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Hi Nick,

How’s it hanging? Sorry, i’ve taken so long to put pen to

paper because of my thorough and vigorous preparations
to school-leaving exams. Thanks for your lovely letter. I’m
blissfully happy to catch up on some news , after not
being in touch with you for ages. It was engrossing to find
out about your desire to attend a theatre.

Such thing brings me to share with you my unforgettable

fabulous experience i had last Friday. Guess what? I’ve
been lucky enough to buy a ticket on discount in order to
attend a brand-new huge theatre “Globus” that has been
opened recently in the downtown near the department
store . To say the truth, i remember very clearly everything
that happened on that special day.

As you know, i’m really into watching a comedy,tragedy

and my preferences didn’t include such kind as a historical

play, since i considered it as the dullest and the most
tedious type of performance. However, you’ll find it quite
amusing to know that the first performance of this theatre
was a historic play. To make matters worse, i was at the
eleventh hour to return my ticket. That’s why i’ve made up
my mind to attend Shakespear’s eminent historical play
“King John”. At first, i was expecting that such decision will
be a bitter pill to swallow. Well, i must admit that, this play
has blown my mind and also it managed to surpass my
high expectations. I was overwhelmed with emotions!
After such strange occasion, historical plays hold a special
place in my heart.

By the way, i’m sure, you’re planning to attend a theater

sooner or later. That’s why, i have some recommendations
for you, my dear friend. Nevertheless, take into
consideration such fact that there’s no accounting for
taste and i’ll give a try to elucidate every kind of
perfomance as much neutral as i can. Well, to start with, if
laughing out loud every minute is what you want to do and
high-quality jokes are your passion, a comedy is what a
doctor ordered for you. Tragedy is for ones, who find it
interesting to watch the stories of the common man’s
struggle that is full of ups and downs. As for historical
plays, they’re are often based on a historical narrative –
they are either an enactment of a historical event or
personality, or an adaptation of the same. So, knowing
you’re passionate about historic personalities and events
and everything that is related to it, i would strongly
recommend you to attend such type of performance. It’s
extremely gripping!
Well, i’d better end now, because i’ve got to do my house
chores. It was very pleasant to describe my emotions
concerning the historical play and share some tips of
advice which kind of perfonace is better for you to watch

Lots of love,


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