance and productivity.
Age is one of the components influencing work fulfillment. Different ponders carried out in this field
have appeared that work fulfillment tends to extend with age. That's more seasoned workers tend to
report higher fulfillment and more youthful workers report the most reduced work fulfillment rates. Be
that as it may, the consider carried out by Oshagbemi (2003) in Joined together Kingdom, found that the
relationship between work fulfillment and age was inconsequential for workers of the UK universities.

Several researchers have examined the relationship between job satisfaction and gender (Mason,
1995). However, most studies have shown contractions in the relationship between job satisfaction and
gender of the employees. On one hand, some studies have found women to be more satisfied than men.
Whereas other studies have found men to be more satisfied than women (Forgionne and Peters,

It is essential to provide employees with a work environment which is conducive to their overall
development. They need an environment which is healthy and safe and which caters for both personal
comfort and facilitates doing a good job. As mentioned earlier, people spend a high percentage of their
lifetime at work. So we can say that employees expect more than money for the work they do. Hence, it
can be said that having a friendly and supportive environment can lead to increased job satisfaction.
Syptak, Marshland and Ulmer (1999) advise organisations to do everything they can to keep the
company’s equipment and facilities up to date. In their article, they also recommend organisations to
“avoid overcrowding and allow each employee his or her own personal space, whether it is a desk, a
locker or even just a drawer” (p. 1).

“Individuals who perceive that promotion decisions are made in a fair and just manner are likely to
experience satisfaction from their jobs”  (Witt and Nye, 1992). Exceptionally frequently workers are
demotivated and disappointed with their employments since out of line arrangements and hones win at
their put of work. It is hence of most extreme significance for organization to have
a reasonable and break even with framework in terms of hones and approaches so
that there's no separation and frustration. It could be a reality that organization which takes after the
correct methods to advance representatives makes a culture of believe, devotion and convictions within
the entirety organization. When an representative gets reasonable advancement, which is for the most
part based on his genuine appraisal, he gets a sort of acknowledgment,
and subsequently, increments his work fulfillment. In other words, we will say
that advancement gives openings for individual development, more obligations, and expanded social

Job satisfaction is directly related to a company’s investment in its employees’ well- being. Employees
want to believe their company really cares about them. Care can be shown in various ways, but
generally it takes into consideration career development, adult treatment, being taken seriously and
being appreciated for a job well done. When people feel that the organization for which they are
working cares for them and takes actions in order to improve their work and lives, they are happy and
this creates higher satisfaction. These employees furthermore become loyal and committed.

To better understand what keeps job satisfaction high, it is important to recall Frederick Herzberg’s
theory. The latter put forward that satisfaction on the job depends on two elements: hygiene issues and

 Hygiene issues (dissatisfiers) Motivators (satisfiers)

 Organisational policies Work itself
 Kind of supervision Achievement
 Salary Recognition
 Interpersonal relations Responsibility
 Working conditions Growth opportunities
 Job security

According to the Herzberg’s theory, “Hygiene issues cannot motivate employees but they can help to
minimize dissatisfaction, if handled properly”. These issues are directly related to the employee’s
working environment. On the other hand, motivators create satisfaction by fulfilling individual’s needs
for meaning and personal growth. The above theory can be very helpful in guiding organizations on how
to maintain employee satisfaction.

When workers are getting a charge out of the next degree of work fulfillment they tend to be

more supportive and inviting with their colleagues at work. This makes a
difference to advance collaboration where sharing of data and information is improved. Besides thinks
about have appeared that work fulfillment among employees may lead to distant better;a much better;a
higher;a stronger;an improved">an improved and more secure working environment with lesser
negative clashes which something else would block the smooth running of the organization.

Tall rate of turnover has continuously been a extraordinary issue to numerous organizations.

It clearly comes about in misfortune of possibilities and gifts and causes gigantic misfortunes in terms
of extra costs. Concurring to Sattler and Mullen, by and large, the more beneficial individuals are, the
more fulfilled they tend to be and when workers feel fulfilled they are less likely to take off the
organization. From this, we are able say that in order to hold gifted individuals within
the associations, supervisors ought to plan methodologies in arrange to bring around work fulfillment.
Once representatives are cheerful and fulfilled at work, the rate of truancy and turnover will be lower.
According to Herzberg theory, achievement and responsibility are two important motivational factors
which can be used to create job satisfaction at work. Learning can be facilitated by providing employees
with specific challenging goals and objectives”. In this context, managers need to set clear and
achievable goals to their employees. This will help to provide employees with a sense of achievement on
completion of tasks and may bring about more satisfaction. Furthermore, organisations need to
empower and encourage their employees to take more responsibility. Such strategies do help to bring
more satisfaction in employees and make them more loyal, committed and will have ownership
interests in their jobs.

Done by Pulodjon Urunov (普罗)


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