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206 Media, Culture and Public Relations, 11, 2020, 2

Professor emerit. dr. sc. Ludvik Toplak

president Alma Mater Europaea

Member Member of European Academy of Sciences

and Arts & Member of Croatian Communication

predsjednik Alma Mater Europaea i član Hrvatskog

komunikološkog društva

Professor Dr. Ludvik Toplak is an authoritati- tors’ Conference and the International Confe-
ve expert in the field of law and member of the rence on High Education.
European Academy of Sciences and Arts. He
studied law in Ljubljana, Belgrade, Novi Sad, PERSONAL DATA
New York, Oslo and Potsdam.
He is the author and co-author of numerous Born in 1942, Slovenia.
scientific and research articles and publications Married, 2 children, Jurij and Barbara.
from the field of civil law, trade law and inter-
national trade law, ecology, intellectual pro- PROFESSION
perty, human rights and especially social mar- of Civil and International Business
ket economy. Law, Rector, Embassador, Manager, Politician,
He worked in economy (1980-1987) and in poli- President ESM.
tics as the president of Dužbenopolitični zbor,
the first democratically elected parliament of EDUCATION
the Republic of Slovenia (1990-1993). For three • University of Maribor and Ljubljana Slove-
mandates prof. Dr. Ludvik Toplak was the rec- nia
tor of the University of Maribor (1993-2002). • University of Belgrade and Novi Sad, Serbia
From 2002-2006 he was the ambassador of the • New York University, NY and State Univer-
Republic of Slovenia to the Holy See. Today he sity of New York Potsdam
is the vice-chancellor of Alma Mater Europaea -
ECM University (founded by the European A- SPECIALISATION
cademy of Sciences and Arts) and founder and Oslo, Seattle and San Francisco, Atlanta, Lon-
president of the European Center, Maribor. don, New York, Strasbourg,...
Prof. Dr. Toplak is member of the European
Academy of Sciences and Arts, Rotary Interna- PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCES
tional and the Council of Legislation. • University Professor, University of Maribor,
He was the president of the Danube Rectors Faculty of Law
Conference, president of the Alps-Adriatic Rec- • Vice-President Iskra Delta Compu-
tors Conference, member of Bureau of the Eu- ters (IDC), Ljubljana (1980 - 1987)
ropean Rectors conference, member of Bureau • Vice-President of the Parliament of the Re-
of the Confederation of European Union Rec public of Slovenia (1990 - 1992)

ISSN 1333-6371
Media, Culture and Public Relations, 11, 2020, 2 207

• Rector of the University of Maribor (1993 - • Member of the international committee Eu-
2002) ropean Forum Alpbach (1999- ),
• Ambassador of the Republic of Slovenia to (
the Holy See (2002-2006) • Governor of the American Chamber of
• President of Alma Mater Europaea - Euro- Commerce in Slovenia (1999-2001),
pean Centre Maribor (2007 - ), (
• Vice rector of Alma Mater Europaea, foun- • Rotary International, founding member and
ded by European Academy of Sciences and P.P.
Arts Salzburg (2012 - ).
• University management, education, social
PROFESSIONAL MEMEBERSHIPS reforms, political parties, human rights, dip-
• Member of the European Academy of Scien- lomacy
ce and Arts (2000- ), ( MAJOR FIELDS OF EXPRETISE
• Member of the Steering Committee of the • Law, Economy, Environment, Management,
I.C.H.E. (International Conference on Small Businesses, Cooperatives, Professional
Higher Education), Ethics, Uni- versity Management, Foundati-
( ons, Charity (ustano- va Antona Trstenjaka
• Member of Paneuropean, Ro- tary Club
Union, (, Ptuj, ...)
• Member of the Board of European Univer-
sity Association (1998-2000), AWARDS
( • Ambassador of the Republic of Slovenia in
• Magna Charta Universitatum, Member of Science (2000)
Collegium, ( • University, Local community and Business
• Member and President of the Danube Rec- awards,
tors' Conference (1996-1999), • Honorary citizen by the Municipality Mari-
( bor (2012).

ISSN 1333-6371

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